My Return to Life

Vol 5 Chapter 781: New situation; new news

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"7...7 points 2... billion?"

Yu Dadong's complexion changed slightly, and even became stammered from being very surprised.

Such a number is something that Yu Dadong, including everyone present, has never thought of.

Even Lei Jun, who pays the most attention to the frontier and has the deepest involvement, was equally surprised.

What this means, everyone knows very well.

Facing the eyes of everyone, Fang Nian calmly repeated the rules: "The first alliance meeting last year set the entry fee standard for new members to join the alliance:"

Lleton, Fang Nian smiled slightly: "It is a single payment of 20 million + 10% of the authorization fee of the year;

However, this year's MindOS licensing fee has exceeded 7 billion. "

Even if they were prepared, some people still took a deep breath after hearing Fang Nian personally confirm the number of '7 billion'.

The impact of the huge benefits brought about by breakthroughs in basic science has made these big bosses have their own ideas.

Shen Wei couldn't help but said: "As far as I know, the authorization fee we paid together should be only 1 billion, right?"

"Almost, about 90% of it was paid by Samsung Electronics." Fang Nian said frankly without concealing it.

Then I added two sentences: "In fact, in order to maintain more leadership in the system, the R&D expenses invested by the Nuwa Lab on MindOS increase in a straight line on a monthly basis;

As of the third quarter, the relevant research and development expenses invested this year were about 1.5 billion, excluding foreign patent payment and salary costs. "


Regardless of Fang Nian's intentions or not, everyone in the audience is aware that Nuwa Labs cannot cover the R&D investment on MindOS based on the licensing fees they contributed.

Not to mention that Nuwa laboratory also needs to pay external patent fees.

of course……

What Fang Nian didn't mention was that the expenditure on foreign patent payment was gone.

Because Nuwa Lab has realized peer-to-peer mutual authorization on MindOS.

Strictly speaking, this year's total licensing fee has reached ‘7 billion’, and the part about Samsung Electronics is completely ‘pitted’.

The alliance stipulates that it is not less than 3% and there is no upper limit.

The frontier science itself talked about 7%, which is the frontier's ability.

It also delayed Samsung Electronics for 90 days. It can be said that all domestic mobile phone brands have to thank Frontier.

2011 is the first year of Chinese smartphones.

Samsung Electronics directly lost its competitiveness in the Chinese market due to system-level differences, and the entire first half of the year can be said to have no revenue.

Not to mention the grand occasion of the S2 listing last month, just to say that the frontier side just opened a small opening this month, and the domestic manufacturers immediately felt huge pressure.

When I saw Lei Jun in the morning, Fang Nian could see that even an enthusiast and cost-effective brand like Xiaomi was not very good.

Not to mention other brands with certain brand premiums, among which Juchang is the most difficult...

At this time, Yu Dadong, who had been pondering for a long time, spread his hands and said with a wry smile: "This matter is a bit embarrassing. I can't be the master. I have to make sure from ZTE."

After Yu Dadong finished speaking, Lei Jun, with Erlang's legs tilted, leaned back in his chair, and took the conversation: "I'll insert, don't talk about the rules, it's actually just a simple math problem."

Huang Xiujie, who put his hands together and placed on the conference table in front of him, agreed: "Yes, if ZTE launches a 3,000-priced mobile phone, the sales will be evened out if the sales are only over 10 million, and every 100,000 more units will be sold in the future. Pay a license fee of 7.5 million."

Chen Mingyong also smiled and said, "Speaking of which, we are lucky and enjoy a lot of benefits."

Shen Wei smiled and seemed to sigh: "Yes, according to the authorization fee we pay at present, it is far from enough for MindOS to have enough funds to stay ahead."


What you say and I say, in fact, it is a bit of skipping the license fee for ZTE and directly discussing the next issue.

These bosses can easily find a tacit understanding on some levels.

Although in the voting stage, ZTE won unanimous approval from everyone;

But in the final analysis, this authorization fee is paid by ZTE, which has nothing to do with them.

Although they say that they have enjoyed the benefits, these bosses are totally at ease.

It can be understood as investment. Companies such as Xiaomi have invested heavily in the seed round. Now they are almost IPO, and of course they can enjoy the return.

However, companies like ZTE have to enter the IPO stage. If they want to enjoy the same treatment, they will naturally have to pay a greater price.

Not to mention the frontier, almost assumes all the risks of the entire product process.

Naturally, the greatest return should be obtained.

after all……

Everyone here knows that MindOS is not just a matter of money.

For example, Xiaomi couldn't do it at the time.

It can be said that it is a matter of money, but for the sake of an unknown, which company will start ‘suicidal’ R&D investment in units of 100 million?

Such research and development funds can send people to the moon when they are exchanged for aerospace industry.

