My Reincarnation As A Chicken

Chapter 38 - Promised Rewards

Sakura petals danced in the wind, slowly descending to the ground. I was currently in what looked like a pasture of silver grass, with a single Sakura tree behind me. I had been standing here for a while, doing nothing but enjoying the scent and sight. I didn't want to admit it, but the realization dawned upon me. I died. Well, there was no room to whɨnė about it now.

'Ugh… that was painful.'

I thought, rubbing my neck with my wing. For some reason I maintained my bird form even after reincarnation.

"I bet it was."

A voice said, startling me.

'Huh? Who are you?'

I looked around and noticed the voice coming from behind a tree. A bit scared, I didn't dare go near the owner of the voice.


The person moved from behind the tree, revealing a girl in my school uniform – a skirt, blazer over a white shirt with a red tie loosely fitted around the neck – with tanned skin like a surfer. Her sandy brown hair was shoulder-length, complementing her pretty face. She was the spitting image of someone I knew from my world.


I asked.

"You don't know the name of one of your very first benefactors? I feel insulted now."

When the figure completely came from the behind the tree with her hands raised in peace signs and a mischievous grin, I saw her eyes. They possessed a weird symbol with various colours. I would have mistaken them for kaleidoscopic eyes, but that was more like heterochromia. I then realized who this Maya faker was.

'My benefactor? A creep like you can't be the great Ancient Goddess that created the world.'

"Excuse you! I am someone who has been with you since before the very moment you hatched into this world! You are right, I am not the Ancient Goddess, but I am something better."

She pouted her cheeks and whɨnėd.

'Eh? Who the hell are you?'

"Do I really need to spell it out for you? I thought you were actually smarter than you let on."

'Shut it, you stupid system master!'

"So you did know who I was."

'Of course I did. This is the perfect moment for you to make your debut and try to make me feel awe and respect for you and all that nonsense, right? You even used Maya in an attempt to seduce me and calm me down. Well that ain't working here so show your true form.'

"Disappointing. But it is as you say, I, the Creator of the System and its rightful master, Alpha, have decided to grace you with my presence. I'm sorry, but I can't show you my true form just yet."

'Boo! Boo! Bring in a different system master!'

I yelled.

"Is there really nothing I can do to change your opinion of me?"

She was faking being hurt by my words.

'Huh? You want me to think highly of you? Give me lots of unique skills then!'

"Seriously? You know too many unique skills can kill you for good, right?"


She ignored me.

"I'll give you something better."

'Eh? Better?'

"Yeah. Two pieces of advice. First, beware of the he who watches from the shadows. Total creeper. Second, be mindful of the girl who doesn't know time. She could be your downfall."

'Eh? What's that supposed to mean?'

"Can't say more. Takes away all the fun. Still, stop acting so stupid. You might actually die one of these days. And there will be no coming back."

'Oi, oi, stop waving death flags for me.'

'You're a weird one, but you've been helping me out all this while in your own weird way, so I guess I'll trust you this time as well even though I have absolutely no idea what you are saying.'

"Teehee~ Good. Bye then. Hurry up and grow strong, kay?"

My vision was soon clouded with bright light. I could only remember her bright smile as everything faded away.

"Oh yeah. I forgot to mention it, but I hope you like the little gift I left you."


Day 24

I woke up to the sound of constant dinging in my head that was giving me a headache.

When I opened my eyes, I saw all sorts of alerts popping out. Maybe because of my headache, my vision was sort of weird.

