Day 15

Last night was a real mess and I didn't even want to think about it.

How did the Timber Wolf King not see the importance in creating an alliance? Had she already resigned to serving under Krull?

It was dawn and I had been woken up by the Agent. This was because of the journey I had today with the sprite.

The dryad had been waiting for me, looking no different from usual. Except this time, she had a pink lily pad on her head.

"Good morning."

'Erh… good morning? Is that a sort of fashion trend amongst the sprites?'

She looked at the lily pad then giggled. She was so refined and lady-like. The opposite of Minerva.

"Um… no. This lily pad is something that allows dryads to move long distances away from their trees."

'Oh? So why do you have it? You're not a dryad.'

"Uh… It may be true that I am a sprite, but it is so that Lady Diane can manifest herself before us at any point."

'Oh-ok. So that woman wants to keep an eye on us, eh?'


She responded without a care in the world. Diane really didn't trust me even after throwing all the responsibility on my shoulders. Maybe I should have tried to run away, but it would be best to get through this. Maybe I would acquire some very useful skills along the way and if I defeated a tyrant, wouldn't that be an insane boost in power for me?

'You said it would take us a full day to get there?'

"Or two, yes. It is quite the journey."


I thought out loud.

"Did something happen, Hinotori?"

'Oh, nothing really. I'm just amazed by how big this forest is. That must mean there are tons of places to go to and explore, right?'

"Well yes. There are different spots in the West that I am certain you would love to see."

'Oh? Like where?'

"There's the watering hole, the forbidden dungeon, the Murt'ark ruins, the-"

'Wait… What did you say!?'

"The Murt'ark ruins? It's the-"

'No, no, before that.'

"The forbidden dungeon?"

'Yes the forbidden dungeon. As in like a dungeon, dungeon? With gold and relics? And an elder lich zombie skeletons and all that?'

"Oh? So even Hinotori has some sort of common knowledge about the world?"

Usually, that would have been offensive, but considering I am new here, I would just ignore it.

Afterwards, she told me the story of how a certain human sorcerer created a tomb in the west of the forest. Apparently he was friends with Larm and so he was the only human permitted to live in the forest, which was weird considering how much they say Larm hated humans. He later died and his dungeon had been protected by skeleton soldiers ever since.

That must have been the cave I accidentally traveled to when I tried to explore earlier. I wondered what kind of things were down there. If I survived this incident, I definitely wanted to check it out. I also wanted pay-back for what that skeleton did to me. Chasing me out of the cave like some kind of animal. The nerve of that thing.

'Now that I think about it, Oda was there with me, no?'

"You have been there bef-"

She suddenly tensed up. I knew perfectly why she did so. Something was rushing at us. Quickly. It didn't take long for the creature to jump out of the bushes, startling all the tiny creatures around. When it had settled down, it faced us then said,


'Hey… you… rat dude…'

That was awkward. I had prepared myself for a fight, but I calmed down when I recognized who's aura that was. It was the rat man leader from before. I wondered what he wanted. He didn't have a name so it was sort of difficult to call him.

"It is I, the leader of the rat men!"

He valiantly declared although his looks didn't match. He was a giant rat about the size of Gorm. His fur was dirty and black with mud all over his hands or feet? His eyes were pitch black and he had a bag slung over his ċhėst with a belt containing five daggers and pockets for various reasons.

'I know that. Why are you here?'

He cleared his throat, then boldly said

"I have come to aid you in the King recruitment mission."


"It is as I said. I wish to help you in this mission to recruit the kings into our ranks."

I was so confused at the moment. Wasn't this the very same guy who didn't volunteer to do this when I suggested it last night?

'Wait… did you come here because you wanted to spend time with the cute sprite at my side? No thank you, dude, go away.'

I grabbed the sprite and brought her in closer with my wing.


'So you did come for her?! Leave!'

"What? N-no! I just came here because you have shown to be completely incompetent, not managing to convince the timber wolf king to help us."

He brought up the terrible night from before and I wouldn't accept this embarrassment lying down.

'Huh? How is it my fault for something that was beyond anyone's hands? Also don't you have to be training your group?'

"The thing is, we the rat men are already organized. I just need to leave the matter to my second-in-command and I can go anywhere."

'Sa sa! That's just you being lazy, isn't it?'

"It is not being lazy when you have carefully handled it all."

'Tch, he's right.'

"Aha! So you do agree? Then I will be tagging along."

'Before, how did you know about last night?'

"Like I said, we the rat men have eyes, ears and noses everywhere in the west. There is nothing we don't know that happens in the West."

'Fine. I take it you know where we're headed then?'

"Ah yes. The Bee Hive."

'Ok then, I guess it's the three of us.'

With that, the sprite, the rat man and I set off towards the spider king's home. I really needed to give those two nicknames or something.


'Hey, you guys?'

