My Reincarnation As A Chicken

Chapter 62 - Clash Pt.I

The East, War Monger's Fort

A cloaked figure walked through the hallways of the fort nonchalantly. This figure was supposed to be hurriedly sneaking around, checking room by room for what he was searching for but that was simply too much of a hassle for him. He preferred to be slow and laid-back. He basically had all the time in the world to complete his mission after all. When he came across a huge door protected by two kobold guards, he assumed he found his target.

"Hey there!"

He yelled, waving at the kobolds. They looked at each other, confused then back at him.

"I am referring to you two obviously. Do you see anyone else present?"

The two guard began to bark at him.

"Um… I don't understand your language. Sorry, but I need the person behind that door."

He appeared behind both kobolds and placed his hands on their shoulders. The two were immediately petrified with fear and ears flinched.

"You see, if you just let me through, nothing bad will happen."

One guard started barking again.


The kobold fell on the ground, dead.

"I warned you."

He walked towards the door and opened it. The other kobold guard fell on his knees, crying out of fear. He had just met a monster and he knew for sure that there was no surviving. He couldn't even muster up the will to bark, let alone run. This was the end. The message came to him bright as day when he looked at his partner.

When the strange person entered, he was met with a huge room, filled with a ginormous bed and all sorts of necessities for a princess. He scanned the room and sitting on the bed while staring at him with an annoyed expression was an ogress. She was dressed in baggy white robes. She had dark-grey skin with two short black horns protruding from her head. Her irises shown a brilliant golden and her straight hair that reached down to her back was violet. She was Kara, the ogre tyrant's youngest child.

"Who are you and how dare you enter here without permission or notice?"

The man looked around the room while whistling.

"Quite the nice place, you've got. Will be a shame when it all gets destroyed though."

"Huh? Answer my question. Or else…"

The girl's skin crackled with powerful purple lightning as she glared at the man. The man rose his hand as a form of surrender.

"Sheesh. Tone it down. I am a friend of your father. You can call me Grimm."

The stranger who named himself as Grimm then got closer to the girl. She wanted to shoot a bolt at him to warn him not to get too close, but her the lightning suddenly disappeared. She looked down on her body, confused, but couldn't find anything out of the ordinary.

"You… what have you done to me?"

"I just blocked your Magic circuits with my ice needles. Don't worry its temporary. Now, I just need to slow down your blood flow and you will be feeling dizzy, riiight abooouuut… Now."

"Eh? What are you talki-"

She spun about and fell face flat on her bed. He went over and touched her forehead. She was definitely as cold as ice. He grabbed her and threw her over his shoulder.

"Are you done?"

A voice asked and turned his head. The owner of the voice was a fat man with goat legs, a scruffy brown goatee with leave green eyes and little goat horns protruding from his curly haired head.

"Yo, Derby. Long time no see pal."

Grimm tried for a friendly tone, however Derbyshire was not in the mood for his silly antics today.

"Did you get it?"

The stranger took a scroll out of his jacket and threw it at the satyr.

"Yep. Although I don't know what you need this for. It's not like the boss is gonna use it."

He had to waste a lot of time moving about in the fort's treasury, library and even the master's personal space. It took him a great deal of effort and time to do this, spanning over a few days of careful sneaking about and information collection. Grimm could confidently say he knew every nook and cranny of the fort better than the person who built it.

"Hurry up and leave, before more guards find you."

The satyr wasted no time in ordering the strange fellow about.

"Still giving me the cold shoulder, huh? I told you I'm sorry about that time with the iced beer."

Grimm wore a black face mask, with a red jewel on the forehead which made it hard to know exactly what kind of expression he wore, but he sounded apologetic.

"Tell the boss that I will be proceeding to the desert to collect the package as planned. Since you can't teleport me there, I'll just stroll by to see if the West survives."

Derbyshire ignored Grimm.

"Huh? I thought you said the Mad Witch wasn't participating."

"She isn't. However there is an interesting creature there that is leading them against Krull."

"You don't mean a new Imperial or Supreme class monster, do you?"

"No. She was only at the peak of the advanced monster class when I met her."

"So the West stands no chance, right?"

"Humph. Logically speaking, yes. I just want to see how much worth the creature has. Don't you think a creature that gave a tyrant trouble will be a nice present for the master?"

The satyr grinned, contorting his face. Grimm shivered at the sight and opened up a portal behind himself.

"Your grin is still as disturbing as ever. That's why you can't even get a harlot to spend your night with at the Tyvn Broth."

Derbyshire lost his grin and was now scowling at the man in black. The cloaked figure walked through the portal with the princess over his shoulder. The satyr raised his hand over the scroll and said a few words over it. A wind sprite appeared before him. It was a delicate creature with a petite build and little to no coverings over its body. If only Derbyshire could capture this creature for his nefarious purposes.. It took the scroll from him and teleported them both somewhere.

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