[You have completed the forced quest: Protect the West from the East]

[You can gain XP now]

[You can use all your unique skills now]

[You have received your blessings once again]

[You have completed the Side Quest: Defeat the Ogre Tyrant without killing it]

[You have received the following rewards]

[You have received the unique skill: Remorse]

[You have received 300 stat points]

[You have received 10000XP]

[You have leveled up]

[You have leveled up]

[You have leveled up]

[You have leveled up]

[You have leveled up]

[You have gone up one level]

[You have unlocked the function: Title Effects]

[You have received the Title: Saint]

[You have proven yourself worthy you kind and holy soul. +20 damage when dealing with enemies weak to holy or light magic]

[You have unlocked all system functions]

[You can now choose from various evolution options]

[You have unlocked the Item Box]

[You can now store items in your item box]

[You have unlocked the System Store]

[You can now purchase items from the System Store]

[You have received 100 store points]

[You have unlocked Familia System]

[You can now arrange the members of your familia in a hierarchical order]

[You have unlocked the Complete Skill System]

[You can now level up your skills]

[Some higher beings witnessed your battle and were impressed]

[You have received the |Demi-Goddess of Wisdom Mekala's Blessings|]

[You have unlocked the title: Strategist]

[You are a smart strategist, laying out good plans that end up helping your team win. Your Intelligence has gone up by 10 points. Your strategies now have a three percent higher chance of success.]

[You have received the |Divinity of Mischief, Loki's Blessings|]

[You have unlocked the title: Trickster]

[You cunning bastard. Always scheming in the background just to see your targets fail miserably. Your Intelligence has gone up by 10 points. Your opponents are now likelier to fall for your traps]

[You have received the |Demi-god of War's Blessings|]

[You have unlocked the title: Persistent]

[You really don't like to lose, do you? Your Strength stat has gone up by 20 points. Your stamina stat has gone up by 300 points]

[The Nature Spirits were touched by your actions against the East]

[You have received the 8 Nature Spirits' blessings]

[You have acquired affinities for 8 elements]

[You have acquired the title: One Loved by the Nature Spirits]

[Wow, the spirits actually like you? Nice. Any ability that has any relation to the nature spirit has gained +20 effectiveness. You have gained resistances to all the 8 nature elements]

[You have acquired the skill [Elemental Barrier]]

[For not killing your opponent, you received the title: Compassionate one]

[You kind soul. How merciful of you. May you receive favor in your endeavors. +10 luck]

[System Master ##### was impressed with your battle]

[You have received 300 store points]

[You have received 1,000 XP]

[You have received 200 stat points]

[System Master ##### has blessed you with a Name]

[You are now Hinotori Hyakkiyako]

[Your familia name is now Hyakkiyako's Familia]

[All those part of this familia will inherit this name]

[Your mana circuits have been built]

[You can now use mana]

[You have 300MP]

[Your Magic Power is 50]

[You have unlocked the skill [Mana Regeneration]]

[You have unlocked the skill [Mana Control]]

[Due to your demonic origins, you have unlocked the Dark Arts]

[You have acquired the ability [Dark Element Manipulation]]

[The ninth elemental spirit has taken an interest in you]

[You have received the |Ninth Elemental Spirit's Blessings|]

[The Spirits from the Nether are keeping an eye on you]

[You have unlocked the [Basic Fire Magic]]

[You have unlocked the [Basic Light Magic]]

[You have unlocked the [Basic Water Magic]]

[You have unlocked the [Basic Earth Magic]]

[You have unlocked the [Basic Wind Magic]]

[You have unlocked the [Basic Lightning Magic]]

[You have unlocked the [Basic Ice Magic]]

[You have unlocked the [Basic Space Magic]]

[You have unlocked the [Basic Dark Magic]]


I ended up screaming. There were just too many alerts for even me to believe. Just too many things. I felt like my brain would get fried, but I suddenly calmed down.

'Ok, let's calm down. Let's look through all of these, one by one. Ok so I got back all my blessings and unique skills that I had before the event. Good, good. But… wait. I don't need to organize this myself. Yo agent, can you hear me?'


'Yes! I missed you so much! Wait… that's odd, hearing you say "Yes" instead of "Affirmative". Did you go through some kind change?'


The agent gave me no response.

'That's right. You were never much of a conversationalist, huh? Oh well, moving on then. I got a new unique skill. [Remorse]? What kind of skill is that?'