I called out to the two who were walking ahead of me.

"What is it, Hinotori?"


They responded like such, not even stopping in their tracks to face me.

'I've been wondering about something. Why are names such a big deal around here? Whenever you speak to me, you mention my name and like ninety percent of the sentient creatures don't have names. Is there some sort of taboo?'

The rat man looked back at me with a look of disbelief and the sprite looked like she had been expecting me to ask something like that. They both then looked at each other.

"Is she serious?"

The rat man asked the dryad, and she let out a refined giggle.

"It appears so."

'Hehe… sorry, but I'm sort of an airhead.'

I told a lie, so as to avoid many questions, but he glanced at me with suspicious glares, then said

"Very well then, I believe you should answer the question, seeing how your kind know more about this stuff than the other races in the West."

"Very well then."

They had decided that the sprite would answer my question.

"You see, when a magical creature is blessed with a name, it is proof that the creature has been acknowledged by a higher being."

'Oh? So that's why it was a big deal to you guys?'


'So in that case, how does one get acknowledged?'

"A magical creature should have done something to attract the attention of the higher beings."

'Is that how you planned on getting a name, rat dude? By fending off the East's forces?'

"Ah? Yes. I will prove my worth during this battle and earn a name from the higher beings that will be watching."

'Wow. So that means all those with names must have done some serious stuff, huh?'

"Yes! Sister Diane for instance was given her name because she has been monitoring this side of the forest for over a century now. She was rewarded by the Forest King for her diligent work."

'A c-century!?'

"Ah yes. She is the oldest of the dryads in the forest even going to have become what people call a nature spirit."

Just how old could these dryads live up to?

"That old hob-goblin Gorm must be something else."

I remembered that hob-goblin chief who was something like a brother to Minerva. I didn't know if she still cared for him though. Yeah, she probably did although it didn't look like she had given much thought to his request. I guess that was just in her stubborn nature.

"Oh, it seems I forgot to mention, that in some rare cases, magical creatures get named after evolving."

'Oh? In that case, wouldn't it be easier for you to try to evolve, rather than to try to gain a higher being's attention?'

That seemed like the likeliest chance of ever getting a name. Still, was it really important to be acknowledged by someone stronger than you? That was the same as being happy that you were weak. No one would want that. I wouldn't want that. I wanted to grow stronger. So strong that I would be the one looking down on everything.

'Eat… consume… everything.'


A voice came into my head.

"Like I said, it's only in rare cases."

The sprite misunderstood my yelp.

'Haha. I'm guessing Minerva received her name from the forest king?'

I changed the topic.

"I'm not too familiar with how the Tyrant of the West got her name, but we speculate that that must be it."

'You aren't too familiar? What about you?'

I then directed the question to the leader of the rat men.

"I am not too sure of it myself. Even amongst the rat men, the Tyrant of the West is a bit of a mystery. Apparently when she was talking to Larm, all creatures within hearing range passed out. Also when she was born, her mother nearly destroyed a portion of the West, and I'm sure you can't argue that they should have risked their lives for something like that."

'Yeah, I see your point.'

Gorm himself never told me how Minerva got her name. Maybe I'll ask him after all this is done.

"Are there cases of creatures naming themselves?"

They both broke into laughter, making me blush red.

"Such a thing is impossible."

'I-It is?'

"Well yeah. I have not heard of a magical creature ever naming itself."

'What about humans?'

"What about them?"

The rat man asked

'Well, do they also have to earn their names or something?'

"Maybe. I'm not sure. I haven't had a chance to interact with humans."

"I haven't been taught anything about humans except that they are savages who just try to harvest our resources to satisfy their greed."

Oi! What kind of things are sprites taught!? Then again, she had a point there.

'Yo, agent! Does the same thing happen with humans?'


What? Why?

<<Human souls are different from monster souls. As in, a human soul is already a defined designate whereas monster souls are irregular and unrefined. Names clarify these souls and refine them to bring something similar to a human soul. These souls are called Named Souls and are given access to a lot of benefits refined souls have access to >>

'What? This makes no sense. What the hell is wrong with you agent? How do you give such a crap explanation?'

<<Sigh… >>

'Eeek! Did you just sigh?'

<<Notice: It is impossible for the skill [God's Voice] to 'sigh'>>

'But you just did! Ah!'

<<Notice: In the world, there are various kinds of souls. The basic kinds that every living creature is born with can be separated into two types. The Whole Soul and the Incomplete Soul. Every human being, elf, dwarf and other races are born with a Whole Soul, giving them access to benefits that an Incomplete Soul would not gain. For example, access to the afterlife. An incomplete soul on the other hand is what every monster is born with. This soul is an amorphous mass with no true shape that has more disadvantages than benefits. This soul is said to be incomplete because it does not possess a 'True Name' as the Whole Soul's do, making it incomplete>>

'Ah! Now I get it! So all monsters have Incomplete Souls that need to be named so that they can pass on to the afterlife. So they basically just want to see heaven after death.'

