: Bring Senior Sister Home

Twenty minutes passed!

Half an hour passed!

Until an hour passed, editor Machida Sonoko was still looking at the manuscript, and judging from the number of pages she had read, it had far exceeded the first few tens of thousands of words normally read.

Su Jie had to cough, tapped on the desk, and reminded: “Editor Machida, you can read the rest slowly, can we talk about the issue of serialization first.”

As if waking up from a dream, editor Machida Sonoko suddenly looked up and saw Su Jie and Kasumigaoka Shiyu staring at her, and the manuscript in her hand had already read 60,000 to 70,000 words before she knew it. It wasn’t Su Jie who reminded her that she might have to read more. Read on.

This is rare for an experienced editor, but the beginning of Su Jie’s Monogatari series of novels can make Machida Sonoko unknowingly addicted to it. There is only one answer that can explain it, and that is that the novels are extremely good.

“It’s an excellent novel. Although there are suspicions of too much chatter, it’s also a point to watch.” Machida Sonoko stood up slowly while speaking, with a smile on her lightly made-up face, and stretched towards Su Jie. The palm of your hand: “I am very glad to be able to cooperate with Su Jun. Your “Monogatari Series” has passed the serialization request of our Dengeki Bunko.”

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu opened her mouth slightly, Su Jie unexpectedly passed the serialization requirements of “Denshaki Bunko” so easily, and according to the editor Machida Sonoko, even the manuscript can be serialized and published directly without a single revision.

“It’s an honor!” Su Jie also stood up with a smile, and shook hands with editor Machida Sonoko. Different from the perfunctory attitude at the beginning, this handshake signifies that Su Jie will reach a cooperation with Dengeki Bunko.

“But there is one thing I need to clarify.” Su Jie suddenly changed the tone at this time, and said: “We need to negotiate about the animation copyright of this novel.”

Japan attaches great importance to copyright protection, and authors can get a lot of income from copyright, but Su Jie attaches great importance to animation copyright.

In order to prevent Dengeki Bunko from selling the copyright of Su Jie’s “Monogatari Series” to other animation production companies, Su Jie must reiterate the requirements in the contract.

Su Jie’s most important thing in writing the Monogatari series is the profit after animation. If the animation copyright is sold to other companies, then Su Jie will be taken advantage of.

“Animation copyright, Su Jun, it is almost impossible to adapt and animate this “Monogatari Series” based on the style of your book.”

Machida Sonoko frowned first, then laughed out loud.

It is true that in the previous life, the original authors of the Monogatari series said that it was impossible for the novels to be animated. Later, it was the ghost-level animation supervisor that made this work come out with a novel and weird style of painting, and it was a great success and made countless money.

“It can’t be my business. I just need to ensure that the animation copyright of the Monogatari series belongs to me.”

Su Jie said in a non-negotiating tone, Machida Sonoko didn’t care about this.

In fact, the animation copyright of the novel originally belonged to Su Jie, but the company chose to sell the copyright to that company. Su Jie might not be able to talk to him, and Dengeki Bunko may decide to sell it automatically.

Now Su Jie is only taking back the right to independently choose the object of the copyright sale. The money for the copyright sale is still automatically divided between Su Jie and Dengeki Bunko. The animation copyright of the novel was sold.

Machida Sonoko herself is the editor-in-chief, so she has a certain right to decide such things. After reporting to the editor-in-chief, she quickly agreed to Su Jie’s request to a certain extent.

Why is it to a certain extent, because Su Jie’s actions have already involved contract revisions. Although Su Jie has a high status in the comics industry, he is still a complete newcomer in the light novel world. capacity of the contract.

Therefore, Su Jie also sells some interests in some aspects, but what Su Jie values ​​most about the Monogatari series is the animation adaptation copyright, and Su Jie doesn’t care about other copyrights.

As far as the ability to attract money, Monogatari animation is the real gold-absorbing behemoth, and other aspects are nothing, including published novels, compared with animation, it can only be regarded as a drop in the bucket.

Both parties get what they want, but I don’t know whether editor Machida Sonoko will regret his current thoughts after seeing the ability to swallow gold in the animated monogatari.Cao Cao handed over the copyright to Su Jie to manage it himself.

After completing the signing of the contract, the two parties reached an agreement on the monogatari series of novels. Su Jie will serialize the monogatari series on Dengeki Bunko. After publishing the booklet, there will be 10% of the income. At the same time, he will get all the copyrights of animation, other games, film and television, etc. Negotiated by Su Jie and Dengeki Bunko, Su Jie has successfully completed the task.

After the mission was completed, Su Jie didn’t stay in Dengeki Bunko, and bid farewell to Sonoko Machida with Kasumigaoka Shiwa and left here.

“Drawing comics and writing novels, and thinking about making animations, sooner or later you will play yourself to death.”

Leaving Dengeki Library, Su Jun was looking at Contract Shale, and Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu beside him couldn’t see it, and said sarcastically.

“My mind has already been cultivated to the full level. Unless the world is destroyed, it is impossible for me to die.”

Su Jie is in a good mood now, all plans are being carried out step by step, and he doesn’t care about Xiazhiqiu Shiyu’s poisonous tongue.

“A thick skin can’t protect you. A big tail will only make you die faster.”

“I thought you were praising me.” Su Jie smiled, put away the contract, looked at the sky, and said to Xiazhiqiu Shiyu at noon, “Would you like to come to my house for a while?”

“What do you want?” Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu looked over with deep eyes, as if trying to see through all the thoughts in Su Jie’s heart.

“My heart is red, why are you looking at me like this?” Su Jie shrugged, and said indifferently: “If you don’t want to, it’s not too far from my house. I’m going to invite you to dinner, after all, in the novel Thank you for your help.”

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu’s beautiful eyes lingered on Su Jie for more than five seconds, before finally nodding her head and lightly opening her thin cherry lips, she said, “Lead the way.”

The two took the tram to Su Jie’s house. On the way, Su Jie bought some vegetables first.

Because of the customs of Su Jie’s home in the previous life, it is the most sincere thing to thank others for cooking at home. hands on.

“You can also cook.” Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu was quite surprised, Su Jie didn’t seem to be able to cook at ordinary times.

“I underestimate people, I’m good at cooking.” This is Su Jie’s only survival skill, and Su Jie immediately patted his chest to keep it when people questioned it.

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