My Return to Life

Vol 5 Chapter 786: Fang Xiaonian's picture is poor (Happy New Year)

I don't know when the drizzle started.

The rustling sound was concealed in the hustle and bustle of the city that would never really be quiet.

In the large courtyard where the two became one, the night lights were gradually extinguished.

Fang Nian and Lu Weiyu also went to the master bedroom on the second floor.

The temperature drops day by day, and it is already below 20°C.

Compared to before, Fang Nian and Lu Weiyu were a little anxious after the shower, and they drew back into the bed.

Although the indoor temperature is not low.

But it does not prevent the bed from being warmer.

"Mister's mood has improved a lot?" Lu Weiyu lay in Fang Nian's arms, whispering.

Fang Nianzheng used his right index finger to deliberately curl Lu Weiyu's hair. Hearing the words, he nodded gently: "Hmm."

"Didn't it fail to meet expectations?"

"How can everything be as desired."

"That's right, the situation now is better than before."

"For the big night, don't worry about these things."

"Oh." Lu Weiyu nodded seriously and responded, "Then, do you want to take the time to test drive the new Martin?"

The Aston Martin V12 Zagato bought before Fang Nian arrived at the weekend.

It was much later than originally planned.

However, Fang Nian did not move for two days on the weekend, and did not even take off his jersey.

I was very happy when I bought it.

Now when Lu Weiyu mentioned it, Fang Nian said happily: "This is okay, just tomorrow, it's just fine in the afternoon, just take a walk."

"By the way, the garage in our yard is not enough." Lu Weiyu deliberately said with emotion.

Upon seeing this, Fang Nian waved his hand: "Then buy a new house."


Lying together and talking gossip, the night became more intense.

Compared with before, Fang Nian's mood is much better.

Fang Nian also had to admit that he was indeed too young and did not have enough patience.

The reaction efficiency, which was a little bit dragged by the bald eagle, made him a little impatient.

Even if it does not appear outside.

Even if the public affairs are arranged in an orderly manner...

The reason that Fang Nian's mood is not completely peaceful is simple. Unknown affairs will bring some obstacles to strategic decision-making.

Frontier looks very strong, but it is still in a difficult stage.

Therefore, when the situation became clear at once, Fang Nian could be more relaxed.

Although Fang Nian is deliberately escalating his provocative heights, whether it is a cutting-edge statement, holding a key overseas sub-key, or specially borrowing Wen Ye's account;

But Fang Nian didn't really expect this provocation to get the desired ending.

Probably it's like scrabbling rabbits...

In the afternoon of the next day, Fang Nian unveiled the jacket of the Aston Martin V12Zagato.

The silver car paint looks a little bleak in the underground garage.

The overall shape is pretty good.

Martin still pays more attention to the sense of ritual, equipped with a special key box, or quite elegant.

Fang Nian drove the car two or three times in the yard, then stopped at the feet of Senior Sister Lu, and said, "Senior Sister, go for a drive."

"Okay." Lu Weiyu nodded.

After getting in the co-pilot, he pretended to say with emotion: "Speaking of which Brother Fang has bought so many cars, this is the first time I have the opportunity to be the first passenger in a new car."

"Ah..." Fang Nian raised his eyebrows, "Really? What a pity."


"Lack of ritual."

"Tsk tusk... the schoolboy is good at it."


The two beep Lai Lai Zhong, Fang Nian drove out of Junting, and quickly drove into the expressway, shuttled in the traffic.



When the dusk got worse, Fang Nian sent Lu Weiyu back to the eastern suburbs.

Then drove to the appointment-

Shen Nier has arrived in Shencheng.

As usual, in a house-style private kitchen in Puxi, Fang Nian met Shen Neil, who was always in a suit and leather shoes.

He smiled and said hello: "Sorry, sorry, Mr. Shen has been waiting for a long time."

Obviously Fang Nian was the host, and he didn't expect Shen Nier to arrive early.

The agreed time is seven o'clock, and it's only six forty.

Shen Nier looked at Fang Nian and waved his hand disapprovingly: "President Fang is polite, he happened to be nearby, he came a little earlier."


Because of time, the back chef has not prepared a meal.

The two were not in a hurry.

Fang Nian took the initiative to take over the tea-making work and asked Mr. Shen to try it.

Making tea is a matter of dignity.

Although Fang Nian doesn't pay much attention to the level of making tea, after all, he is a person who loves tea more than other drinks. After seeing Shen Nier's skills, he occasionally ponders it.

The display can be considered fluent.

Although it takes a little time.

"Fang always worked hard." Shen Nier took two sips.

"You're welcome."


As Fang Nian expected, the response plans quietly introduced by companies such as Microsoft have not received much attention, at least Shen Nier did not know it.

