My Reincarnation As A Chicken

Chapter 248 Attack Of The 8th Grader Pt.II

“What say yo-hmm? Thou art not my query.”

His eyes widened as he looked at me. Shock quickly replaced his once confident gaze. He looked around the room then his eyes settled down on one tiny kitten glaring at him. The kitten was flying next to him and the boy smiled as soon as he identified it.

“Ah~ There you are.”

He grabbed the kitten with a joyous expression.

‘Leave my mother alone, you fiend! Nya~’

It warned the weirdo, but he received the kitten with a joyous smirk.

“Finally, my new master.”

The kitten, not too pleased with his behaviour, bit his finger. However, that was barely an itch to the young lad as he didn’t react to it. I grabbed the kitten from his grasp and instinctively summoned my wings.

‘Oi, oi! Stay away from the kitten.’

I warned him, but he frowned at me.

“What are you doing? Bring back the child.”

An order? Pfft.


With that, I teleported out of the room. From the looks of things, he wasn’t out to kill anyone, so I could rest assured they were safe as long as they remained unconscious.

I reappeared inside the cave where I had Ulva hide. I received an attack from Arisu, but easily swerved her.


Kawaii was excited to see me, but paused when she saw the little kitten in my arms.

“What is that?”

She glared at it, but I didn’t have time. I rushed over to Ulva and Grimm.


Sensing my urgency, he had a difficult expression on his face.

‘The queen sent her vampires here. We need to get both of you out here.’

“Big sis?”

‘Grimm, mention the safest place you know. I’ll teleport both of you there. Keep Ulva safe. I’ll come get you guys when everything’s settled down.’


‘There’s no time. Mention anywhere. I will get you there.’

In truth, I was relying on [God’s Wisdom] for this, as it could teleport to quite literally anywhere on the continent. Grimm was trying to tell me something, but reading his mind, I wasn’t going to accept what he was saying.

‘You must know somewhere safe, right? You’ve been hiding from them for a while.’

I was starting to hyperventilate. I hadn’t done so in a long while.

Why was this happening? Why was everything so hectic all of a sudden?

A wave of calm hit me while I was thinking. A let out a huge sigh and looked down into my arms.


The kitten meowed while in my embrace. I looked at it closely and a thought came to mind.

Wasn’t that brat Julian here for just this kitten alone? If I gave it away, there’d be no issues, right? It was as easy as that. Give the kitten away and everyone is safe. I go back to my daily activities.


Why was I finding it so hard to come to that decision?
I had quite literally no emotional attachment to the cat. I looked at it and it was looking back at me innocently.

Clicking my tongue, I looked away.

‘Ok, in that case. I know what to do.’

The council had come to a conclusion. The chances of this working were quite close to zero, but we decided to roll with it for now.

“Ulva, Grimm, Kawaii, Arisu… get into my stomach.”



In front of Diane’s tree, the residents of the west bore witness to the hands of God parting the tree in half. From the sky, a black container dropped into the tree then both hands disappeared as if they were never there.

The monsters all stood up in high alert and nervously watched the tree. After a moment of silence, the tree formed an opening and a being walked out from this opening.

He exuded an overbearing aura that would put any weak creature to sleep. Contrary to what the being expected, not even a single monster present was paralysed. They all glared at him with what could only be called ‘Fear’. No, that wasn’t quite it.

If anything, the term ‘Survival Instinct’ was all he could see in them. And not the kind where they’d try to run. All of them looked at him like they were willing to fight to the death.

A sight the boy couldn’t help but find ridiculous.

“A pack of monsters, eating as allies? Laughable! Now come at me, you horrendous mutts!”

He ordered and spread both arms apart, as if to embrace all the creatures of Larm.

They all glared at him and stood up, ready to pounce on him and tear him limb from limb for interrupting their happy meals.

Before Hinotori, they were all forced to hunt and kill each other. Never in a million years did any of them imagine a scenario where they’d be eating, talking and working together. It was a blissful peace for them and they had already made up their minds on the night Hinotori gave her speech that they would maintain such a peace.

In all truth, the reason why the creatures didn’t run was because of the intangible link between them known as the ‘Familia System’. With it, they could all feel their bonds and through these bonds, a thought appeared subconsciously in the minds of all the creatures.

‘If we fight together, would we lose?’

There was a sense of unity that drove them to this conclusion. Over a thousand monsters versus one boy. Even if some died, a grand majority would live.

Thoughts like ‘I’ll fight so someone else can live’ popped up in the heads of some. Though usually inconceivable for the less honourable races like the goblins, they all now possessed such feelings of conviction.

The destruction of their former weak bond to Hinotori and the renewal of a much stronger bond was what caused all of these things to happen.

Right now, there was absolutely no monster in the Hyakkiyako Familia that would try to run from a powerful foe once they had their allies next to them. For their Queen and for their lives, they would stand their ground till they received an order saying otherwise.

