My Return to Life

Vol 5 Chapter 752: With a net worth of 200 million in my life, I tried my best!

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In the afternoon, the sun slanted westward through the windows into the small meeting room.

Light and shadow flicked across the dancing dust.

There are obviously two groups of people sitting across a conference table.

The group on the right is obviously older. Sitting against the conference table is a middle-aged man, and later a young man.

The one on the left looks only 18 years old, and I can't wait for every pore on his body to exude a youthful breath.

The atmosphere at the moment was a little silent.

Miao Wei wanted to take back some of his words, so he didn't want to give money to the thousand-year-old fox opposite!

Even looking at Fang Nian's smile, Miao Wei was angry.

However, after all, Miao Wei is a man who has met the world with a lot of restraint, and he changed the topic calmly, "The day after tomorrow I will hold the first domestic operating system application ecological development conference in Shencheng;

The ministry will express its support for the Nuwa desktop system through practical actions. "

"Thank you Miao." Fang Nian smiled and thanked.

Then relaxedly said, "It is important that we can spend less effort to let the system be used normally first;

After all, it is unrealistic to realize the domestic production of core components in the personal computer system at this stage, and it takes a long time to stack. "

Miao Wei agreed, "The ideas in the upper part of this point are consistent with the frontiers, and I also support you in striving for cooperation with large foreign companies."

"I won't say much about business matters. In short, we hope that our support for the frontier will always be visible."

Hearing this, Fang Nian said boldly, "The cutting-edge will definitely develop under the guidance of the times!"


Miao Wei also said, "There will be some external units involved in the development of Nuwa's n-core. You don't have any opinions on this."

"Don't worry about Miao, Frontier is not so careful." Fang Nian said with a smile, "Moreover, Frontier welcomes more colleagues to improve n together."


Miao Weilai's business is actually very easy to summarize.

A loan.

One is the meeting.

During the 10 days from the 9th to the 19th, Miao Wei also promoted many things.

39 enterprises and institutions will attend this first application ecological development conference.

Part of it is purely to expand the ecology.

There is also a part of collaboration and in-depth development of n.

After all, the current de is for the time being purely for individual end users, not for the enterprise server field.

Simply put, it is to develop some system versions for servers.

Benchmarking d&nbp;erver&nbp;2008, rhe, aix, hp-ux, ri, etc.

The research and development of this system will not be undertaken by Nuwa Lab.

This is also the reason why Nuwa Lab donated n kernels for free before the Dragon Boat Festival.


The Nuwa laboratory has done this.

Of course Fang Nian could not fail to pay attention to corporate users.

This is also when Fang Nian asked if he wanted to build a server system when he was in Miaowei's office.

Because, Nuwa laboratory has long established a secret laboratory middle room, focusing on the research and development of Nuwa ever...

At last……

After talking about business affairs, Miao Wei had a gossip with Fang Nian.

"The Frontier Academy has done a good job. I listened to your speech at the opening ceremony. It was very good. The Pingyuan Academy also praised you;

Young people should have the courage to move forward for their ideals. "

Fang Nian’s mouth frantically raised, "Is it right? Thank you for the compliment from the leader, the leader is absurdly praised."

Miao Wei "..."


I think your stuff is very useful!

Although he thought so in his heart, Miao Wei didn't show any expression on the face, and then said, "Your attitude in learning is worthy of recognition. You should pay a little attention to your public image."

"It's not bad money, right."

Fang Nian blinked his eyes, "Try my best, as long as I can..."

Miao Wei looked at Fang Nian, and Fang Nian quickly changed his words, "I won't go to crowded nightclubs anymore."

Hearing this, Miao Weicai went on to say "In short, the frontier of the Frontier Institute is more focused."

Then the conversation changed, and he said, "You Luzhou Frontier want to establish an independent computer brand, whose business covers desktops, all-in-ones, and notebooks?"

"Yes, but it is not going to be put on the open market for the time being, mainly for the daily teaching use of the Frontier Institute."

Fang Nian explained seriously.

"Some foreign software giants have "kidnapped" us from the university level through departments similar to aadey, and then let piracy rampant;

Therefore, I hope that Luzhou Frontier can try something in this regard, and it can be regarded as spending money to buy users;

After all, if it drags on, the billions of dollars in research and development funds invested in the early stage of Bailong pu and desktop systems will really be in vain. "

Miao Wei glanced at Director Chen, "Xiao Chen, take a note of this and bring it to the Department of Science and Technology at that time."

Then looked towards Fang Nian, "Fang is always a visionary entrepreneur. Don't be intimidated by the difficulties of the moment."

"Ahaha, no, no, how could it be, the frontier is always young, always enthusiastic, and always indomitable." Fang Nian hurriedly said.