Taking advantage of the tea, Fang Nian took the initiative to mention things about the world along the angels in advance.

I briefly talked about my thoughts, and then said: "... Mr. Shen, you help me as a staff member. This is my first private placement, and it is an overseas market. I don't know much about it."

After listening to Fang Nian's words, Shen Nier pondered for a moment, and said in deep thought: "The general idea of ​​Fang is that to cover Europe and the United States, the investment field is for some relatively robust entrepreneurial projects, such as the hotel industry or real estate?"

"Not all, it must be venture capital with a greater proportion, but it's aimed at financials." Fang Nian said frankly.

"The aim of Tangte Group's industry is a necessary gesture."

Hearing this, Shen Nier frowned and said calmly, "Does President Fang want to try to expand more categories?"

Fang Nian raised his head and glanced at Shen Nier, and said peacefully: "I have collected relevant data in Europe and the United States. The opportunities for the Internet, including the mobile Internet industry, are far smaller than those in China;

On the other hand, the capital markets in Europe and the United States are extremely active, and there are quite a few opportunities to tap;

For example, due to the story of the U.S. stock market involved in the frontier, Wall Street's hedge funds have gained tens of hundreds of billions of dollars in just a few days, which is hard to imagine in other regions. "

After listening to Fang Nian's words, Shen Nier calmly picked up the teacup and drank tea, his eyelids drooped.

Of course Shen Nier knew what Fang Nian said was the truth.

Someone will get huge profits from the rise and fall of the US stock market.

Take MSFT a while ago as an example. In just a few days, the market value soared by nearly 160 billion U.S. dollars, and countless short positions were liquidated;

Then I found an excuse to unplug the network cables of most retail investors. In half a day, the stock fell by 60%, and it was more than cut. It evaporated more than 200 billion US dollars of market value in one breath;

Calculated back and forth is an amplitude of 400 billion US dollars.

The final result is:

Long institutions benefited wildly during the surge;

After unplugging the network cable, the big shorts caused the market value to plummet and benefited wildly.

In the entire process, these capital institutions and hedge funds can benefit tens of hundreds of billions of dollars, which is not an exaggeration.

At least in the US stock market, the so-called evaporation is definitely not the disappearance of the market value in the amplitude.

Instead, they have become vouchers for different capital giants to show their profitability...

It is true that the risks of a more complete capital market are also unimaginable;

But when there is 100% profit, some people will dare to despise all laws, and in the perfect capital market in Europe and America, let alone 100%, even 1000%.

High risks bring high returns.

Therefore, Shen Nier can understand what Fang Nian said. In the European and American markets, financial returns are indeed far beyond imagination.

After a short while, Neal Shen put down his teacup and smiled: "The financial class is good. Intervention in the form of investment will reduce risks to a certain extent, and the rate of return will not necessarily decrease."

With that, Shen Neil raised his head to look at Fang Nian: "I'm trying to help Fang always lead a line."

"Israel's ability to manage capital should be easily recognized. I don't know how large-scale funds Fang plans to manage?"

Facing Shen Nier's gaze, Fang Nian replied: "In the end, I want to try the tens of billions of dollars."

"Ten billion? A bit low." Shen Nier was slightly surprised.

Then tacitly said: "It seems that Mr. Fang's focus is on the domestic market."

Fang Nian smiled and said nothing.

Fang Nian knew what Shen Nier meant. In Shen Nier's cognition, Fang Nian's capital trading ability was used for snacks, tens of billions of dollars but sprinkled water.

After all, he Shen Nier's Sequoia Capital China Fund can now manage almost $30 billion in funds.

But Fang Nian has his own bargain.

It is impossible for him to focus on capital operation.


Shen Nier will not'by chance' come to Shanghai for a meeting.

Because of the influence club's fund, it hasn't moved much for a few months.

Let's put it this way, if Fang Nian is willing to spend his energy, with his repeated large-scale success in capital operation, leveraging several trillions of capital is like playing.

Some of them rushed to send money to Fang Nian.

It is Fang Nian who is not willing to accept these troubles.

Of course, Fang Nian was aware of this a long time ago, so he cooperated with Shen Neal by default and promoted the establishment of an influence club.

This not-so-moving club freed Fang Nian from all kinds of troubles caused by capital.

It’s about 99% dodge chance.


Less than seven o'clock, the waiters filed in and served meals.

The tea tray was withdrawn aside.

Let the flow change the topic naturally.

This time I was eating and talking.

At first it was mainly Shen Nier talking and Fang Nian listening.

Mainly from the mobile game of the first phase of the influence fund, the social communication of the second phase, mentioned the new mobile payment, and the investment tendency of the third phase and so on.

