two hundred and sixtieth: All filthy wild entanglements

In the next few days, Su Jie arranged all the affairs of Firefly Company one by one.

Seiichi Kinoshita went to TV Tokyo instead of Su Jie, and negotiated the specific release time of “The Monogatari”. Although he didn’t get the most desired prime time to broadcast, he also confirmed the broadcast time at 4 p.m. Not bad.

And the new issue of the weekly Shonen Jump magazine also carried the advertisement of “Hua Monogatari” and spread among countless readers and acg fans.

Weekly Shonen Jump is the leader in the Japanese manga industry. It dominates the entire manga field with an average circulation of more than three million copies per week. On average, one in forty Japanese will choose to buy it. It is conceivable how wide the scope of this influence is. .

The advertisement of Bakmonugatari was put into the magazine, and it immediately caused great repercussions. Except for the animation adapted from Weekly Shonen Jump’s own manga, basically there will be no other animations logged in the advertisement of Weekly Shonen Jump. The sudden appearance of Bakmonugatari, of course, has attracted attention of.

That is, after the new issue of Weekly Shonen Jump magazine appeared, Firefly Company’s official website, the Huamonogatari page had many more messages and comments, the number was dozens of times higher than before.

In addition, Su Jie also published an advertisement for Huamonugatari on his Weibo. The number of followers on Su Jie’s Weibo started from one million, and the number of active fans was hundreds of thousands. However, the overlap between these fans and Weekly Shonen Jump was too great, which played an important role. The effect is not as strong as that of Weekly Boys, but it still has an effect.

At the same time, the Firefly Company Operations Department also has advertisements appearing on various online video sites, major forums, and even every corner of the Internet. A large number of them are paid gunmen, all for publicity.

After this series of publicity, within a certain range, the discussion and exposure of Hua Monogatari are rapidly increasing. Even the original novels of the “Monogatari Series” written by Su Jie have increased their sales a lot, making their fiery momentum even stronger. On the first floor, Machida Sonoko, the editor of Dengeki Library, called several times to announce the good news.*********************

“Finally caught up in the last two days. Is this the headquarters of Monthly Boys?”

At this time, Su Jie was standing under a building in Chiyoda District, Tokyo, with Ying Lili, who was wearing a shoulder bag slung beside him, pointing to the building and asking.

“It’s here. I’ve been here once, so I can’t remember it wrong.”

Ying Lili is wearing an orange dress, her two golden double ponytails are more dazzling and bright in the sun, her exquisite and lovely figure is like a white sunflower, her big sea blue jewel-like eyes are bright and energetic, she is holding the ends of her double ponytails Reply.

After confirming the destination, Su Jie and Ying Lili walked into the building, and after explaining their intention to the front desk, they went to Minano Tang’s office.

“What are you nervous about? I can pass. I’m still here.” When she was taking the elevator, Ying Lili’s face was tense. Su Jie could see through her inner reaction at a glance and knew how anxious she was.

“Who is nervous, the sweat is hot.” Ying Lili’s arrogant character will not admit her nervousness, and she only shows her bravery with her good staring eyes and canine teeth.

“Don’t be nervous. Why are you squeezing the bag so tightly?”

Su Jie smiled slightly. This time, he came to the “Monthly Boys” headquarters building because of Ying Lili’s affairs.

A few days ago, what Junye Chan said was that Ying Lili would have to hand in the first draft of the new manga in a week. After Su Jie provided the idea of ​​a date battle, she also urged Ying Lili to complete it as soon as possible.

For this reason, Su Jie went to Ying Lili’s house for five consecutive nights to tutor her in the creation of new comics when she was not in school and dealing with company affairs.

The harem is different from comics and books, so the difficulty is naturally higher, and Ying Lili has changed from a book artist to a professional cartoonist, and she is not used to it all of a sudden. If it weren’t for Su Jie’s little bit of patient guidance and teaching, Ying Lili would not be here Complete the manga of Date A Live in these five days.


After getting out of the elevator, they found Minano Chan’s office. After knocking on the door, Su Jie and Ying Lili walked in.

“Mr. Su Jie, Mr. Sawamura, good afternoon, have you brought the drawing?”

In the office, seeing the two of them coming in, Junye Chan took the initiative to get up from the chair, with anticipation faintly appearing on his expressionless face, and his eyes were mainly fixed on Ying Lili.

To be able to make the senior editor-in-chief of “Monthly Boys” like this, there is nothing else except Ying Lili’s procrastinated drafts. Seeing that it is time to publish several harem comics serially, only Ying Lili has not yet completed the delivery It’s a lie for Minano to say that she is not in a hurry. She, the editor-in-chief, should be held accountable.

