Chapter 34: Lord Gents

After exiting the labyrinth, we took shelter in a guard shack and had the monk Valon treat our minor injuries.

The one who suffered the most damage was Greon, who fell from a small hill during the battle with the orc magic warrior, resulting in a strong impact to his back. Overall, the damage was relatively minimal.

However, the atmosphere during our meal was far from cheerful.

It was because there seemed to be no end in sight for conquering the third underground level.

Just like the first level was inhabited by Kobolds and the second level by orcs, it seemed that the monsters were divided by levels. And on that level, there were zombies. There might even be more powerful undead creatures lurking in the depths.

Normal physical attacks hardly affected them.

While Beth's magic had some effect, it wasn't as effective against living monsters. The most effective method seemed to be the priest's "purification," which caused them to disappear. However, dealing with a large number of them was difficult. Moreover, it required close proximity, which posed a risk of exposing Karina and Lina to the enemy horde.

Perhaps due to our party composition, we couldn't help but feel a strong sense of frustration and helplessness.

In games, undead creatures can be defeated with holy weapons and such.

"Um... Is there any weapon or something that is effective against undead creatures like that?" Greon asked, sitting cross-legged. The members looked at each other, and Beth hesitantly spoke up.

"To inflict damage on undead creatures, it is said that weapons made of silver or mithril, or weapons specially blessed in temples, can be effective..."

Ah, so silver weapons are the classic choice for vampire hunting. And mithril exists in this world too. It's like Lord of the Rings.

Hmm? There was silence at this point. Did I say something inappropriate?

"Even with silver weapons, they are quite expensive..."

Money, huh?

Karina seemed uneasy.

Right, we don't have weapons specialized for undead creatures, and it's even worse for a poor lord. Maybe I should have secretly asked Lina for advice on the Lina Q&A instead of asking everyone.

"Lady Karina, we can't just beg the guild for help..."

Unusually, Cecily began cautiously, trying not to offend Karina. But Karina lowered her head.

"It's impossible. It would be even more difficult in this situation."

"However, relying on merchants from other families or their territories is not an option. In that case, the only option is independent merchants..."

"I refuse!"

Suddenly, Karina let out a scream-like voice and showed a clear rejection with her whole body.

"To that man's place, I... um, it's hard to say, but Cecily could go as a representative..."

"What?! No, no, no, no, I can't do something like that! Besides, someone like me, who lacks finesse, can't negotiate with merchants! Please spare me!"

What's wrong? What's with this reaction?

Not only Kalena, but even Cecily seems hesitant, or rather, genuinely disgusted. Is this merchant really disliked to this extent?

I raised the question mark above my head, but no one answered, and the conversation ended up being left unresolved.

We returned to town in silence, but just as we were about to enter, a sentry came to summon me to my cell.

"Come immediately. Bring your sword, and you don't need armor."

I don't understand the situation.

Summoned to the mansion, I was handed a slightly decent set of clothes by a female slave servant and told to change in a separate room.

After finishing changing, I was called and headed towards the entrance, where Zagoo, the knight captain, was standing with an extremely displeased expression. Zagoo was dressed in knight's formal attire, with a chestplate adorned with a crest and a sword hanging from his waist.

"Follow me."

We proceeded along the wide road alongside the thick river, which I passed through for the first time in Toriuma. I recall hearing that this road leads to the city of Douglas, right?

However, after about two hours of progress and reaching a point where a distant castle wall-like structure came into view, Zagoo's Toriuma ahead of me deviated from the road and entered a side path.

"We're not heading to the city."

Zagoo, who had maintained silence all this time, muttered under his breath.

"Um, then where are we going?"

"You'll find out soon... it's about raising funds."

I clenched my teeth and hastened my steps.

After another half an hour, around the time when the sun began to set, we arrived at a location where a sturdy stone bridge spanned the wide river. It was a relatively new bridge, built only a few years ago, with an impressive design featuring arches reminiscent of ancient Rome.

On the other side of the bridge, there stretched tall castle walls that couldn't be seen from the road.

Among the things I have seen since coming to this world, this might be the most splendid structure. However, there is a strange sense of unidentified incongruity about it.

