My Reincarnation As A Chicken

Chapter 25 - Exploration

Day 13

I spent that night on a tree branch right over the corpses. After much thinking and self-revision, I came to the conclusion that I was simply frustrated and took out all my stress on Minerva. I didn't know why, but I simply couldn't care about the dead humans. It was probably because I didn't know them before.

I wanted to eat their corpses, but what I hoped to be the human part of me wouldn't allow for it. There was no need to eat them. I wasn't hungry and considering they died so easily, they definitely weren't strong, so I doubted they had any useful skills. So in essence, I really didn't need to eat them. That would have simply been a waste of time.

So, for now I would look for a new nest. Or at least that was the plan till I heard some weird sounds and screechy voices. When I looked down I saw green monsters. Goblins.

They were scavenging through the dead bodies for goods. One of them picked out a dagger and looked at it, grinning gleefully. Another found a pocket watch and was instantly captivated. Another looked through a sack he found and nodded happily at the sight.

I was surprised however to find the goblin I met earlier. They little guy who asked me to help him catch food for his village. He picked up a belt and started chewing on it.

'That's not for eating, idiot.'

I sent a message to him using [Telepathy]. He looked around for the source of the voice. As ȧssuming as it might have been to see him shit his pants in fear, I wasn't in the mood.

'Up in the trees.'

He looked up and saw me. His face adorned a smile after seeing me.

"Oh! It is you! The Tyrant's pet."

The others looked up at me with scared expressions. They were seriously still thinking that Minerva would do something to them?

'Don't call me that.'

I warned him. Seriously, I didn't want that to become an actual title.

"O-Oh… alright."

The goblin seemed scared and a bit down.

'What are you doing out here anyway? Isn't it too early for you guys to be moving around?'

"No. This is the normal hunting time! We do this every day!"

'You specifically, because it seems like I only meet you hunting.'

I tried for a joke to make myself better but then

"This is punishment for bringing you to the village.

'Oh… ah…'

"Chief said I shouldn't have brought a dangerous monster like you to the village even if it was with good intentions. He said you might have burned the village down to cinders if you felt like, so as punishment I will go hunt every day."

He sounded really depressed and I could understand why. That was basically a death sentence for the weak goblins. I could ȧssume that the goblins went out in daily shifts, so no goblin goes two days in a row to hunt. However this guy was being forced to go out every single day. The chances of him being killed were exponentially increased now. And if he didn't die to some gruesome monster, the stress would eventually accumulate till one day he died of it. Even human ȧduŀts couldn't go through an entire seven days of non-stop work. They would break down.

Wait. Goblins aren't human. That probably meant we didn't work the same. He probably wouldn't get stressed out then. He'd just die at the hands of a monster. Ah well.

'Hmm, sorry.'

I apologized to him.

"You better be!"

He rudely responded. I looked away from them and decided to ignore them. They finished whatever they were doing and were about to leave, but then the goblin came back.

"You can talk!?"

He yelled at the top of his voice.


The green guy kept pestering me till we started talking about why I was still there. He said he had really wanted to talk to me but because I couldn't speak back then he couldn't. I explained to him that I developed [Telepathy] and he asked me how he could get that skill, but since I couldn't tell him that it was because of a unique skill I had, I simply lied.

I mean, if these guys killed Minerva's mother because she was going to give birth to a rare type of goblin, what would they do to someone who had a unique skill? Ok, that was the wrong way at looking at things, but still. You can never be too cautious with goblins.

I ended up telling him about the problem with Minerva and why I couldn't return to her cave and stuff. He told me to follow him back to the goblin village and that I would be treated like a god there. I didn't want to but he managed to convince me to go back to his cave with him. To be honest, I think I just went there to see if he would get executed for bringing me there a second time.

When we got there, as expected the goblins were scared shitless. It was quite comical, but apparently Gorm wasn't around so I would have to wait a while. The other goblins were insulting the guy again, but he didn't care. Some threatened to beat him to a pulp, but he ended up running to me instead and they wouldn't dare come close to me.

Oda came back earlier and she greeted me. I spoke to her to see her reaction and she acted completely unfazed. It turns out she was very shocked and that nonchalant façade of hers was just her being really shocked. I nodded at the fact that I really did hit the kuudere jackpot and grinned happily in my mind.

She asked me why I was in the village and I explained the situation to her, she being one of the few creatures in the forest I felt I could trust.

She nodded her head and told me to wait for Gorm. Oh yeah, if you don't understand how they can understand me even with [Telepathy], the agent was translating for me. Having such a skill was quite useful, no?

So I waited a bit for Gorm. He wasn't coming and I was getting bored out of my mind. It had gotten to the point where little goblin kids were coming to play around me. Oda saw me and broke into a smile, almost laughing. Feeling embarrassed, I said I was going to explore for a bit and Oda said she would come with.

Apparently she was bored as well so she would just follow me wherever I went. I asked her if there were any places she thought I would like to visit and she said she didn't know much about me so she couldn't tell. But if I just wished to explore, maybe I could try the |Forbidden Dungeons| even though it was ill-advised to do so.