<<That may be the goal of some, but it is not the goal of all monsters that seek names. Most are just born with a craving for a name. The chances of monsters knowing the truth of their souls is close to zero>>

'Ah… that's kinda serious. Damn, so there is nothing awaiting monsters after death? And they don't know this? Ah… that's kind of… damn.'

I went silent after a while, thinking about how dire their situation was. But, I quickly got a new mindset about it. Before I didn't really believe in gods, so I ȧssumed there was nothing after death. It was probably the same for these monsters. Well, they were monsters, so this knowledge probably wouldn't really affect them much.

'Wait a moment! Oi! Then how was Shiro able to name me! I was human before, no? So I should possess a Whole Soul.'

<<Notice: Before the human Tatsumaki Shiro named you, your soul was incomplete. You were an average monster>>

'What…? You gotta be kidding. I was human before.'

I tried to laugh off the stupid comment.


'Ah… maybe something happened to my soul during my reincarnation that made my soul incomplete. Does that mean a portion of my soul got destroyed or is somewhere else in this world?'

"Speaking of names. How did Sir Hinotori get a name?"

The sprite caught me off-guard.


"Oh yes. I too am curious. Please, do tell."

They looked at me with expectant gazes and I flinched. How could I tell them that a human, which they didn't seem to get along with much, gave me my name?

'What to do? What to do? Agent. You got any suggestions?'

<<Solution… say the word "Humans" >>

'Humans? Isn't that something I would want to avoid at all cost?'

<<Notice: It is the best option>>

'You sure? Won't they think it's quite odd?'

<<Affirmative. This is calculated to have the highest chance of success. Look down, be quiet for four seconds and activate [Aura Control] to a certain degree then say the word "Humans" >>

I was a bit skeptical, but I followed the agent's orders. I felt it was a bit melodramatic, but then the agent activated [Aura Control] causing the two to flinch. The mood felt sort of odd, but then I said exactly what the agent said.


They both looked at me curiously for a moment then looked down.

"I see. So that's how it is." The rat man smacked his head and said with a solemn voice. "It must be a very painful memory. We understand if you don't want to talk about it."

"Indeed. Certainly a creature as strong as Hinotori must have a serious story to tell."

The sprite said.

In the end they completely misunderstood the situation. It would be too much of a bother for both parties if I attempted to explain. Was this the agent's plan all along? To increase my 'bad boy rep' with these two?

'Anyway, it's getting sort of difficult to call you guys the dryad and the rat man. I asked you this because I wanted to ask if I could give you nicknames or something, but it seems like that's impossible as well.'

"Uh? What are you trying to say?"

'Er well, I said I wanted to give you nicknames, but that seems to be impossible.'

<<It is possible for you to give them names>>

'Huh? It is? But I thought it could only be done by a higher being. Oh! Wait! I named Ichi, Ni and San! Why is that? I don't even have mana!'

<<Notice: The reason for this is unclear for you. But normally, a creature can be named by a stronger being that can sacrifice Mana to name them. This is the reason why magical creatures, who are on the same level of power are incapable of naming themselves>>

'Oh? So that's why the other creatures couldn't name themselves? Still, I can't give these two, names. Like you said, I don't have enough MP. In fact, I don't have any at all.'

<<Notice: It is as you say until your mana circuits are built>>

'Oh right, when are my mana circuits getting completed?'

<<Approximately 252 hours, 27 minutes and 30 seconds>>

'In 'me' words, please'

<<Notice: Post evolution into a Golden Demonic Hen, the creation of your mana circuits have sped up. The process is estimated to end in the next 10 days>>

So literally after the fight with the east. What kind of bull was that!? It was disgustingly inconvenient yet convenient. A damned paradox.

'Anyway, I might be able to give you guys names after the battle with the East. That's if you haven't gotten any names and you are still interested.'

When I said this, both of them stopped walking. I must have asked something I shouldn't have. What a bother.

'Not saying that you aren't getting names or anything.'


Suddenly, they looked at me with gazes of excitement. It was a complete one-eighty from the cold atmosphere just a second ago.

"So if we perform well during the invasion you will bless us with names?"

The sprite asked


"Huzzah! I shall prove my worth during this battle to earn that name!"


"Hahaha! When I tell the others, they will be so jealous!"

"I know right? My friends won't leave me alone. Oh Sister Diane, I may be able to talk to you like an equal after this."

"It's settled then! Let's do our best!"

"Yes! To earn the names."

And just like that, they had decided for themselves what would happen after the invasion. To think names would help make people so close. I let out a sigh. Once again, somebody misunderstood my words and are explaining them to suit their wishes.. I hoped everything ended well.

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