“Here I am, this is a manga.” Ying Lili put down the shoulder bag she had been holding tightly since she entered the building, unzipped it, and took out a document bag from it. She handed it to Minano with a nervous face and eagerness. inside.

Minano put the file bag on the desk, opened it, and took out a stack of drawings. The drawings were the result of Ying Lili’s five days. For this reason, she took two days off and finished it yesterday. Then she forced Su Jie Come together to find all wild entanglements.

“”Date A Live”, um, the name has a harem element, yes, sit down, I will review the manga first.” Minano first read the name of the manga, nodded, and sat on the chair to review it slowly.

Su Jie and Ying Lili found chairs and sat down, waiting for the results of the review.

I hardly worry about reviewing Su Jie. Dating A Live itself is a well-known harem-oriented work in the previous life. Whether it is the world view, setting, plot, etc., it is very good, especially Su Jie refers to the character design of the previous animation, plus Yingli Li has drawn the beautiful girl drawing methods accumulated in countless books, which makes the characters extremely brilliant, and every female character is extremely beautiful, which is a character design that readers in this world seldom see.

As time went by, I saw that Minano became more and more fascinated, and there was a smile on his expressionless face, which was a very satisfying expression.

Originally, Eriri was still worried, after all, she didn’t know the origin of Date A Live, she was inexperienced, she was afraid that Minano would not approve and reject the manuscript, this is the worst case, because the time left is not enough for her to write a new manga The beginning came out.

But when she saw Minano Tsunade’s expression, even though she didn’t know the world, she knew that her manga had moved Minano Sen.

It was quiet in the office, only the sound of Minano turning pages of manga.

Twenty minutes later, after reading the last page of the manga, Minano regained consciousness from the drawing and raised her head to look at Ying Lili.

“It’s a great comic. You’ll be able to see it in “Monthly Shonen” the day after tomorrow.”

Without too much nonsense, Minano curled his mouth slightly and announced the answer.

“Ah! Really…Thank you…Thank you.” Ying Lili jumped up from her chair overjoyed.

Su Jie said relaxedly: “Congratulations, Ying Lili, you can finally enter the comics industry.”

“Thank you, Su Jun.” Ying Lili did not forget Su Jie’s help in the past few days, and thanked her with a smile.

“You’re welcome, don’t forget your job in the future, just draw more notebooks for me.” Su Jie said brazenly, without any embarrassment.

“What nonsense, editor Mino is still here.” Ying Lili blushed.

“I’m not a parent, you can do whatever you want.” Jie Yechan said in a very reasonable manner, which made Ying Lili blush even more. It was obvious that Jie Yechan misunderstood something.

“It really doesn’t look like a parent, but more like a younger sister. Editor Junye is quite cute.” Su Jie didn’t care, and joked.

Obviously has a lolitaIn terms of face and figure, Junye Tang looks very serious and caring about the younger generation. Speaking of which, she is older than Su Jie and Ying Lili, but it is a pity that it is easy for people to ignore her age.

“Damn Lolicon, what do you want to do?” Ying Lili couldn’t stand it any longer, and angrily glared at Su Jie with her hands on her hips.

“Don’t slander me, Lolicon or something… This is called love, and it belongs to a kind of concern for children.”

“You’ve crossed the line and there is no limit, you pervert, loli control, poor breast control.”

“Are you scolding me or praising yourself? Aren’t you just poor breasts?”

“I’m only seventeen years old. I’ll grow up in the future, so it doesn’t count.”

“Are you sure? Who gave you confidence, auntie?”

“Ahh! Bite you.”

“I’m still here, you guys really ignore me!”

The three-none girl who was ignored by others, Jayano touched her chest, sighed and said, “Won’t your conscience ache when you keep discussing poor breasts in front of me?”

“Ah! Sorry, sorry!”

“I’m sorry, it’s all Su Jie, hum.”

“Actually, I don’t really care too much. It’s past the growth and development period. Mr. Sawamura, you still have a little hope.”

Both Su Jie and Ying Lili felt the sadness in Junye’s lingering words. The most painful thing in the world is to have the sea in your heart, but you can only look at the ocean and sigh.

“Actually, it’s good that Editor Mino is doing this. You look so cute, and you’re usually pursued by someone.” Ying Lili felt ashamed, she seemed to have accidentally injured a friendly army!

Jieye looked at the sky speechlessly, and after a long time he said slowly, “When I went on a blind date, the first thing the other said was: Why didn’t your sister come?”