<<[Remorse]: A unique skill that gives the user the ability to copy, give or take abilities of others. When the user is the one giving the ability, a random skill is given to the receiver, depending on their affinity for the skill>>

'... Another over powered ability! What the heck!? This is next level shit right here. Didn't the system master warned me about too many skills? Why did she send me a skill that would help me accumulate a lot? Is there some sort of limitation to the skill?'

<<Notice: The user can do this only temporarily. The allowed time increases with the higher the user's proficiency is>>

'Ah? A stupid limitation! What's the time limit?'

<<Notice: As of now, 5 minutes>>

'Tch. Hmm, 5 minutes? Makes sense for such an overpowered skill, I guess. What's next?'

<<Notice: You have received 500 stat points>>

'Eh? 500 stat points? You now know what stat points are? Or am I imagining things? Whatever. Invest 100 in strength! 100 in speed, 100 in defense, 100 in dexterity. Now it is between luck, magic and mana. Hmmmm… this is tough. Ok, 20 to luck, 40 to magic and mana each! Considering the past events, I would say I need a crap ton of luck. I don't know what the intelligence stat does, though. Next.'

<<Notice: You have received various titles, as well as the system function [Title Effects]>>

'Eh? So you can see the system? But you weren't able to do so before.'

<<Notice: The skill [God's Voice] has always possessed access to the system>>

'Seriously? No, no. I don't remember you having access earlier.'

<<Notice: The skill [God's Voice] has always possessed access to the system>>

'Ugh… sometimes, I wish I could have proper conversations with you. Whatever, elaborate.'

<<The system function [Title Effects] is one that allows your body to produce certain effects that are not natural. They are comparable to skills, but not as easily obtained and do not have side effects unless stated>>

'Seriously? Ok, I see all their descriptions here. [Compassionate One] is sort of underwhelming, huh. Next.'

<<Notice: You have unlocked all available [System Functions]>>

'Huh, I see all of that, huh? I want to check out the store, but I'll do that later. Next.'

<<Notice: Your level went up six times. You have acquired a new skill>>

'A new skill? What skill?'

<<The skill [Devil Form] is a skill that transforms a devil into their true form hidden in hell. It requires the life force to be used>>

'Eh? A devils true hidden form in hell? W-Wait, but then I'm not from hell. Then does it mean the devil that fused with me?'

<<Notice: In your case, it will boost your physical abilities, mana capacity and magic power by five times, but at the cost of one health point per second>>

'Oh, I'm a special case, huh? Well that'd make sense I guess, but why five times?'

<<Notice: The devils have a restriction that prevents devils past a certain level of power from manifesting themselves in this world. This skill was created to allow those devils to bring out their full capabilities for short periods of time and was taught to weaker devils so they may develop much greater power in whatever Realm they go to>>

'In essence, I'm just a basic devil and I don't have any connection to the devil I fused with?'

<<Notice: Your body was altered into one that could fuse with a devil's. You did not acquire that specific devil's skills, just the average skills any devil could acquire>>

'Hmm… I see. A bit underwhelming, but I can manage with that, I guess. Wait. Does that mean if I get too strong past a certain point my level would be capped?'

<<Notice: That is unknown>>

'Tch… t-that might be a problem.'

My possibly getting nerfed because I achieved too much power wouldn't be good for me.

'Ok… what's next?'

<<Notice: Your Mana circuits were built while you were sleeping. You possess the ability to utilize mana and magic now>>

'Yaaasss!!! Finally! I've been waiting for like, forever! And I see I acquired lots of magic?'

<<Affirmative. You acquired basic magic for nine elements. Due to your devil part, you have acquired the ability to manipulate the actual Dark element as well as access to various forms of dark magic through the skill [Dark Arts]. The higher its level, the more dark magics and power you will acquire>>

'S-Seriously? That's so damned badass! Hehe, now I can be a dark flame master, like that guy who was chuunibyou in middle school, except I actually have powers. What's next?'

<<Notice: A new section was added to your status screen. The [Talent] section>>

'Talent? What's that?'

