My Return to Life

Vol 5 Chapter 757: It’s a big row, a sharp contrast

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On October 1, 2011, it turned cloudy.

National Day.

Putian celebrates the 62nd anniversary of the founding of Motherland.

People waving the five-star red flag can be seen everywhere in Shanghai.

Before 9 o'clock, Mirage and Mu Shang drove out of Junting Villa one after another.

For the first time, Fang Nian took the back seat of the Phantom.

After all, this is the car that President Lu most rarely uses, so much so that even classmate Fang Nian hasn't gotten a chance to rub the car in the past.

Today is a very important day for cutting-edge and cutting-edge science. Naturally, a grand attendance is required.

after all……

It was the opening ceremony of Dangkang Industrial Park, which is within five kilometers of Junting Garden, that even Guan Qiuhe Guan Dong, who is the chairman of Dangkang;

I specially chose to use the status of Frontier Deputy Director to attend the important ceremony of Frontier Nuwa and Shengyu Laboratories entering the Frontier Research Center.

At 9:30, Mirage and Mu Shang arrived at Jiangwan Frontier Research Center.

Parked next to several all-Benz 600s.

Fang Nian got out of the car early.

Then mix into the crowd.

After all, this kind of ceremony is always good to be able to watch.

Asking Mr. Fang to preside over the ribbon-cutting or something, that's fine, it's not the move-in ceremony of the Frontier Headquarters.

There are many people on the scene preparing.

Porridge, Wu Fucheng, Wen Ye and others all dressed up to attend.

For example, the white porridge and Wu Fucheng have neat suits.

Wen Ye and Gu Yu also wore decent business suits.

Liu Xi...

Of course, Liu Xi, like Fang Nian, mixed into the crowd.

The reason why Fang Nian and Liu Xi are not present is not complicated and low-key.

After all, both of them are good students and tyrants. Basically, there is no need to absent from work. Liu Xi will only take a lot of lessons. At least before the junior year is over, there is no plan to be exposed to the public.

Taking into account the weather, the move-in ceremony was arranged in the lobby on the first floor of the research center.

Anyway, the design of the lobby on the first floor is very spacious and tall enough to carry.

Fang Nian sat in the corner with Liu Xi.

The spacious hall gradually changed from busy to orderly.

There are about 150 chairs, media seats and so on.

Fang Nian glanced at Liu Xi and asked with a smile, "Have you ever thought of standing in front of the stage like everyone else?"

"No, no." Liu Xi answered after hearing this.

Then carefully explain "I am used to being introverted. Too much attention will make me very uncomfortable and may be prone to mistakes that shouldn't be made."

"It's not friendly for financial work."

After listening to Liu Xi's serious explanation, Fang Nian thought for a while and hesitated, "Have you never thought that you will be respected, admired or even admired for this?"

"After all, most people want to have this experience."

Liu Xi shook her head, "Never thought about it, and never thought about having a different experience."

"I think it's pretty good now, don't have to think about much."

Fang Nian smiled, "This is also good."


Liu Xi didn't know that a word of her would penetrate Fang Nian's fragile heart.

‘Don’t think about many things’.

Is the life of a cow so simple and unpretentious?

Is the financial work of a group of hundreds of millions and billions not mind-boggling?

You don’t need to use your brain for long-term financial management, right?

You are good, you are reasonable.

After a while, Lin Yucong walked in with Li Annan.

The two of them came here specially from Songjiang to join in the fun.

Li Annan took the shoulders of the senior year and said cheerfully, "Lao Fang, congratulations, there is one more building."

Speaking left and right, look at "Are you not planning to play by yourself?"

"Afraid of being too high-profile?"

Fang Nian smiled and said "lazy."

Lin Yucong, who was sitting next to Liu Xi, interrupted with a smile, "You really will fool us."

"When we don't know the concept of ip, right?"

Before Fang Nian spoke, Li Annan hurriedly took over the conversation, "Which IP, network IP or intellectual property?"

Lin Yucong smiled and said, "Of course it's the latter.'President Fang' is a serious ip now. The more curious people, the more gimmicks there are."

"Zong Zong is a serious businessman. He has been low-key for so long and won't appear casually."

Hearing what Lin Yucong said, Li Annan looked towards Fang Nian.

Fang Nian smiled and nodded. "Similar to what the elder sister said, there is nothing bad about using gimmicks to bring some commercial benefits to the frontier in business."

"I learned it." Li Annan pursed his lips serious.

Fang Nian glanced at Li Annan, "Just don't lose your studies."

"Huh?" Li Annan scratched his head a little.

He actually doesn't treat himself seriously now, and is more in charge of technical management.

After the first e was dismissed due to various opinions, Qi Duohua has not recruited a full-time e.

