My Return to Life

Vol 5 Chapter 755: This is the country we beat down!

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The wind blew in waves.

Blow away the cumulonimbus cloud.

Finally exposed the sun.

On the last day of September, there was a light rain in Shencheng, one after another from morning to noon;

Slightly tired.

It did not affect people's good mood to welcome the National Day holiday.

Fang Nian, who had no class in the afternoon, nested in the liberal arts library with Lu Weiyu, who is now an official graduate student of Fudan University.

It just so happens that both of them are philosophy students and can read books under the same shelf.

No matter how you compare, Fang Nian prefers to stay in a corner of the school with Lu Weiyu.

This gave Fang Nian the illusion that he had never grown up.

It's even more difficult to report together.

Human beings actually spend their entire lives in self-conflict and self-conflict.

Fang Nian is no exception. On the one hand, he will shoulder many things, and on the other hand, he will be attached to an extremely ordinary life.

Of course, Lu Weiyu also likes this simple hour light very much.

Even because they are in the same major, they can read the same book.

Even if Lu Weiyu's stage is a master's degree, Fang Nian is only a bachelor's degree, it will not affect at all.

At any rate, classmate Fang Nian is someone who dares to brag that he has a talent for learning when he goes out.

Lu Weiyu occasionally lay her little head lazily against Fang Nian.

It's very comfortable.

In the middle of the afternoon, Fang Nian finished flipping a small volume of the book in his hand, glanced at the few pages left in Lu Weiyu, and waited slowly.

Lu Wei realized this afterwards, and her eyes turned into crescent moons.

In Shencheng, which is already in the autumn, Lu Weiyu put on a small long windbreaker, and as soon as he walked out of the library, he took the hand of the senior year into his pocket.

Turning his head to look at Fang Nian, he asked, "How do you plan tonight?"

Fang Nian thought for a while, and said seriously: "I don't know if Miao Wei, this bad old man, will be able to monitor Shencheng, so let's get together in Junting."

Lu Weiyu smiled: "I believe it."

"However, it has only been ten days since the inspection of the Miao Department. It is really not suitable to go to the nightclub outside."

Fang Nian's hand held by Lu Weiyu used a little force: "You will really make excuses for me."

"You can't say you are lazy." Lu Weiyu said with a serious expression on her face.

Fang Nian: "..."

The reason there is an arrangement tonight is that there are two things.

One is the matter of porridge marriage.

The second is that today is the last day of the third quarter. It is necessary to summarize the affairs of the past three quarters and put forward expectations for the last quarter.

This matter is also quite important.

For example, how far is the revenue for the whole year, whether it can meet the standard, or whether it can go up slightly in the last quarter.

This year is more important than in previous years.

After all, whether it is the Kangxi or the Frontier Department, they are already on the right track.

After all, the global staff of the two major departments has exceeded 20,000.

Apart from other things, as a boss, at least you have to be responsible for some of the hopes of more than 20,000 families.

At this moment, you can no longer pick up casually.

If we just talk about the frontier department, more than 70% of the employees are elites in the eyes of ordinary people. Once they lose their jobs, they are more likely to bring uncontrollable consequences to some extent.

How should I put it, because of limited income, ordinary people generally do not develop sideline risk investment, and temporary unemployment is not uncommon——

After all, this is not yet the era of the proliferation of small online loans.

But the elites are different, because they have more disposable funds and are more confident in their own abilities, and they often have some risky investment sideline businesses.

The second is that the daily quality of life will be relatively high, and the consumption will be large. On the contrary, there is generally not much savings. Once you lose your job, it is easy to pay off your car loan and mortgage.

After all, not everyone will be like Fang Nian, who will prepare three or two retreats.

For example, cash trusts, family trusts, gold with an accumulated value of more than ten million, a large amount of cash that can be withdrawn at any time, fixed real estate, land, antiques, bitcoin, as well as massive equity investments, and massive personal loans.

That's it.

For example, gold, a hard currency that has been used in all social systems in history, is actually more reliable than all other retreats. ①

Therefore, Fang Nian successively increased the reserves of physical gold.

It can be understood that Fang Nian has no sense of security.

But what Fang Nian knew more clearly was that everything would come in case.


In the evening, several people from the front office gathered in Junting again.

It almost got here after Lin Feng and Fang Xin.

Immediately after the eleventh, Fang Xin's child actually had some thoughts in his heart, but there was no chance to ask for rewards before and after, and he was somewhat hesitant.