Zagoo stopped his Toriuma at the guard station set up near the bridge.

Four soldiers wearing gilded armor welcomed us.

They should be just ordinary guards, but...

<Warrior Lv.20> <Warrior Lv.15> <Scout Lv.11> <Warrior Lv.10>.

Are they the ones who are strange, or are our levels too low?

"I can see that you are from the Count Orbania's household."

I see, they could tell our status from Zagoo's attire. Their tone is polite, at least in appearance. However, there is an underlying sense that it's all just for show.

"Yes, I am Knight Zagoo of the Orbania Count's household. I have come as a representative to meet with Lord Gentsu."

"The usual procedure..."

"We haven't received it..."

"Then, please wait a moment."

One of the soldiers, a scout job class, ran into the guard station, and a robed man emerged from inside. He is a <Mage Lv.15>.

When the mage listened to the soldiers' report, he closed his eyes as if engaged in a conversation with someone.

This must be the "Telepathy" that Beth used.

Eventually, when they looked in our direction to hear more about the scout's story,


Suddenly, the magician disappeared.

What the hell? Must be magic, right? Like teleportation or something?

As I stood frozen, Lina communicated telepathically,

("I think it's a spell called 'Transference'.")

I see. Did anyone go directly to that guy called Lord Gentsu to inform him?

Shortly after, the magician reappeared in front of the outpost, and the scout who heard his words came running towards us.

Without directly approaching us, the Level 20 warrior, probably the captain, whispered something to him.

The captain nodded thoughtfully and turned towards us.

"We have been granted permission."

Then he relayed the message to his subordinates.

"Escort them as guests to the main building."

Two soldiers, Level 15 and 10, mounted adorned horses instead of Truimas and guided us from the front and back.

As we crossed the stone bridge, there were two more guards with long spears raised in front of the castle gate. However, when the leading soldier spoke to them, they raised their spears and let us pass.

While passing through the castle gate and proceeding along the tree-lined path, I began to grasp the nature of the unease I had been feeling since earlier.

The numerous stone statues standing on both sides of the road were literally those of ancient Greek or Roman figures, probably gods or heroes, and there were also statues of lions and griffins. Including the design of the castle walls and the stone bridge, everything was too much like "the fortress city of Europe that we imagine."

"...Who exactly is Lord Gentsu?"

I leaned closer to Truima and asked Zagoo quietly.

"Hmph, he's an extremely greedy merchant. Moreover... although it's vulgar to say it out loud, he's an incredibly despicable man with no restraint when it comes to women!"

Damn, the old man, the soldiers around heard that.

"...Nevertheless, I still hold the status of a freelance knight, and although it should have been the head of the household who went in response to the debt request, I cannot bear to let an important princess, who knows nothing of impurity, stand before such a man. It's unbearable."

Ah, I see. That's why Carenna and Cecily were reluctant.

However, it's quite a hassle for Zagu, the old man, to go as a substitute...

The mansion I was led to was exactly like an image of a medieval German castle. It could be featured in a Rhine River sightseeing guide or something.

At the entrance, the soldier handed us over to a maid resembling a Lolita, and after surrendering our swords, we were taken to a spacious parlor.

Tapestries, portraits... Even someone like me, who knows nothing about art, can tell that they cost a lot of money.

As I casually surveyed the needlessly grand room, the host entered immediately. In addition to the maids in the room, two more beautiful girls, accompanying him, pulled out chairs and attentively took care of things like preparing drinks.

He had a plump, unhealthy-looking body. Silver-rimmed glasses, slightly receding hair with black natural curls. He seemed like a character whom more than half of the girls would immediately say, "Creepy," upon hearing his first words...

<Wealthy Merchant Level 33>!

By far the highest level I've ever seen.

So there's a job called "wealthy merchant," not just a merchant.

His attire is like that of a court noble, undoubtedly of expensive craftsmanship, but it makes me think of school festivals and costume parties.

And he, too, is staring at me with upturned eyes.

"Welcome, well, please have a seat."

He urged me to sit with his sticky, muffled voice. His name is Lord Gentsu, no doubt about it.

This guy is Japanese.

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