My Return to Life

Vol 2 Chapter 638: Avoid asset risk

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~~~~~~FD20 minutes~~~~



On the first day of March, Shencheng was overcast and rainy.

It doesn't match the word Yangchun at all.

Early in the morning, Fang Nian drove to Mingzhu Primary School first, and then went to Yangpu to catch the first class at eight o'clock.

Yesterday afternoon, I just moved things over, and Fang Xin and Lin Feng haven't lived there yet.

This morning Lin Feng had to accompany Fang Nian's grandmother with Fang Zhengguo to visit Tongfeng first.

Return to Shencheng the day after tomorrow.

The hustle and bustle of the day has just passed, and the excitement of the night hit immediately.

The city of Shanghai never needs rest.

Standing in front of the French windows in the living room of the hotel room, Fang Nian brought a glass of red wine for an unprecedented time.

Looking at the neon lights outside the window.

Fang Nian was relaxed.

After taking his last sip of alcohol, Fang Nian took out his mobile phone to check the time at 8:33 in the evening.

Then dial the number of Guan Qiuhe.

He already had a decision in his heart.


Guan Qiuhe has the habit of everyone answering the phone, the first sentence will be "Hello".

"Hello there."

Fang Nian said: "Sister He is me, my number in Shencheng."

Upon hearing this, Guan Qiuhe asked in a lazy tone: "Why did you think of calling me at night?"

Fang Nian went straight to the subject: "There is a business I want to tell you. You will advise the staff."

Guan Qiuhe in the room over there changed his tone: "You said it."

Fang Nian didn't go around in circles, and said directly: "I want to set up an operation center in Shanghai too."

Guan Qiuhe didn't ask why, but said, "Tell me the reason."

Fang Nian continued.

"There are several reasons. The first point is that the game is now fully on track. We should consider the disaster recovery of the game server in advance.

Shanghai is currently the most economically developed place in China. There are advantages and disadvantages to building here. The disadvantage is undoubtedly the cost, and other aspects are basically advantageous. "

After listening to the first reason quietly, Guan Qiuhe hmmed and waited for the following.

"The second point is that there are more talents in Shanghai, and they can have the opportunity to play a second game, or switch from the game to operations."

"The third point is that while the operation center is being established in Shanghai, a customer service department can be formed by the way."

"The last reason is that I just happened to be fine in the past two days. I am volunteering for a charity event. The theme is helping out-of-school children return to school. I think the company can take this opportunity to support charity causes. This reason is more important."

Fang Nian said all his thoughts.

This last reason is more important to him.

It is also very important to the company.

As an enterprise, having a certain sense of social responsibility is a natural part.

Of course Fang Nian knows that there will definitely be a natural advertising part in it, which is inevitable.

However, this is not a bad thing, just don't take the initiative to promote the ‘greed for fun’.

As a mud boy who was born and grew up in the countryside, Fang Nian recognizes the muddy smell on his body.

To the extent possible, appropriate, reasonable and controllable support for public welfare and charity, especially rural public welfare and charity, is what Fang Nian has been doing since his last life.

In the beginning, it was a small charity donation such as free lunch and a gang of one, and later it was a designated donation in the name of the company.

These, Fang Nian is willing and willing.

Maybe this is that a good person has a reward, so he is not short of money, but he is full of regrets to return to life...

After listening to Fang Nian’s reasons, Guan Qiuhe was silent for a moment before speaking, "Is the last point you want to advertise the game?"

"No." Fang Nian replied earnestly, "If the flow of funds for this charity event can be clearly publicized, I even hope not to be mentioned by the organizer."

"According to the current scale of ‘greed for fun’, about 100,000 yuan is enough."

"No matter what the future will be, I don't want you and me to use charity to show."

Guan Qiuhe said, "Understood."

Then calmly said: "To establish a new operation center in Shanghai, the initial cost investment will indeed be relatively high, but I think it is almost the time now."

"According to data statistics, if there is no accident, the traffic will enter the peak period in mid-August. At this time, if there is a server downtime, it is definitely a disaster, so this remote disaster recovery is a must."

"Since the decision to prepare for disasters in other places, the reserve of talents should be, no matter what, Shanghai will always be the most important financial center in China, and there will be more opportunities for the company and myself."

"I agree with this matter."

Fang Nian quietly breathed a sigh of relief and took the conversation: "Then you will have someone come to Shanghai tomorrow, and the charity fundraising will be held tomorrow afternoon."

Guan Qiuhe responded and said jokingly: "Even if it is to support the voluntary activities of your company's major shareholder, I have to go and see it myself."


