My Return to Life

Vol 5 Chapter 784: Chaos into a pot of porridge

As it approached noon, even the autumn sun was a bit warm.

Strands of light staggered through various buildings and spilled into the ground.

Passers-by were hurried on the street.

The traffic is heavy.

As always, no matter whether it is windy or rainy, there are always people running around.

After all, there are only a few people who pay attention to news in public cyberspace.

However, this does not prevent Fang Nian from using the identity of Wen Ye to directly express on Twitter that Tang Te would go bankrupt, which brought great impact and heated discussion.

Fang Nian, who controls two computers in one hand, is the first to attack with the ID of the key.

"Just let it go, who won't, can you enter the United States at the forefront?"

"It's just a small company abandoned by U.S. investors. With so little obscure backward R&D, you think it's invincible?"

"Don't take our kindness as your cutting-edge arrogant capital!"


Up there is a triple company.

Only then did other netizens catch up to this speed.

"How much money can a small company that has not grown up yet?"

"Who gave the courage to be so unscrupulous?"


To Fang Nian's surprise, he actually saw a familiar ID, the well-known Shi Ming who had not dared to bubble for a long time after being caught in the United States.

"It's hard to imagine that this is actually the CEO of a pivotal Chinese company. The level of her speech is really surprising; such a superior attitude can only happen in China."

Fang Nian didn't get entangled at all, he just squirted over with the key account.

"Where is the evil pen?"

Anyway, holding the key overseas has always been a person who repeatedly jumps horizontally, which does not affect his spray.

Shi Ming: "Hello, I am Dr. Shi Ming, Chinese."

Fang Nian didn't take care of this stuff at all.

This attitude is really too cheap.

Insult a dog more than a dog.

I scolded him and introduced him to me. It's really...


After seeing such tweets, users such as holding keys are very irritable.

Tante himself, who was targeted, was naturally intolerable anyway.

Soon, I tweeted separately: "If one day I decide to become a boss and succeed, I will definitely prevent any cutting-edge products from entering the United States!!!"

As Fang Nian has seen, Tang Te likes to end with 3 consecutive exclamation marks when he is more excited.

YeWen: "Let's wait and see. But before that, I have the ability to quickly bankrupt you and lose such an opportunity."

Tang Te: "Oh? Really? You can try!!!"

YeWen: "Okay."

After that, Tang Te had no news, and he must have been offline.

Fang Nian did not use Wen Ye's account to send messages anymore, instead focusing on holding keys.

Demonstrating a rare keyboard control ability, almost really achieve ten jets per second.

And it has driven countless free American netizens to express similar remarks.

At night in Eastern time, cyberspace is extremely boiling.

Netizens expressed 12 points of anger for the various provocations made by cutting-edge and cutting-edge CEOs through public platforms.

Some people even plan to parade to petition.

Let the white palace or the Pentagonal Tower rise more stringent countermeasures.

After all, it is free America.


As for Shi Ming's unchanging second-to-five boys, there is absolutely no way to go back and forth, and some ‘free’ groups headed by Chi Jian are ashamed of nothing.

Somewhat tragic.

This kind of two-five boys always think that they can be treated equally by betraying their righteousness and soul. In fact, they belong to the most despised category of people in any culture.

The dog disliked it.

Free America’s freedom depends on who is right.

It's a pity that this kind of brainless pen will not understand.


The cutting-edge statement was like dropping an inconspicuous pebble on a calm sea, and the result was a thousand waves.

It spreads across the oceans at home and abroad, and then spreads back from abroad.

Back and forth, even the people who eat melons are a little bit unable to withstand such turbulent information shocks.

I didn't know which melon to eat for a while.

For example, some people still admire the strength of the cutting-edge, and after holding the key to open up straight in China, they see through the arguments of some well-known yin and yang people.

Understand that the enemy is in the crowd.

I also understood the thinking logic of these people.

The process is very simple. The bald eagle now uses administrative power to counterattack strongly.

Conclusion: Because the front dared to fight back, it was wrong;

Because Frontier is a Chinese company, China is wrong.

For another example, some people came out to bring some extra rhythm.

First express the facts in the voice of the people, and then express the possible impact of this move on other companies.

Finally, to mention euphemistically, the frontier is creating communication barriers in economic globalization.

Of course, this kind of rhythm can only be flickered by some people, and most people can still distinguish it.

It is unavoidable to say: I kneel for a long time and my knees are soft.