After Fang Nian watched Miao Wei and others leave with Lu Weiyu, Wu Fucheng, and Shi Xinrong, it was already past four o'clock.

Calculate, this half afternoon is completely wasted.

Because of the meeting the day after tomorrow, Wu Fucheng went into work again.

Shi Xinrong also hurriedly returned to frontier science to arrange various affairs.

Lu Weiyu and Fang Nian walked inside Zhangjiang High Tech.

After a while, Lu Weiyu touched Fang Nian with her elbow, "Fang Xuedi, is Miao Bu giving you a pretty good 20th birthday gift?"

"Add it up." Fang Nian said with a smile.

"15 billion will enable the frontier to implement some of the previous plans in place before the year;

If you insist, the following meeting is more meaningful;

Maybe this is the last straw that crushes the ad, and the frontier can really become the life-saving straw of the ad. "

Hearing what Fang Nian said, Lu Weiyu's eyes rolled and said, "If you told the Miao Department of your birthday, would there be other surprises?"

"This bad old man is very bad, don't ruin my meal then." Fang Nian pursed his mouth.

Lu Weiyu smiled, "I think the Miao Ministry is still very concerned about the frontiers. As soon as we were about to start a virtual stock pilot, he came to remind him personally."

"The leader who can sit in this position has long been unable to understand the emotions, anger, sorrow, and joy. I just said it casually." Fang Nian smiled.

In business, business is good or not, only the money is said.


"Student, follow me today?" Lu Weiyu decisively changed the subject.

Fang Nian nodded happily, "This is fine."


Although it was already half afternoon, it did not affect the interest of the young couple.

Lu Weiyu took the Audi driving seat and drove Fang Nian away from Zhangjiang Hi-Tech.

After a while, I crossed the river and went to Puxi.

On the first anniversary of the engagement in the morning, Lu Weiyu was planning Fang Nian's 20th birthday.

Take Fang Nian to the game hall, to the couple restaurant...

As the evening approaches, sit on the bank of the river and enjoy the sunset together...

Taking apart the birthday present specially collected, it is a water glass made by Lu Weiyu himself.

Fang Nian's 20-year-old daytime was simple and simple.


It was ten minutes before seven o'clock to return to Junting.

Lin Feng has already made dinner.

Fang Xin was doing his homework on his stomach.

After entering the fifth grade, Fang Xin had to do more homework every day than before.

Then Fang Nian saw the busy Guan Qiuhe in the restaurant.

"Yeah, President Guan is back?"

Guan Qiuhe said, "The affairs of the Beijing Pangu Artificial Intelligence Laboratory have been coordinated, and the rest will be handed over to the cutting-edge administrative team, and I will be back."

"I..." Fang Nian just wanted to say why he didn't know. After reacting, he changed his words and said, "General Guan has worked hard."

Lin Feng coming out of the kitchen interjected, "Eat first."


Anyway, it's a personal holiday, so I would like to congratulate you before dinner.

The difference is that Fang Nian did not prepare a cake for his 20th birthday.

There is no arrangement for gatherings with friends.

Relatively simple.

When the food was almost the same, Lin Feng took the lead in suggesting, "Fang Nian, today is 21 years old, do you have anything to say about the past 20 years?"

Lu Weiyu also followed, "Last year you gave yourself 60 points for your 19th birthday, what do you say this year?"

Guan Qiuhe was also a little curious.

Fang Xin, a child who has grown a lot, also blinked at Fang Nian.

Facing the family's gaze, Fang Nian laughed, "Twenty years old, I have tried my best, I hope my life is more fulfilling."

"That's it?" Guan Qiuhe looked up and down Fang Nian.


Everyone is not very satisfied with such a simple answer.

Upon seeing this, Fang Nian laughed, "Let me say that, I really did my best."

"No matter from which aspect, my net worth of more than 100 billion should not be a big problem. Dangkang game is calculated as 40 billion. How can Xiaochao and Xiaomi now give me 50 billion, and the frontier is not too much. Right?"

"I won't talk about other miscellaneous things."

"Isn't that an effort?"

Hearing what Fang Nian said, Guan Qiuhe raised his brows, "Qingchao and Xiaomi added a piece and ran for 200 billion?"

Fang Nian casually explained, "Let’s talk lightly. I talked with Shen Nier last month. At that time, I counted the valuation as 10 billion U.S. dollars, as long as the new mobile payment is launched at the right time. I must be able to cross this line."

"As for Xiaomi, although it was only worth more than two billion U.S. dollars at the beginning of the year, its revenue would not be significant. In July, Xiaomi's revenue exceeded 10 billion. On September 2nd, on the day of the sale of Xiaomi 1, Xiaomi's revenue exceeded 200. Billion

There is still some time before the end of this year, and it is a period of new product sales. It is not a big problem to collapse more than 10 billion. Is it difficult for the valuation to exceed 100 billion? "

Speaking of which, Lei Jun is the kind of big hand who will transform the dragon in the first place.

