: Haunted

After the performance is settled, the next step is to arrange and mix the songs nervously, so that it is a complete song.

Su Jie doesn’t know how to do this, but Su Jie used simple and rude money to open the way. He spent money to find several music producers, worked overtime for about five days, and successfully completed the arrangement of “Vertical Mercy”.

This arrangement is exactly the same as in Su Jie’s memory, because when the music producer was working on the arrangement, Su Jie also asked him to constantly modify and debug it according to the appearance in his memory.

The final product is a perfect restoration of the previous life’s “mercy” arrangement, perfect and seamless.

After the arrangement is done, the full version of “The Mercy of Capriciousness” is freshly released, and there are less than three days before the performance.

At the moment when I got the arrangement, Michito Bingtang was the only one left alone to practice singing “The Capricious Mercy”, but now the five-member light music team started to play together, repeatedly searching for the boring rhythm.

When performing in a band, it’s not just the lead singer’s business, but the rest of the band need to find the beat through continuous practice, familiarize themselves with the guitar, drums, keyboards and the best beat of the song, so that they can perform as fast as possible. Response and optimal tone for singing and playing.

Su Jie had to go to school during the day, and in his spare time at noon, he went to work at the Firefly Animation Studio. At night, Michiru Hido caught the young man and took him to the club room of the Sakuragaoka High School Light Music Team for guidance work. In fact, it was guidance work, but It’s just courageous.

Because the time is urgent, there are still classes during the day, and at night, the light-tone girls have to practice and play until the early hours of the morning. Naturally, the school at this time is empty, and it is very dark and infiltrating.

So under the leadership of Bingtang Meizhiliu, the light music team unanimously agreed to let Su Jie come here to be the door god, so as to prevent the travel disturbance of ghosts and ghosts.

Su Jie was also worried about Bingtang Michichi leaving alone to go home early in the morning, and finally contracted the job. How can I say that the light music team took the lead to perform by themselves, and they were regarded as middlemen. Now that others are working so hard, Su Jie is also embarrassed to do it watch.

In the end, except for Su Jie who escorted Bingtang Michiliu, everyone else was sent home by Su Jie one by one. The busy Su Jie was almost paralyzed from exhaustion.

There is still the last night before the performance. As usual, Su Jie is the gatekeeper in the community classroom of the light music team. In the spacious classroom, drums and guitars are constantly playing. The light music team is undergoing final training. Tomorrow’s performance will be in the evening At first, they had less than a day left.

When the last light drum note ended, the light music team finished another performance training.

“Let’s take a break.” Su Jie poured black tea for them. There was a big table in the classroom, where the light music team often sipped tea and ate and drank on it. It could be their workbench and dining table.

“Su Jun is great, you make delicious sweets, I want to eat more.” I took the extra gift from Su JieDessert wheat buns, Yui Hirasawa showed a cute mouth full of white teeth, smiled happily, and kept looking at Su Jie’s lunch box.

“Do you still have the strength to sing after eating so full?” Michito Hido stayed on and tapped Yui Hirasawa on the forehead, and Yui Hirasawa stuck out his little tongue, and said energetically: “But I don’t have the strength even if I’m hungry. It’s for better training, not for greed.”

“I want it too!” Ritsu’s eyes lit up, and he eagerly raised his arms, begging for food from Su Jie.

Su Jie looked at the time on his phone, shook his head and said, “No, it’s not time yet, and I’m having supper in half an hour.”

Su Jie has already prepared supper for two nights for the Qingyin girls, which is the only job other than the door god.

“Wait, Mio, where are you going? No more training.” Su Jie noticed that Akiyama Mio had slipped out, and immediately put on a serious face.

Akiyama Mio’s face turned reddish, and she ran away after glancing at Su Jie.

Ritsu Tainaka, a childhood sweetheart who knows Mio Akiyama best, laughed loudly: “Mio is going to the toilet, Su Jun, do you want to follow?”

“Uh, there’s no need for that.” Su Jie rubbed the back of his head in embarrassment.

“Su Jun is really in charge. It seems that Michiliu was a wise decision to ask Su Jun to come over.” Qin Chui said softly, her eyes swiveled on Su Jie, and she pushed Tainaka Ritsu’s shoulders and smiled secretly at each other.

Bingtang Michi left her hands on her hips proudly, and said: “I just said that there is nothing wrong with letting Ajie come over. You were not very happy before, but now you know my difficulties. You can see how kind Ajie treats you, how about Ajie? Just be our band’s manager, I think you are very suitable, but they don’t hate you either.”

