My Return to Life

Vol 5 Chapter 789: The place where Fang Xiaonian is present is naturally the focus!

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November 13th, Sunday.


The sun rises from the east.

It is rare for Shencheng to show the big sun from the cloudy weather on his face, and the streets and alleys have a fresh look.

The two-tone Maybach drove smoothly in traffic.

Soon he crossed the Pujiang River and arrived at a small house in Puxi.

There are already many Mercedes-Benz and other business cars parked in the outdoor parking lot supporting the house.

Getting out of the car, Fang Nian habitually sorted out his clothes, and was greeted by Shen Nier and Lei Jun and walked into the house.


At first it was inevitable greetings.

Since the establishment of the influence club, this is the second plenary meeting.

As far as Fang Nian is concerned, he has not completely met these old partners in the meantime.


In the greeting, it is inevitable to mention the frontier.

Although on the surface, many netizens who eat melon are hotly discussing the front line of noodles, the cooperation between here and there;

However, all of you present here are giants in the domestic financial capital industry, each with its own source of information, and it is clear that the undercurrent is surging underneath the surface.

"President Fang, if there is a need in the frontier, he must remember to say something."

"Yes, we are older people, we can't be underestimated."

"Look at the face of the Buddha without looking at the monk's face. I didn't play like that."


Fang Nian smiled and echoed one by one: "On behalf of the frontier, thank you bosses for your care. Some words are needed."

No one would say the beautiful words on the scene.

People like Shen Nier and Lei Jun did not speak.

It's not completely untrustworthy, but it's definitely not totally untrustworthy.

Fang Nian made a clear distinction.

In the end, it is because of the undercurrent surging under the surface, which for the people present is like showing off.

Miao Wei's call with Fang Nian in the evening was already this Monday, and this whole week was enough to make too many changes...


Seeing that Fang Nian didn't intend to talk about frontier related matters, everyone also changed the topic with interest.

After joking and exchanging a few more words, Shen Neil greeted him.


The meeting officially began.

Representatives of the 25 club member companies were seated separately, about 60 people, and the venue was arranged in a classroom style.

Although some member companies came two or three people.

But there are still six people who can sit on the rostrum.

Fang Nian, Shen Nier, Jin Haitao, Lei Jun, Zhou Quan, Li Chaohui.

Shen Nier presided over the meeting.

The process is very clear, but there are also some inevitable links.

such as……

First is a summary of the club's past work.

Reported by the executive vice president Jin Haitao.

"...The club has been operating well since its establishment..."

"So far, the profitability has been considerable, rooted in China, and laid a good foundation for influence, which is worthy of the name."


"Thank you for your dedication to the club."


"Finally, on behalf of all members of the club, I would like to thank Fang Nianfang for his outstanding contribution to the club!"


Jin Haitao was very used to such a scene, and he talked about it for a quarter of an hour.

The achievements of the club’s only two investment cases are summarized very well.

Of course, some Mandarin idioms are inevitable.

After speaking the last sentence, there was an extremely warm applause.

Sitting on the outermost seat of the rostrum, Fang Nian, who was extremely young, accepted everyone's gratitude calmly.

Influential clubs are now seriously mingling with a big reputation in the industry.

Some people jokingly refer to the influence club as: one thought will rise, one thought will move the world, and one thought will stop mountains and rain.

This is all because of the additional impact of artificial small-window investments in the first and second phases.

Does not include fund income.

In other words, influential clubs can have the reputation they have now, such achievements, have not been collectively rejected by their peers, and have not been targeted, etc...

At least more than half of Fang Nian's credit.

Although Fang always completely abandoned the shopkeeper, to the point of Mr. Fang, business operations have long been on the mind.


The first major link is basically a summary content.

Including but not limited to the summary report by Jin Haitao.

Although everyone here has a basic understanding of the operation of the club fund, listening to this string of numbers is still inevitably happy and even excited.

Although today is not a money-making conference.

But these are closely related to everyone, and they will always be available in the future.

When everyone is happy, the second session begins.

This time it was Shen Neal's turn to start.

Shen Nier unhurriedly opened a folder on the table in front of him, and said loudly, "Good morning everyone.


The first and second phases have achieved extremely rare successes and promoted the development of the industry, which has received widespread attention from the society and recognition from the upper management;


After full consideration, I believe that a closed-loop investment should be made for the first and second phases. "


"Because of some well-known reasons, the operating form of influence funds is different;

In my opinion, it is not difficult to continue to replicate the success of Phase I and Phase II, but it has greater limitations and additional risks. "


Shen Nier's voice was clearly conveyed to everyone's ears through the microphone and speaker.