In the world line where there is no frontier, Xiaomi only released its first mobile phone in the second half of this year, with revenue of 1 billion US dollars in 12 years and tens of billion US dollars in revenue in 14 years.

And now, after intervening in the integration of the domestic industrial chain one year in advance, and launching the Redmi plan two years in advance, it only took eight months for Xiaomi to go from 0 to 10 billion yuan in revenue.

Behind this is inseparable from the big hand Lei Jun.

With a better foundation, Huang Xiujie just became lonely.

After listening to Fang Nian’s explanation, Guan Qiuhe suddenly felt like a world away: "You are a bit too conservative with your net worth of hundreds of billions;

Even if the cash is to be redeemed, it is estimated that it will only take a year at most, which is like a dream. "

Lu Weiyu suddenly sighed and yelled, "So Mr. Fang is so lazy and saves a worth of hundreds of billions worth of cash? I suddenly don't want to go to work!"


Everyone laughed.

The feasibility of redemption of many shares currently held by Fang Nian is of course very high.

Secondly, the payment that Guan Qiuhe said is to eliminate the frontier.

If you put the frontier on the primary market and don't give a valuation of RMB 350 billion, then you are sorry that the frontier has so many basic technologies.

Don't look at the frontiers who are not making too much money now.

Revenue data is also relatively unremarkable.

But that is the trend of smartphones has not yet fully erupted.

In the future, apart from anything else, the licensing fee and app store sharing fee can be softened.

Just because Samsung Electronics’ gaxy&nbp;2 is selling well in China, this year it will have to send more than a dozen billions.

And Samsung Electronics, which has tasted the sweetness, definitely wants in-depth cooperation next year.

Secondly, the two dragons, Shenlong and Bailong, can do great things in the future!


Guan Qiuhe glanced at Fang Nian and said with a chuckle, "Take advantage of your birthday today, let me tell you something happy."

"Tomorrow Dangkang 2nd Center's gunfight game will be officially launched and open for classic closed beta."

Hearing this, Fang Nian deliberately curled his lips, "What kind of good news is this, now I can still see a game?"

"What's the hurry? Before we talk about major events, we always have to brew up." Guan Qiuhe said unhurriedly.

Then I specifically cleared my throat, and said in time, "Listen well, I have done one thing in the past few days in Beijing.

Dr. Su Zifeng, who currently works at Freescale Semiconductor, has agreed to our invitation and he has already arrived in Shanghai;

I hope to meet you first, and then go to Luzhou. "

"According to your total annual salary of less than US$5 million, I can directly call the shots. The first time I talked with her, I reached an agreement;

What she wants is much lower than you expected.

Said that taking into account China's environmental issues, I hope to ensure that the basic annual salary is 800,000 US dollars or equivalent yuan, and I hope that the company will provide housing. "

After Guan Qiuhe finished speaking, Fang Nian blinked, "That's it?"

Guan Qiuhe didn't have a good air, "Don't look at the needs of an elite salary from the perspective of your billions of In fact, Su Zifeng's basic salary at Freescale Semiconductor is less than $500,000."


Fang Nian decisively changed the topic, "President Guan, I found that you are very talented in digging people. I will let you pay more attention to this aspect in the future. At least six laboratories of Su Zifeng's level are still missing. "

Guan Qiuhe didn't care, "Okay, no problem."


Fang Nian really felt that Guan Qiuhe's talent was in some weird places.

The first time I went on a business trip abroad on business, I picked up an ice frog.

This time she made a special trip to dig people, and it really took Su Zifeng over in a week.

What is the basic annual salary of 800,000 US dollars? It can rectify the slightly chaotic administration of Baize Lab, implement Fang Nian’s intentions, adjust product planning, and sell a few pieces of Bailong chips as soon as possible. Yes!

In fact, what Fang Nian didn't know was that until 2019, when Su Zifeng led the ad through the wind and waves and turned ad into ye, her basic salary was only 1 million US dollars.

Of course, her actual remuneration that year was more than 400 million yuan, including tens of millions of dollars in stock incentives.

But as long as she works hard at Su Zifeng, Frontier can give her more!


Later, when the family was sitting in the living room chatting, Fang Nian suddenly waved his hand, "It is announced that the cutting-edge Baize Lab has fully entered the field of personal computer core processing chip design and has strongly invited the mysterious big names to join!"

Su Zifeng's people have all arrived in Shencheng, and the contracts have been signed, and the annual salary of 800,000 US dollars can't be spent in vain. There is nothing wrong with making a gimmick and returning to the blood.



p broke the bowl for subscription, I finally finished writing within the expected time~sleep~


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