“Come on, this matter is not negotiable.” Su Jie was unmoved by Bingtang Michiliu’s temptation. He still has a lot of things to do, so he has no time to be a manager.

This time, if Michi Bingtang hadn’t left them to perform outside the school for the first time, it was their first performance, which meant a lot to them, and Su Jie wouldn’t have come to help.

After speaking, Su Jie got up and walked out of the classroom, took out a flashlight to shine in the aisle, these few nights Su Jie heard a slight sound of footsteps outside the classroom, but when he came out, there was nothing, which made Su Jie extremely puzzled.

As a modern person in the 21st century, who has received modern materialism education, Su Jie does not believe in ghosts unless he sees them with his own eyes.

Because he was afraid of affecting the training of the light music team, Su Jie didn’t tell them about it, so only Su Jie knew about it.

The beam of the flashlight swept the dark corridor, but no human figure was found. Su Jie sometimes wondered if he was too tired recently and had auditory hallucinations.

“Ajie, what are you doing? The flashlight is shining here and there, so no one is outside.” Michiliu Bingtang’s voice came from the classroom, and he noticed Su Jie’s inexplicable behavior.

“It’s nothing.” Su Jie shook his head. Girls are relatively slender. Telling them about this kind of thing will only increase panic in vain. Moreover, Su Jie doesn’t think it’s a real ghost. Su Jie doesn’t believe in such things in his bones.

“In the past two nights, Mr. Su has been using a flashlight to take photos here and there. There won’t be any dirty things.”

Ritsu Tian Jing said pretending to be gloomy, and the others were taken aback, and said nervously, “No way, this is a school, and it’s so popular, how could there be ghosts?”

“It’s almost twelve o’clock now. There are only a few of us in the school. What’s more popular there, and I heard! There was a murder case in this building before, and that was ten years ago. A girl died because of a broken love. , the boyfriend got along with someone else, one night he hanged himself on his boyfriend’s seat, and it was said that his ghost lingered all the time, that boyfriend was hanged to death in the toilet, and the other man was also disemboweled, and when they died, it happened to be It was the first seven that the girl committed suicide.”

Ritsu Tainaka became interested. This girl with a boyish personality was much more courageous than ordinary girls, and she spoke clearly and logically. Several girls, including Michiru Hido, were intimidated, and their bodies leaned together unconsciously.

“Let’s not talk about ghost stories. Have you never heard that the more you tell ghost stories late at night, the easier it is to attract ghosts? Also, can you explain why two men were killed, huh?” Su Jie couldn’t help but laugh. This kind of ghost story is also to scare girls, Su Jie can’t scare them.

“Hmph, you are so serious, Su Jun, you are too good at doing bad things.” Tainaka Ritsu snorted twice, but was immediately caught by Michito Hido and the others, who were punished inhumanely, and it was scary in the middle of the night .

Su Jie was quite speechless. Thanks to the fact that they were still so energetic in the middle of the night, Su Jie was already so sleepy that he wanted to fall asleep.

Just as he was about to turn around and enter the classroom, Su Jie suddenly saw a black shadow passing by the beam of the flashlight out of the corner of his eyes. The fast Su Jie didn’t even see it clearly.

“Who!” Su Jie yelled violently, and the voice echoed through the entire floor. No one responded, only the empty silence responded to Su Jie.

“What’s going on, is anyone here?” Several girls in the classroom were startled by Su Jie, and ran to Su Jie’s side, looking in the corridor.

A flashlight can’t illuminate the entire corridor, and more areas are dark and dark, like dark grimaces grinning at the creatures in the dark.

“I don’t know, maybe it’s a cat or something.” Su Jie didn’t see clearly just now, the black shadow was too fast, and Su Jie was paying attention to the classroom just now and didn’t pay attention to the situation in the corridor, so he really didn’t see clearly.

heard Su JieHaving said that, the girls became a little nervous, because the dark and silent building was really scary, and now it was approaching the early morning, and it was the time when the legendary ghosts appeared, so people couldn’t help but think about it.

“Su Jun, you’re trying to scare people, right? I’m not going to be fooled by you.” Tainaka Ritsu thought Su Jie was joking, and just as the words fell, there was the sound of something falling in the silent corridor, as if Soda cans and bottles are rolling.

There were ear-piercing noises in the originally quiet corridor, coupled with the particularly terrifying and weird environment, even the always bold Ritsu Tainaka was a little panicked, and stopped saying anything about Su Jie’s intentional scaring.