Su Jie laughed unkindly. It’s no wonder that he is so obsessed with this figure and face, no matter how you look at it, he is a lolita!

“Schadenfreude, you’re still laughing.” Ying Lili rolled her eyes, and at the same time she was glad that she was just poor-breasted, and her height and appearance were normal.

“I’m not laughing at this. Editor Minano, you don’t have to lose heart. Compared to Shizuka Hiratsuka, you are nothing at all.”

“Hiratsuka Shizuka? Who is she? Has she also experienced the same failure as me?”

“She is our teacher, the person who is most familiar with the dating agency, even the staff is not familiar with her, and she has never succeeded in countless blind dates. She is still single now, and she doesn’t know when she will find the partner she likes.” Su Jay laughed.

Ying Lili said: “If Teacher Hiratsuka Shizuka knows that you said that about her, you will definitely die a miserable death.”

Su Jie shuddered, gritted his teeth at Ying Lili and said, “If you dare to tell the truth, I’ll…”

“Threatened me, hum, man, be brave.”

Ying Lili looked at Su Jie proudly, with a smug smile on her lips.

“It’s amazing. I didn’t dare to try again after I failed on a blind date last time. How did she do it?”

Minano’s eyes were piercing, as if he had discovered an idol, and he laughed out loud for the first time: “I used to admire three kinds of people, those who used ham sausage but didn’t eat it, those who ate bananas without peeling the skin, and those who didn’t use cucumber for dressing Now I have a new object of worship.”

Damn it!

Su Jie understood in seconds. He looked at Junye Chan with a look of shock on his face. Good guy, this guy is so wild! Actually know so much.

Ying Lili stayed for a few seconds before reacting from Su Jie’s facial expression. She stomped her feet and covered her face in shame, her ears turned red. Even though she was a book artist, she was still far inferior when it came to the degree of filth.

“What’s wrong with you? Did I say something wrong?” Junye turned to look at Su Jie, wondering why the two of them didn’t speak.

“Ah! Ahaha! Editor Minano is really different from ordinary people. I didn’t expect Editor Minano to admire these things. I’m really taught.”

“No way, my body is too small to bear the big ones, so I have always admired people who can make ham sausage, banana and cucumber.”

Junye Chan answered plausibly. It is true that Junye Chan’s legal loli figure is a problem. Not to mention cucumbers, bananas are probably hanging.

“What you said makes sense, but I’m speechless.” Su Jie gave a wry smile. The first time we met, he had learned the unscrupulous manners of Jieyechen. Now it’s even more dirty. Sure enough, the Sanwu girls are fearless and filthy. It is not comparable to ordinary people.

“What’s the matter? Aren’t you boys the same? I’ve heard people say that there are three types of boys who are the most powerful. One is the one who doesn’t masturbate after watching a love action movie, and the other is the one who watches it after masturbating.” There are people who have finished a love action movie, and there are people who have finished a love action movie and haven’t typed it yet.”

Minano twisted her head, you don’t know if she’s pretending to be stupid or doing it on purpose, anyway, Su Jie is already stunned, she promised to be cute, return my upright and lovely loli editor!

As for Ying Lili, she was already blushing like a boiled shrimp. She, a pure child, was too young to bear this kind of stimulation.

“Uh, eh, oh! Editor Minano, your research on men is really meticulous. Don’t tell me you’re thinking about starting a family and getting married now? You’ve already started researching these things.”

Su Jie looked at Junye Tang speechlessly. Of course, the person who can become the editor-in-chief is not stupid. Su Jie can already feel the full malice of Junye Tang. It is definitely revenge for Su Jie, Ying Lili, and the two of them just discussed that poor breasts accidentally injured her. .

“Is there anything wrong with this? I have already reached the legal age for marriage, and I have already thought about it.When I get married, I do four things with my husband every day, three meals a day. “Jano stretched out four fingers, and then bent all of them down.


The sound of Ying Lili falling down made the corners of Su Jie’s mouth twitch, which made people die.

Hao Hao is not the editor-in-chief, but she dreams of being a housewife, and she is also a housewife who focuses on diet and health. This is Su Jie underestimating Jieyetang! This is not a legitimate loli who is deliciously kawaii, she is clearly a dirty old driver! Su Jie, who was driving this car, was caught off guard.

“I…I’ll be leaving first. Editor Minano will see you next time.”

Ying Lili couldn’t hold on anymore, and left as if fleeing.

Su Jie shrugged, and said to Junye: “Well, editor Junye, let’s go first.”

“Walk slowly, the future is long, let’s not rush to finish chatting at once.”

“…” Su Jie

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