My Return to Life

Vol 5 Chapter 761: What bad thoughts can Fang Xiaonian have

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The stars are dotted at night.

As the temperature dropped day by day, there seemed to be fallen leaves in the yard at any time.

On the fifth day of the lunar calendar, the moon did not reveal the buds.

A big family sitting in the yard chatting and spanking, the evening breeze is blowing gently, which is just the right comfort level this season.

There is also a Founder Country now.

I was too lazy to say anything, and ate the fried pumpkin seeds I brought from my hometown. This thing is generally not as good as him.

Thanks to Fang Nian's excellence, his "old man" has really lived the life he dreamed of in the past two years: free from worrying about everything, carefree.

Those projects of Tongfeng United School, Founder State, are also named.

In fact, there is a professional team leader who dispatches it, and it's done by following it.

Now the young and middle-aged labor force in Maoba has also agreed to switch to road construction.

Tired will be more tiring, but the salary is higher than building a house, not young and old. After all, there is a saying, Jinqiao Yinlu Copper House.

You don't need Fang Nian to subcontract small sections of small roads, just find someone to take care of it.

It will probably start in December, and it will take two to three years overall.

At that time, every household in Maoba also had money on hand, and the country's economy was growing rapidly, so there were more choices.

Comrade Fang Zhengguo is still working as a contractor, and he does as per the instructions above, without worrying about it.

Most of the young and middle-aged people in the countryside still work very steadily, pointing to the support of their families.

The picky ones couldn't get into the engineering team gathered at the old Fang's house.

In the past two years, Fang Zhengguo's thoughts have also been clear, and he understands that it doesn't matter whether he makes money or not. There is something to kill the time.

The Poussin Founder was also comfortable, and there was good wine and cigarettes in the trunk for many years.

On the construction site, it is often to go to the Furong King.

Huazi is also prepared, usually to give the heads and brains one by one.

Of course, people with vision will also give Comrade Fang Zhengguo some good cigarettes and wine.

After all, Fang Zhengguo is an ordinary middle-aged man from a rural area. He is absolutely not as big as his mouth, but he can easily catch any good things. There must be a circumstantial relationship.

Anyway, rumors in small places can always be very outrageous.

For example, one day someone occasionally met Fang Zhengguo and Zhu Jianbin for a meal, and it was immediately reported that the leaders of the Education Bureau would come to flatter him.

Some people say that the Founder Congress spent money, earning 10 yuan and dare to spend 9 yuan.

In fact, Fang Zhengguo really didn't point to the money for the project, he just collected rent.

Anyway, it was very comfortable.


The arrival of Fang Zhengguo brought a ‘bad’ atmosphere, and more than half of the people in the yard were eating melon seeds.

Li Annan said while sipping melon seeds: "Your yard has changed in a long time, and it's quite fresh."

"It's always easy to get tired of looking like this. Anyway, we are also the money master at home." Fang Nian said cheerfully.


Everyone laughed.

Lin Yucong pointed to the other side of the yard: "I think there is a grassland over there that is different. What has been changed?"

"General Guan's private and exclusive golf daily golf course." Fang Nian looked serious.

Guan Qiuhe interrupted and said, "The yard is a bit empty, it's a waste of no use, and it's easy to change."

"Sister He, don't you want to do in your own yard?" Lu Weiyu quickly reminded.

Guan Qiuhe: "..."


Although she likes golf alone, she also owns the courtyard over there!

"Haha..." Fang Nian, who succeeded in digging, smiled presumptuously.


The actual area of ​​the yard is nearly 10 acres, if it is really bare, it looks quite big.

There are always so many flowers, plants and trees, and it's not interesting to watch it for a long time.

So some time ago, some infrastructure construction was done.

Just finished in these two days.

In addition to the outdoor mini golf course for Mr. Guan himself, there are also several large facilities such as pavilions and basketball hoops.

In addition, there are small facilities such as swings.

More breath of life.

Li Annan smacked his lips and said with emotion: "Suddenly I really want to be rich. You can make everything you want to make a house, a car, and anything."

Hearing this, Fang Nian laughed: "Annan, don't just say nothing."

"Have you ever thought that, from the perspective of science fiction, it is very possible that every time you want to forge ahead in a whim, it is the future you crying to the present you for help?"

"Every time you finish talking and then give up, will you fall into a more desperate situation in the future?"

A few words made Li Annan dumbfounded.

Even the others present here are the same, including Wu Fucheng and Wen Ye.

Li Annan stunned: "I read a lot of books, don't want to lie to me!"

"I read a lot of books, and I can write books, so I won't lie to you." Fang Nian corrected seriously.

Li Annan: "..."

He was speechless again.

Although these words are not original by Fang Nian, they are actually very easy to contemplate and feel very uncomfortable.

Everyone joked, and Fang Nian finally decided to talk more patiently.