<<Notice: Talent is the measure of growth of an individual. The higher rating your talent gets, the faster your growth rate. This cannot be altered>>

'I see… next.'

<<Notice: The System Master Alpha has decided to bless you with the name, Hyakkiyako>>

'Huh? A new name? Hyakkiyako? Y-You mean… why would you give me such an ominous name you stupid system master? Ah, whatever. What's next?'

<<Notice: That is it for the inspection>>

'Hmm? In that case, pull up my status screen.'


[Name: Hyakkiyako Hinotori

[Species: Golden Demonic Hen Level 14/30

[Status: [Full]

[Age: 23 days

[Rank: C-

[Race Rank: Tier 2

[Talent: S grade

[Titles: |Newborn in a New World|, |Rare Species|, |Survivor|, |Named Beast|, |Bug Slayer|, |Sturdy Body|, |Lucky One|, |Saint|, |Strategist|, |Trickster|, |Persistent|, |One Loved by the Nature Spirits|, |Compassionate One|, |Family Head|

[Blessings: |Blessings of the Ancient Goddess ****|, |Blessings of the System Master, Alpha|, |Blessings of the Demi-goddess of Wisdom, Mekala|, |Blessings of the Divinity of Mischief, Loki|, |Blessings of the Demi-god of War|, |Blessings of the 8 Nature Spirits|

[Level: 29 Exp: 105/ 4590

[Health: 3100/3100 Stamina: 4000/4000 Mana: 340/340 Strength: 298 Speed: 880 Defense: 340 Dexterity: 281 Intelligence: 45 Magic: 90 Luck: 65


[Unique Skills: [Evolver], [Analyst], [God's voice], [Hunter], [Remorse]

[Passive Skills: [Auto Mapping Level 4], [Acrobatics Level 6], [Prey Instinct Level 3], [Mana Perception Level 4], [Magic Perception Level 1], [Dark Vision Level 3], [Heat Sense Level 3], [Sensors Level 2], [Charisma Level 5], [Mana Regeneration Level 1]

[Active Skills: [Lustful Gaze Level 1], [Imprint Level 1], [Golden Demonic Hen Cry Level 2], [Aquatic Form Level 1], [Peck Level 4], [Black Wayne Caw Level 2], [Poison Generation Level 3], [King Viper Scales Level 1], [Sprint Level 5], [Blood Sucking Level 1], [Soul Consumption Level 1], [Terror Level 1], [Fire Breath Level 1], [Black Thread Creation Level 3], [Thread Control Level 2], [Stealth Level 1], [Flight Level 6], [Spore Generation Level 3], [Sap spores Level 3], [Poison Gas Creation Level 2], [Spawn spores Level 3], [Co-ordination Level 4], [Goggles Level 3], [Feelers Level 1], [Auto Regeneration Level 2], [Timber Wolf King's Howl Level 1], [Size Manipulation Level 3], [Predator Level 5], [Slime body Level 4], [Assimilation Level 3], [Horn Protrusion Level 1], [Stomp Level 1], [Telepathy Level 5], [Fiery Kick Level 1], [Devil Miasma Level 2], [Beetle Armor Level 1], [Centipede Armor Level 1], [Acid Spit Level 1], [Compound Eyes Level 1], [Stinger Level 1], [Taunt Level 1], [Shoot Level 1], [Devil Form Level 1], [Human Form Transformation Level 1], [Elemental Barrier Level 1], [Mana Control Level 1], [Dark Arts Level 1], [Dark Element Manipulation Level 1]

[Affinities: [Fire Magic Affinity], [Light Magic Affinity], [Water Magic Affinity], [Earth Magic Affinity], [Wind Magic Affinity], [Lightning Magic Affinity], [Ice Magic Affinity], [Space Magic Affinity], [Dark Magic Affinity]

[Magic: [Basic Fire Magic Level 1], [Basic Light Magic Level 1], [Basic Water Magic Level 1], [Basic Earth Magic Level 1], [Basic Wind Magic Level 1], [Basic Lightning Magic Level 1], [Basic Ice Magic Level 1], [Basic Space Magic Level 1], [Basic Dark Magic Level 1]

