My Reincarnation As A Chicken

Chapter 100 - Forbidden Dungeon Conquest - Second Floor Pt.I

‘You guys, ready?’

"Yep." (Kawaii)

"Yes." (Ulva)

"Whenever you are." (Aeri)

"It would be rude of me to keep you waiting." (Kala)

"In that case! Dungeon raid Party, roll out!"

I had given the name quite a bit of thought and finally came to a conclusion. And what did I get as feedback?

"Ugh, what kind of boring name is that?"

Aeri complained.

"Looks like big sis isn't good at everything."

Ulva broke my heart.

"Fufufu. Hey! Stop laughing at Mawstewr!"

And Kawaii was outright hurting my feelings.

‘No one is laughing other than you!’

I hit her on the head and she just kept laughing cutely. Yes. After I put much thought into it, they decided to laugh at me and my naming skills.

'Ugh, whatever. That name is kind of boring. Dungeon Raid Party, let's go!’

[You have entered a Dungeon]

When we entered, the place was empty. I used [Mana Sense] and I still couldn't detect any form of energy than us three. Because of that, we decided to head further into the dungeon. After a few minutes of walking we came across a door.

[You have found the entrance to the 1st floor]

[Do you wish to proceed?]

I accepted the offer and we walked through.

[You have entered the 1st Floor]

This floor was surprisingly empty. I assumed that was because the others came in here and went on a grinding session. The fact that nothing was moving on this floor anymore was proof enough that they went all out and only left after every single opponent was defeated. That Kuro. He was the last one to enter this place. And even he didn’t want to go to beneath this floor. What monstrosities awaited us?

[You have found the entrance to the 2nd Floor]

[Do you wish to proceed?]

I was about to accept, but then Kawaii told me her skill [Trap Detection] went off, saying it was a trap. It seemed to be some sort of spatial distortion trap, but it was actually the only way to the 1st floor. How did I know? Basically because I didn’t want to wait any longer and since they all trusted me, I gave them some bullish excuse about seeing it in the stars or whatnot. There was a weird silence for a moment. My excuse didn’t work well when I read their minds. With them calling me all sorts of things ranging from Idiot to Liar to Cruel. With my heart shattered, we went to the next floor.

[You have entered the 2nd Floor]

[You will not be able to leave without killing the Dungeon Master]

I let out a sigh, then looked around. I could sense some weird energy up ahead.


[Sensing Nether Energy up ahead! You have entered an area full of undead!]

The screen told me. It almost felt like a replacement for the Agent.

‘No! You won’t replace my partner just like that you bogus screen! I’m not such a sellout!’


[You have received a message]

‘Huh? A message? Lemme see.’

[####: Heya, it’s me again. Your favorite person in the world! So this time I didn’t forcefully drag you into my domain. However, I come bearing tragic news. My tea is cold and too many guests have been visiting me off late! I don’t like that! And it’s all because of you! Don’t go making such a ruckus in a city again, you hear? If you’re C rank, act like a C rank monster! Don’t go about waging wars and waking up an Ancient monster! Anyway, I actually made this to tell you that there are some bugs in the system and I’ll be sending updates frequently. So don’t be surprised if the system randomly crashes on you, ok? And even if it does, it’ll be back up in the next few seconds, I pinky swear.]

I shoved the message somewhere. At this point that person was beyond saving when it came to the mental faculty. Having so much power must have made her some useless brat. I hoped I didn’t end up like her in the future.

I looked up at the current enemies, the undead. I was about to attack, but I then had a thought. Something that had been bothering me for a while now.

‘Hmmm, guys. Why don't we let Ulva and Kawaii handle this floor?’

"Huh? Why?"

Aeri asked.

‘Well, I want both of them to grow stronger by a decent amount at least.’

"Does Kawaii, really need to?"

‘Fair point. Let's let Ulva do this alone. What do you say, Ulva? You think you can do this?’

She looked a bit nervous.

‘Don't worry Ulva. If you think you'll have a problem, just remember. Give it to em’ from the bottom, an uppercut that'll knock the daylights out of them. A [Tori Completely Original Technique: Fiery Uppercut]!’