"It stands to reason that the development of the frontier to the present point can completely stabilize the existing results, and the frontier can enjoy the excess profits brought by the ultra-high market share of various products from top to bottom;

With the current exclusive attributes of MindOS and Shenlong No. 1 in the field of basic technology, they are more profitable than monopoly companies. The frontier has already formulated rules to a certain extent. This rule includes independent pricing in the seller's market, etc.;

In fact, the frontier is getting busier, planning more and more, and even more desperate to invest in research and development funds, less than a few hundred million to several billion;

To apply the science fiction perspective just mentioned, the future me will always send distress signals to the present me;

The cutting-edge planning is not perfect, it is still like a castle in the sky, and it is not solid, so of course it needs to continue to work hard. "

Slightlyton, Fang Nian went on.

"Just like in the afternoon, you all wondered why I went overseas to join in the fun;

Why did you deliberately bring the rhythm to AMD in the end?

Do you want to kill it? "

Having said that, Fang Nian glanced over everyone, and asked and answered: "If you have a chance, of course you can die or die."

Then he said: "Actually, the frontier is far from being as good as the outside world touted. If the enemy is only oneself, it is actually an enemy in the world;

AMD is so vulnerable now, isn't it also able to get stuck in cutting-edge development? "

Although Fang Nian has no plans to go short AMD and the like.

But it does not prevent him from going to Twitter to join in the fun to gain attention and convenience to use the power of public opinion to provoke AMD.

Some business opportunities may seem inexplicable, but there may be many connections.

After listening to Fang Nian's words, Wen Ye, Gu Yu, and Wu Fucheng frowned slightly, each thoughtful.

Lin Yucong is the same.

On the contrary, Li Annan did not think at all, and asked directly: "That..."

"What else can I do? It's almost past junior year, and the four years of undergraduate degree are over."

Upon seeing this, Fang Nian praised: "Annan is good about it. I don't know if I pretend to be blind."

"There are many answers, but you have to ask yourself what you want first."

Li Annan thought without hesitation: "Money."

"Change one for another, this thing is too challenging." Fang Nian waved his hand deliberately.

Then he smiled and said, "There are many industries that make money, but that's the problem. What do you want to do?"

"Let's put it this way, you have a good time now, just planning to move your hands and feet to deal with capital."

Li Annan was puzzled: "Can I get rich if I want?!"

"How do you say it?" Lin Yucong was full of interest.

Fang Nian briefly explained two sentences: "I have joined forces with a group of capital tycoons who are engaged in venture capital to build a club, and the fund is now quite substantial;

If there is a lot of money, it will be easier to make money. What is not easy is how to make money and promote market development, so that everyone benefits. "

Seeing Lin Yucong and Li Annan still looked at a loss.

Fang Nian had to put it in a more general way: "You don't need to care about developing ideas."

"For example, you have all heard of Soros, he has been touted by many media, but from the reliable information, all the funds he has traded are not too big;

At least it is not as good as the fund that I can leverage now. That club has nearly 20 billion yuan in funds, and the total amount of funds that each member can use is about one trillion. "

Li Annan: "!!!"

Lin Yucong: "!!!"


Fang Nian didn't say anything about it. There were mainly two or three ruthless institutions. The private equity funds managed by a single unit exceeded 200 billion or even close to 300 billion.

The capital of the top five institutions exceeds 800 billion.

Each of the other more than 20 companies started with more than 10 billion yuan. The poorest one is actually the frontier angel represented by Fang Nian, because most of the time there is no money on the account and no private equity funds are managed.

Having said that, the reason why the influence fund can make a profit every time the track investment has not been resisted by the industry, and the upper hand has closed its eyes because of the ‘not easy’ that Fang Nian said.

After the influence fund is established, the track investment is as simple and simple as it is, and it won't be too difficult to make money.

The hard part is to benefit the industry and the general public, so that the boss is willing to open his eyes and close his eyes.

Therefore, it is necessary to find the right position of the trader to promote the development of the industry.

Although it is only an application technology in the mobile Internet, at least it is not harvesting the wealth of the people;

Moreover, the public has no perception of the financial aspect during the whole process, but instead benefited from it and enjoyed more thoughtful services brought about by technological development.

To be so happy.

One of the core keys is that all trading is limited to the primary market.

The other is that influence funds generally prefer to let the money lie in the account and moldy.

Even if this is not in line with the tonality of capital at all, the super huge gains from an occasional move are enough to make all participants shut up.

If there is not so much attention to detail, can Fang Nian still see Pingxiao?

The people above can't wait to eat their meat!

If there is not so much attention to detail, it will not show that Fang Zong's vision is unique, long-term, keen, and sharp.