Another example is the actual discussion of the winning rate in this lawsuit.


"Fuck, women don't want to have eyebrows! President Wen is awesome!"

"As expected of President Wen, this is the domineering entrepreneur. No wonder that being a CEO at a young age is really domineering. No wonder that Frontier can be so strong. It turns out that there is such a strong CEO."

"I also want to be like President Wen and say domineeringly, let you go bankrupt every minute!"

"Tant, I know, the most provocative person among the Bald Eagle businessmen is just like a lunatic. They don't know how to make the company bigger.

"Didn't Mr. Wen give the answer? With the help of his family, he has gained some insignificant wealth in the wind of the times?"

"I'm actually a little curious, don't you really want to be the boss of this stuff?"


"President Wen, may I ask you what kind of dreams you need to have before you can get you."


As the Dangkang Department entered a low-key development period, Guan Qiuhe also reduced public appearances, so in fact, the most well-known in the inner circle created by Fang Nian now became Wen Ye, the front-line public spokesperson.

Wen Ye also has that kind of beauty, plus a good figure, it can also add points.

Some people still want to eat swan meat.

In particular, Wen Ye always pays great attention to the frontier image he represents when facing the media, which is very strong.

In addition, the ‘threat’ came out directly on American social media.

Netizens who eat melon are more and more fond of Wenye.

As for Wen Ye...

Since opening Fang Nian's account, she has been prepared.

Sure enough, Wen Ye quickly saw the strong remarks, saying that a disagreement would make others bankrupt.

After thinking about it, it can only be a habit.

Wen Ye knew that this was just a follow-up to the previous targeted provocation.

She also knew what Fang Nian wanted most:



Of course this matter will not end like this.

In the afternoon, at the regular press conference for external speeches, almost 90% of the questions were directed at cutting-edge statements.

Especially overseas reporters.

Such as...

"In response to the frontier's entry into the CCMC list and the frontier's statement, how does China comment on this?

"Whether the frontier is really controlled by the military? Does China have more detailed information."

"Does the frontier's response have your direct instructions?"


Very sharp.

It's also very turbulent.

But the response of related parties is naturally very appropriate.

It also expressed China's attitude.

"This once again shows that administrative power has been roughly abused and Chinese companies have been suppressed for no reason. China is firmly opposed to this!"

"This move violates the principles of market competition and international economic and trade rules and interferes with normal investment cooperation."


"As far as I know, the U.S. has always been the main driver of the military-civilian integration policy, and it is speeding up its implementation in all aspects, multiple fields, and multiple angles...

This action once again showed the world what double standards are and what bullying is. "


"Necessary measures will be taken to resolutely safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of Chinese companies, and resolutely support Chinese companies in safeguarding their rights and interests in accordance with the law."


In the slightly weak attitude in recent years, it is rare to be sharp and clear.

After Fang Nian finished his class, he was relieved after seeing such remarks on relevant portals.

This shows that after the calls from various leaders in the morning, they finally chose a clear-cut attitude of support.

In a broad sense, Frontier gets a more relaxed development environment.

Also reduces a lot of pressure.




The day passed quickly.

When Eastern Time entered daylight again, public opinion broke out again.

But not because there is a new meaning in the White Palace.

It's just that in the daytime, more people want to express their thoughts.

of course……

There is also the additional impact that the cutting-edge legal team has hired world-renowned law firms to file lawsuits in many places.

It's just that, as many people have guessed, cutting-edge statements have not been actually taken seriously by relevant parties.

At least he did not show a corresponding attitude.


As for Fang Nian...

With nothing left or right, he had dinner with Wen Ye, Liu Xi, and Lu Weiyu who were in Shencheng.

Guan Qiuhe, Gu Yu, White Congee, and Wu Fucheng are not in Shencheng.

Inevitably mentioned this matter.

At the dinner table, Wen Ye took a sip of tea, propped his elbows on the table, and thought: "Such a statement should be able to meet your requirements, right?"

Lu Weiyu smiled and interjected: "If it can be achieved, I guess Mr. Fang will not look like this now."

"Indeed." Liu Xi also agreed.

Fang Nian: "..."

"Wen Mi, your vision is not good, you are not gregarious."

Wen Ye: "..."

Seeing Wen Ye's stunned look, Fang Nian explained: "In fact, no matter what the frontier expresses, he won't care about it. Boss Austria is not a person who can make changes day by day, and..."

After speaking, Fang Nian sighed: "It's not in their interest to go one step further."