This is completely different from the previous session. It is related to everyone's interests, and the venue has become much quieter.

The meaning of Shen Nier's words is also very clear.

The focus is on a few words: start a new investment.

And: focus on additional risks.

All of you here bring your brains to know what the additional risks are.

Since the birth of capital, the description of capital has always been bloody, cruel, ruthless, vicious, selfish, etc.;

There has never been a lack of criticism.

In a way, this is also true.

Especially in different environments, the intensity of criticism will be different.

Although some shouted that capital was vicious and cut leeks, and analyzed people like capital, Neri was eager to become the most vicious wave of infinitely exploitable capital in their mouths than anyone else...

For impact funds, the additional risk stems from the similar regulatory rules in the current environment.

This is also Fang Nianfang's greatest contribution to the impact fund.

In the process of realizing capital gains, cleverly used commercial means to promote the positive development of the industry, balance the interests of multiple parties, and achieve a win-win situation.

But everyone here is not a fool, and the success of the first and second phases cannot be copied indefinitely.

It is not impossible to have three or four phases, but after all, it is necessary to have a closed loop to further balance the interests of multiple parties, once again achieve a win-win situation, and reflect corporate social responsibility through commercial means.

In today's high-flying progress, if you see a good one, you will undoubtedly stay away from additional risks.

It's true that the wealth is touching, but everyone is dragging the family away, so it won't be reckless.

and so……

The open end of the first phase of Shen Nier's speech was quickly agreed by everyone.

Jin Haitao, Lei Jun, Zhou Quan, and Li Chaohui successively agreed.

Then, representatives of member companies also expressed their agreement with Shen Nier.


So, Shen Neil continued.

"... Upon the proposal of General Fang Nianfang, I have consulted with General Zhou Quanzhou, General Manager Lei Jun and Lei for many times, and prudently proposed the third phase of investment draft;

Namely: comprehensive portfolio investment plan.

Starting from Internet social networking, mobile games, new mobile payments, etc., linking with physical consumer electronics to complete closed-loop investment. "


Without waiting for further questions, Shen Nier talked freely: "After sorting and risk assessment from multiple perspectives, the draft categories can effectively reduce risks and avoid the waste of investment in the first and second phases;


There are many points that need to be balanced in closed-loop investment. Reference factors are also unprecedented, the cycle will be longer, and the amount of investment will be all the funds at the disposal of the fund.


The details of the draft have been distributed to you. "

Having said that, Shen Nier looked at the meeting place: "In view of the wide scope of the draft, the meeting was temporarily suspended for half an hour. There are matters concerning confidentiality, etc., I think the CEOs here are more clear than me;

The actual discussion will take place in half an hour. "


The meeting started at ten o'clock and was temporarily suspended at ten forty-five.

During this whole process, Fang Nian hardly spoke.

Therefore, it is still very advantageous to have a good brain, and you can be a lazy dog.

When Shen Neal announced the interruption of the meeting, Fang Nian muttered in his heart: If it is not really awesome, who can be a lazy dog...


At the beginning of the intermission, everyone in the venue was busy.

Some talked on the phone, some of them stood together to discuss it, and some sat in a seat with their eyes closed and contemplated.

Fang Nian was not so lucky.

He was directly dragged away by Shen Nier and Lei Jun.


Lei Jun spoke first: "Mr Fang, should we gamble on the approval rate of the draft?"

"Hey, it seems that Mr. Lei is very proud of the spring breeze recently!" Fang Nian deliberately ran on.

Aside, Shen Nier, Zhou Quan, and Li Chaohui couldn't help laughing.

Jin Haitao didn't participate, he just sat quietly by the side.

How should I say, the draft will definitely be passed, and the approval rate will not be too low.

No matter where the capital originated, after entering China, it will be localized.

This kind of large-scale motion can be put forward in public, which means that there is no problem in the general direction.

Especially with Shen Nier, Lei Jun, Zhou Quan and others.

Although the investment of RMB 16.5 billion was involved this time, many member companies have never had the opportunity to touch the top investment so far.

But because of this, more members will be eager to try.

and so……

Lei Jun’s gambling agreement was not very rigorous, and it was run only just a year ago.

Hearing Fang Nian's run like this, Lei Jun slapped his head: "My mine."

Fang Nian smiled and took the initiative to change the subject: "Doesn't Mr Lei talk about the recent scenery of your Xiaomi?"