The general manager personally took the initiative.

After finalizing the matter, the two of them didn't say much and hung up the phone.

In fact, in addition to these reasons, Fang Nian also has a selfish heart--

Lu Weiyu’s internship.

But this time it will not be done in the way that Lin Nan was arranged.

Just as a backup option.

Fang Nian will not interfere with Lu Weiyu's internship at any company, at least until the relationship goes further.

In addition, if Lu Weiyu's internship itself goes well, this backup option will only be Fang Nian's mind.

This is Fang Nian's first-hand preparation.

He could not see that Lu Weiyu had really come to the scene where he wanted to stop after eating a meal.

It's just that this one-hand preparation covers more levels.

That is, public welfare, corporate social responsibility, disaster preparedness, company development, Guan Qiuhe's career development, backup options for Lu Weiyu.

And all are prepared firsthand.

It is Fang Nian's duty not to publicize public welfare undertakings, but if there are some people who are not in shopping malls who want to slander and discredit the company's image, serious and low-key public welfare undertakings can be a spear and shield.

Here, Fang Nian agrees with Mr. Lu Xun's sentence——

‘I have always used the worst malice to speculate on the Chinese’ can be explained.

Fang Nian does not intend to become rich, but it does not mean that he does not even want the capital to enjoy life.

And enjoying these may make people think a little.

This is the same as ‘I promise that I will not use weapons, but I will never give up holding weapons’...


Not long after, Fang Nian walked into the bathroom and stood under the shower.

After the warm water baptism, his thoughts became active.

Then my eyes lit up: "I'm riding a horse, this is my brain after coming to Shencheng?"

"You can skip the internship!"

Fang Nian only reacted.

Internship materials are a requirement for graduation, but they are not mandatory.

For example, many people will find a unit to get an internship certificate.

There are also some theoretical subjects, social practice survey and research reports can replace internships.

Another example is the postgraduate entrance examination.

"Fucking Lu Weiyu to Fudan graduate students, tut~"

Just thinking of this possibility, Fang Nian smacked his lips.

"This is the best preparation."

Although remembering that going to an internship is not the only option for graduation, Fang Nian has some methods to help Lu Weiyu get an internship certificate.

But isn’t the best solution for Lu Weiyu to take the Fudan postgraduate exam?

It is best to choose a graduate student from the Fudan Department of Philosophy.

At that time, take the undergraduates who are still in their sophomore year, and occasionally be a teaching assistant to give sophomore undergraduates lectures, correct the homework or something.

Hey, siblings will immediately upgrade their teacher-student relationship, right?

Perhaps this is the correct way to open the gold bricks for the female junior college?

Although Lu Weiyu is one and a half years older than Fang Nian, she can't help but skip grades because she has good academic performance!

This night, Fang Nian slept peacefully.

For him, this is what a good life looks like.



Friday, June 19.

Guan Qiuhe arrived in Shanghai on the morning flight.

Fang Nian didn't pick her up because she was a volunteer at the fundraising scene, and didn't even have time to have lunch together.

When Guan Qiuhe was enjoying lunch elegantly at the Four Seasons Hotel, Fang Nian and his classmate squatted down beside Lu Weiyu to have a lunch.

"Fang Nian, do you have something to do, staring at the phone and not eating."

Seeing that Fangnian's box lunch had not moved, Lu Weiyu asked curiously.

From the afternoon of the 17th to the present daytime, the two have been together almost all the time, and they are no longer so strange.

Fang Nian put away the phone after returning the message: "Ah, a friend sent me some messages, let me call you back."

Yes it is.

Guan Qiuhe sent a lot of multimedia messages to Fang Nian.

It was when she learned that Fang Nian had a box lunch for lunch, Guan Qiuhe posted her exquisite lunch pictures...

Lu Weiyu said.

Fang Nian glanced at Lu Weiyu's box lunch, and said, "The fundraising starts at 5 o'clock in the afternoon and it will end at 7 o'clock. Eat more lunch."

Lu Weiyu said again.

...After the final preparations were completed, it was already over 4 o'clock.

There are more people on the fundraising scene.

For semi-official events, the venue is free. Although it is an outdoor area, it is precisely this way that more people can see it.

Some companies and media have been invited.

In short, Fang Nian and the volunteers don't know anything about the leadership level.

Even Wu Shufen didn't know.

Anyway, the volunteers are only responsible for helping as needed.

At this time Fang Nian stood with Lu Weiyu and served as a welcome guide.