[Resistances: [Low Poison Resistance Level 6], [Low Pain Resistance Level 4], [Low Cold Resistance Level 3], [Mental Damage Resistance Level 5], [Mental Pain Resistance Level 5], [Pain Nullification Level MAX], [Low Heat Resistance Level 4], [Low Aura Resistance Level 2], [Low Murderous Aura Resistance Level 3]

'Ah! They weren't kidding when they said skills now had levels. What about the skills that saw "low"? Do they evolve or something? What about those skills that don't have such things? Do they just keep on leveling up? How do I even level up skills? Well, from the looks of things the more I used a skill, the higher its level.'

As I was thinking to myself, Ulva walked in.

"Big… sister?"

'Seriously still calling a chicken your 'big sister'? Ulva?'

She froze, looking at me with wide eyes.

'Is something wrong with me- Ah!'

After her stare, I began to scan my own body. I was surprised that instead of the usual golden feathers, I saw light olive skin. As my vision went down, I could make out a flat ċhėst, slender arms and legs. I tried to touch the skin with my right wing, but instead, a right arm moved to touch the skin. My right arm. I could feel it. The skin was smooth and without blemish. Much like a baby's. I moved my hands to my head and I could feel hair. The hair was honey blonde and curly, but beyond shoulder length, reaching as far as my lower back. I could feel my head, perfectly round and small.

'E-EEEHHHHHHH?! I'm human again!?'

I was shocked by the new developments and proceeded to think it through.

'Was this what Alpha meant by she hoped I would like her gift? Making me a human body? She really knew what I would have preferred, didn't she?'

Ulva cut off my thinking by running and grabbing me in a hug. It wasn't really strong, but I was surprised she was so happy to see me. I hadn't even interacted much with her. Maybe it was because I was the first monster she managed to trust in this forest? Still, I didn't even look how I normally did now.

'Ah? You like hugs or something?'

"I love them!"

She showed me a white smile with her two sharp fangs, almost scaring me.

"When did you wake up? What happened to you? Why aren't you a bird anymore? Why do you look like a little girl? You are so pretty. Your golden hair looks nice and you sme-"

'Oi, oi, what do you mean "Why do I look like a little girl"? Can't you see I'm a g-g… girl?'

I looked down and suddenly remembered that I was a girl.

"Big sister? Are you… ok?"

I sighed.

'No point thinking about it. Yeah. I'm cool. Anyway, how did the whole, you know, thing go?'

"Oh. It ended. You almost died though."

I just realized, but this girl, when she was comfortable around people she talked a lot. Or it was just me?

'Haha, you don't need to remind me of that. Just explain what you remember.'

She then explained to me what happened after I passed out.

Eventually I turned back into a bird. My transformation was a new skill of mine called [Humanoid Form]. It made me eat up twice as much stamina keeping up so I guess I wasn't going to be using it often till I was sure losing twice as much stamina as normal wasn't a problem.

Now, Diane had decided that we were going to be doing a grand reward ceremony in front of her tree for everyone to see. I was nervous for many reasons.

One was because almost every single creature that fought in the war was staring at me. I wanted to tell them to look away, but I couldn't. The other was because of the thing sitting next to me while eating an apple.

He was a beautiful man with golden hair and dull grey eyes. Azure blue scales that were probably harder than a wyvern's had covered him from neck to toe and two sharp horns protruded his head. He had a long tail reaching out from his buŧŧ and although they weren't visible now, Ulva and Yokino told me that he had wings.

Oh that reminded me. Yokino was the name I decided for the insect king. It means cheerful, but I'll lie to her that it means annoying. Just to bother her.

Anyway, this blonde fellow was Goliath. Apparently he ended the whole invasion nonsense and resurrected everybody who died there. It must have been the skill [Overlord]. I could tell he was strong, but when I tried to use [Analyst] on him, he literally said "T'is a tad rude to pry on people's personal information. But the great me, will let it slide this time." And now I was too scared to try with him.