“Could it be a real ghost?” Bingtang Michi left them to hide behind Su Jie, looking nervous and frightened in the corridor. Fortunately, the boy Su Jie was here, otherwise they would have been too frightened to leave the classroom.

“It’s definitely not a ghost. Maybe someone is pretending to be a ghost.” Su Jie sneered, picked up the broom from the corner of the classroom, and turned the broom head off, leaving only a broom stick.

“Wait, why hasn’t Mio come back yet?” At this moment Ritsu Tainaka thought of a question. It stands to reason that Mio Akiyama should have come back after going to the bathroom for so long.

Ritsuichi Tainaka said that everyone remembered that there was one person missing here, and Akiyama Mio hadn’t returned from going to the toilet before.

“Let’s go find her.” Now the girls became anxious, worried about what would happen to Mio Akiyama, and suppressed the fear in their hearts.

“You stay in the classroom. I’ll go find Mio. There are so many people and the environment is dark. If something happens, I can’t take care of it. Don’t worry, I’m fine by myself.”

Su Jie asked the girls to stay in the classroom. Su Jie was the only one with a flashlight here. Su Jie couldn’t take care of several people outside. Su Jie didn’t worry about it. He was afraid that someone would make trouble. On the contrary, it is the safest.

Without waiting for the girls to reply, Su Jie walked into the dark corridor, Akiyama Mio is outside alone now, Su Jie can no longer hesitate to waste time here, if something really happens to Akiyama Mio, then Su Jie will regret it up.

The beam of the flashlight showed Su Jie the way forward. In the silent and dark corridor, there was only the sound of Su Jie’s own footsteps.

step! tread!

There seemed to be echoes of footsteps, and the surrounding was so quiet that Su Jie could hear his own breathing. The closed windows and doors on both sides of the corridor seemed to be passages from hell, and there was a gloomy cold air flowing out. This was entirely the result of inner influences.

Su Jie remembers the location of the toilet. The men’s toilet is on the left side of the corridor and the women’s toilet is on the right. Su Jie is now running to the right.

Yes, Su Jie ran over, and the beam of the flashlight fluctuated with Su Jie’s running, making the visible line of sight in front of the corridor even more blurred.

Soon Su Jie came to the outside of the women’s toilet. The light in the toilet was on. Su Jie’s sex was not good enough to go in. He shouted outside, “Mio, are you in there? Hear a voice and answer.”

There was no response, and Su Jie felt more uneasy. Just when Su Jie was about to rush in, Mio’s voice came from inside.

“I…I am here, why are you here?”

After the sound, there was a sound of flushing water. Akiyama Mio blushed and poked half of her head outside the toilet door to look at Su Jie.

Su Jie heaved a sigh of relief. Fortunately, nothing happened. He said, “I saw a dark figure in the corridor. It seems that there are other things in this building. I’m worried about your safety, so I came here to have a look. It’s best if nothing happens.”

Who wants to hear what Su Jie said, not only did Akiyama Mio not feel at ease, but her face turned pale, like a frightened little animal, and she shivered: “Someone else came in to use the toilet just now, I thought it was Ritsu , but the caller didn’t respond, just a minute before you came over, could…could it be a ghost…”

Now it is twelve o’clock in the middle of the night. Except for the light music team who is practicing music, no one else will come to the school during this time, even the security guards will not come. It stands to reason that this building is the light music team Jia Sujie Six people are right.

But now it seems that besides the six Su Jie, there is a seventh person hiding in the building, or it might be a ghost. This is Mio Akiyama’s idea. Su Jie doesn’t believe in ghosts.

Speaking of the latter, Akiyama Mio frightened herself, ran out of the toilet in a panic, and hid beside Su Jie, as if there was something around her.

“There are no ghosts in this world, unless someone pretends to be a ghost.” Su Jie glanced around with cold eyes, suddenly waved the broom stick in his hand, and said loudly: “I don’t care who is doing the trouble, don’t come out and let me catch it.” You, otherwise the stick in my hand is not vegetarian.”

Hearing Akiyama Mio’s narration, all the fear of ghosts in Su Jie’s heart dissipated. There must be other people in this building, only human beings and not ghosts.


As if responding to Su Jie’s threat, the light in the toilet suddenly went out, and everything was silent.


Akiyama Mio felt chills all over her body, screamed and threw herself into Su Jie’s arms, her arms trembling as she hugged Su Jie tightly, her teeth chattered, under the beam of Su Jie’s flashlight, Su Jie could see Akiyama Mio’s face turned pale with fright changed

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