I showed the technique I made up by punching the air. She giggled after seeing that, then nodded with full confidence.

[You have acquired the skill [Martial Arts Technique: Fiery Uppercut]]

The system told me.

'Hehe, good thing none of them saw tha-'

They all gave me suspicious looks. It seems like they heard that. I let out a sigh.

We saw a skeleton up ahead holding a sword. Ulva gulped then ran at it. She was actually fast, I guess the collar really was limiting her. The skeleton swung it's blade at her, but she easily avoided it, then landed an uppercut to its skull, throwing it off the body.

[The Servant Ulva has defeated an undead]

[The servant Ulva has received 200XP]

[You have acquired 100XP]

[The servant Kawaii has acquired 100XP]

[The servant Aeri has acquired 100XP]

[The servant Aeri has gone up 1 level]

[The servant Kala has acquired 100XP]

‘Seriously? That was it?’

"Yes! I did it!"

She yelled, jumping up and down.

‘You did great Ulva. It'll get to a point where you'll create your own original technique.’

I urged her on. And more undead began to show up. Well they were already around, but they were simply in a form of stasis or so. Whatever! That didn’t matter.

She went on to beat them up.

She was easily one shotting the undead and getting us more Experience points. Well, it wasn't like they were really monstrous opponents. The only thing about them that could be seen as dangerous was probably their numbers and there were only about 50 of them.

‘That's it! You can do this!’

I cheered her on, but Aeri tapped me on the shoulder.

‘What is it?’

"Can't you see it?"

‘Can't I see what- Holy-‘

[Special Dungeon Mini-Boss has been spawned]

[Dungeon Mini Boss <<Skeletal Giant>>]

A massive skeleton with hollow red eyes popped up out of nowhere, clothed in heavy armor covered by rags, with a bronze shield and a scimitar in both arms. It swung its blade at Ulva who seemed to be petrified with fear.

I clicked my tongue and jumped her direction.

‘Ulva! Watch out!’

I pushed her out of the way, but got hit by the scimitar right on the head, instantly getting smashed into the ground. Luckily, my [Centipede Armor] managed to form right in time with my [King Viper Scales] underneath and [Slime Body] to offset some of the shock. But the damage done was still impressive.

[You have lost 550 HP]

‘Ow! This is like the time with Krull!’

I complained and sat up.

"You ok, little Tori?"

Aeri asked. I rubbed my head while nodding.

‘Yea, but that thing packs a mean punch.’

“I haven’t seen you in your human form in quite some time.”

She said, making me grin.

‘Of course. It’s uncomfortable having my stamina drained at twice my normal pace, don’t you think? Besides. I want to play around with sword for once.’

My centipede armor’s tail dropped off and I picked it up. A long sharp dark blade which would seem way out of proportion for someone my size.

"Hmph. Whatever. I’ll finish this in a flash.”

Aeri boldly said, right before charging at it. She began to grow in size, and prepped her arm to throw a punch at the fifteen foot skeleton giant, but it blocked her attack with its shield. As she grew in size, there was a reduction in her speed stat and increase in her strength and defense stat. That made me a bit curious.

Kala whispered something. It were as if she were performing a chant of sorts. Her body cackled with blue lightning and her hair started to float about her body. She suddenly had a different air about her as she waved her hands and bolts of lightning flew at the skeleton. The giant skeleton was actually quick to notice this and grabbed Aeri by the arms and swung her in front of itself, using her as a shield against the spears.

[The servant Aeri has received 400 Damage]

‘Ah… so much damage from one of her weaker attacks?’

Kala wasn’t someone I could underestimate. Even if her ranking was below, she was still strong in her own ways.

"Watch it, ogress!"

Aeri complained, right before she was slammed into the ground, crushing a few undead. Thanks to that, we all went by one or two levels, and our health points went back up.

‘Kala! Lightning doesn't work on undead!’

I suddenly remembered. The undead only used Aeri as a shield because it was going to arm her and stop blunt attacks from coming in. Killing two birds with one stone. It was quite innovative, no? Which meant we needed to play smart here.

"Huh? Then what should I do? I'm only proficient in [Lightning Magic]."

‘Erhm, gimme a moment.’

I grabbed Ulva by the shoulders.

