My Return to Life

Vol 5 Chapter 748: Frontier's small ‘test’

The moon at fifteen and sixteen round.

On the day of the Mid-Autumn Festival, the weather in Shanghai was not particularly ideal, and the moon was not as round and bright as expected.

It's said that he appeared early.

Because Guan Qiuhe and Zou Xuan were leaving for the capital, the dinner was an hour earlier than usual.

When night fell, Fang Nian was taking Fang Xin's children for a walk in the yard.

"I don't know who you learned this. The bigger you get, the more lazy you are. If you eat so much and don't move, sooner or later you will become a fat girl."

Listening to Fang Nian's muttering, Fang Xin smiled, confidently: "I follow you!"

"I get up early for a run every day, but you learn?" Fang Nian pouted.

Fang Xin stopped speaking.

She always listens to Lin Feng and Guan Qiuhe saying that Fang Nian is lazy, but in fact she knows that Fang Nian gets up to exercise every morning. Anyway, the truth is absolutely impossible.

After walking around and a half, Ms. Lin Feng had already simply cleaned up, and greeted under the eaves: "Fang Xin is back."

"Oh." Fang Xin sniffed, waved with Fang Nian, and ran over.


Watching the red Audi drive away from the courtyard, Fang Nian also walked into the house.

Lu Weiyu was sitting on the sofa in the living room playing with her mobile phone, Fang Nian leaned in and sat down, "What are you looking at?"

"Xiaomi's official blog." Lu Weiyu replied, "Ten minutes ago, Xiaomi officially announced that the sales of the Redmi series exceeded 10 million units."

Hearing this, Fang Nian pursed his lips, and said casually: "It's the 12th today, two days later than I estimated. It's a bit regretful."

"It's just over ten minutes. The online sales have been so noisy because of this sales. It hasn't reached your estimate yet?" Lu Weiyu was a little surprised.

Upon seeing this, Fang Nian patiently explained: "The Redmi series is open-ended, and the golden period of sales is only about one month, and now it's over.

If nothing happens, sales by the end of the year may not reach the peak 20 million units as expected;

There will even be a gap between the 18 million units that are below the expected low limit. "

Hearing what Fang Nian said, Lu Wei's thoughts turned and she quickly said: "It's just 110 days before the end of this year, so..."

Fang Nian added the answer: “Next, it will sell an average of a little more than 90,000 units per day to reach 20 million, and sell nearly 73,000 units to reach 18 million.”

Then Fang Nian said a set of data: "At the end of the 2nd, the sales of the Redmi series had reached 8.6 million units."

"I thought that the sales of Redmi broke your expectations." Lu Weiyu fully reacted.

Fang Nian pondered a little: "In fact, Redmi has no competitors, so the decline in sales is a bit surprising, maybe there are still some flaws."

"The online reputation is very good." As he said, Lu Weiyu tapped the screen, "Look."


Redmi is sold on the Internet, so online word of mouth can almost affect more than 70% of potential buyers.

Fang Nian also noticed it, and it was indeed rave reviews.

"It may be that I was wrong, or maybe it should be sold in sections."

While talking, Lu Weiyu's phone rang suddenly.

She connected and said a few words with a smile on her face, and said: "Mr Fang, the global activation of MindOS devices has officially exceeded 50 million just now."

Fang Nian raised his eyebrows: "Yes, it's a double happiness."

"In the official name of Nuwa Lab, this news is disclosed to the public."

Of course, the Nuwa Lab can know the number of MindOS devices activated globally.

After all, all the officially sold mobile phones need to be activated online when the user uses the mobile phone for the first time.

This step is carried out through the verification server specially configured for MindOS in Nuwa Lab.

It is different from the system obtained through Nuwa Forum, MIUI Forum and other channels after flashing.

The released version is slightly different.

With the ecological development of MindOS, whether it is Nuwa Lab, MIUI Forum, or other members of the Nuwa Alliance, system installation package management will be gradually condensed.


Lu Weiyu quickly arranged.

The successive official announcements of Xiaomi and Frontier Nuwa Lab gave netizens more discussion gimmicks.

Fang Nian became a melon eater with Lu Weiyu.

"Did you take ripening agents in the past few months? One or two are so scary?"

"The Redmi series launched by Xiaomi really gave Nuwa Lab a face, occupying 20% ​​of the global total alone."

"If you count the Mi series, don't it all go to 40%?"

"The gossip says that Samsung has also contributed a lot, especially in overseas markets. Samsung has invested 10 million units. I don't know how the sales are now."

"There is a saying that it is not bad that it entered the Chinese market on the 8th. I bought it. It can be said that it is the only mobile phone that can compete with the iPhone4."

"It's a bit too expensive to afford."


"Whoever has the money to buy Samsung must be Apple. The excellence of iOS is not comparable to any system."