Also, why was I the one doing the rewarding!? Tch, it was not fair. I wanted a reward too.

Anyway, sitting next to him were Diane and Minerva. I honestly did not expect her to participate in this, but apparently it was because Goliath told her to. He told Minerva to do something and she obeyed. How does one do that!?

"Lady Hinotori."

The tree sprite called me and I stepped forward. Kneeling in front of me were the five hob-goblin leaders and one of the two goblins from last time. Unfortunately, the other guy didn't really do much in the actual battle. When I was observing the battle from yesterday, I was impressed with how they handled the situation without showing fear, so I decided to give them all names (Mostly because it would be odd giving only Gorm a name when they all did equally as much). I was thinking of giving Gorm something other than a name since he already had one, but he said he would happily accept whatever name I gave him and I was glad to hear it.

Naturally, Gorm was the first to receive a name, as the general of all the soldiers and what not.

'I will call you Shitsuke.'

[Will you donate 10MP to name this creature?]

'Just 10MP? Sure, why not?'

The hob-goblin shimmered with a golden light then looked up to me.

Then I heard Goliath coughing. It would seem that he choked on his apple. I would ignore that since he definitely wasn't going to die from that.

"Hinotori-sama! May I become your servant?"

Go-erh- Shitsuke said something odd.


"I want to become your servant."

'Woah, woah. You're sure you want to become my servant?'

He nodded confidently and a window popped up.

[The Hob-goblin Shitsuke wants to become your servant. Will you accept?]

Ø [YES]/[NO]

'Yo Agent! There's absolutely nothing wrong if I do this, right?'


'Like, I won't end up becoming his slave by accident like last time?'


I let out a sigh of relief then said.

'Very well. I guess you can become my servant.'

[You have acquired one servant.]

[Congratulations: You have acquired 150 minions]

[You have acquired the Title |Family Head|]

[Your Familia has grown! Your charisma has increased!]


[Would you like to see your Familia Status Screen?]

Ø [YES]/[NO]

'Um… sure?'


Familia Name: Hyakkiyako's Familia

Familia Level: 1 Experience Points: 152/1000

Status: Village Level 2

Familia Head: Hyakkiyako Hinotori

Familia Captain: (Please select a captain)

Servants: Shitsuke (D)

Minions: Goblin Minions (150)

Number of Members: 152

Family Head Specific Skills (Servants will see this): [Absolute Command], [Experience Share]

Familia Skills: [Mana Share]

Familia Points: 10

'E-Eh? Agent? Explain.'

<<The Familia Function of the system is one that compiles all your servants under your name. You can access their information from wherever you are and >>

'I see…this is actually kinda cool.'

"What is it, Hinotori-sama?"

Shitsuke asked. I had ended up accidentally sending a telepathic message to him.

"It's nothing. Moving on to the next person."

I moved to the next hob-goblin. He was twice as large as Shitsuke

'I'll call you Oki.'

[Do you wish to use 10MP to name this creature?]

'Yes please'

The goblin also shimmered with a golden light, then he looked at me.

"Hinotori-sama! May I also become your servant?"

'Huh? Did you learn that from Shitsuke? Also why would you want to become my servant!?'

"It's just that I know that the creature Gorm- oh sorry, Shitsuke would follow would definitely be a great creature."

'Oh. Is that it, huh? Sure, why not?'

[You have acquired one servant.]

[Congratulations! You have acquired 170 minions]

[Your familia has grown! Your charisma has grown!]

I moved on to the next person. Oda who wasn't exuding that weird aura from earlier. Although now, she seemed a bit darker than before. There was something ominous about her. It gave me goosebumps thinking about it.

'What reward do you want? If you ask me, I'd say we should force Diane to feed you goblins every day. I mean, she forced us into this whole situation.'

I tried for a joke, but it wasn't really effective. Her eyes were weird now, a bit darker.

"P-Please change my name."

