Day 24

'I am sorry, Minerva! Please forgive me for being so stupid earlier!'

I bowed my head and apologized to her. She only looked down at me with an emotionless gaze.

"Die! Stupid chicken!"

She used [Overlord] and I could feel my heart stopping. I could only look at her in complete fear. She looked really angry and disgusted. For some reason, that hurt more than my heart stopping.

Then I woke up huffing and gasping for air. The way I did was too sudden and Ulva's head ended up falling to the floor.


She yelped and reached for her head.

'Sorry. Are you ok?'

"Y-Yeah, but why did you just move?"

She said.

'Sorry. I just… I wasn't… I-'

"Did you have a night mare?"

She asked me. I looked away, too embarrassed to talk about it. The kid then patted me on the head and with a smile, told me that everything was going to be ok.

"It was just a nightmare. Don't think too much about it, ok?"

'I should be the one telling you that. Don't you get nightmares since you got sold?'

Ulva looked up and hugged her legs tightly.

"No. I will be an ȧduŀt next year, so I can't be getting scared over silly things like nightmares."

She said. I wacked her in the head.


'You're only fourteen. You shouldn't be thinking like that. Maybe when you turn 18 you can do whatever you like, but for now, act like a kid, alright? I know I will.'

I told her. She looked at me with wide eyes.

<<Notice: When humans turn 15 they are considered ȧduŀts>>

'E-Eh? Seriously?'

After hearing the agent, I realized I just hit her in the head for saying facts.

'H-Hey, Ulva. Sorry about the 18 year stuff. Just act like a kid before you turn 15, ok?'


She was blushing. Why was she blushing? This girl was seriously too cute. Almost as cute as my little sister from my former life. No, wait. She might have been cuter?

I wrapped my wing around her and that night we both just looked up at the moon. It was a silky silver and I could see what appeared to be the shadow of another moon?

Today, I woke up to something interesting.

[You have 3 Daily Quests! Clear them to receive rewards!]

There was a notice in front of me. I decided to check out the daily quests since it sort of reminded me of video games from back home.


1. Hunt down 5x horned rabbits [0/5] (Incomplete)

2. Enter a dungeon [0/1] (Incomplete)

3. Defeat 1x enemy [0/1] (Incomplete)

'Eh? This… all of these are actually quite chill and easy to do. Hunting down horned rabbits is a daily routine and I guess I just need to enter the dungeon like I did earlier to have cleared that. Finding an enemy will be as easy as that since the monsters are literally trying to eat me at every turn.'

I got up and there was Goliath looking at me while eating an apple. This guy really liked apples, didn't he?

"Stop right there."

I paused in my tracks. I looked at him and he wasn't looking my way.

'H-He probably wasn't talking to me. I'll go then.'

I proceeded to take a step forward and then I heard another order.

"Did thou not hear mine earlier command?"

I looked back and this time he was glaring at me. I gulped and turned around.

'S-Sorry. I just ȧssume that you weren't talking to me.'

I said.

"Humph. Thou does not wish for troubles to befall thine self, right?"

'Um… yes?'

"Then be careful with what thou does with that ability. Do not go about giving names and even if thou does, do it in secret. Others will not be as calm as-"

"Goliath, I am sorry, but I need to interrupt you."

Diane came in out of nowhere, cutting Goliath off. The dragon looked shocked and wanted to complain, but Diane shot a scary smile at him and he shut up.

"Hinotori, I am sorry to inform you, but please get out of my tree. You and the little dhampyr."

'Eh? B-But-'

"I really do not enjoy the thought of meat lovers being inside my tree. Even Lord Goliath has decided to eat only fruits in order to stay here, right?"

She looked to him for confirmation.

"Actually, the great me would prefer some mea-"


She said again and the dragon tyrant broke a cold sweat.


He agreed to her.

"So unless you will stop eating meat, I suggest you and the little girl leave."

Just like that Diane had evicted me. I was too surprised to even follow the events. Before I knew it, Ulva and I were in front of Shitsuke's cave, explaining the situation to him.

"I see, but then, Hinotori-sama, wouldn't it be easy for you to just go and live with Minerva? Surely the goblins here will bother the little girl."

He said. I doubted Ulva could understand him since she was just looking at the goblins with a bit of disgust evident in her eyes.

'Minerva and I had a big fight, remember? She kicked me out.'

"Oh yeah. Just apologise to her. I'm sure she wouldn't mind."

'Hmm? You apologized to her for what the others did, right? How did that work out for you?'


A low blow, I know. But him thinking it was as easy as an apology pissed me off. I was scared to leave Ulva with the goblins, especially after what happened with Minerva's mother. Luckily, the familia system allowed for me to talk to anyone who was a member of my familia no matter how far away they were from me. I called for Sylvie and she came quickly. I told her the situation and told me that she also didn't have a place to stay, moving about from dryad tree to dryad tree like some kind of hobo. I felt kind of responsible for that. I told her to wait with Ulva and that I would sort them out later.

So I went out to go hunt the rabbits. That was no problem and I even managed to get about 1,200 experience points. The system gave a set amount of experience points for monsters it would seem and their complete souls carried the same value. Eating them would give me about 15% of the experience points it would seem. Still, that was quite cool with several features that would make me level up faster.


[Congratulations! You have completed the Daily Quest: Hunt down 5x Horned Rabbits]

[You have received 50 experience points]

[You have obtained 5 Rabbit horns]

[The items have been placed in your Item Box]

It said. When I checked, I could see one box with a horn in there and the number 5 written at the bottom. It really was a like a video game.

'W-Wait… I can store an indefinite number of items in here, right?'

<<Notice: Your item box can store an indefinite amount of 20 distinct items>>

'Seriously? What if I get more items that I need to store?'