Lu Weiyu suddenly stopped his fingers, tilted his head to look at Fang Nian, raised his eyebrows and said, "Sir, do you want to line up?"

Fang Nian: "?"

Lu Weiyu said in a natural tone: "How can you bear MindOS being slandered by your violent temper?"

Fang Nian: "???"

Lu Weiyu's eyelids moved lightly: "No... right?"

Fang Nian said helplessly, "No, when did I get violent?

"Then all the sons of the heavenly king just said something on the Internet. You were so frustrated that people couldn't come to Taiwan, and Wang Zuo personally called you." Lu Wei said seriously.

Fang Nian couldn't help but squeezed Lu Weiyu's face: "I think there is something wrong with your head."

Then he explained: "The things here are a bit complicated. Wang Zhun may face some troubles he thinks I can help. That's why the little brother Sicong changed his attitude so quickly, and said to the air with a reluctant expression. Apologize."

Being pinched by Fang Nian's face, Lu Weiyu leaned against Fang Nian's body instead, and said, "That is to say, Wang You is deliberately making a fuss, just want to get close to you?"

"Almost, but I didn't think about it." Fang Nian nodded.

He has been deaf to the outside world as usual for the past two days.

It is not normalized processing.

Lu Wei said strangely: "Then what are you thinking?"

Fang Nianyi pointed out: "I think the frontier should engage in some small ‘testing’ to the outside world."

"as well as……"

Fang Nian suddenly looked down at Lu Weiyu.



September 13, the first working day after the Mid-Autumn Festival.

Fang Nian entered the Fudan campus early in the morning.

Despite the three-day holiday, Fang Nian can still clearly realize that his vision is far beyond the past.

It's like having massive prestige all at once.

It is inevitable that someone secretly "points" behind.

There is one thing to say, Fang Nian is really a little uncomfortable.

After all, this kind of attention is the first case in his life experience.

In a word, the Fudan campus is very large, but also very small.

Fang Nian, who had just entered the classroom, looked up and saw dozens of pairs of eyes glanced over.

"Wow, that's Fang Nian."

"I still look handsome."

"Usually I haven't paid much attention to it. I know it's not high-profile. I study very well. I didn't expect it to be so good that I could go directly to the news.

"Who said no."


Some discussions can be heard clearly by Fang Nian.

After all, this is different from outdoors, the classroom is just this big.

Fang Nian only paused for a while, and then walked to the side of Gao Jie and Su Zhi as usual and sat down, freely letting others give pointers.

Fortunately, although everyone gave pointers and talked a lot, they did not come up to join in the fun.

Because they are really unfamiliar with Fang Nian.

It just happened to be in the same class.

Su Zhi whispered: "Well, yes, Fang Nian, it's no wonder that 40,000 people can speak in person without stage fright."

"A real cow, a natural cow." Gao Jie pursed his lips in praise.

Fang Nian looked at Su Zhi and Gao Jie again, and said helplessly, "I am just a person."

"Tsk tsk..." Su Zhi kept poking his lips.

I don't know what I'm feeling.

Gao Jie even looked at Fang Nian up and down, looking like he wanted to scan Fang Nian thoroughly.

For a long time, Gao Jie suddenly said seriously: "Forgot to read a sentence:

The charm of a boy, in addition to respect for the opposite **** and pursuit of character, is also embodied in a sense of magnanimity and responsibility.

Be able to accept your current situation calmly, and use the most peaceful manner to exert your strength naturally, without avoiding or giving up. "①

Litton, Gao Jie exclaimed: "At first glance, I felt that the person who wrote this sentence is just like what you said in your speech, a philosopher who has never lived, naturally moving;

I only discovered today that it was written by someone with life experience. For example, you have such a personal charm in Fang Nian. "

After listening to Gao Jie, Fang Nian was silent for a moment before smiling, "I can't afford such a good comment, but there are indeed many people like this in life."

"Let's go to class."


This class is a compulsory course, and the professors will roll the names one by one as usual.

When it reached Fang Nian, the professor paused and looked at the audience specifically: "Fang Nian's class is very good."

Fang smiled in the annual report without saying much.

Gao Jie's words seemed to be the next year.

Fang Nian discovered: Actually, this day is no different from the past.



Two days later in the blink of an eye.

September 15th, five thirty in the afternoon.

Frontier Science CEO Shi Xinrong and Nuwa Lab R&D Director Professor Huang Weiming were guest media videos broadcast on CCTV's four Chinese international channels.

The actual recording time was only the day before, and the efficiency can be said to be quite high.

The host briefly interviewed Shi Xinrong and Huang Weiming.