“Like we’d ever listen to a stupid human brat!”

The one to say this was a hob-goblin. Clothed in imperfectly altered attire and brandishing a newly forged sword made by Sylphie. A trio of hob-goblins behind him smirked as they brandished their weapons as well – a bow, a spear and magic.

This hob-goblin was Baka and the trio behind him were his sworn brothers. One of them was a new addition to the party, but he had more than proven himself to Baka.

These hob-goblins would proceed to earn names for themselves for being the first to stand up to the insolent attacker.

The Idiot Squad would lead the Hyakkiyako Familia to their first defeat in history!

After twenty minutes of intense fighting, the young boy sighed and looked at the mountain of unconscious monsters.

Naturally, him killing all of them would cause a great upset in the balance of things which would only lead to further his Lady’s displeasure with him.

He held his shoulders and shook, thinking of all the horrible things she would do to him.

From afar, one would think this was his fear showing up. However, after over a century of torture, he had come to accept torture as his lady’s form of blessing him. He was willing to kill every single monster that opposed him, but the were more interesting things to do at the moment.

He looked far towards a waterfall that was quite a way away. He held his chin and ‘hmmed’ curiously at it.

In the dryad’s abode, he noticed two interesting things. The clone and the blonde he’d mistaken as his query. However, now that he was out, there was something far more interesting.

He could sense a being of presence rivalling his Lady.

Only a handful of people came to mind when he thought about it, but those people couldn’t be the case. He’d met them before and could easily tell them apart. This was new. Fresh. Like it didn’t belong in the current world. An anomaly to his Lady’s plans it would seem.

“Oh dear, it would seem I have just one job of a higher relevance than acquiring that child.”

With that, the millennia old vampire butler walked towards the waterfall. To him, he was walking, but others only saw a blur moving.


Meanwhile, inside the Beehive, the real Yokino’s eyes snapped open.

Her clone had just been killed with literally no effort and that frightened her. She looked at the person who was sitting down eating roasted fish and looking at something through a magically weaved web.

“Oi! Some crazy vampire just attacked the meeting. This wasn’t part of what you told me!”

She jumped down and held the person by the collar. All she got was a powerful force that threw her back.

“Tch, do not touch me like that. Also, what do you mean by crazy vampire?”

The home invader asked, sounding oblivious.

“I thought as queen of the vampires, you had a good knowledge of every single vampire in existence.”

“Well, if you don’t describe this vampire how am I supposed to know them?”

A good argument was shot back. Yokino sat down and rubbed her temples.

“Ok, um. He looked like a kid. Maybe 12 or 13, short, black hair, has an eye patch and wears a butler suit.”

“Anything else?”

“He speaks like a bloody chuuni. You know, um, I don’t know how to describe it.”

While Yokino was trying to find the words to explain, her guest’s eyes widened at a sudden realisation.

“Fucking hell. Julian’s here?”

The other person exclaimed, clearly not pleased.

“That’s his name? Anyway, can you just get him to stop? Cause the chicken just did some crazy shit with an egg and God parted Diane’s tree and stuff. The whole meeting was thrown into disarray. Everyone’s unconscious other than Akira.”

Her voice was distressed. She couldn’t rush in to help because she knew that fighting that vampire would lead to nothing but death.

“Still waiting for an answer.”

She blinked… and the house invader was no where to be found.


A stupid sound escaped her mouth.

“V-Vampire Queen?”

She looked around, but that person couldn’t be seen. Even her senses didn’t work on the person. Yokino gulped, knowing what exactly the person had done to run away. The one skill that hid its target away from even the eyes of reality. That person’s ultimate skill, [Zeroth Wall].

“Vampire Queen, huh? Truly the most curious thing to come out of thine mouth.”

A childish voice echoed in her ears. In this darkness, one red glowing eye was glaring at her deviously. She could feel a weird pain as she observed it and slowly backed away. With her night vision, she managed to make out his childish figure as he walked elegantly towards her.

“You are a vampire, yet you do not originate from the Realm of Eternal Night. A lesser being. I shall take you back once I have completed my mission.”

He declared. Yokino, completely nervous tried to run away, but wherever she turned, the red eyes were waiting for her.

“Odd… It can move in my presence. A fresh blood would have instinctively bowed to me.”

As if he didn’t even consider her a living being, he had delegated the title “It” to her.

“W-What are you doing here?”

She forced the words out of her quivering mouth. Although they were barely audible.

“Even weirder, it speaks.”

“Answer me!”

This time, putting in more power in her voice, she ordered. The little boy was taken aback, then shrugged.

“I found an interesting side attraction while on the job. Oh well. I shall be back.”

With that, the boy left the cave. Yokino fell on her knees, panting heavily.

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