Li Annan forced concurrently.

Lin Yucong occasionally helps out when he is free.

In contrast, Lin Yucong still has some management experience. At any rate, he has been a big sister. After going to university, he quickly became the frontier society of politics and law in East China, and now he has become a development model of college society led by humanities and social sciences.

It is estimated that after the implementation of the Frontier Club Genius Project, Lin Yucong's contribution can be selected into the plan.

After all, the Frontier Association is not like the Frontier Institute, which almost focuses on the interdisciplinary research of basic disciplines such as biochemistry and environmental materials, but covers all disciplines of campus associations.

Now it is even more promoted to the graduate level.

Even if it is divided into simple liberal arts and sciences, it is impossible to focus on science.

The possibility of Lin Yucong being selected into the genius project is not fundamentally Fang Nian's favoritism.

After all, the conceptual thing was brought up by Lin Yucong on his own initiative.

Fang Nian just helped push it.

Subsequent success has become a template specification, which has nothing to do with Fang Nian, it is a manifestation of Lin Yucong's personal ability.

Perhaps this is the reason why Liu Xihui nominated Lin Yucong to be included in the Front Office Reserve Partner Program.


Several young people talked and laughed.

Some invited media reporters entered the venue one after another, and there were only ten minutes left before the ten o'clock agreed.

Not long after, Liu Xi got the news and quickly reported to Fang Nian.

"President Fang, there are big guests who are not on the invitation list."

Then he said a few names.

Fang Nian "..."

Then he reluctantly said, "Dangkang Industrial Park is not going to be due to Mr. Guan, let Mr. Guan explain as much as possible."

Good guy, why are there uninvited bosses who are not on the list.

The several names Liu Xi said are uninvited guests to the frontier.

Originally, according to the scale of the opening and entering ceremony of the Frontier Research Center, only Secretary Chen Yinchen and the district head of Yangpu were invited.

Of course, Yang Yuliang is also on the invitation list.

But now Xu Lin and Jiang Liang from the Pudong District Government are here uninvited.

The most important thing is that there are leaders from Shencheng Mansion who come uninvited.

They are the Secretary-General and the Deputy Mayor.

Both are often withered.

Especially that Secretary-General Ding, Fang Nian still wants to get to know him.

Because in the future this will be the secretary of the school.

Fang Nian didn't know how this happened.

It is a pity that time does not depend on anyone's will.

Ten o'clock is less than five minutes away.

Fortunately, the entire front office was dispatched. There were seven or eight people in the secretarial group alone, and Shi Xinrong and others were also there. This emergency situation can still be easily dealt with.

After a while, there will be more etiquette ladies waiting.


When Guan Qiuhe, Lu Weiyu, Wen Ye, Gu Yu, Wu Fucheng, and Porridge led a crowd of faces familiar to the invited media into the lobby.

I don't know who took the lead first, and there was applause.

There were also many people who stood up and paid attention while applauding.

Most of them were invited media, and the other front-line employees who were invited to attend basically applauded.

Know how much you touch it.

Even if they live and work in Shanghai, most people don't care who the upper-level personnel are in charge of the city.

In contrast, people pay more attention to celebrities such as the entertainment industry and the rich.

The originally spacious and empty lobby on the first floor was full of visitors from all walks of life.

Specially arranged VIP seats temporarily.

The media reporter friends at the scene were a bit surprised at today's show.

Some people can't help but whisper.

"Is this the front line?"

"There are people in the city invited to attend, tusk..."

"Why there is no news in advance..."

"Maybe... Uninvited?"


Li Annan and Lin Yucong are not very clear about the situation, and they are a little puzzled.

Li Annan asked in a low voice, "Who is this here? I think it seems very excited over there. You were a little helpless just now."

Fang Nian replied, "Two uninvited leaders, from the city."

"There are also one and two in Pudong District."

Li Annan was surprised "Yes, it's the face of the frontier."

"Don't talk about face, I feel quite uncomfortable." Fang Nian hurriedly said, "Who just left two days ago."


"Miao Wei."

"What? You went to see you?"

"I just killed the Nuwa laboratory silently, can I not go?"

"Tsk, awesome."

"Everything has two sides. You are a boss now, so you should understand this."



When Fang Nian was beeping Lailai with Li Annan, the clock was pointing to ten o'clock.

Lu Weiyu, general manager of Frontier Sciences, personally presided over the move-in ceremony.

"Ladies and gentlemen, good morning everyone."

"Thank you very much for taking the time out of your busy schedule to participate in the opening and entering ceremony of the Frontier Research Center."


After the brief opening remarks, several leaders who attended were introduced.

Whether it was Xu Lin and Jiang Liang, who were not in harmony with the frontiers, or two uninvited bosses, they all smiled.