‘Ulva. Do you think you can fight the undead around us? Beat them up and get us more experience.’


‘Ulva. Ulva. Relax, ok? I want you to beat up the undead. I want to know if you can confidently do it.’

“Mawstewr, I'm ready!”

Kawaii told me, having received my orders. I then looked at Ulva's eyes. They looked sort of determined.

"Yes! I can do it!"

‘Good… Hey Kala!’


‘Watch over Ulva for a bit!’

I flung Ulva for Kala.

"Biiig siiiisssss!?"

I then turned my focus to the undead giant.

Not wanting to use any of my magic, I lifted my sword up and scanned through my skillset. There were quite a few useful ones in here.

"How about a sword attack combo?"

I asked and she nodded.


Both of us ran at the giant undead, whacking skeletons out of the way. I activated my skill [Fire Force] and I could feel a certain surge of heat through my body. A veil of flames same across my shoulders like some sort of scarf. My hair was now ablaze and my eyes burned.

I could feel it. The complete boost in all physical and fire related abilities. I grinned as my sword was set ablaze with this.

‘Every great weapon is supposed to have a dope name. So you, my new sword, I shall call you [Slasher]!’

I began to wave [Slasher] around, at the skeleton giant. But skeletons had a resistance to slash attacks, so I decided to make it even better with the fire mode. The result should have been monstrous. In fact, it was monstrous. It was just that my enemy was not normal. I managed to destroy its shield, but the undead itself was unharmed. It swung its scimitar at me again but then…

"[Swirling Petals]!"

Kawaii yelled. She let loose several quick slashes at the scimitar, completely swaying and controlling the direction of the weapon. It was an absurd move where she moved her sword about so quickly, she hit certain points and created shockwaves that would stare the opponent sword in a different direction all together. The giant skeleton’s sword fell out of its hands and Kawaii doubled up with a different attack.

“[Irregular Straight]!”

Her sword shimmered for a moment as she stabbed at the giant. It was an unbelievable trick where the blade seemed to be missing the giant, but however landed right in his heart. I could have sworn the attack would miss by a margin, but it was dead on. A dirty trick that would cause someone to let their guard down.


The impact was so powerful, the giant was forced to stumble back a few steps. However, it quickly recovered and smacked Kawaii away.

“HAHA! I haven’t done this in a good while!”

Aeri’s voice boomed and shook the whole area. She had gotten back on her feet and landed a punch on the skeleton, right in the skull, and I saw cracks forming.

"That's it! Go for blunt attacks! Aeri, you're up!"

"I know! [Battle God Fighting Techniques] are the best for hand to hand combat!"

I also used [Size Manipulation] and plucked out some of my feathers. That hurt quite a bit, but I didn’t show just for the badass effect. I threw the feathers like blow darts at the skeleton and with each hit, an explosion followed. My [Feather Ignition] skill where my feathers became ticking time bombs.


The giant was forced to stumble back again and Aeri continued her assault. She struck it with a jab to the abdomen. An aura based attack that would normally shatter all the bones in one’s body. The attack so swift and deadly it was dubbed [Godly Jab]. However, Aeri was not proficient enough with this skill for it to cause the necessary amount of damage to her opponent here.

The giant grabbed her and kneed her stomach, forcing her to curl over. Using her hair as some form of handle, it flung Aeri away and looked at the others. Its eyes glowed violently as a screen appeared before it.

[Damage threshold achieved.]

[Initiating Violent Defense Mode]

[Goal: Kill All Intruders]

[Threats being identified… threats identified.]

[Targets: 1 War Ogress (Cursed). 1 Demi Battle God (Other half is unknown). 1 Angel (Presumed. Not enough concrete evidence). 1 Dhampyr (Artificially Engineered). 1 Slime (Releasing Radiant Energy)[Most Dangerous]

[Assessing summed up threat level]

[Imperial Beast Rank]

[Conclusion: VERY DANGEROUS]

[Limiters have been released]

[Final protocols in case of defeat have been initiated.]

[Thank you for you service!]

<A/N: Hey guys! Been a while since one of these. Anyway, let's try for 300 power stones this week for 5 extra chapters!>

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