Shen Nier prefers to complete the first round of closed-loop investment through the third phase.

This is what Fang Nian expects.

After raising the influence fund for so long, it is time to start the first round of ‘harvesting’.

After some sorting, Fang Nianhe said kindly: "Then use all the funds of the influence fund this time."

Shen Nier paused, his eyes widened subconsciously, and then quickly recovered his calm.

The face calmly said: "It seems that Fang always has a complete plan?"

Fang Nian nodded and said frankly: "It can be said that although there are endless things happening throughout October, in addition to this, he also sorted out some investment plans by the way."

"Wish to hear the details." Shen Neil quickly said.

Fang Nian didn't procrastinate, put down his dishes, wiped his mouth, patiently and methodically: "Although the first and second phases have benefited a lot, they actually ate the big dividends of the times;

To put it bluntly, it is harvesting a large amount of accumulation before. Does Shen always agree with this? "

Shen Nier nodded slightly.

Withdrawing his gaze, Fang Nian went on to say: "It's not that there are no extra gains, but it has laid a certain foundation, and it also allows everyone to see the real gains and feel relieved."

Lleton, Fang Nian said straightforwardly: "In the third period, I think I can try a comprehensive portfolio investment, artificially promote the formation of a wind outlet in the form of a hedge fund;

Mainly focus on physical consumer electronics, Internet social networking, mobile games, and new mobile payments. "

After speaking, Fang Nian looked at Shen Nier fixedly.

At this point, Fang Nian's first-stage return on the influence fund is nothing short of sight.

The four words "consumer electronics" represent what Fang Nian wants.

He hopes to promote a large-scale consumer electronics industry chain based on the domestic smartphone industry chain through the influence fund.

This part will include some high-precision categories.

It is not only once again that the power of capital is used to accelerate the upgrading of related industries.

It is also necessary to revitalize the technological resources accumulated by cutting-edge academics, and to revitalize the product coverage of various frontier laboratories.

Finally, it is necessary to lay the foundation for future large-scale localization substitution.

Since entering the 21st century, almost all companies that can become giants can be attributed to the overall progress of the times.

In other words, it is an iteration of the overall environment.

Forefront wants to make advanced breakthroughs in the field of basic sciences. It is not just a matter that the frontier can handle, but requires an all-round upgrade and transformation of the entire upstream and downstream industrial chain.

Fang Nian was fully aware of this point when he established the frontier and basically determined his career ideals.


These things have all happened in Fang Nian's experience. For example, the huge dilemma that Chrysanthemum Factory faces after 2020, it can be said that the environment has not kept up.

This is also the reason why Fang Nian is willing to take the initiative to send it to the door, listening to Miao Wei's lesson from this bad old man, and also promoting the application of ecological team and other matters.


Facing Fang Nian's fixed gaze, Shen Nier smiled and said calmly: "Please also Fang Zong for a more specific explanation."

Hearing this, Fang Nian said patiently: “In terms of social networking, I think that the current social media is relatively thin and the ecology is not complete. In addition to platforms such as light chat and Weibo, there should be a large social community facing the future;

For example, to better deliver information to Although we invested in mobile games in the first phase, as mentioned before, that time was the accumulation before the harvest, and with the widespread popularity of smart phones, The trend of mobile games is being formed with an unstoppable attitude;

It is estimated that next year’s national smartphone shipments will exceed 250 million units, and the form of games will inevitably shift from PC to mobile. "

"As for mobile payment, it is actually a part of consumer electronics;

With the current penetration rate of smart phones, a large amount of demand will explode soon;

Nowadays, people often say to remember to "reach out for money" when going out, that is, ID cards, mobile phones, keys, and wallets;

With the development of the times, these four overly complicated parts will definitely be integrated into one, namely: mobile phone!

Fingerprint punching, fingerprint password door locks, etc. are not uncommon, it is not difficult to integrate into the phone to unlock, and it will not be too far away;

The wallet is the payment and it is already on the way. The last thing is the ID card, which will be a little longer.

This is the same, all need to upgrade and transform from the level of electronic components, so this cannot be ignored. "

Having said that, Fang Nian paused briefly and concluded: "After all, it is the first round of closed-loop investment. If you can't waste it, don't waste all your previous efforts."

"I need to digest, but..." Shen Neil said every word.

"In essence, I fully agree with Mr. Fang's strategic vision. The future will inevitably be mobile Internet."

Fang Nian smiled slightly: "Shen has a vision."




In the first minute of the lunar calendar 2021, I wish you all a happy new year.

I hope that all the big brothers will be bullish in the new year, everything will go well, and the wealth will be abundant.

Congratulations on getting rich.

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