: Carrot and Stick

Su Jie walked in a leisurely manner. When he came to the front of the meeting room, Gu Jing Wubo looked at the cartoonists and light novel authors below.

As a publishing house with serious losses, Brunei has only eight cartoonists, and there are more light novel authors that can be published, but there are only eleven, and the total number is less than twenty.

Now these manga artists and light novel authors are all sitting in danger, and there are precedents where a large number of editorial staff have been laid off. They are not sure about Su Jie’s character, and they are afraid that if they do not perform well, they will be terminated from the contract. Su Jie does not seem to be down Go hard man.

This is what they are most worried about. Their family members know their own affairs. Most of them are not very good. They can barely earn a living in Brunei Publishing House. If Brunei Publishing House does not want them, they will be I don’t have the confidence to find new jobs in other publishing houses.

During the tense wait of the cartoonist and light novel author, Su Jie said the first sentence when he entered the scene:

“The first time we met, I am your new boss, Su Jie. The Brunei Publishing House has been fully acquired by me. You will work under me in the future. I think you should feel very unfortunate because you met me, Su Jie. Jie, I’m not a soft-hearted person, the good old days of idleness you used to have are destined to be gone forever.”

Saori Makishima touched her forehead, feeling a little helpless at Su Jie’s unrestrained speech.

Generally speaking, other people’s acquisition of a company is to make employees feel at ease. It is best to get through this period smoothly. Unlike Su Jie, who is so uncharacteristically aggressive when they meet, he bluntly says that he will not be soft-hearted.

Accompanied by Su Jie’s side to help carry the briefcase, Yuka Xingjin, who played the image of an indifferent beauty, observed Su Jie’s dismount with great interest.

On the contrary, she approves of Su Jie’s approach. If you are tolerant to these cartoonists and light novel authors who have been favored for a long time, no one will take you seriously.

The cartoonists and light novel authors looked at each other. No one thought that Su Jie was alarmist. Some people’s faces were covered with cold sweat.

No matter what other people think, Su Jie still does his own thing. A company like Brunei Publishing House, which is hard-won, can’t use gentle methods. It must be severely punished to cure it.

Fear of the loss of talent is not within Su Jie’s consideration, because there are not many talents here that Su Jie can look up to.

If Su Jie were to describe their group of cartoonists and light novel writers from Brunei Publishing House, they would be a group of spoiled children.

Because of Sister Saori’s leniency and indulgence, the group of people raised by the Brunei Publishing House completely treated their work as fun, and had no motivation to work hard. This can be seen from their years of not creating works.

“After I take over the Brunei Publishing House, there will be a new revision. In the future, the “Literary World” comic magazine under the Brunei Publishing House will abandon the monthly serialization system and adopt a weekly serialization. Works being serialized by light novel authors , you must guarantee that a new volume will be released within three months. These systems will be fully learned from the successful publishing house. I don’t care if you want to, those who accept it will stay, and those who cannot accept it can terminate the contract with the publishing house. The publishing house No one will be forced.”

Finally, Su Jie bared his fangs and entered into the preliminary reform decision of Brunei Publishing House.Proposal said it.

These are the systems that Su Jie learned from “Weekly Shonen Jump”. Everything is aligned with the good system. Su Jie disdains to keep the old practice of the Brunei Publishing House.

“I know some of you will disagree. If you want to continue to do whatever you want like before, that’s fine! I’m a very talkative person. As long as you are willing to endure the consequences of being deducted from your wages, if you breach the contract more than three times, you will be fired directly. Let me tell you a word, no Corresponding strength, there is no corresponding preferential treatment.”

Su Jie smiled and showed his white teeth. This is a very objective truth. If a top cartoonist like Su Jie is on vacation that day or even for a long time, “Weekly Shonen Jump” will not terminate the contract with Su Jie, but will only help Su Jie find a manga artist. Some excuses for playing mahjong, but if ordinary cartoonists dare to do this, hehe, the only way to end is to terminate the contract.

Seeing Su Jie’s smiling face, the cartoonists and light novel authors below took a deep breath, as if seeing a devil’s smile.

They, who are used to superior jobs, faced Su Jie’s “harsh” conditions, and some people inevitably showed dissatisfaction.

Soon, someone who was daring or foolish stood up. This person was a young cartoonist. He pointed at Su Jie’s nose angrily and said, “What is this revision? Su Jie, we and Brunei The publishing house has a contract, and you made such a decision without considering us at all. It was originally agreed to serialize “Literary World” once a month, but now it is revised rashly. This is disrespectful to all of us. I disagree. , I strongly disagree.”

