My Return to Life

Vol 5 Chapter 744: Buffer; students must go all out

The weather in Shanghai in September was much better.

No longer so rain and fog.

There is no direct sunlight in the afternoon, and the white clouds are fluttering, making people lazy.

After Fang Nian arranged the general direction of affairs, everyone had already started their own actions.

Wen Ye didn't stay too much. He went home to pack up and went to Luzhou. This trip would bring his secretary and some administrative staff.

After all, President Wen is a small expert who travels frequently, so he doesn't need to delay at all.

After a while, I can get on the train with a small backpack and swaying waist.

Fang Nian leaned back in the swivel chair lazily, his eyes wandering without focus.

After a while, Fang Nian stared at him and stood up and greeted Wu Fucheng: "Old Wu, say a few words."


The two walked in tandem and circled the corridor through the corridor to the fitness lounge on the opposite side.

Standing in front of the foosball table, Fang Nian made an inviting gesture and said with a smile: "A game?"

"Okay." Wu Fucheng nodded cheerfully.

Although he is a fresh graduate, he still has little hobbies.

The current Wu Fucheng is far from what Fang Nian had in his previous life. In comparison, Fang Nian was much immature, and it took a long time to reach the point where Wu Fucheng was willing to'cooperate'.

But now, Wu Fucheng is relatively ‘childish’ and not so restrained.

Fang Nian can easily see Wu Fucheng's thoughts.

Therefore, Fang Nian occasionally ridicules, Old Wu, a scumbag, knows so much!


A round of table football ended quickly in the rapid reaction of both sides.

Although Wu Fucheng is sufficiently responsive and considerate, the winner is Fang Nian.

Wu Fucheng exhaled a long breath and heard Fang Nian say: "Old Wu, this time the burden is not light. If it doesn't go well, you will be tossed in for a few years. You have to be psychologically prepared."

Wu Fucheng calmly said: "I understand that it is the integration of DeskOS + Bailong's technology application ecology. In fact, the internal ecology and the external ecology need to be integrated."

Fang Nian smiled and said, "Because I know you understand, I want to tell you a few words."

"In my personal opinion, your practice accumulation is far from enough, and there must be a gap between theory and practice."

"I am very optimistic about your theoretical accumulation, whether it is an understanding of game theory or cooperation models, such as..."

"After the Ministry sets up a coordination group, there will definitely be multi-stage repeated games. This is a scenario where the KMRW reputation model is very suitable for analysis, but the cooperation model is the least to be copied."

Listening to Fang Nian's words, Wu Fucheng gradually concentrated in thought.

"Because there is direct official participation this time, and the team leader is Miao Wei personally, so you have to understand one word: win-win."

"This word is very useful both externally and to oneself. The establishment of a memorial archway makes it look good and tasteful, etc.;

The win-win situation here is not an economic concept such as a non-zero-sum game, but a philosophical concept. "

"Secondly: Give in."

"Among the members of this group that promote coordination, not only will there be actual business interests, but some members have real and practical ideal expressions, and even include the absolute honor of some members."


"In short, this is actually a catastrophe for you at this stage;

Able to successfully integrate all aspects of resources is a success in crossing the catastrophe;

If it is not too successful, you can only live under the wings of the frontier in the future. It is not impossible to make a world of yourself, but it will be particularly difficult. "

After a short pause, Fang Nian emphasized: "You should understand that with my current resources, I dare not talk about the whole world, at least in China, no one dares to make that kind of guarantee."

After listening to Fang Nian's words, Wu Fucheng almost completely understood: "I will think carefully about what you said, and only when I want to understand will I really start to do something."

In Llightton, Wu Fucheng looked at Fang Nian and said sincerely: "Thank you Fang for giving me the opportunity. Although the consequences may be serious, in contrast, if you miss such an opportunity, I will regret it for the rest of my life."


Before Wu Fucheng's thoughts were actually somewhat contradictory.

On the one hand, I rub my hands and plan to do a great job.

On the other hand, I also felt that this kind of important matter was suddenly entrusted to myself.

Now I understand the deep meaning of Fang Nian's arrangement. The frontier arranges for him, Wu Fucheng, the rotating CEO to come forward. Even if the big problem comes out, there is also the richest woman Qiu He behind the scenes.

It is equivalent to buffering.

If Fang Nian came forward to coordinate in person, once a problem occurs, no one can tell the truth.

Although Fang Nian's ability, presence, contacts, and resources are unlikely to cause problems, there is always a back-up method in business.

Not afraid of ten thousand, just in case.

And at the front for so long, Wu Fucheng too understands the importance of Fang Nian standing behind the scenes.

Although the frontier is only trying to do its own thing, the interests of many people have been impaired in the process.

For example, Big Brother's LeOS has not been approved by the Nuclear High Fund.