Even Wen Ye and the others could see it.

Wen Ye's eyes rolled even more, teasing Fang Xin who was higher than her shoulder: "Xiao Xin, have you taken the exam recently?"

"No." Fang Xin shook his head.

Wen Ye asked again: "Then do you have something on your mind?"

"No, no!" Fang Xin said quickly.

Wen Ye: "..."

Fang Xin could also feel Wen Ye was inducing her, but she wanted to get the bait.

Unfortunately, Fang Nian was interrupted.

"It's still early, let's have a meeting first."

After finishing speaking, Fang Nian took the lead to walk into the study on the first floor, and Wen Ye quickly put down the things that teased Fang Xin.

Looking at everyone's back, Fang Xin sighed as if.


The study room on the first floor is not small. After each took their seats, Wen Ye and Gu Yu habitually took over the work of pouring tea and water.

Fang Nian looked at everyone, smiled and said, "Let’s talk about the first thing first."

"Which day is the wedding of Porridge?"

Hearing this, the white porridge was stunned: "Huh?"


Wen Ye smiled and took the conversation: "You are the first person to get married in our office, even as a colleague, you have to ask."

Gu Yu followed: "You didn't even send another invitation, so it's National Day!"

"I blame me for this. It's really too busy these days." Porridge said with embarrassment.

Then hurriedly took out the red invitation cards from the carrying bag, got up and handed them to everyone one by one: "The invitation cards have been prepared long ago. The wedding is arranged on the 3rd. Please enjoy them when you have time."

Fang Nian took the invitation and joked: "Fortunately, it is not arranged for tomorrow, otherwise I plan to card your holiday!"

"My mine, I will set up a table for everyone to make amends the other day." Porridge repeatedly said.


Putting the invitation card on the desk, Fang Nianhe said in a kind manner: "I have always emphasized the nature of the front office, so we have also set an internal charter for the wedding of porridge."

"Huh?" The porridge was stunned again, and hurriedly waved his hands, " need to make such a fuss."

Fang Nian glanced at the white porridge.

Porridge: "..."

Wen Ye cleared his throat, and said: "We have briefly discussed it, and on behalf of the frontier, we will send the wedding blessing."


"That's about it."

After Wen Ye finished speaking, Fang Nian's thoughts turned, and he said, "Basically, it is possible. After all, the wedding is a matter for the couple. We don't mix that much."

Hearing this, the porridge quickly said: "You are too dear to me, thank you."


After a few more jokes, Fang Nian asked casually: "When do you plan to come back to work?"

Bai Porridge smiled and replied: "I have discussed with my partner, and I will return to work on the 14th. More than ten days are enough to go out for a walk."

"Why not go directly to the 17th?" Fang Nian glanced at the calendar, a little strange.

The porridge naturally said: "For a job like ours, how can we still need workdays and rest days?"

After the porridge's words fell, everyone nodded in agreement.

Yes it is.

The front office has long since no workday weekend.

No need to check in.

Need to enter the working state anytime there is something.

If there is nothing to do during the working day, it will not affect going out.

It is not the traditional five days and eight hours and nine to five.

This is why Lu Weiyu can still attend full-time graduate students.

But this head was brought by Guan Qiuhe.

Seeing a piece of nodding, Fang Nian slapped his lips and teased: "Well said, Lao Bai, you can do great things in the future!"




The first thing is discussed here.

After everyone talked and laughed a few sips of tea, Fang Nian mentioned the second thing: "Wen Mi, you are the cutting-edge CEO, let's talk about it first."

Wen Ye did his part.

He cleared his throat and reported in an orderly manner: "The apartment building in the Frontier Park of Luzhou is officially capped;

The second phase of the project has begun to show its appearance, and the construction of the second phase has started with a total area of ​​90,000 square meters;

Among them, 450 acres of land on the west side of Fangxing Expressway were purchased according to your wishes, and a 16,000 square meter project was started on it;

According to the construction progress of the project, the construction progress of the second phase is expected to be completed by the end of March next year at the latest. "

"Frontier's large-scale data center construction in Guiyang is progressing faster than expected because of the use of local mountain conditions. It is expected to be completed ahead of schedule in February next year."


The first part Wen Ye talked about was the frontier civil engineering in the country.

Because he is also working in Dangkang, Wen Ye also mentioned the progress of civil engineering in Dangkang.

