My Return to Life

Vol 5 Chapter 772: 0 degree computer seems to use a strange processor

The night was dark, and the huge courtyard was quiet.

After Guan Qiuhe and Lu Weiyu watched Fang Xiaonian pretending to be forced in the surf, he returned to his home.

Fang Nian answered several calls.

There is Ms. Lin Feng.

Ms. Lin Feng's excitement seemed to rush through the telephone line.

There are other friends who like to surf the Internet, such as Li Annan's.

After ten o'clock, the lights on the first floor went out.

Fang Nian went to the master bedroom on the second floor with Lu Weiyu.

Speaking of which, only this super large bedroom with more than 100 square meters can be regarded as a private space completely exclusive to Fang Nian and Lu Weiyu in a sense.

No outsiders have entered since the two moved in.

Fang Nian and Lu Weiyu are both hygienic people, and they are assisted by cleaning machines. They are not difficult to clean, and they have no artificial hands.

There are not many furniture inside.

About twenty minutes later, Fang Nian walked out of the bathroom behind Lu Weiyu.

Lu Weiyu, who was lying on Fang Nian's back, stretched out his arms for a half and yawned, "It's early today."

Then he said: "Should take a bath."

Hearing this, Fang Nian simply sat on the sofa with Lu Weiyu's back, and held Lu Weiyu in his pajamas: "You will be energetic at night?"

"No, no!" Lu Weiyu quickly denied, her little feet swayed and refused.

"I'll just say it casually."

Fang Nian frowned slightly.

Upon seeing this, Lu Weiyu hurriedly said: "Ah...I really have no other meaning."

Nian's neck above the ring of both hands while speaking: "Bobo."

Fang Nian immediately smiled hippiely: "Tsk tsk, it turns out you are like this, madam..."

"Bad embryo!" Lu Wei said fiercely through gritted teeth.


After making a fuss, Lu Weiyu mentioned what happened today: "In addition to wanting to benefit from the factual monopoly through technological advancement, there should be more important reasons, sir?"

"Such as an ideal?"

Fang Nian did not deny: "Well, it's probably a poem by a great leader: I don't speak first when spring comes, which bug dare to make a noise."

"The leader is really domineering." Lu Weiyu admired, "My husband is really ambitious."

Lu Weiyu seemed to hesitate before saying: "Then...does today's things put you under much pressure?"

"Not big." Fang Nian lazily said, "I can only say that I think far and more than many people expected."

Lu Weiyu nodded without understanding.


Then changed the subject.

Said something and not.

Finally, Fang Nian tightened his hands: "Madam, it's getting late, it's time to rest."

"Ah hum~" Lu Weiyu answered.

No words for a night.



No. Early in the morning, Fang Nian's classmate carried a schoolbag to school.

There was also Lu Weiyu, a full-time graduate student who went with him.

In this semester, Senior Sister Lu has classes from Monday to Friday for 12 weeks, and four weeks with classes three days a week. A total of 16 classes have been arranged. Basically, there are two consecutive classes a day, with four classes a few days.

The schoolwork is not onerous.

It does not affect Mr. Lu as the general manager while studying.

Especially when the development trend of frontier organization structure is clear at a glance, Lu always has more time.

When Fang Nian walked into the campus from the east gate, Lu Wei said: "School brother Fang, I will leave first after two classes."

"Okay, I have more courses today." Fang Nian said.

As he walked, Lu Weiyu looked around and said, "I still won't go with you. It feels like Fang Nian is going to show off again today."

"Huh?" Before Fang Nian could react, Lu Weiyu quickly walked two steps into the crowd.

As Lu Weiyu said.

After eleven days to enter the campus again, Fang Nian, who had just been on the news and was forced to post on the Internet, was once again baptized by many eyes.

Originally, Fang Nian was already a school celebrity because of the speech.

At least this side knows that there is such a big-time master-level scholar.

After all, the school is a small place, and the heat has not been so fast in the past. Then on the 11th day, classmate Fang Nian broke out his identity as the intern secretary of the general manager of cutting-edge science on the Internet, which caused a heated discussion again.

Including last night’s news and hot news.

With the recognition of Fang Nian's handsome appearance, at least the limelight on Fudan's main campus is the same.

This time I walked into the classroom and was surrounded by many people.

Including but not limited to the familiar Su Zhi and Gao Jie.