Apparently it was created before even Larm created the forest and the being who did so wielded unimaginable power or something like that. It was probably a god or something like that, but if I could enter that dungeon and conquer it wouldn't I get stronger?

Well, that was the goal, so when I went there with Oda, she refused to enter further into the place. She was really scared so I just went off by myself. When I entered I received a notification that I had entered a dungeon.

I felt that was odd because it would be like the system saying I had entered a house if I entered a house. So that meant the system had some sort of connection to the dungeon or if there were more in the world, dungeons. Eventually, hopefully I would find out that connection.

When I entered, a bunch of skeleton in rusty armor came to life. The average skeleton was D+ rank, which was a rank beneath mine. That was scary, but they weren't really durable and seemed weak to fire since my [Fire Breath] was actually causing a lot of damage. It didn't take long for me to destroy a lot of them and go up 3 levels.

Since I was hungry and felt like getting more powerful, I decided to eat the bones of the undead. Well, I wanted to eat the bones, but then some undead skeletons came up out of nowhere. They were all bigger than the ones I just fought and wore pitch black armor with massive swords and shields. They all had ranks C+ and were led by a skeleton in golden armor with four limbs. It also possessed a C+ rank, but its stats were in a different league as compared to the others.

That skeleton chased me out of the dungeon and I ran crying for my life. When I got out there, Oda was waiting there for me and I could see her distressed expression. She ran like hell when the skeletons came out of the cave and seeing as she wouldn't be fast enough, I grabbed her by the shoulders and flew faster than I normally did.

We promised to never speak of that incident ever again. And Oda had a sort of refreshed look on her face. I decided I was tired for the day so I would hunt down a few rabbits for food. I managed to satiate my hunger and get some for Oda to send back to her village. I asked her why she wasn't eating it right there and she told me she preferred it cooked. I asked if she could cook and she told me that Gorm had taught her how to.

I was sort of angry, but it was more fault for… in fact no one was at fault here. At least I found out they could cook so I decided to at least taste her cooked food. We walked back to the village with a medium sized sack's worth of dead bunnies.


And then I got the title |Bunny Slayer|. I sighed and just left off to the village.

The day was also unsuccessful and useless because I couldn't find my twigs. It was really bugging me out thinking about how they might have died. San's death was still lingering in my mind and I felt sort of guilty for it. Same for the first guy I killed. Ah well, he tried to fight me first. Maybe I should have created new spawns.

We went back to the village where Gorm was waiting. The goblin guy from before was currently surrounded by four goblins and was fighting for his life. His execution it would seem.

I went next to Gorm and asked what was happening and he said he was punishing the little guy. I simply shrugged it off and Gorm asked what my purpose there was. I told him I had been kicked out by Minerva and he told me I was welcome to perch around his village. I just shouldn't eat his goblins.

I told him I wouldn't so I found a tree to perch on. After that, Oda gave them the dead rabbits and they celebrated that night. I simply wanted to sleep, but Oda came to me with the cooked bunny for me to taste. I was honestly disappointed. There was no salt in it! The damned skank didn't know how to cook.


[Hinotori entered a dungeon]

[Hinotori went up 3 levels]


[Name: Hinotori

[Species: Golden Demonic Hen Level 8/30

[Status: [Hungry]

[Age: 13 days

[Rank: D

[Titles: |Newborn in a New World|, |Rare Species|, |Survivor|, |Named Beast|, |Bunny Slayer|

[Blessings: |Blessings of the Ancient Goddess ****|, |Blessings of|

[Level: 24 Exp: 120/1,030

[Health: 1000/1000 Stamina: 1700/1700 Strength: 150 Speed: 520 Defense: 140 Dexterity: 148 Intelligence: 36 Luck: 41

[Skills: [Evolver], [Analyst], [God's voice] [Lustful Gaze], [Imprint], [Golden Demonic Hen Cry], [Aquatic Form], [Peck], [Black Wayne Caw], [Auto Mapping], [Poison Generation], [White Viper Scales], [Sprint], [Acrobatics], [Blood Sucking], [Soul Consumption], [Terror], [Prey Instinct], [Fire Breath], [Black Thread Creation], [Thread Control], [Stealth], [Mana Perception], [Magic Perception], [Dark Vision], [Flight], [Spore Generation], [Sap spores], [Poison Gas Creation], [Spawn spores], [Co-ordination] [Poison Resistance], [Pain Resistance], [Cold Resistance], [Goggles], [Heat Sense], [Mental Damage Resistance], [Sensors], [Feelers], [Auto Regeneration], [Timber Wolf King's Howl], [Hunter], [Size Manipulation], [Charisma], [Devil Miasma], [Mental Pain Resistance], [Predator], [Slime body], [Pain Nullification], [Heat Resistance], [Assimilation], [Telepathy], [Fiery Kick], [Aura Resistance], [Murderous Aura Resistance]

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