Then the original process was slightly lengthened.

Originally there was just a simple speech, then a ribbon cutting, and a simple press conference, and finally the research center opened to the media to conclude.

Of course this cannot be done now.

Therefore, after the opening remarks, Lu Weiyu quickly handed over the podium to Executive Deputy Yang Xiong.

As the biggest person on the scene, Yang Xiong did not refuse.

Standing on the podium, Yang Xiong smiled and said, "Good morning everyone."


Just as Yang Xiong suddenly stopped, the applause of Chi Chi Chi rang.

Li Annan whispered, "Deservingly a leader."

Then suddenly he said, "Lao Fang, can you do the same inside the company?"

"No, I rarely manage the company in detail." Fang Nian smiled.


On the stage, Yang Xiong said unhurriedly, "It's an honor to represent the municipal party committee and government at the opening ceremony of the Frontier Research Center."


"Frontier Company is based in Shencheng and is developing well. It has achieved outstanding results in less than two years."


"The investment in the field of basic scientific research is huge, and the output is also very gratifying. It can be said that it fills up some of the shortcomings in the basic field of computing science in my country."


"I wish the opening ceremony of the Frontier Research Center a complete success."


Yang Xiong controlled his speech to about five minutes.

I praised the frontier.

The attitude on the bright side is quite clear, meaning that the frontier comes to the platform.

I am very commended for the superficial achievements of Frontier since its establishment, and it can be regarded as a little expectation.

Generally speaking, it is a great category of hello and me.

Fang Nian in the audience was also relieved.

On the side Li Annan whispered, "Is this leader okay? I think they praise the cutting edge."

"It's okay, but I don't know what it is." Fang Nian was a little confused.

Guan Qiuhe, Lu Weiyu and the others did not give the following.

After all, their secretaries are all on the scene and can ventilate at any time.


When many people in the audience, including Fang Nian, thought that other leaders would speak next, Lu Weiyu pushed to the next process.

As the general manager of Frontier Science, I briefly talked about the significance of the opening of the Frontier Research Center.

The whole journey took less than two minutes.

Then announced the start of the ribbon cutting.

Even the work of presiding was handed over to Shi Xinrong.

Obviously, this can't be a mistake on the frontier, but the leaders who came have actively refused to speak.

Only Yang Xiong became a representative.

Fortunately, the lobby area is large enough.

A long red silk hanging from the lobby towards the elevator in the office area is enough to stand.

Huang Weiming, R&D director of Nuwa Lab, is the representative of Nuwa.

Professor Yang, the R&D director of Shengyu Laboratory, is the representative of Shengyu.

Then it was all leaders and front office people.

Everyone smiled and finished cutting the red silk.

what is interesting……

Almost at the same time, Dangkang Industrial Park was also cutting the ribbon.

Liu Xi on the side also delivered the news of the scene.

There are even live pictures-after all, even cottage phones now have camera functions and can send pictures using light chat.

Li Annan joined in the excitement "What is this?"

"The opening scene of Dangkang Industrial Park." Liu Xi replied.

Li Annan "..."

"Dangkang has an industrial park? Why is there no news at all? Where is it? How big?"

Fang Nian replied, "It is only the first phase of the There are five buildings built. The floor area is not too big, and it can accommodate almost 15,000 people. It is located at Zhangjiang Hi-Tech. ."

Although Dangkang Games has quite ample cash flow, it is only the first phase of the park.

The second phase of the park is planned for four middle-high-rise office buildings, and the headquarters is planned for the second phase of the park.

As for why it is divided into one and two phases.

Of course, it is because the plan for the first phase is enough for Dangkang games to be used now, and there is still a lot of surplus left enough for the second phase to be built slowly.

After reading a few pictures, Li Annan hesitated, "Why does such a big industrial park look so shabby? President Guan didn't go?"

"That, Mr. Guan personally likes the frontier atmosphere." Fang Nian said in a prevarication.

He also felt that the opening of the Dangkang Industrial Park was a bit shabby.

The scene was all employees of Dangkang Games, and neither the media nor the leaders were invited. Even the founder and chairman of the company did not show up.

It is in sharp contrast with the hustle and bustle of a small research center at the forefront.

Li Annan frowned and said, "I haven't seen any big news about Dangkang Games this year. Even the opening of the park is now so low-key. Is it because the competition can't compete with Goose Factory Games?"

Fang Nian smiled, "Don't think too much, just adjust the development strategy, the first three quarters that have passed should be the game of hanging the goose factory."

"Oh." Li Annan nodded seemingly.


When the two beeping, the most ceremonial part of the opening and entering ceremony of the Frontier Research Center was completed.

Next is a brief press conference hosted by Wen Ye...



p Don’t worry, there is one more~


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