: The Eyes of the Cat and the Dog

Ying Lili’s small canine teeth are only exposed when she is arrogant, angry and shy, and it is difficult to see them at ordinary times. In the current situation, Ying Lili is naturally angry.

“Who is this little guy?” Ying Lili was a little taller than the black cat, and she was extremely displeased with the black cat’s behavior of pulling Su Jie’s arm, so her words were inevitably thorny.

“This is my friend Wugeng Liuli. She is as old as you. Can you stop calling her ‘little one’?”

Su Jie felt that something was going to happen when he saw it, so he opened his mouth to explain. Before he finished speaking, he saw the black cat curled his mouth, looked at Eriri Sawamura standing opposite him, wrinkled his nose and said, “Who are you? !Little bean sprouts.”

“I’m taller than you anyway. If I were Little Bean Sprout, then you would be this.”

Ying Lili stretched out a little finger, showing her little tiger teeth, and said, “Xiao Douding.”

Su Jie was speechless. Even though neither of them was taller than 1.6 meters tall, they told each other that they were like models, which made Su Jie laugh and cry and also felt a headache.

“Can the two of you talk properly? This is my classmate Eriri Sawamura. Don’t look at her fierce face, but she is as shy as you.”

“I’m not shy.” The two said in unison.

The two petite girls shouted at the same time, with expressions of disbelief on their faces. They looked at each other, and tried their best to round their eyes to make themselves look more imposing, with an inexplicable sense of joy.

It gave Su Jie the feeling that a kitten and a puppy were hostile to each other. The black cat had a tense face and a gloomy expression, just like the cat’s fur that exploded when its tail was stepped on.

On the other hand, Ying Lili showed two small canine teeth, as if she saw outsiders entering her territory, she raised her lips to show her white teeth, that kind of grinning golden retriever dog. They all looked fierce in their imposing manner, but in fact they were just putting on airs.

But these two people haven’t realized it yet. They feel that they can defeat each other with their eyes. If you dare to stare at me, I will stare back. Whoever blinks first will lose.

It wasn’t until Su Jie separated his body between the two that they stopped their cross-eyed behavior.

“Are you a cartoonist too?” The black cat discovered the sketch in Yinglili’s hand at this time, and there was a trace of surprise in his eyes.

“Do you think you alone can become a cartoonist?” Ying Lili asked back, carrying the sketch in her hand behind her back, which was actually a sign of guilt.

Seeing Ying Lili’s movements, the black cat’s eyes turned, and its eyes stayed on Su Jie for a while, then said slowly to Ying Lili: “Cartoonists refer to people who can pass serialization, if they can’t be serialized in comic magazines Not counting, at best, he is an amateur cartoonist for self-entertainment.”

This is Ying Lili’s sore foot. Despite the black cat’s delicate body and soft body, it actually has a poisonous tongue.

“You are the amateur cartoonist. Who said that I don’t have serialized works? I have readers and fans far beyond your imagination.”

Ying Lili’s aura surged all over her body, but the black cat was taken aback for a moment, not knowing whether what Ying Lili said was true or not.

Only Su Jie can’t help but laugh. Ying Lili’s words are true, but Ying Lili’s comic works are serialized in the form of updating the book on her personal website, and the readers and fans are all 18*ban fansFans of comics, these are naturally fans, but they can’t show it under normal circumstances, and they don’t dare to reveal their identity as 18*ban fan cartoonists.


At this moment, Su Jie’s cell phone rang suddenly. Su Jie turned on the cell phone and saw that it was Xiazhiqiu Shiyu’s call, so he pressed the button to connect.

“Moses, Moses, Shiyu, what’s the matter with you?”

There was a bench outside the door. Su Jie took Ying Lili and Heimao to sit down, and sat between them to separate the two who were fighting, and then started talking.

“Come and get together, drink tea!” Kasumigaoka Shiyu’s voice came from the mobile phone. Su Jie remembered that Kasumigaoka Shiyu and Yinlou Animation Company were going to sign a contract today, and they invited Teacher Shizuka Hiratsuka to help.

Thinking of this, Su Jie asked, “It’s done?”

“It’s done. The money has already been credited to the card. Please come to the party to celebrate. You, the illustrator, also deserve credit.”

“Well, Mr. Shizuka Hiratsuka is also there, isn’t it?” Su Jie thought of a question and hesitated.

“Yes!” Xiazhiqiu Shiyu replied concisely.

“How can I say no!”

“What do you think?”

Su Jie smiled wryly. Ying Lili had already heard Xiazhiqiu Shiyu’s voice on the phone, and suddenly she poked her head over to the phone and said, “Xiazhiqiu Shiyu, Mr. Su can’t go because of something, you can do it next time.”

Then she turned her head to look at Su Jie, and said softly, “Go to my house to play today. My mother also said that you haven’t been there for a long time.”

“Go to my house to play. Today, Hinata and Wu Geng Zhuxi specially reminded me to take you there.” The black cat was not to be outdone, and spoke just as Ying Lili finished speaking.

“What do you mean?” Ying Lili stared.

“As far as you understand.” The black cat also stared.

“It’s only been less than a week since I’ve been to your house. How long has it been?” Su Jie pressed the heads of the two with both hands to separate them, and held the phone between his shoulders and the side of his face to answer.

“You and Ying Lili are together.” On the phone, I heard Kasumigaoka Shiyu’s voice suddenly drop below zero. The tone was as cold as if it was a snowy winter day.

“No, there is another friend here. Don’t listen to Ying Lili’s nonsense.”

Su Jie felt that it was a mistake for him to come out today, why did he feel that everyone was looking for him suddenly.

“Oh, are you a dog? How do you bite people?” Before Su Jie could explain clearly, his left hand suddenly felt a pain, and was bitten by Ying Lili with her small tiger teeth.

“Hiss, you can bite the black cat anyway.” Su Jie’s right hand was not spared, and was also bitten by the black cat.

The two of them stared at Su Jie together, and they clearly said: Don’t ignore me.

“I’m at the Binglong Warm Tea Shop on Road 5, Dongxi District, come here quickly.”

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu’s voice is unquestionable, and his tone is cold. Compared with Ying Lili and the black cat, Xiazhiqiu Shiyu with a black belly is undoubtedly much more powerful. This is the conclusion Su Jie has drawn from many times of personal experience.

“Go to my house!”

“Go to my house!”

The two little ancestors on the side didn’t stop either. They held Su Jie by one arm and looked at each other through gritted teeth.

Su Jie didn’t know how to clone himself, so he couldn’t care less about it, so he simply said to his mobile phone, “If you don’t mind, let me take the two of you there, let’s have a little fun.”

Then he glanced at Ying Lili and Hei Mao, and made a decision: “I can’t be separated from myself, you all go to a party with me, and solve the problem with the best of both worlds.”

“It’s up to you!” Xiazhiqiu Shiyu’s voice couldn’t hear anything, Su Jie heaved a sigh of relief, and said, “Then let’s do this first, I’ll hang up.”

After hanging up the phone, Su Jie immediately got up and took the two petite girls out without giving them a chance to repent.

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