My Reincarnation As A Chicken

Chapter 239 Meanwhile In The Empire Pt.V

In the chamber where the emperor of the New Kyoto Empire isolated himself, there was a heavy discussion ongoing. There was currently only one person in the room, yet this person argued greatly with a non-existent being.

Their argument had taken three days and three nights, non-stop with neither side refusing to lose.

“I tell you that the best way out of this situation is by listening to me.”

“No, no. I listened to you and my empire is currently under siege. The people are probably frightened at the moment.”

“Ah. But that was always a part of the plan.”

“The deaths? That is not what I agreed to.”

“You believe you can become the world’s greatest emperor without killing a few people?”

“I believe I can become the world’s greatest emperor without killing a few of “MY” people!”

“Hoho, trust me when I say these deaths are necessary for your rise.”

“Explain to me then, how losing my own people is a good way for me to become a good emperor?”

“No. It’ll be better for you to see for yourself when it is done.”

The scene around the veiled throne begun to change.

“Stop that! I do not wish to see your pathetic illusions. I want proof!”

“Proof? What greater proof do you need other than the fact that I am this world’s g-”

In that moment, the voice speaking to the king stopped. The king himself became dead silent and looked out from his veil.

There, he saw a girl clad in adventurer’s gear, with a red cloak over her body and silvery white hair. At first, he presumed it was a Tatsumaki given her crimson red eyes, but that notion was thrown away immediately when he got a better look at her and sniffed her.

She smelled different.


The thing, roared loudly, causing the emperor’s head to ache.

“The God Slayer?”

The emperor questioned, startling the girl. She then faded from their vision, but it was too late. They had already locked onto her astral body.

“Young emperor, do you wish to finally see what has become of your empire?”

The voice asked in a kindly tone. The emperor coughed.

“You know that is impossible with my condition.”

He retorted solemnly.

The emperor, from birth, had always been bed ridden. He was incapable of walking, incapable of even being in sunlight. Even the air he breathed felt like poison gas to him. It was for this reason he had always remained in this room. A room that had been purified to make life easy for him.

Whatever it was he needed would be brought to him. If the empire requested to see the emperor, a fake would be sent out to greet them whereas he remained in this room.

“Young emperor, you underestimate me too much. Your ancestor was the greatest, you know? Accept this gift of mine.”

If the young emperor could get any chance to be free, to walk the streets and enjoy sunlight as well as achieve his dream of becoming the greatest emperor in history, he would give anything.

“I shall humbly accept.”

“It is done, then.”

At his words, something filled up the young emperor. He could feel unimaginable power entering his body. His body was suddenly hot while also being cold. It felt like he was full of life while also a cold death awaited him.

He twisted on the ground, writhing in agony yet laughing in glee. All of this overshadowed the words of the world that were being spoken loudly.





~Other primordial gods are watching with mixed emotions of rage, disbelief, intrigue and betrayal~


“I got caught not once, not twice, but three times! [Astral Projection] isn’t as strong as mother made it look.”
She muttered under her breath. The binds behind her sealing all of her magic abilities, but to a being like her, that mattered not. With the simplest motion, she snapped her bonds in half and got off the ground. However, when she did, she collapsed back down.

Confused, she looked at her legs and they were shaking wildly. She gulped with beads of sweat forming on her forehead.

“I guess primordial gods really are something, huh?”

She tried to get up, but still failed. Her legs were still shaking violently. She had experienced this once before, but it wasn’t nearly as terrifying as this. The killing intent that god radiated towards her in the room was by far the scariest thing she had seen… scratch that. By far the second scariest thing she had seen.

She tried to conjure up her wings, but even they weren’t coming out. It was then that she noticed she was afflicted with [Fear of God] and [Mark of a Primordial].

The former being a status so powerful that once anyone got it, they were completely incapable of doing anything till the time passes. The latter was more confusing to describe.