"The Dangkang #2 Center in Luzhou will be completed by the end of November."

"Dang Kangshen City Headquarters Industrial Park has been completed."

"Dangkang's large data center in Guiyang is expected to be completed in April next year."


Although there was a lot of information, everyone did not rush to interrupt Wen Ye.

Then Wen Ye opened another document and reported: "Dangkang's total global revenue in the first three quarters was RMB 13.7 billion;

The total revenue in the first half of the year was 8.7 billion. Compared with the total revenue of the Goose Factory’s open financial report game business at the same period, the total revenue was 7.2 billion.

Dangkang Games’ full-year revenue target for this year is 15 billion. It is basically certain that the full-year revenue will exceed the target, with the main growth coming from mobile game platforms and advertising revenue;

Dangkang's layout in the mobile game industry is much broader than that of the Goose Factory game, with huge advantages. "


After a while, Wen Ye raised his head and looked at everyone, and said, "However, the gun battle game produced by the second center has not been popular until now."

After a brief comment, Wen Ye went on to say: "The total global revenue of the frontier department in the first three quarters was 7.9 billion yuan;

It is expected that the annual revenue is expected to reach the target, breaking through 10 billion, which can further reduce the huge financial deficit. "


Then each person added the specific progress of the specific business.

"The total of 15 billion loans provided by the five banks to Frontier have gone through the entire process and will be credited after the holiday."


"The nwL compiler has finished supporting the Bzloong instruction set."


"Beijing Pangu Artificial Intelligence Laboratory has opened low-key."


"The first 1,000 desktop computers of Luzhou's cutting-edge computer unit division passed the factory inspection yesterday."


"Academician Baize Chen Jianye submitted the plan, and the trial filming of Shenlong 2 after the festival was completed. The related collaborative work with Zhu Wei was completed."


"The official version of DeskOS has completed the preparations for the launch. At that time, the user feedback of the maintenance of the Nuwa Forum will be under human pressure. One hundred and fifty people have been selected from the frontier internship department and the interns team to join the maintenance team."


"The current work of the Application Ecology Joint Group is to work together to improve the DeskOS 64-bit operating system and corresponding architecture based on the White Dragon system."


"The preparatory work for cutting-edge entrepreneurship to reorganize the cutting-edge ecology has been completed, and the conditions for reorganization are basically met.

"The Frontier Community Genius Program officially passed the internal process review."


"Dangkang Games plans to launch a IPO preparation work group to sort out and integrate internal resources, and plan to introduce funds from Hong Kong investment institutions at the end of the year."


After everyone had finished speaking, they looked towards Fang Nian tacitly.

Facing everyone's gaze, Fang Nian looked cheerful, and said boldly: "Look, this is the beautiful landscape that we spent two years hitting down!"

"Let's quack, cheer for ourselves!"

Having said that, Fang Nian took the lead in applauding.

Everyone is very cooperative.

The porridge who entered the front office at the latest was full of emotion and said: "It's really unbelievable. I have built such a big business in two years!"

Wu Fucheng also pursed his mouth and said, "Who said no, it's like a dream."


At this time, Guan Qiuheguan said nonchalantly: "What's the matter? Xiaomi was established less than two years ago. Last year there was no revenue of a penny. It took less than 9 months to receive 20 billion revenue from 0 operations this year. ;

According to the current time node, Xiaomi's revenue should be more than that of Dangkang plus Frontier. "

Hearing what Guan Qiuhe said, Gu Yu laughed: "General Guan, this is deliberately confuse the concept~"


Everyone laughed again.

For the Frontier Department and the Dangkang Department, 2011 is a year of growth and solid foundation, and the results are indeed gratifying.

Last year was a barbaric era.

Now it has a bright future.


①: Until now, I didn’t understand the setting of gold as the main There were many people who wondered before and after. I really don’t know if I should say that I have no brains or read too much pure and simple writing;

Has gold ever lost its status as one of the hard currencies in history?

Especially since the time of writing this book is this year, I really can’t see that so many people use physical gold to cash in emergency situations under this year’s economic shock, right? I really don’t know that the redemption rate of this thing is the fastest and the most valuable. ?

Are houses, land, antiques, stocks, etc. so fast and so valuable?

In first- and second-tier cities, it is absolutely possible to cash in physical gold worth 30-50 million in one or two days. How quickly is it to sell houses, and how fast is domestic T+1 stock trading?


PS: Please order for broken bowl~

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