Li Annan thought for a while, and said with a serious look: "The favorite thing I have found to do since I was in college is programming, so I still want to gain more in this area;

Qiduuohua's development is not impossible. Last month, its business revenue was more than 700,000, and advertising revenue was nearly 3 million, but it was not enough to upgrade the server. "

Hearing this, Fang Nianping said: "In this case, write the underlying code of the social platform. I will send you a draft of the architecture by email. You have to hurry up and tame the algorithm. It depends on you whether you can catch up with this big ride. And the skill of your team."

"Good." Li Annan nodded seriously.

Fang Nian didn't say more.



It was number three in the blink of an eye.

Porridge had a wedding with his fiancee.

The venue is in a private wedding club, in the style of a manor-style hotel, with a large outdoor lawn, in the form of a Western wedding.

The specifications are not cheaper than luxury five-star hotels.

It's not that the porridge is rich, but that his and his wife's family conditions are okay, and this cost is still affordable.

What's interesting is that neither the white porridge nor the woman's home is local to Shencheng.

The reason for the arrangement in Shencheng was that both parties worked in Shencheng, and the woman’s family settled in Shencheng.

The front office can also be regarded as a small half of the family, and it is very supportive for him.

Maybach 62S is the main wedding car for porridge.

There are Mirage and Mulsanne in the fleet, and the wedding company also arranges a black Mercedes.

There is a compulsion.

After all, the 62S, a car with a starting price of 13 million, can't be used as a wedding car.

In the end, all seven of the front office drove over to attend weddings.

Fang Nian finally got on the McLaren co-pilot driven by Lu Weiyu, and finally he looked a bit like a little boy eating soft rice.


At the wedding for the second time, Fang Nian was also familiar with the process, looking for a place to sit, waiting for the opening of the table, anyway, the guests did not know the scene.

Even Cheng Qian didn't come. This guy got his Ph.D this school year and went abroad to exchange and study eagerly.

After the feast, the porridge brought the bride over to toast.

Only then is the official recognition.

Called Sun Dian.

Everyone cheered and celebrated.

"Congratulations, happy wedding."

Fang Nian took the lead and gave the gift: "Happy newlywed, Miss Sun will often come to sit at home with Lao Bai."

"Thank you Mr. Fang, you must come often." Sun was still a little flattered.


After all, Mr. Fang is still very arrogant.

The gift is a pair of lovers' watches, plus a piece of 100,000 yuan, which is a little more expensive than the one given to Zhang Rui and Chen Qinghui on May 1st.

But this time he and Lu Weiyu sent it together.

Everyone has the same gift-giving standard, around 50,000 yuan.

Finally, Wen Ye sent a gift on behalf of the Frontier Office: "I wish you two early births and a long life together."

Seeing the contents of the small gift box that Wen Ye handed over, the porridge hesitated: "This..."

"President Fang..."

Fang Nian smiled slightly: "A little caution in the office, don't take it to heart."

"Well, thank you Mr. Fang."

"You're welcome."


The gift is very simple, a set of large flats along the river, not the 100,000 square meter of Tomson first product.

But it is not cheap, more than 300 square meters, nearly 15 million.

Of course, Bai Congee doesn't have his own house in Shanghai, so this gift is just right.

It's not about buying people's hearts.

It is considered that the benefits have been drawn in advance...


On the way back to Junting, Fang Nian glanced at Lu Weiyu who was driving from time to time, pretending to be inadvertent and said: "We have attended two weddings this year, sister Yu~"

"Huh?" Lu Weiyu took the time to glance at Fang Nian, "No, why are you still envious of it?"

Hearing this, Fang Nian was too unhappy and frowned: "What does this society mean now, men can't get married in a hurry?!"

"If you want to think about it, we can have a wedding first." Lu Weiyu said with her eyes rolling in circles.

Upon hearing this, Fang Nian's eyes beamed: "I think it's okay."

"Hey..." Lu Wei pursed her lips, "I don't know, I thought the people who chased me would be able to line up to Pujiang, so that your dignified gentleman wanted to tie me up quickly."

Fang Nian nodded vigorously: "Yes, yes, that's It has to be tied up."

"I..." Lu Wei said with a glance at Fang Nian, "You are not right, do you have any bad thoughts, you want to coax me first so that you can implement your strategy?"

"Take too far." Fang Nian smacked his mouth.

Then he sighed: "Now society is really unfair to young people. It's difficult to go to school, work and work, make money, and it's hard to even get married to my wife!"

"Can it be done!"

Hearing Lu Wei's words happily: "Will we get a marriage certificate on the day you reach 22 on your ID card?"

"That won't work. How could marriage be so sloppy? You have to look forward to the day!" Fang Nian said seriously.

Lu Weiyu blinked his eyes: "..."

Just as he was about to speak, Fang Nian’s cell phone rang suddenly...



PS: Push a book "I am the emperor of science and technology", the new book of Dafu Juju.

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