Of course, you can also send it up, not including return...


Amidst the discussion, Yu Dadong naturally followed kindness and said with a smile: "That's how it is."

Looking at everyone, he suggested: "By the way, let's talk about the authorization fee standard for alliance members."

Fang Nian: "..."


Facing everyone's unannounced glances, Fang Nian said casually: "I can do it, you decide."

"President Fang should say a few words." Lei Jun took the lead and said with a smile.

Upon seeing this, Fang Nian said easily: "You sell more mobile phones."


In the end, Yu Dadong and Lei Jun discussed and reset the tone.

The first is about the authorization fee standard for alliance members.

According to common sense, it should be a process of continuous reduction over time.


The result is elevated.

Because it pays less and gains more.

Although everyone did not mention the issue of foreign patent payment with great tacit understanding, they also knew in their hearts that what they paid might not be as good as patent costs.

In fact, it's not that exaggerated, at best it doesn't make much money.

In the shopping malls, Fang Nian is never a good person. Although he looks alike, he actually earns more than anyone else.

Anyway, Ren Yuxin, who was in charge of the Goose Factory game in Pengcheng, was in a stubborn mood now, but there was hardship to say, and I had to thank Fang Nian.

The final decision is...

In the future, the annual fixed annual fee of 5 million will be cancelled, and the authorization fee will be increased by 4 thousand points to 9‰.

The standard for licensing fees outside the alliance is determined by cutting-edge science freely, but it cannot be less than 1.8%.

Secondly, they discussed a whole lot of things.

Generally speaking...

Nüwa Alliance's restraint on Nüwa MindOS is gone.

Instead, it increases the degree of voluntary cooperation and restraint.

Reduced commercial attributes and enhanced technical attributes.

Wait, wait.

In a sense, the alliance is a dead end.

Fang Nian basically didn't participate in the subsequent discussions, so he nodded.

Everyone discussed the result, Fang Nian nodded and finished.

Anyway, the result is happy for everyone.

Everyone was relieved.

After all, many things do not need to be spread out at all. From the moment Xiaomi decided to hand over the Nuwa mobile phone system to the frontier, it handed over the leadership.

A more derogatory description is that Nuwa Labs, through its own efforts, succeeded in opposing the client and has complete autonomy.


Seeing that it was almost the same, Fang Nian took a look around and said slowly: "Every boss has finished talking, let me say a few words."

"Samsung Electronics can be described as menacing this month. We can't just watch the Nuwa Alliance, right?"

"There is also this overseas market. Samsung Electronics has explored the way in advance. Can our Nuwa Alliance also be a little bit express?"

Just after Fang Nian's voice fell, there was a light cough in this private meeting room.

Then Yu Dadong met Fang Nian's piercing eyes.

To be honest, Yu Dadong felt that he was flustered for no reason, and his scalp was a little hard.

He coughed twice, pretending to clear his throat, and then Yu Dadong smiled and said, "Fang always said that it is indeed a problem. Juchang has plans to launch a high-end flagship series."

After a short pause, Yu Dadong added: "This time, the listing will be delayed in overseas markets."


Lei Jun also quickly made a statement: "Mi 1S will land on the American market on the 31st."


Every family has their own ideas.

Anyway, the general direction is to fight to the end.

Whether it is the aggressive domestic market Samsung Electronics, or the big cake in the overseas market.

After all, everyone has tasted the sweetness before.

After all, Samsung Electronics has hit its doorstep.

The current situation is that at least five companies, namely Xiaomi, Vivo, Opal, Meizu, and Chrysanthemum, have new product plans.

It will cover the high-end market from RMB 1,000 to RMB 5,000.

There may be another ZTE in the future.

There is a meaning of joint encirclement and suppression.

In fact, Fang Nian doesn't care about these commercial layouts.

He knew that Samsung Electronics would be almost abandoned by the Chinese market due to various factors, including battery doors.

And it does not particularly agree with the business philosophy of ‘encirclement and suppression’.

At least at this stage it is not appropriate.

The domestic industrial chain is extremely weak.

Therefore, Fang Nianhe said in a friendly manner: "Have you ever thought about one thing, bosses?

This year is just the starting point for smartphones. According to the data compiled by the Nuwa Lab, next year's smartphone shipments in the domestic market will double this year. It is conservatively estimated that it will reach 200 million;

By 2014, smart phones will basically cover mobile phone users. "

Upon hearing this, Lei Jun frowned and asked for the first time: "What Fang said is that our business plan is still a bit conservative?"

"Will this data sorting be a bit exaggerated?" Huang Xiujie said with a frown.


Fang Nian couldn't help it.

Meizu came up with two kings with four twos, and if it insisted on breaking it apart, it would suddenly become the bottom-most member of the alliance in terms of shipments. I can't blame anyone else.