This is also the reason why Fang Nian hosted the Quartet in the capital, but Lenovo did not come.

Big Brother is Big Brother after all, and the status of the arena is not as high as the average...

Fang Nian patted Wu Fucheng on the shoulder, and smiled slightly: "Don't be so nervous, you won't come to me if you are too uncertain about it? I will definitely help you secretly."

"I don't really want to see the catastrophe in Xianxia novels. Someone helping to overcome the catastrophe will expand the scope of the catastrophe."

Wu Fucheng also laughed: "I understand."

Fang Nian thought for a while, then said, "In addition, you remember one more sentence:

All the success of the frontier is determined by the times, especially personal success. Don't think of yourself too aggressively. "

Wu Fucheng smiled and said seriously: "Understand, keep a low profile."

"If you can do well enough, the cutting-edge low-key will be a thing of the past." As Fang Nian put his hands behind his back, he looked out the window vacantly.


After a short foosball game, after a few simple words, Wu Fucheng and Porridge also left the office.

They have to coordinate with them to build a secondary service department of the college to provide substantial assistance to Luzhou Frontier.

In addition, Wu Fucheng didn't have much time to prepare to go to the front courtyard of Yangcheng to observe the ceremony.

He will also lead the forthcoming integration of the internal and external ecological resources of DeskOS+ to truly show his abilities in all aspects.


After a while, Gu Yu and Liu Xi are left in the office.

Although she did not arrange for Liu Xi alone, her task has been heavy again. The next large-scale fund budget and transfer will definitely be very frequent.

But for Liu Xi, perhaps it means further mastering CFO skills.

Lu Weiyu, Guan Qiuhe, and Fang Nian returned to the eastern suburbs of Pudong.

However, Lu Weiyu is the cutting-edge science of Pusoft alone.

Fang Nian got on Mr. Guan’s Blue Bentley coupe and went back to Junting together.

On the way, Guan Qiuhe spoke first: "When does Fang always want me to go to Beijing?"

"Morning on the 8th." Fang Niandao said, "By the way, if you are coordinating in advance, ask the relevant parties, can you invite corporate executives to observe the ceremony, such as Lei Jun, he quite wants to go."

Guan Qiuhe responded, "Okay, ask at that time."

There was a moment of silence in the car.

Guan Qiuhe glanced at Fang Nian while driving, "Did something happen this morning?"

"I saw Pingxiao inside." Fang Nian didn't hide it.

Guan Qiuhe's eyes widened in vain, "What then?"

"Miao sued me for this bad old man, saying that I was blocking his door!" Fang Nian said angrily, "I said that I wanted to go on the front foot, and applied for the route on the back foot, and jumped directly through the line. This old man has a lot of connections!"

Then he said indifferently: "It's a deal."

Guan Qiuhe brows fiercely: "Really the principal?"

"Yeah." Fang Nian hummed.


"Miao Wei gave a lot of talk this time. The big project that Luzhou Frontier will undertake is only one big CPU, but there will be no fewer small projects."

Fang Nian calmly said.

"Next is Nuwa, and all the laboratories under Frontier, he sees it."

Hearing this, Guan Qiuhe suddenly said: "No wonder you have to say a few words to Wu Fucheng alone. He has to bear a lot of pressure for the frontier."

Fang Nian said indifferently: "Yes, according to my estimation, at least nearly a hundred enterprises and institutions will be promoted."

After that, Fang Nian glanced at Guan Qiuhe and said, "I hope Wu Fucheng can hold it, otherwise you have to take the initiative to stand out, although you are not the best at this aspect."

"Understood." Guan Qiuhe was not surprised, he had long been used to it.

Since the fall of 2008, he suddenly kindly started economic contacts with Fang Nian, Guan Qiuhe can be regarded as supporting Fang Nian to complete the initial accumulation of original funds.

After that, Fang Nian took Guan Qiuhe and worked together on an equal footing to open up greed and fun.

And then step by step to the present, she Guan Qiuhe enjoys countless auras, but also undertakes many necessary tasks.

Sometimes I have to be a tool man.

Like this time, in the development of the whole thing, maybe she Guan Qiuhe does not need to take the initiative to stand out, but she will definitely act as a firefighter from time to time.

She has long been used to it.

To get something, you have to pay some, which may be called rules.


In the afternoon on the 6th.

Luzhou Frontier announced the establishment of the Computer Complete Machine Division.

The local news media in Luzhou gave a large-scale report.

This move is not as low-key as usual.

But it did not trigger too much discussion in the public cyberspace.

Attention is definitely something someone is paying attention to.

After all, the current volume of the frontier has the qualifications to become the focus.

Although Fang Nian believes that Frontier's assets are only at the level of tens of billions, in the view of some analysts, Frontier is already a large enterprise with a scale of over 100 billion.

The ghost knows what the frontier is tinkering with.