"No, will it really become a cooperative state next?" Wen Ye was really stunned this time.

Hearing what Fang Nian said, how could she still not understand.

Fang Nian shrugged: "It's normal. The Nuwa and Baize systems in the frontier are not open to market competitiveness, and not only the frontier needs to catch up, but also the big environment.

Therefore, according to the previous practice, opening up a part of cooperation can force the frontier to give up continuing research and development. "

When Fang Nian said this, Wen Ye had already fully understood: "I understand."

Then he sighed: "Then it will be a little difficult."


Fang Nian didn't say more.

After experiencing the past ten years of life, plus what has been seen and heard after returning to life, it has long been understood that most people, and even the top people, have a general'passion' or'power','courage', etc. Threshold.

In particular, New China is now after experiencing many things.

After all, it is not the time when tens of thousands and hundreds of thousands of people abandoned everything to create peace envoys.

Moreover, civilian basic technology is not so high priority in a sense.

It is not that most people lack the courage to move forward.

It's not that the spirit of selfless dedication is no longer there.


Do it all at once, second time tired, third time exhausted.

Yes, it's that simple.

Take the frontier as an example, now it's just the end of the effort.

The White Dragon D1 was launched, but it was four generations behind;

At this time, as long as Europe and the United States loosen the scope of the technology embargo, other domestic companies may soon be able to produce a batch of excellent products that are ahead of the third or even fourth generation of the Bailong D1.

At this time, Frontier still has the courage and capital to invest in the next generation;

However, if the X86 authorization is released at this time, and the cutting-edge courage is completely consumed in the world.

At this time, you may be anxious to seek authorization from related companies.

Immediately the camp changed.

In the past ten or twenty years, there have been many examples of such containment of technological development, and a strong habit has been formed.

As a result, in the absence of cutting-edge time and space, there has hardly been any new and developed science and technology enterprise in China.


In the next few days, related news has remained the hottest trend.

Even if there is no further news on the Bald Eagle, neither the official nor the enterprise.

But Frontier continues to promote litigation in the United States through various channels.

Then there is more and more turbulent arguments on Twitter.

as well as……

There are more and more arguments against the frontier in the domestic public cyberspace.

Some reporters even interviewed the senior executives of some leading domestic companies and reported some news that was not conducive to the frontier;

Like the frontier, this is not recognizing the gap, a bit overpowering, and not optimistic.

Among them, Big Brother appears to be particularly active because of its large size, and has a meaning that represents most small and medium-sized enterprises.

The key point is that this wave of cutting-edge announcements has indeed allowed some small companies that rely on European and American technology to survive.

The originally loose opening was suddenly tightened.

There are a lot of anonymous messages on the Internet, expressing all kinds of anger, thinking that the frontier will shoot himself in the foot.

I think that the frontier is going to destroy the jobs of many people.

Even Fang Nian once again received a call from Miao Someone anonymously reported the rationality of the domestic operating system application ecological team;

Some companies even privately wish to leave this group.

In short, all monsters, ghosts and monsters ran out.

Coupled with the known people who wrap themselves a layer of skin, it's a mess...

There was a stir, and the last day of October also came to an end.

Some other things have happened these days.

The first thing: The tens of billions shareholding plan initiated by Frontier has been completed.

The second thing: Xiaomi 1S officially launched in European and American countries. The unlocked version starts at 399. at the exchange rate of 1¥9 on the day, which is about 1.8 times more expensive than in China.

Related news is still relatively hot on the Internet, plus other news that pops up suddenly;

For a time, some big brothers were very uncomfortable, and Lei Jun had to leave the capital, and he also said something to Fang Nian.

The third thing: Gu Yu has negotiated six new frontier institutes on behalf of the frontier.

They are the United Frontier Institute of Sichuan, Xiangchu, Hubei, Zhejiang, and Jiangsu Provinces, and the Second Frontier Institute of Beijing.

The one in the capital was negotiated with Mr. Guan by the way.

There are two more than the original plan. Naturally, Frontier plans to add 500 million additional aid funds to the original 1 billion.

Fourth thing: the last night of October;

Frontier Angel newly established an overseas private equity fund called ‘QianYanangelglobal’——

This name is of course Fang Zong's evil taste.

In the next second of its establishment, it was announced on Twitter that it would launch targeted competition for all businesses of Tangte Group in the form of investment. Competent entrepreneurs are welcome to submit business plans...



I wish you all peace and happiness on the New Year’s Eve.

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