Fang Nian really felt that Huang Xiujie was not a suitable helm.

Especially in the current era of mobile Internet.

Fang Nian can easily come to this conclusion from the knowledge of the minutiae of his previous life and the contacts of this life.

Either overly conservative or crazy radical.

In the last life, if he hadn't gotten a little luck, he would have been out of the water if he found out the big factory of Meizu early.

From the perspective of a businessman, there is no pattern.

In layman's terms, it is not independent and unpredictable...

The Nuwa Laboratory now has almost 90% of the data on the total number of domestic smart system users. It has been a long time since Meizu has not done market research before Huang Xiujie can say such things as'exaggeration'.

In fact, Fang Nian vaguely remembers that smartphone shipments in 2012 had an extremely exaggerated growth compared to 2011.

But Fang Nian did not mention such data.

You have to know that there is no Nuwa Alliance promoting it in the form of an alliance.

At that time, Samsung Electronics was not so active...


Huang Xiujie realized the backwardness of his information.

But everyone actually did not discuss what the outcome was.

Of course, each has a plan in mind.


This alliance meeting lasted two hours.

Each has its own merits.

In the evening, the CEO of ZTE took the initiative to contact Lu Weiyu, expressing that ZTE is willing to pay the entry fee of 720 million yuan.

As Lei Jun said, this is a simple mathematical problem.

Unless ZTE does not choose MindOS, choose Android.

That means ZTE will basically give up the most convenient Chinese market.

Even Samsung Electronics can't handle it, and ZTE doesn't think it has that ability.

Besides, it is completely unnecessary. The frontier is a serious Chinese company. In contrast, Google, which controls Android, is completely an outsider.

Of course, among domestic mobile phone brands, 99% of manufacturers still choose Android.

The proportion of light theory is unprecedented.

When it comes to market share, that is another scene...

In the evening, Fang Nian went to a banquet at the invitation of Lei Jun.

There is only Lei Jun alone.

Eating and drinking, Lei Jun took the initiative to bring up Xiaomi's plans for overseas markets: "President Fang, what do you think of the Indian market?"

"Very good." Fang Nian smiled, "Lei always wants to let the red rice go, right?"

Lei Jun didn't hide it, and said frankly: "Yes, Tan Tan Road."


At the end, Fang Nian also said two more sentences: "Overseas markets are very risky, and there may be cases where MindOS is implicated."

"There is no risk in doing business. Although the domestic market is huge, it is imperative for Xiaomi to go to sea." Lei Jun said seriously.

Then he said: "Recent stories in the capital market have also reminded Xiaomi that the Internet is not so reliable and has to sink."

Hearing this, Fang Nian raised his eyebrows, glanced at Lei Jun, and said calmly, "Oh?"

"Didn't Fang always pay attention?" Lei Jun said tacitly.

Fang Nian smiled and said nothing more.

In my heart, I feel that this provocation cannot be said to be a complete failure.

At least there will be people like Lei Jun who are concerned about some risks.

The frontier cannot go it alone.

The frontier just wants to develop basic science. If it can be invincible in the world, of course it is good, but it is not possible, and there is no fear in the world.


It's not bad to have domestic counterparts walking together.

After being greedy for fun and becoming Kang Kang, Fang Nian completely surpassed the pursuit of money, after all, he had a previous life.

What I am after is to live a good life and live a good life.

In fact, I couldn't say this before because I was rich but not qualified enough.

If it's just ordinary and mediocre, it doesn't matter.


Lei Jun specially invited Fang Nian to dinner, of course not only about Xiaomi, but also a light chat.

Yes it is.

Light chat.

The number of users is close to 150 million, and no actual financing has been carried out so far.

Shen Nier and others are very interested.

In addition, the momentum of light chat is getting bigger and bigger, and it has become a huge mountain on the head of WeChat.

Lei Jun’s question is simple, when will mobile payment be and when will it be funded?

Fang Nian’s answer is simpler, just one word:


Because it is not yet the best time.

After all, there are the frontiers, Xiaomi, and Dangkang behind the light chat. It seems that because there is no good business model, it is difficult to survive, but there is no shortage of resources and funds.

Therefore, what we want to pursue is to maximize the benefits, and at this point, Lei Jun and Fang Nian have the same goal.

So there is no need to say too much.

Of course Lei Jun knew that Fang Nian had other plans, and he might even deliberately suppress the financing of light talk because of these plans.

But Lei Jun also knows that in the long-term strategy, he is no match for the younger Fang Nian.

When talking about overseas markets earlier, Fang Nian broke his heart's arrangements, and Lei Jun naturally understood.


After having dinner with Lei Jun and returning to the eastern suburbs of Pudong, Fang Nian heard the latest news from across the ocean.

Well, it is for the cutting edge...

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