"On the night of the Mid-Autumn Festival, Frontier Nuwa Lab officially announced that the global activation of MindOS devices exceeded 50 million;

As far as I know, the Nuwa mobile phone system version 1.0 was only released on the 11th of last year. It has achieved such impressive results in less than a year. Does Shi always share with us? "


With a smile on his face, Shi Xinrong replied, "Achieving such results cannot be achieved without the efforts of Nuwa Lab;

Of course, such an achievement is also in our expectation. For example, as of the Mid-Autumn Festival, the number of MindOS global users has reached more than 165 million. "

"So there is actually a huge market space."

In the end, Shi Xinrong smiled and said: "Frontier Science hopes that major mobile phone manufacturers can work harder to reach all users as soon as possible."


This interview was promoted by Fang Nian, implemented by Lu Weiyu, and the result of the cooperation of all parties.

The host’s questions are basically to deliberately highlight the outstanding achievements of the frontier Nuwa laboratory so far.

Including MindOS device shipments.

Including the nwL language of Nuwa Lab and its supporting compiler.

The interaction between the three of them touted for a while.

The host suddenly looked at Huang Weiming and said with a smile: "Professor Huang, first of all, please allow me to express my sincere admiration for the great achievements of your team!"


"Secondly, on behalf of the majority of netizens and viewers in front of the TV, I would take the liberty to ask you a question, when will DeskOS, also produced by Nuwa Lab, be officially open to the public?"

"After all, the OS has been only open to development engineers since its official debut this year."

Facing the host’s gaze, Huang Weiming calmly said: “As the official Nüwa laboratory declared, DeskOS is still an imperfect system;

Thanks to the strong support of various domestic software manufacturers, according to incomplete statistics, the number of application software of the nwld version may have exceeded 10,000;

But DeskOS has many imperfections, such as the underlying hardware drivers, such as various types of professional office software..."

Speaking of this, Huang Weiming paused briefly: "In fact, from Nuwa Lab to Frontier, we have been working hard to seek good cooperation with domestic and foreign application vendors;

For example, since May, Nuwa Lab has sent more than one hundred cooperation invitation emails to hardware manufacturers such as Intel and Intel, all of which have fallen into the sea..."

Speaking of this, Huang Weiming is a little sad: "Yes, these international giants did not give even a single word of reply. In today's globalization, based on my shallow insight, this is incredible."

"Although Nuwa Lab has provided massive technical feedback to dozens of companies including Microsoft, Apple, Intel, etc. through the open source community in the past 9 months;

However, even a little bit of equal treatment has not been exchanged. This is the real situation of Nuwa Lab in the international society;

In the not-too-distant future, Nuwa Labs may completely stop supporting overseas open source communities and instead work hard for China Open Source. "


Finally, Huang Weiming concluded: “Nuwa Labs cannot and dare not put a desktop-level operating system that is obviously flawed and may cause catastrophic consequences to the open market.”


At this moment, classmate Fang Nian, who watched the interview specially on TV, smacked his lips: "This is really a bit difficult for Professor Huang."


In fact, anyone who has a bit of foresight knows that once these vendors open up support for DeskOS, it will be ‘raising tigers’.

MindOS's domestic market share has reached 75% is a clear example.

If you only talk about the total number of users, MindOS has become the number one system in the smartphone field, far surpassing Android's 115 million.

Although Apple says that 200 million iOS devices have been sold, this is all the data from the launch of the first iPhone in 2007 to WWDC this year.

The original number one is Android The total number of original Android users will have reached 135 million.

Everything has changed now.

MindOS can lead the world by relying solely on the Chinese market.

Not to mention that MindOS has many overseas audiences.

Among 165 million users, overseas users still account for as high as 30%...

This is what Fang Nian told Lu Weiyu that the frontier should do some small ‘testing’ to the outside world.

This ‘temptation’ is commonly known as “dang and standing”.

This of course will only be the beginning.

Soon, almost after the interview was released in Europe and America through four sets of resources, in the United States, for example, social media suddenly exploded.

The technical support contributed by the Nuwa Lab through the open source community is uniquely rendered.

And the cooperation invitation issued by the Nuwa Lab was "beinged" and was rendered very, very noisy.

Compare the two.

The heat went up immediately.

After all, it is the United States that advocates freedom and likes happy education.

A little spark can start a prairie fire.

Of course, this kind of scene will not miss Fang Nian.

In the early stage of Nüwa system promotion, Fang Nianke registered a series of overseas ‘key holding’ accounts. At that time, he also came to prove the excellent operation of Nüwa’s system through foreign forums.

When public opinion in the United States rose, Fang Nian logged into the ‘key holding’ Twitter...


①: I first saw the answer from Zhihu user Shaobai, Xu is original.


PS: In ten minutes, ten people said the next chapter, if you break the bowl... you still have to sleep, a little too sleepy~

PS1: I don’t want to guard anymore. I hope you can come to the starting point to support you. The number of words in this book will not exceed 700,000 words. The most expensive is only 30 yuan~ I am willing to watch this. For the book, the genuine edition will accompany the last paragraph~

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