That wasn’t important though. She finally knew what the Dark Church was up to and why they needed Tatsumaki Shiro. Her instincts told her there were more things that were hidden out of her vision, but if an entire primordial god was helping the Dark Church revive Vermillion, it couldn’t be good!

She hit her legs repeatedly.

“Move, you, stupid human legs!”

While arguing with her trembling legs, the building shook greatly.

She already knew the clan heads were going on a rampage. However, with that primordial being in the palace, there was no way they were going to survive the night. Especially not after what they did to the gods 6 years ago.

Sometimes, she wondered how people could be so stupid, but that wasn’t for her concern as of this moment.

She needed to move before that thing came for her.

Just then, the roof above her head collapsed and coming down from it, were about six people and two beasts. Time seemed to slow down as she identified each and every single person.

Akihiko, Mori and Yoshitatsu were plummeting down, Ibuki’s fist was connected to a Hell Bear’s abdomen, Cardinal Six was riding on the back of a King Wayne and Cardinal Five was heading towards the other clan heads.


She spread her arms out and tried to will the mana around her to provide a barrier of protection. Within this barrier, she managed to make herself invisible. The problem with controlling external mana, in her case, was that she was limited in what she could do with it. She didn’t possess the Spatial attribute, so portal creation was impossible for her.

For now, while waiting for her legs to start working, all she could do was only watch the fight before her.


Ibuki punched the Hell bear so hard, they broke through more than twenty floors, all the way to the Hall floor. She knew her strength as of the moment was beyond human, but to the point of shattering through several floors was shocking to her.

The hell bear coughed up a gallon of blood after having a hole be punched through its stomach. She then glared at Cardinal Five who was going after the other clan heads.

As if on instinct, she raised her hand and runes formed automatically. From these runes, green coloured flames shot out towards the cardinal, who managed to avoid it at the last second.

Six chased after her and his Wayne’s claws dug deep into Ibuki’s wings. In pain, she fell to the ground grunting. Six jumped off the bird and whipped her back while she was still down and a carnal rage blew up in her.

She turned around in an instant, caught the whip by her hands… claws, then dragged the cardinal towards her. She opened her mouth wide, expanding it beyond human capability and bearing her fangs for the whole world to see.

She chomped down on thin air as Cardinal six abandoned his whip at the last second and was on the back of his Wayne. From behind Six, a lightning spear came flying so fast and powerfully, the whole floor shook. Six whistled his Wayne somersaulted through the air, receiving the spear head on and losing a leg. However, it dared not let out a sound of pain.

Six grabbed the spear and threw it back at its owner with just as much speed and power. Akihiko easily caught the throw, with his arms covered in blue lightning.

“Akihiko! That form!”

“Don’t worry. It may not be the full [Lightning God Armour], but its enough.”

He smirked as the lightning left his arms and went towards his legs. He kicked off the ground, shattering the ground beneath him and readying his spear to stab through Six’s skull.

Ibuki who was seeing everything happen in a slowed down speed noticed Six preparing something. She couldn’t make out what exactly, but she got the sense that Six had absolute confidence in his abilities. Her eyes then turned to Mori and Yoshitatsu fighting Five.

Five appeared to be a swordsman, wielding two curved blades. The fact that he hadn’t been overwhelmed by Yoshitatsu already was enough proof of his capabilities, but with Mori in there, it wouldn’t be long till he caved in.

She needed to help the others as they were in a weakened state. Normally, she would have her summons here, but they were not available. The only way she felt she could properly help the others was to use strengthening spells.

“[Body up]! [Speed Up]! [Vitality Up]! [Stamina Up]! [Strength Up]! [Neg Cancellation]! [Dragon Body]! [Maximize Damage]!”

She raised her hands and casted the buff up spells on the others. The magic was casted without spells or runes, simply what she envisioned. One of the benefits of Draconic magic. Unfortunately, after doing that, she crumpled to floor in pain.

She grasped at her out, panting out and trying to control her breath. The scales spread out further on her skin. She could feel a bump forming on the other side of her head and a rage welling up within her.

