Chapter 45: The Temple of the New Moon

I woke up to the distant sound of a bell.

It was still before dawn.

I felt like I had heard that sound before, but when and where was it?

"It's the temple bell. Today is the second new moon, a day when many people gather for worship," said Lina, the small doll-sized girl lying by my pillow.

"Karina mentioned that on the new moon, it's considered an inauspicious day or something like that."

"Yeah, in this calendar, each month has either 29 days, a small moon, or 30 days, a large moon. Odd-numbered months have a small moon, consisting of 29 days, including the new moon, the 14th day of the waxing moon, and the 14th day of the waning moon, totaling 29 days. Even-numbered months have a large moon, with an additional day called the "Wishing Moon." The new moon is considered an unlucky day and treated as an inauspicious day, so many people take the day off and go to the temple."

I see, Beth mentioned it briefly, but they use the lunar calendar based on the phases of the moon. In that case, they get a day off once a month. People from ancient times were said to work tirelessly, but it seems to be a similar situation in this world.

I had only briefly looked into the temple on my second day here. Lina told me it was related to Job Change, and I'm interested in the local religion, so I want to visit it.

With the experience points gained from the battle on the fourth floor yesterday, my adventurer level had reached 13, but I still hadn't acquired any new skills, and my remaining skill points had increased to 3. As Gen-san mentioned, I suppose I can gain unique skills at level 15. Once that happens, I might consider a Job Change.

When I requested permission to go out to the sentry, telling them I wanted to visit the temple, he misunderstood and said, "You're quite devout, that's a good thing," and readily granted permission. He put the customary golden ring around my neck, but in a society where slavery isn't uncommon, I won't worry about it as long as there's no harm.

To avoid standing out, I decided to wear civilian clothes I got from Ban's inn instead of the military-issued uniform. I also brought only Lina in a leather pouch that looked like a water bottle.

The temple was about a five-minute walk from the barracks, so I managed to join the crowd of worshipers just as the grand ceremony began with the break of dawn.

An elderly man wearing a long robe and a luxurious crown-like headpiece, probably the temple's leader, started chanting long prayers in words I couldn't understand. They had a similar rhythm to the words Cecily used that I would rather not recall, so it might be something called "Genuine Language" or the like.

Following him, the lower-ranking priests on the left and right offered prayers in words we could understand.

However, it is difficult to translate into common spoken language as it contains formal expressions not used by ordinary people. The content seems to involve mentioning the names of various gods, including gods of providence, agriculture, and fertility, seeking their respective blessings.

As I was thinking earlier, this religion appears to be polytheistic. It gives the impression of Greek or Roman temples rather than a Christian church.

There are even gods for craftsmen, merchants, and thieves.

It seems the main prayers have ended, as some of the people who were prostrating and praying before me have now left, while the rest are heading towards the temple. I decide to follow them and see them offering prayers or throwing offerings to their chosen deities.

I wander around the accessible areas within the temple.

There are men dressed as merchants paying respects to fat statues carrying bags, likely representing the "God of Commerce." Large-bellied women are praying before a statue, which could be either the Goddess of Fertility or a prayer for safe childbirth.

As I go further inside, I notice elaborately designed doors, and it seems there's a separate fee to enter there. A boy around middle school age, accompanied by a man who seems to be his father, is talking to the receptionist.

Listening casually, I overhear a young monk-like figure receiving a silver coin and asking, "You want a prophecy of fifteen gods. Do you have a desired occupation?" 

Oh, this seems related to Job Change.

The father replies, "As a successor to a carpenter."

Then the young monk asks for a few copper coins in addition.

Hmm, even for a "prophecy," they require payment to get the desired job? Well, perhaps that's how it works.

After settling at the reception, the father and son enter. I catch a glimpse of the interior when the doors open.

Inside the dimly lit building, numerous statues of gods stand, and surprisingly, many people of all ages and genders form lines before each statue.

I recall hearing that many people start their first occupation at the age of fifteen, but there are also people who don't appear to be accompanying their parents, so maybe Job Change is possible for them too.

I'm not particularly eager to Job Change right now, but I am curious about what I could become. However, I only have one silver coin in my pocket.

As I hesitate, I'm called from behind.