'Are you sure?'

She nodded. I looked behind and noticed every one giving her weird glares. All the goblins that is. I wondered what that was about.


She answered without hesitation. I sort of felt a bit bad for the person who named her.

'Hmm… Ok then, I'll call you Tsuna.'

I read somewhere that the name Tsuna stood for the Calm Storm. Although back home, it represented Bond. I liked the former definition since it made me think about my first time meeting her where she completely obliterated the tree and the second definition, sort of had a meaning for me, since she was one of the few creatures I believe I had a bond with. Same thing with the light happened again. I wondered what purpose it served.

This time I didn't receive any alerts. Was it because she was under Shitsuke?

I moved to the next hob-goblin. He was honestly speaking, plain. Well, he had potential for in the body department. Maybe he could become some strong lean monster or something.

'I think I'll call you Taiku.'

"Hinotori-sama, may I become your servant?"

[The Hob-goblin Taiku wants to become your servant. Will you accept?]


[You have acquired one servant. The hob goblin Taiku]

[Congratulations! You have acquired 130 minions]

[Your familia has grown! Your charisma has grown!]

Then I moved on to the cruel looking hob-goblin

'I will call you Nukeme.'

[Do you wish to use 10MP to name this creature?]


"Keke… Hinotori-sama. May I become your servant?"

He licked his dagger in a creepy way.

[The Hob-goblin Nukeme wants to become your servant. Will you accept?]

'Ah? Don't I basically have all the goblinoids in the west as my minions now?'

[You have acquired one servant. The hob-goblin Nukeme]

[Congratulations! You have acquired 160 minions]

[Your familia has grown! Your charisma has grown!]

"Very well."

I moved on to the elderly-hob-goblin woman.

"I will call you Yuuna."

"A truly wonderful name. May I also swear my fealty to you?"

[The Hob-goblin Yuuna wants to become your servant. Will you accept?]

"Ok, sure."

[You have acquired one servant. The hob-goblin Yuuna]

[Congratulations! You have acquired 109 minions]

[Your familia has grown! Your charisma has grown!]

I was done naming the hob-goblins and the next was one goblin. I didn't really think much of them, but considering they were a part of the only three goblinoids that could still stand even after the invasion, I decided to. I mean, it would be weird if I just gave the hob-goblins and didn't give him, right?

'You. I think I'll call you Baka! Henceforth, bȧrė this name proudly.'

I spoke to the goblin who tried to kill me on that fateful day. I saw Shitsuke stifle a laughter. I intentionally made it so he could hear me.

[Do you wish to use 5MP to name this creature?]

'Kuku… Oh, it's just 5MP, this time? Cool. Fufufu.'

When I looked at his shining body, I tried to stifle my laughter, but then I heard somebody else laugh. I recognized that annoying laughter as the spider's and when I looked, she was definitely laughing.

'Wait… why is she laughing? She shouldn't be able to get the joke unless she read my mind? Even if she did, unless she understood Japanese, she wouldn't get it?'

I ignored her then moved to the next one. I was disappointed that the other goblin wasn't here though. He was the one I liked.

I shrugged then moved to the next person. The leader of the rat men. I could tell he was excited, but then he maintained a straight face.

'I will call you, Reiman. Bear the name proudly.'

[Do you wish to use 10MP to name this creature?]

I hadn't given much thought to his name… in fact, I literally had no time to give him or anyone here a proper name. Maybe Tsuna and the spider, but then the others? Nope. Not at all.

The rat man shimmered, then said.

"I shall. And Lady Hinotori. We the rat men are prepared to serve under you."

When I looked behind him, I saw a hundred and something rat men, bowing to me. The others were probably running about the forest. I looked at the two tyrants sitting right behind me to see their reactions. For a creature to come out of nowhere and steal their subordinates, they must have not been pleased. However, Minerva was picking her nose while holding the slime in her hands and Goliath was still choking on his apple with Diane at his side, like he didn't care in the slightest about what I did. Then again, if I was as powerful as he was, I wouldn't care if a few creatures left my side.