“Xingjin Yuka, give him the contract.” Su Jie snapped his fingers, and followed Su Jie’s Xingjin Yujia to open the briefcase, took out a stack of contracts, and followed Su Jie’s instructions to the early cartoonist. put it on the table.

The young cartoonist clenched his fists tightly, as if he had a premonition of something, his body was trembling slightly.

It’s a pity that it’s too late to repent now, Su Jie smiled coldly, and said: “I have received your opinion, and now, as the head of Brunei Publishing House, I will terminate the contract between Brunei Publishing House and you, and the unpublished Salary and compensation will be transferred to your account, now you can leave here, I wish you a good job in another environment.”

“You…you can’t do this, you can’t…I have worked for Brunei Publishing House for three years, why do you drive me away.”

The early cartoonist gritted his teeth, his chest heaved violently, as if it was about to explode at any moment.

“Oh, you have worked for the Brunei Publishing House for three years, but how much value has you created? You haven’t been working much, Yuka Xingjin, tell him what you have done for the Publishing House?”

“Yes!” Yuka Xingjin brushed up her black hair covering her left eye, and said in serious mode: “Hisaku Fujiwara, since joining the company on May 17, 1997, has worked for three years and one month in total. Absent from work for 26 issues, the popularity index of the serial comic “Night Witch” in “Literary World” is currently less than 3,000, and the sales volume of the single volume is 719 copies…”

The detailed data came from Yuka Xingjin’s mouth. Every time Hisakusaku Fujiwara uttered a piece of data, his body trembled and his face turned red.

Not to mention that he has worked for three years and has accumulatively had two years of vacation. The sales data of his works’ booklets is simply appalling. Not to mention the value that such data brings to the publishing house, they will lose all their pants. ”

“How? Did you bring value to Brunei Publishing House, or did you rely on Brunei Publishing House to suck blood?” Su Jie snorted heavily, looking at Hisaku Fujiwara with shame and annoyance.

Fujiwara Hisaku subconsciously looked at other colleagues, hoping that someone could say a few words for him. As a result, all the cartoonists and writers looked away, their eyes drifted and had no focus, and no one wanted to accompany Fujiwara Hisaku to die. Lonely old man.

The angry Fujiwara Hisaku made a black face at this scene. No one was willing to stand up in front of Su Jie before, but now he stands up for everyone’s benefit, but in the end he ended up in such an uncaring end.

Hisakuku Fujiwara managed to avoid being pissed off, and finally flicked his sleeves, pointed at Su Jie and said, “You can be proud now, without the support of us cartoonists and authors, I see what you can do to keep going.”

Leaving this ruthless sentence behind, Fujiwara Kusaku shamelessly continued to stay, turned his head and walked out of the conference room.

“If it’s all cartoonists like you, I’d rather let the Brunei Publishing House go bankrupt.” Su Jie curled his lips in disdain, and then looked at the crowd below: “Well, is there anyone else who is dissatisfied with my resolution? I can let you go at any time, Fujiwara Kusaku hasn’t gone far, and those who are willing to be with him can still catch up now.”

In the face of Su Jie’s blatant words, the manga artists and light novel authors below were silent. No one was stupid. People who are as impulsive and brainless as Fujiwara Hisaku are after all a minority, and those who fight hard with the boss rarely end well.

They can all foresee the life of Hisaku Fujiwara in the future. As far as his 719 volumes of manga are in separate volumes, which publishing house will read them?

Although I can’t become famous in Brunei Publishing House, at least the comics I draw can be paid according to the number of pages, and the novels I write can also be sold in bookstores to get a commission. It’s better than being dismissed by Brunei Publishing House and receiving those months’ salary Compensation money is useless. In the current economic depression in Japan and employment difficulties, if you can’t find a job, you will starve sooner or later.

“If no one speaks, I’ll take it as your acquiescence.”

A smile appeared on the corner of Su Jie’s mouth. He moved a stool and sat down. He was at the same level as the cartoonists and light novel authors, as if they had changedPersonally, he said with a gentle smile: “I know you all say in your heart that I’m unreasonable, but I’m actually quite easy to talk to, and I never quarrel with others.”

Believe me or not.

The cartoonists shouted in their hearts. In their eyes, Su Jie was similar to a man-eating devil. The only difference was that Su Jie was wearing human skin.