Lei Jun repeatedly said modestly: "Where is there any glory, it is more the pressure brought by overseas markets."

"The sales volume exceeded 2 million in ten days after listing in the overseas market, which became pressure?" Shen Nier couldn't help but ridicule.

Lei Jun said haha: "It's all superficial scenery."


That's right, the overseas version of Mi 1S has exploded.

Low price, excellent industrial design, outstanding performance, etc., were immediately sought after after landing in the American market.

If it were not that the production capacity could not keep up, a more exaggerated miracle would have appeared.

Xiaomi is not to blame for this wave of production capacity not being able to keep up, because the Xiaomi series was originally a marketing plan that deliberately maintained time for profit.

It will not overstock.

Although Xiaomi conducted detailed market research before entering the overseas market, it still could not predict that it would be so popular.

After all, it is the moment when Apple's new mobile phone has just been launched.

The ability to make 2 million units is the guarantee of Lei Jun's personal network accumulation in the past ten years and Xiaomi's outstanding achievements this year.

After all, the production cost alone will cost billions.

As a result, Xiaomi’s 2011 revenue directly broke 30 billion, rushing to the goal of 40 billion.

There is indeed pressure, such as how to quantify is difficult.

In the past two years, electronic products, especially mobile phones, will have unprecedented high-frequency iterations. Once the target is set high, the previous scenery will become Xiaomi's waterloo.

Fang Nian also reminded Lei Jun from the side.

Once Xiaomi's first stop when it went to sea, it encountered an unprecedented crisis. The three words ‘clearing inventory’ have been hanging on Xiaomi’s head, almost crushing Xiaomi’s overseas strategy...

After a few jokes, Lei Jun quickly pulled the topic back: "Fang, how do you think influence should develop after this round of investment is over?"

Fang Nian didn't show his expression on his face, but he moved in his heart to understand that this was the topic.

After thinking about it for a moment, Fang Nian briefly summarized two sentences: "...I'm so talented and shallow, probably worth thinking of so much."

After listening to Fang Nian's words, Shen Nier and the others fell silent.

For a long time, Shen Nier took the lead in expressing his position: "I agree."


In the end, everyone basically agreed and set the tone.


Soon, the meeting continued.

Still hosted by Shen Neal.

Shen Nier didn't procrastinate at all, and started straight to the point: "Bosses, do you have any questions about the draft? If not, everyone will vote."

After speaking, Shen Nier looked at the venue without anxious.


"No comment."

There are no doubts, and the draft is very clear.

The content that Fang Nian explained to Shen Nier was detailed, and a lot of actual data reference was added.

There is still a question. It is not a draft issue, but a human issue.

Upon seeing this, Shen Neil directly announced the start of a secret vote.


In a short while, the result is out.

19 votes in favor, 4 abstentions, 1 vote against, and 1 vote to avoid voting.

The draft was passed.

It was the frontier angel who avoided the vote, and Lei Jun voted against it.

This is the greatest charm of secret voting.

Except for Lei Jun himself, that is, Lei Jun deliberately let Fang Nian see the source of the negative vote, and Lei Jun was sitting next to Fang Nian.

This negative vote can be explained from many angles, but in Fang Nian's view, this is Lei Jun's brilliance.

This negative vote has no effect on the voting result, but has other effects.

For example, it will indirectly set off Fang Nian, for example, it will indirectly protect Fang Nian, etc...

And Fang Nian felt that among the 4 abstentions, there should be one Shen Neil.

Without it, a club that is loose but involves a lot of interests must have different opinions.


After Shen Nier announced the passage of the draft, he directly touched on the last thing: "There is still a short time before lunch. I would like to raise an informal topic and discuss the development direction of influence in an open speech."


From the beginning of the meeting, Mr. Fang, who had barely spoken at the venue, spoke a few words in this session.

"I personally think that through the fund is reasonable, legal, appropriate, appropriate, and downstream to interfere in creating small outlets;

Based on the upcoming first round of investment process to create a batch of valuable and potential Internet companies;

Promote the better and faster development of China's Internet industry by commercial means;

Appropriately low-key, but should take the initiative to take the corresponding social responsibilities, so that ‘influence’ is worthy of its name. "


Although the speech is open, no conclusions are made, even if it is said.

But after Fang Nian finished speaking, there was still warm applause in the venue.

As always, the place with Fang Xiaonian is naturally the focus!



Updated at 2:14 on February 14th, Broken Bowl wishes all readers a happy Valentine's Day.

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