On the same day, Luzhou Frontier once again announced the in-depth strategic cooperation with Loongson and Jingjiawei, and the cooperation with Shenzhou Computer;

The next day, Luzhou Frontier and Luzhou BOE held a media press conference together with the promotion of Luzhou, and announced that they have reached in-depth cooperation on display panels.

Frontier CEO Wen Ye attended the press conference.

Some questions were answered on the spot.

"Luzhou Frontier's establishment of a complete computer business unit does not intend to open the market, and only provides complete computers for daily teaching for the frontier scientific research institute projects."


A reporter asked: "Will these computers be equipped with Nuwa DeskOS?"

Wen Ye smiled and affirmed: "Of course."


Suddenly a reporter asked sharply: "In other words, the teachers and students of the Frontier Academy will be forced to become Nuwa DeskOS experimental products?"

Wen Ye still had a smile on his face, and said calmly: "Compared to this reporter, I must have never heard the word'cooperation'."

The reporter was speechless for a while.


After relevant news spread to cyberspace, it caused a certain degree of discussion.

"This reporter is either stupid or bad. What is a guinea pig!"

"I don't know how many people are waiting for the frontier to fully disclose DeskOS to the outside world? This is a domestic system!"


"In other words, Frontier has been holding back for so long, and finally intends to make DeskOS more public?"

"Upstairs, you can always apply for DeskOS for developers, and now it has been updated to version 0.2.3. To be honest, I pretended to be a developer and installed a dual system on my computer, which is quite easy to use. of."


"I didn't say anything big, the system that Nuwa Lab said is not perfect yet, what exactly is it?"

"To put it simply, foreign hardware and software manufacturers do not pay attention to it. For example, drivers such as graphics cards rely on the Windows architecture, so they are not perfect."

"Then what's the use for the college to launch a teaching machine this time?"

"Daily teaching machines are generally not used to play games and complex graphics processing tasks, can you understand?"



Fang Nian walked into the complex next to the west gate of Fudan University while flipping through the information in cyberspace with his mobile phone.

Today Fudan school is opening, and it is customary that most college classes have no regular classes.

The Class 1 Philosophy Class of Grade 09 is no exception.

Fang's annual report came and slipped away. This meeting has already entered the principal's office-I don't know what Yang Yuliang is going to do. Call him to the principal's office on the first day of school!

"Fang Nian is here."

Not seen for a few months, Yang Yuliang felt a little sorrowful, this Fudan undergraduate student became more and more outstanding.

Fang Nian said hello with a smile: "Hello, principal."

Then he said: "I haven't seen you for a few months, the principal's complexion is getting better."

"Oh oh, I haven't seen you for a few months, Mr. Fang has become glib?" Yang Yuliang joked.


After the guest sofa was seated, Yang Yuliang brought up the matter: "At the opening ceremony of the Frontier Courtyard No. 9, I discussed with several principals and decided to hold it in Jiangwan Stadium;

It has been arranged, and a total of 40,000 teachers and students from each school will be invited. "

After a short pause, Yang Yuliang said, "I strongly encourage you to become the only student speaker at the opening ceremony."

With that said, Yang Yuliang also sighed: "You are also amazing. You published a paper in the journal Philosophy Review last semester. As far as I know, there is no precedent for the sophomore stage of the Department of Chinese Philosophy."

Fang Nian blinked: "Why haven't I heard that there are so many arrangements?"

"At this point...Did you not attend the class meeting?" Yang Yuliang glanced at the Nian: "..."

Organizing students to attend the conference is not too complicated, and each school can do it in an hour.

Two days in advance, there is plenty of time.

It's why the frontier didn't hear the news.

Just thinking of this, Yang Yuliang said again: "The relevant plan has been submitted to Frontier at the end of last month."

Fang Nian: "..."

It's all my stuff!

Before long, Fang Nian said with an innocent face: "Principal, the students are unprepared."

"At your level, I don't think it needs preparation." Yang Yuhao said in his spare time.

Fang Nian's eyes moved lightly: "I'm afraid I will talk nonsense."

"It doesn't matter, the theme is to persuade you to learn. I believe this is not difficult for you at all." Yang Yuliang waved his hand.

"You promote the Frontier Institute to become an independent institution and focus on the interdisciplinary research of basic disciplines. I don't believe there is no reason;

"And I heard that the frontier also has such preparations."

Hearing this, Fang Nian nodded again and again, deeply convinced: "The principal is right, the students must go all out!"

Encouraging Learning?

For this, Fang Nian thinks he can talk about it.

In the end, Yang Yuliang said: "Because you are academically good and you are a cutting-edge boss, I only told you today that the time for your speech is limited to 10 minutes at most 15 minutes, and you try to let me see the manuscript."

"Okay, thank you principal." Fang Nian smiled.


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