“After the revision of the Brunei Publishing House in the future, many of our measures need to be changed, and at the same time…”

When Su Jie said this, many people below began to fidget. Those cartoonists and light novel authors were afraid that Su Jie would say some serious reforms.

“At the same time, the salary and benefits will also increase. Working in Brunei Publishing House, you will experience a completely different feeling from before. Starting today, the basic salary of cartoonists and light novel authors will increase by 15%. The sales of novels will be increased by 2%, for a total of 12% sales revenue.”

Su Jie said with a half-smile. As soon as these words came out, the cartoonists and light novel authors who were frightened immediately opened their mouths, and they were all stunned.

Originally, he thought that Su Jie would target them, but he didn’t expect to give them benefits, and they were not ordinary benefits.

In Japan, no matter if you are a manga artist or a light novel author, if you want to make money, you have to rely on the sales of single volumes and novels. In this regard, publishing houses generally give authors 10% of the copyright income, and some squeeze 5-8%. Previous article Lai Publishing House is giving 10% of the copyright to cartoonists and authors. Now that Su Jie has increased the share to 12%, these cartoonists and authors are like a dream.

Su Jie’s move completely broke the publishing house’s conventions and rules. Generally, the copyright share of other publishing houses will not exceed 10%. Su Jie is considered awesome in “Weekly Shonen Jump”, right? The single volumes of several comics brought huge profits to Weekly Shonen Jump, but the copyright share is still 10%, which has become the default unspoken rule of the publishing house.

So after Su Jie announced the good share, these cartoonists and light novel authors were full of excitement and fanaticism. The 2% increase in copyright share seems inconspicuous, but it means that the income of cartoonists and authors can increase by one-fifth. This is what manga artists and light novel authors want to see most, otherwise, living in Tokyo, a high-consumption city, will be very difficult with a basic salary of manga pages and novel words.

“President Su, you…are you serious?” A light novel author bit his lip and turned white without knowing it. He almost suspected that he had heard wrong, and was eager to hear the real answer.

“If this is true, then… that would be great, I really hope what I hear is not a lie.”

“I suddenly felt that it would be nice to stay at the Brunei Publishing House, and mourn for Fujiwara Hisaku for three seconds.”

“What good does it do me to lie to you? I’ll know if it’s true or not until I get paid next month. I’m still short of this money.”

Su Jie was full of confidence. Facing the skeptical or excited eyes of these cartoonists and authors, he pretended to say: “Do you know how much I paid for Brunei Publishing House? 100 million yen, do you know how much my car cost?” 180 million yen, do you know how much my net worth is? Even I don’t know, because my net worth is increasing countless every day. In short, I will not deceive you to make that little money, I will have an afternoon tea It’s not worth that much.”

Depend on!

Many cartoonists and light novel authors rolled their eyes. No one dared to show off their wealth so blatantly.

But after rolling their eyes, it was their ecstatic smiles. If what Su Jie said was true, at least Su Jie had the capital to guarantee the promise he said. This gave them the Dinghaishenzhen, who were anxious in their hearts. No one thinks too much money, right?

Seeing these exuberant expressions, Su Jie shook his head. Things were much simpler than he imagined. With a big stick in one hand and a carrot in the other, and benefits after being disarmed, few people would resist Su Jie’s orders.

Even if there is, you have to hold it in your heart and not say it, otherwise the 12% copyright commission will leave them.

In essence, these cartoonists and light novel writers are a bit nerdy, and their thoughts are relatively simple. Otherwise, at this time, someone would flatter Su Jie. They don’t have that much heart to fight against Su Jie. Brunei Publishing House is still satisfied.

“Okay, the meeting is over. I hope you will remember my words. A new issue of “Literary World” will be published next Monday. I don’t want to see someone give me a vacation. The same goes for light novel authors. Hurry up and prepare for a new issue.” roll.”

After a few reminders, Su Jie announced the end of the meeting and let the cartoonists and light novel writers leave.

So far, it took Su Jie half a day to bring the Brunei Publishing House under control, and initially let his prestige spread.

“The next step is to recruit new editors and other employees. Yuka Xingjin, please take care of this. I have to trouble you for the time being.”

“Communication with other bookstores and other channels must also be discussed. A new boss must have a new atmosphere, and the distribution channels must be increased.”

“By the way, we have to launch a new essay competition award to attract a group of high-quality newcomers to Brunei Publishing House. Relying on the original team will not be able to develop anything.”

Thinking about the troublesome things in Brunei Publishing House, Su Jie has a headache. These things are not what Su Jie is good at. It seems that he needs to find someone to help him share them.

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