"Fang Nian Fang Nian, are you really the intern secretary of the general manager of Frontier Science?"

"What question are you asking! Fang Nian, how does it feel to shake hands with leader Ping? Have you got a chance to speak with leader Ping?"

"Yes, yes, did Leader Ping say a few words to you."

"I heard that there were many leaders on the scene, who were they?"


Facing the scurrying gazes of the curious babies, Fang Nian smiled slightly: "I'm just an intern secretary, and the leader shook hands equally."

"It's not my turn to talk to the leader."


Of course, Fang Bi Wang was muttering in his heart.

"Who look down on? Am I the kind of person who remembers the feeling of a handshake? This is not the first time. I have been back and forth many times, and I can't get excited!"

"A few words?"

"Should I tell you which dish the leader prefers? I can sit on the left hand side of the leader!"

"The leader just gave me a phone number to contact me at any time!"

"Really are!"

"There are a lot of leaders at the scene, and Mr. Fang has left me a phone number. Why don't you share the phone card to meet each other?


Although he couldn't get more answers he wanted to hear, Fang Nian's calmness made everyone suddenly feel less excited.

Some of them remembered the same scene last time, and Fang Nian was so relaxed.

So everyone dispersed.

In the end, only Su Zhi and Gao Jie remained.

Fang Nian was finally able to sit down and glanced at Su Zhi: "You know that anonymous user is you, right?"

" did you see it?" Su Zhi blinked, originally wanting to deny it, but greeted Fang Nian's gaze and admitted it.

Fang Nian replied: "I just said it casually."

Su Zhi: "!"


They have experienced it once, but some are not so curious.

Instead, I asked a more practical question: "Are interns outside the Frontier Internship Department difficult to apply for?"

"Not difficult." Fang Nian replied patiently, "but it's very difficult similar to the general manager and CEO intern secretary. I haven't seen the second successful one."

"Then do you feel helpful?"

"It's very big, and will be taken by a full-time secretary to deal with affairs for many people."

"How did you apply for the job?"

"I have a good homework, I can be reasonable and convince the interviewer."


At the end, Fang Nian added a few words: "In fact, I think everyone can try it, like Gao Jie, there is a Ministry of Public and Government Affairs at the frontier, I think it should be helpful to you."

"I also know that it will definitely help, the question is can I do it?" Gao Jie said not sure.

Fang Nian joked: “Chairman Gao is afraid that he has forgotten that he is a managerial talent in charge of Fudan’s frontier associations. Even graduate students have not competed with you.”

"That's because they don't have enough time." Gao Jie retorted.

Fang Nian: "If you want to reason with me, it's better to try it. If you haven't done it, you won't have it, and you won't be ashamed."

Gao Jie thought for a while, and finally nodded.

After being classmates for more than two years, Fang Nian felt that Gao Jie and the others could try to be interns. It had nothing to do with money or not, but mainly because of training.

Frontier actually pays a lot of attention to interns.

Although the frontier internship department and other internship programs have certain geographical limitations, more than 90% come from major universities in Shanghai.

But they are all genuine high-achieving students.

Most are from 211 schools.

It's said that Porridge is preparing a frontier internship program, relying on several laboratories to recruit college interns locally.

The initial stage is for the undergraduate level.

When the frontier society gradually expands to the graduate level, it will also be open to graduate students as appropriate.

After all, there are more students majoring in humanities and social sciences in frontier clubs.


Before the lecturer came, Luo Qiao suddenly asked a question: "Fang Nian, I saw a message on the web in the morning. Someone was discussing that the zero-degree desktop computer seemed to use a strange processor. Do you know the news?"

"I know a little bit, but it's hard to say." Fang Nian answered casually.



The news of the White Dragon D1 has been completely blocked by Frontier for more than a month, and now a corner has been revealed on the Internet.

Fang Nian had been instructed a long time ago, and after Wen Ye realized it yesterday, news began to emerge today.

In fact, if it were not for the frontier's deliberate blockade, it would burst out on November.

Because the desktop chassis is easy to disassemble, it takes less than three minutes for a caring person to disassemble the bottom.

Bailong D1 is packaged with a complete brand logo-as long as you pull out the CPU fan, it is clear at a glance.

Speaking of which, the Zero Degree brand is now going very smoothly.

After all, it is the public route.

The difference is that the Zero Degree does not plan to build its own production plant, but does its own design, supply chain, and post-adjustment. The production is OEM.