<<Notice: You can discard the less relevant items>>

'Uwaa! But what if all of them are really useful?'

<<Notice: You can buy more slots from the System Store>>

'The system store, huh? Bring it up lemme see.'

A screen appeared before me.


User ID: Hyakkiyako

User Level: 1

User Influence: Commoner

Wallet: 400 store points

(Commoner Level 1 - 10 users will have access to low grade products)





'Oh… this looks interesting. Because I'm a low level user I can only purchase low grade items? Makes sense I guess. How do I raise my level?'

<<Notice: Constant purchase from the system>>

'Is that all?'


'Then out with the others.'

<<Notice: You can simply improve your influence>>

'Improve my influence?'

<<Notice: Become well known through other realms>>

'Ah… basically I should become someone that other cities and people know?'

<<… Affirmative>>

'Hm… I don't trust that pause, but whatever. Weapons and accessories, I don't need them right now. Lemme see the skills. Ah… all of these look bad and useless… Maybe I'd like to purchase the [Crafting] skill. It looks quite useful. No, in fact, how is a skill like this low-grade? And it only cost me 10 points!'

I was shocked at the unbelievable sight. The skill [Crafting] as everyone knew, was one that would allow me to create gear, and accessories with the right materials. In fact, once I had this, I wouldn't need the store at some point.

I decided not to think too much about it and just moved on to the next quest, entering the dungeon. I flew over there quickly, thankfully [Auto Mapping] already mapped it out for me so I made it in no time. When I got there however, there was no skeleton soldier moving about like before.

I used Analyst on the cave and was surprised by what I saw.

[Name: Forbidden Dungeon

[Type: Dungeon

[Attribute: None

[Rank: B

[Description: A dungeon created by the legendary inventor, Kaleb Zen a few centuries ago. It is said to possess creatures powerful enough to give kings problems when clearing it]

'Huh… I guess a dungeon's status screen would look different from an item's. Legendary inventor made this and its only B rank? Maybe B-rank must mean it's got tons of B rank monsters in it? I'm still a low C rank, so I don't think I'll be clearing it today. Let me just step in.'


[You have entered the Forbidden Dungeon]

[Congratulations! You have completed the Daily Quest: Enter a dungeon!]

[You have obtained 100 experience points]


[You have received a Side Quest]

[Side Quest – Dungeon Conquest]

[Clear the Forbidden Dungeons Floors (0/5)]

[Rewards – 20,000 XP

10 store points

A side quest came out of nowhere. I was supposed to clear the forbidden dungeon for 20,000 experience points and 10 store points. I looked inside the cave and there was nothing but darkness and dirt. I sighed and moved out.

'Not today!'

Next thing was defeating an enemy. That wasn't as easy as I thought it would be. An enemy was something that would show me killing intent or aggressive attitude. But most of the creatures that would do that were now either friendly with me or just not in the West.

In the end, I found a weird looking Black Wayne. We fought and the Black Wayne was quite ferocious. Our battle was glorious! Or so I would like to say, but the creature wasn't really worth much. I managed to chase it off, but it got away so I didn't eat it.


[Congratulations! You have completed the Daily Quest: Defeat 1x enemy]

[You have obtained 200 experience points]

[You have completed your daily tasks (3/3)]

[You have received 10 store points]

I flew back to where I left Sylvie and Ulva and gave both of them the meat to eat. Sylvie looked at me and we had to think up a place to live.

I decided to ask Shiroi about it and she said it would be ok to live with her in the wolf hills. I decided that that I would go check it out ahead of the two and see if it was a nice place. It wasn't. Wolves were getting violent with each other and there was blood, rotting meat, bones and skull all about.

Shiroi told me that it was just normal behavior amongst them and that I would get used to it. I didn't think Ulva or Sylvie would like the place much so I humbly declined her offer. In the end, I went back and I could have sworn I caught Sylvie eating some of the rabbit meat. She was denying it, but I was certain she ate some of it.

That wasn't really important though. I told them that I had nothing and Sylvie suggested the Bee Hive. I told her that it was too far and she said it wouldn't really matter to her, so I told her to go there. Yokino definitely wouldn't have a problem with her being there.

In the end, I decided to go to Minerva to ask for a place to sleep. I was nervous as shit when I got there, but luckily I caught her before she went hunting.

Right now, she was just looking at me with her finger in her nose. She then looked behind me and narrowed her gaze to Ulva. She flinched under the pressure and crouched.

'I am sorry, Minerva! Please forgive me for being so stupid earlier!'

I bowed my head and apologized to her. She only looked down at me with an emotionless gaze.

"Hmm… kay!"

She said.

'"Kay"?! U-Uhm… You sure?'

"Yes. Minerva will forgive Tori-kun on one condition."

'A condition, huh? What?'

"Tori-kun will hunt for Minerva every day!"

'Ah… you just wanted to get lazy, huh? Fine. I guess I should do at least that much. You like bull deer, right?'

In the end I agreed to her wishes. I moved out to go hunt the bull deer. It wasn't really as much as a hunt as it was me just punching it to death. I was surprised that my human form was so powerful. I had ȧssumed with the appearance of a little girl, I would retain a level of strength similar to that.

Also, I checked out some of my skills in my human form. My centipede armor actually looked badass in my human form and I found out that the long part that was spreading out like a coat tail, was detachable. When removed, it was also like a sword that could be extended like a whip. It was kind of cool.


[Tori acquired 1600 experience points]

[Tori acquired 5x rabbit horns]

[Tori added 20 stat points to strength]

[Tori added 30 stat points to defense]

[Tori added 10 stat points to speed]

[Tori acquired the skill [Crafting]]

[Tori completed the Daily Tasks]

[Tori acquired 10 store points]

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