"Do you want to donate when collecting donations?" Lu Weiyu suddenly asked in a low voice.

When I asked, I looked ahead, and looked like nothing had happened.

Fang Nian thought for a while, then whispered: "I don't have much money, I only plan to donate two hundred yuan."

Lu Wei said: "I am also two hundred yeah, can you help me secretly donate it by the way, I will help you cover it."

Fang Nian nodded.

It is said that the preparation time for this fundraising event is not short. The branch has contacted some companies. After the fundraiser, there will be passers-by.

You can choose to be registered or unregistered.

In short, the main purpose is to popularize citizens' awareness of public welfare, etc...

...... At five o'clock in the afternoon, the fundraising activity started on time.

Hosts, guests, etc. enter the venue.

The process is not very procrastinated, but the leaders have to say anything.

This is an essential link.

Fang Nian also saw Guan Qiuhe.

Today, Guan Qiuhe, who wore a simple dress, entered the event with no expression on his face.

Of course, I also found Fang Nian, who was serving as a welcome guest, and looked at it a few more times, and there was a smile in the corner of his eyes.

At this time, the host on the stage said.

"The next step is to ask all the good people on the scene to donate generously and donate to us this time to help the'out of school children return to school' activity."


The opening ceremony was donations from companies that were arranged.

The host said passionately: "Thank you Wenda Group for donating 300 sets of desks."



The donations of these invited companies are relatively high for show.

At least in Fang Nian's eyes.

I prepared a huge donation slip early, in the form of a huge cheque similar to a grand prize of 100,000 yuan.

But there is nothing wrong with it.

The company is enthusiastic about public welfare undertakings, and certainly can't just talk about it. If you give out the money, you have to get the corresponding reputation.

This is also the reason why this event was chosen in People's Square.

At this point in time, the flow of people in People's Square is considerable.

In general, the club needs to raise funds, the company needs reputation, and it is a good thing to do a real thing in the end.

"Thanks to these outstanding entrepreneurs for their contributions to our out-of-school children."


The host smiled and asked: "Are there any good benevolents present?"

Guan Qiuhe raised his hand calmly, took out the check that had been prepared a long time ago, and said calmly: "Slightly expressing his heart."

Did not say who he is.

The payer on the check has a name.

Then the host read: "Thank you to this lady for her generous donation and donation of RMB 100,000 on behalf of the company."


The people who stopped were a little surprised.

"Why don't this donation have that big-name brand to take photos of reporters?"

"I don't know, but 100,000 yuan is a lot!"

"Perhaps more valuable than the three hundred sets of desks in the beginning."

"Forget it, you know, it's impossible for a set of desks to cost 300 yuan, even in Shencheng."



It's not just the people who stopped talking.

Lu Weiyu also whispered to Fang Nian, "Is it because of the brochures we sent out?"

Fang Young nodded: "Very similar, but I don't understand."

Obviously he called out, heh, man!

In the subsequent fundraising session, Fang Nian found an opportunity to donate 400 yuan anonymously.

I happened to meet Wu Shufen and went.

"Ah, Xiaofang, what are you..."

Fang Nian explained with embarrassment.

Wu Shufen said with emotion: "You two children are really good matches!"

Fang Nian immediately showed a bright smiling face and left quickly.

Look, Fat Sister has already seen it!

The sky hasn't completely dimmed yet.

The office of the charity branch appears to be crowded.

After arranging several other team members, Wu Shufen looked at Fang Nian and said warmly.

"Xiao Fang, go to the front entrance of the Grand Theater in People's Square at 9 o'clock tomorrow morning. You and Xiao Yu will have a mobile phone, and exchange contact information."

Look, Aunt Wu is thoughtful in her work, she deserves to be the team leader!

Originally, Fang Nian needed to find a reasonable excuse to ask for Lu Weiyu's current contact information.

Seeing Fang Nian nodded, Wu Shufen went on to say: "There is a shortage of personnel in these two days, and it can only be your hard work."

He sighed as he said, "You two are very kind-hearted..."

Fang Nian quickly said with a serious face: "I just came, and I didn't help much, Aunt Wu, don't say that."

The sentimental Wu Shufen smacked her lips and looked at Lu Weiyu again, with pity in her tone: "Xiaoyu is exhausted these days."

"Go back and rest early, you must remember to bubble your feet."

Lu Weiyu nodded, "Okay, Aunt Wu, I remember."

The little pony tail flicked.


After leaving the branch office, Lu Weiyu looked at Fang Nian and said, "Fang Nian, please write down my phone number."

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