It's basically the same as Apple's model.

Even more autonomy.

The Zero Degree brand is not currently on sale, but the desktops on display do not use external graphics cards, and are directly used by the core display.

The first batch of 1,000 units rolled off the assembly line at the end of September.

The day before yesterday, the second batch of 5,000 units was donated free of charge, covering all six frontier institutes.

The overall hardware cost is not high, a single unit is controlled within two thousand yuan, which is converted to a cost of 12 million yuan.

Of course, design costs and so on are not included.

In order to better improve the Bailong D1 and improve the application ecology based on the Bzloong instruction set, the first direct promotion fee of the cutting-edge: 12 million.

This is unthinkable in the eyes of many companies.

Especially some domestic enterprises.

If things are not good, no one will use them, they will only cry, make trouble, and go to Yuya...hang.

Then wait for the above policy, and sell your own garbage products.

The cutting-edge approach is very simple, no one uses it?

Burning money is free for people to use.

If you use it, you will get feedback. If you have feedback, you will change it. If you change it, you will catch up with others, then surpass, and finally form a de facto monopoly with core technology.

So as to achieve a double harvest of career and ideals.

Su Zifeng decided to start the micro-architecture research and development program code-named ‘Chu’, but there is also a missing reason that someone has already used the White Dragon D1.

Of course, the more reason is that there are still references.

In fact, cutting-edge burns money on end-user-oriented products is very crazy.

In the case of ‘DeskOS+’, a 500 million yuan award for developers was announced in May.

No one wants to develop the corresponding version?

Frontier gives money, developers use their spare time to write, earn some extra money, hello, me, everyone...

The zero degree brand is so smooth that it has begun trial production of notebooks and all-in-ones.

The use sample of Bailong D1 must be expanded.

Because in this direction, Bai Ze Lab actually does not have sufficient experience.

Although the processors used in desktops and notebooks are both named Bailong D1, and they are even both in 65nm technology, the design of power consumption is different.

The external name is also different.

One is called Bailong D1-S, and the other is called Bailong D1-L.

Corresponding to the S standard (Standard) of the desktop and the L notebook (Laptop) of the laptop.

So you have to use feedback.


From the morning of the 11th, sporadic news about zero-degree computer processors appeared in the domestic public cyberspace.

The next day was very hot.

By the 13th, to be precise, in the early hours of the 14th, there was already a lot of noise and everyone knew.

Countless good things netizens discussed on all major social platforms.

Since the establishment of the site, there have been many related problems that have been deliberately touched by the elite.

"How do you think about the use of unusual CPUs in the teaching computers donated by Frontier's independent computer brand Zero Degree to Frontier Institute on the Internet?"


"How do you view this incident, the Frontier and the Frontier Academy have always kept silent?"


"How to treat this incident, there is always no substantive evidence, but the news is getting more and more outrageous?"


"Can unpaid donations become a dumping ground for e-waste and waste?"


There is no answer to the Naturally there will be sharp questions.

Countless users are forced to find a variety of information to support their answers through various channels.

It's not that no one has ever wondered whether the Baize Lab, which suddenly announced the design of the world's most advanced mobile phone SoC, was abruptly involved in the desktop CPU.

Although Su Zifeng does not have AMD-related resumes, he has a rich resume in the semiconductor industry, which has become one of the proofs.

In the uproar of public opinion, Chijian was also invited to answer questions.

"Thank you, people are in the spacecraft, just out of the galaxy;

First of all, Frontier is a commercial company, everything is for profit, in this case, it is possible to do anything;

Secondly, there is a fairly reliable rumor that Baize Lab has already made a desktop CPU.

Finally, unless substantive information is exposed, no more relevant questions will be answered.

I understand everything I understand. "


Domestic netizens are speculating endlessly, and there are also discussions on foreign social media.

This morning, someone suddenly broke the news anonymously.

I posted some photos on a niche forum.

"Hidden, it is rumored that there are very strict confidentiality agreement restrictions, so no one has been revealing it. In fact, the relevant information is very obvious."

Picture 1:

A command line message on the computer monitor:


t: 2

t: 2

Picture 2:

A disassembled zero degree chassis, the fan on the CPU is removed, and the brand logo of the CPU shell can be clearly seen:

Frontier? White Dragon? D1-S


As soon as the news came out, it blew up.


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