"Oh, could that be Shiro-san?"

It's Beth.

Today, she's not wearing her silver leotard. Of course not.

She's wearing something like casual clothing that can be worn by both men and women—a simple outfit with a waistband and pants in a pale pink color with a plant pattern.

Since she's not wearing glasses, even though I'm quite close, she doesn't seem to be certain that it's me.

"Ah, Beth, um, good morning."

Her expression relaxes in response to my greeting, and the crease between her eyebrows disappears.

"Though 'glasses' are convenient, I feel a bit embarrassed wearing them in town. Oh, I'm sorry. I really like them, though..."

No need to worry about me. It's true that if I wear glasses in this world, people might find it odd. It's like being judged through a colored lens.

"By any chance, Shiro-san, are you also considering a job change?"

This topic seems to have a nice timing.

"Are you thinking about it too, Shiro-san?"

"Oh, I'm still at level 9, so I'm still a bit undecided..."

Gen-san said that more people with level 10 or higher are going through a job change.

"Oh, you've reached level 9. I also leveled up yesterday quite a bit. But Shiro-san, your growth is exceptional, isn't it? Even though experience points are distributed in a party, you're the only one whose level jumps so high. Is it because you're a 'reincarnator'?"

Beth seems to believe my story quite a bit.

We walked to a less crowded area in the temple's garden and sat on large stones placed like chairs. I shared the story I heard from Gen-san the other day.

"Reincarnators may have special skills or extraordinarily fast growth, but not all of them. And it seems that I can't tell my own status even if I look at it. Apparently, there's a hidden skill called 'Growth Rate Boost,' which allows you to level up with half the normal experience points."

When I heard this, I was half surprised and half convinced.

I was surprised at how Gen-san could know about stats that even I couldn't see. Beth explained that he probably had a special skill like "Character Appraisal (Advanced)."

"He said having the ability to assess people is essential for success in business, so he prioritized obtaining it."

That makes sense, as Beth pointed out. In our party, it was evident that only my level was increasing rapidly. I had been wondering if there was a reason for that.

"It seems there are special talents like that. As a magic user, my level-up is a bit slower than warriors and adventurers, but I've never heard of adventurers being exceptionally fast..."

I've never heard that magic users have slower growth, but it does make sense. In RPGs, different jobs have different growth rates.

Perhaps heroes and sages require even more experience points.

Beth mentioned that she aspires to change her job to either a wizard or a sage someday, but she's leaning more towards becoming a wizard.

As an advanced job in the wizard category, there are known roles such as "Magic Warrior" and "Sorcerer," and at higher levels, there's also the "Sage." It seems that "Magic Warriors" are the type to fight in the front lines, while the requirements for becoming a "Sage" are quite strict.

A "Sorcerer" is capable of learning spells different from ordinary magicians and is also suited for instructing others in magic.

"My grandmother, who taught me magic, also had knowledge of medicinal herbs and alchemy."

It appears that Beth was quite fond of her grandmother.

When asked about the advanced job options available to adventurers, Beth seemed a little puzzled.

"Adventurers don't have specific direct advanced job options..."

Oh, is that so?

"It depends on the job's duties and skill growth. Some become combat-focused jobs, while others retire from adventuring and become merchants."

Warriors can advance to become Knights or Swordmasters, while Priests can become Monks or Lords. Compared to these clearly defined basic jobs, adventurers seem to have relatively isolated paths, and many of them continue as adventurers without pursuing advanced jobs.

So, adventurers have limited growth potential, huh?

In the first place, I didn't even choose this job for myself. I just realized that I was reincarnated as an adventurer at Level 1.

That goddess, really...

After that, we wandered around the town, and I had fruit juice at Beth's recommended food stall and ate something like honey-filled bread. It seems that bees exist in this world too, and it was delicious. However, I felt a bit uneasy about Beth treating me.

"Well, I can't let a slave pay... Though it's a low wage, I do get paid."

When she said that, I couldn't say anything. I mean, it's like the typical behavior of a worthless guy, letting a younger girl treat him.

"Is there anything else I can do in return? I'm willing to do any kind of labor for you..."

"Well, anything, you say...?"

She giggled for a moment, but then her expression became a bit serious, and she said, "How about going on a little trip together?"

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