When she looked up to see the fight, she couldn’t see the clan heads or the cardinals. All she saw were tiny balls of light moving about slowly. There was something about those balls that made her even angrier. Like she had to crush those balls in order to feel satisfied.

But just then, she snapped back and saw the clan heads and cardinals going at it. Yoshitatsu and Mori were completely overwhelming Cardinal Five and Akihiko was in a stalemate against Cardinal Six.

She had to help Akihiko or things could go badly.

~Destroy the tower~

Before she could help him though, a voice spoke into her head directly. She looked to the highest floor in the tower and automatically started chanting a spell. She completely blacked out.


Unbeknownst to those inside the palace, a magic circle so big over a 1000 people could be squeezed into it was floating just above the Imperial Palace.

This magic circle was the result of Ibuki’s mind being lost to her affliction. It possessed enough power to raze a fifth of the entire capital city to the ground.

In front the emperor’s chambers, a young boy took his first steps for the very first time in his life.

Tap, tap.

His footsteps created little noise and the way he stumbled showed his inexperience, but the child did not once fall or lean on a wall. He had both arms spread apart while walking, as if he were on a tight rope, balancing himself.

Whether he was aware of it or not, after every step he took, he left a dark inhumane footprint on the ground. Darkness spread from these footsteps into the hallway behind him, but he never once looked back.

He just walked towards a destination he himself was not sure of. He saw injured men and corpses, but paid no mind to them.

The boy took a pause when he came to a portion of the palace where there was a hole. He held his chin curiously.

“What an odd design for an imperial palace.”

He stated innocently while looking out onto the city. Before then, something else caught his starved eyes. Above the palace, a massive magic circle was floating above his palace. He inspected it further, and received information on the magic circle.

It was one that would destroy his palace to the ground.

“How do we stop it?”

He asked, not wanting to lose his home the very moment he learnt to walk and explore it.

“Hmm, I need to stop the magic caster? But where are they?”


“So close. Ok, you’ll help me, right?”


Humming a happy tune, the young boy walked in the direction he had been told.

In a matter of minutes, he arrived on the floor where he could hear a lot of noise. He opened the doors leading to the hall where he spotted seven people currently fighting and ravaging the area.

“What? I just spread my arm out? Like this?”

He raised his arm before the people and they all stopped fighting. They all looked at him with expressions that could only be described as fearful.

“It worked, just like you said it would.”


“Yeah, that one person is still moving.”

He looked a corner in the room. Through the normal eye, one wouldn’t see anything odd there, but a powerful gust of pure magic blew through that spot. A sound like shattering glass exploded, as did the wall and over there, a girl in a red hood with white hair was glaring at the boy.

“It’s the girl from before.”


“Killing her is a bit muc-”

Before he could complete his sentence, one of the people was charging at him with a dagger aimed at his head.

The young boy had no fear though. His ancestor said he would protect him and his ancestor had never lied to him. Not even once.

Another one amongst the seven jumped in just in time to kick him out of the way. He was slammed into the girl in red and both of them fell outside the palace.

The man who did this deed was bowing to him.

“The Dark Church is at your disposal, my lord.”

He, Cardinal Five, said with all the seriousness he could muster.

“My ancestor says you are trustworthy. I believe your name was Five?”

“Yes, my lord. I have done as you said so we may hasten the rebirth of my goddess.”

“In due time.”

The young boy was more interested in the girl that just fell out the building. He walked towards there and couldn’t see them anymore. Both the girl and man were gone. Again, his eye fell on the magic circle above the castle.

“Oh, that…”

While looking at it, there was a loud roar behind him. When he looked there, all he saw was a dragon about 10 metres tall. The dragon was glaring at him and ready to release a breath attack on him.

“That’s the cause of the magic circle?"


"I really don't want her to die though."

<A/N: This was supposed to end in 3 chapters… I ended up with 5 almost 6… the problem with writing when you have so much you want to put down. Cause of that I cut this chapter short.>

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