[The Rat Man Reiman wants to become your servant. Will you accept?]

'Ok then. Welcome aboard.'

[You have acquired one servant. The Rat Man Reiman]

[Congratulations! You have acquired 1500 minions]

[Your familia has grown! Your charisma has grown!]


[Your familia has gone up 1 level]

[You have received 1 Familia Point]

The number surprised me. It was so much I couldn't help but glare at the rat man who was beaming with light. This guy… I was really dealing with idiots, wasn't I? I moved on to the next person since I didn't want to accidentally fight him.

Next was the tree sprite. Her eyes were glittering and that was scaring me.

'I'll call you Sylvie.'

[This tree sprite possesses a unique skill]

[Will you use 150 mana to name her?]


"I-Is there something wrong?"


Damn it! Why did I forget that she had a unique skill? And why was the price so high?! Ah, whatever. I would just name her. I couldn't disgrace myself here when everyone was watching.

"Lady Hinotori, m-may I-"

'I don't suppose you want to be my servant, do you? What about Diane?'

"I- Lady Diane already has several Tree Sprites. She said she wouldn't mind if I left."

She stammered at first, but said the entire thing. I glared at Diane who gave me a cold smile. I simply decided to add her to the crew.

[You have acquired one servant. The Tree Sprite Sylvie.]

[Congratulations! You have acquired a servant with a [Unique skill]! You may receive a blessing from the higher being supporting them]


I decided to move on to the Wolf King.

'Moving on. So I thank you, Wolf King. Had you not intervened in the last minute, I don't know what would have happened there.'

'Think nothing of it.'

She towered above me. Even amongst the timber wolves she was quite big. She and her brother were like giants among their clan members. That stubborn bastard refused to participate in today's events.

'Ok, I'll call you Shiroi. I hope it's to your liking."

[Do you wish to use 50MP to name this creature?]

'I guess the powerful ones require large amounts. If I name the spider, I guess that would be that.'

The large white wolf glowed and I stretched out my wings. I thought I was done there, but the timber wolves all bowed down to me and the white wolf said,

'The Timber Wolf Clan of Solaria wishes to be absorbed into your clan.'

She said something completely shocking and with a serious tone too.

'EH!? L-like all of you timber wolves!? My servants!? Me!?'


'O-oh. In that case, s-sure.'

[You have acquired one servant. The Timber Wolf Shiroi]

[Congratulations! You have acquired 59 minions]

[Your Familia has gone up 1 level]

'Ah… that's… the timber wolves are beasts.'

[You have absorbed a King into your ranks! The title of Timber Wolf King now belongs to you!]

'Ah… what the hell?'

I looked at Shiroi. Either she hadn't noticed, or she didn't care. She was looking at me with a straight face and I couldn't help but feel like I had done something bad.

The next creature was the spider.

[Do you wish to use 150MP to name this creature?]

'One F-fifty!? On this bug!? N-Now that I think about it.'

I looked at her. I couldn't have the others thinking there was a problem.

'Yo, bug, I've got something to tell ya?'

'What? You can't name me?'

She probably said that as a joke.


'Eh? I'm not going to ask why. Just do it later, kay?'

'"kay?"? You… aren't actually a spider, are you?'

'Huh? What do you mean?'

I ignored her. I was suspecting her to be someone from my past life, but the only person coming to mind wasn't dead. She didn't go to school that day if what Ken and Maya said was true.

So at the end of it all, I named nine creatures and got eight servants and well over a thousand minions. I asked about Sunalla and the water nymphs, but they couldn't make it. Something about water serpents. Then I felt something corroding my leg. When I looked it was Minerva's slime.

'Aww. You also want a name? Sure. How about Kawaii for cute.'

The slime also shimmered.

[Will you make the slime Kawaii your servant?]

'Huh? That's odd. I didn't even use mana for that and the slime didn't ask to become my servant. Whatever.'

[You have acquired one servant. Kawaii the slime]

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