The Far North.

One of the two axes of the Earth.

There is an area here that is officially classified as a restricted area for humans by various countries.

The reason is the extreme cold, which makes it impossible to survive and there is no return.

It is also under the 100-meter ice layer here.

In an artificially dug cave.

A man wearing white linen clothes and bare feet stood among them.

His name is Liu Entropy, the entropy of reverse entropy.

Behind him, there were four invisible figures in gray cloaks.

Three are strong and one is petite.

And deep in the ice cave in front of a few people stood a golden halberd, extremely majestic.

A cloaked figure seemed a little nervous and whispered, "Team leader?"

Liu Entropy was seen motionless and said expressionlessly: "Wait."

The cloaked figure immediately became silent.

The air was cold and oppressive.

A full ten minutes passed.

Only three figures slowly walked out from the depths of the cave. They were wearing floor-length white robes, their beards and hair were also snow-white, and they all had a golden halberd embroidered on their chests. They were spotless.

But judging from their faces, these three people are at least a hundred years old.

The four cloaked figures behind Liu Entropy all trembled slightly.

Liu Entropy himself also frowned.

The three old men were quite majestic. They just glanced at Liu Entropy and the others, then turned around and bowed towards the golden halberd.

The three people behind Liu Entropy immediately fell to the ground and kowtowed.

Liu Entropy himself was half-kneeling on one knee and nodded silently.

Everyone was saluting the golden halberd.

The old man in white clothes at the head kept his bowing posture, stared at the ground, and said slowly: "Our time group originated from this time halberd."

"The pioneers discovered it by accident deep within the earth's surface."

"No one knows where the Time Halberd came from or who created it."

"I believe that the shaper of this Time Halberd is the truth that ordinary humans like us will never know."

"Over countless years, the Time Halberd has accumulated huge power - the power to travel through time."

“That’s our blessing and that’s our mission.”

"The founders made an oath to use the Time Halberd to maintain the peace of 'time' and eradicate all hidden dangers in 'time'."

When the old man in white said this, he sighed slightly: "When it comes to your generation of time managers, you are already the 52nd generation successor of the time group."

"We three old guys, as the previous generation, are already old and should retire."

"Thus witnessing the moment when you fulfill your duties."


"Liu Entropy"

The old man slowly straightened up and glared, "What you did is a complete mess!"

Liu Entropy's body also stagnated slightly.

But the old man waved his hand, and a huge clock suddenly appeared behind Liu Entropy.

The old man narrowed his eyes, "This golden clock is a power split from the time halberd. It could have allowed you to travel freely within 15 seconds and reset time. This is an ability that ordinary people cannot imagine at all. But now, It stopped moving in your hands!"

Liu Entropy vented his anger in a deep voice, not daring to raise his head, "Team Leader Xing Wei, I"

"Don't call me team leader!"

"That's in the past!"

The old man named Xing Wei was furious, "You, Liu Entropy, are the current team leader!"

Liu Entropy frowned a little, and immediately put back the words on his lips.

The old man in white continued: "The golden clock was split from the time halberd by the founder of the time group using the ability called 'mental power'. It cannot be copied! Fortunately, now, our entire time group is just Four golden clocks left!”

The old man said.

Looking at the four cloaked figures behind Liu Entropy, four double-layer clocks that were operating normally appeared instantly behind them.

Then he was slightly relieved.

"Liu Entropy, I know what you are going to say. The damage to this clock was caused by your fight with the time criminal, your unrelated brother!"

"I just can't understand it."

"Brother Liu is indeed a very strong human being, but how can he be compared with our time group who holds the Time Halberd and has thousands of years of experience?!"

Liu Entropy was about to speak but then stopped and said, "Instructor Xing Wei, this matter is not as simple as you think."

"That's right!"

The old man in white looked at Liu Entropy angrily, "This matter is indeed more complicated than I thought, because you are becoming more and more outrageous!"

"That old guy Mo Yu has a long lifespan and has already broken the rules of time, but you still refuse to kill him."

"And the so-called savior of Huaxia Xiuxiang Mountain is about to break the rules of time, so you don't want to kill him!"

"Liu Entropy, what on earth are you going to do?"

But I heard Liu Entropy say in a low voice: "Instructor, I think some of the rules of the current group are unsatisfactory, even unreasonable, and should be improved."


But I heard the old man in white robe shout angrily, "Are you getting more and more courageous, and you actually start to question the rules of the team?"

"Do you know how many historical disasters we have saved by this set of rules?"

“How many extinctions have been avoided?”

"How long is your lifespan?"

"Is it your turn to question here?"

"Do you know how serious the situation is now?"

"Let's not talk about those time criminals, let's just talk about the girl named Gu Fan. She relies on her four-dimensional background to project her figure in the timeline at will. This is equivalent to randomly traveling through history! She thinks this sacred Timeline, is it her garden?”

"The most annoying thing is that you once passed her by but didn't take action?"

As the old man roared.

Liu Entropy recalled the scene in the Haishi garbage dump.

Two fourth-dimensional visitors took Gu Fan away in front of him.

But at that time, Liu Entropy wanted to target Liu Di, and he believed that the Shi group should not cross the border to interfere with those four-dimensional forces.

Liu Entropy gritted his teeth, "Her dimension is higher than mine, and I can't stop her."

The old man in white robe snorted coldly, "Can't interfere? I think you are being soft-hearted! You need to take a good rest for a while!"


The white-robed old man looked at the four people behind Liu Entropy and said majestically: "Listen to my order. From now on, the mission of the four of you is to kill Mo Yu, kill Xiuxiangshan Baimei, and kill Brother Liu! It must be done! Done, I won’t listen to any excuses!”

The four of them were stunned when they heard this, and subconsciously looked at Liu Entropy.

Liu Entropy's expression changed, and he stood up directly and said: "Instructor, I have no objection to killing Mo Yu and Bai Mei, but as for Brother Liu, I think there are still some truths that have not been clarified. I have investigated it before. Brother Liu disappeared in real time, he should have entered the long river of history, so "

Liu Entropy paused, "I hope you, instructor, can use the power of the Time Halberd to send me into the long river of history. I will definitely find Brother Liu, arrest him, and find out the truth."

"That's ridiculous."

The old man in white robe frowned deeply, "How can Brother Liu have the ability to enter the long river of time? I'm afraid it's not your suspended clock that has an error!"

"I think you are trying to cover up your brother!"


"How easy is it for Ji Ji to accumulate energy at this time?"

"How could it be wasted on chasing down a small character like Brother Liu?"

The white-robed old man flicked his sleeves, "This time, I, Xing Kuai, personally take action, summon the time halberd, and enter the long river of history. The purpose is to kill that little girl Gu Fan and let them understand what order is in the fourth dimension!"


The old man turned around and grasped the golden halberd.

There was a brilliant golden light in the ice cave, and time frames spread out from the tip of the halberd, like film strips.

The old man squinted his eyes and focused on one of the white figures squatting by the river.

The time halberd in his hand pointed suddenly.

A twisted space-time tunnel suddenly appeared.

The old man's white robe stirred with unparalleled momentum, and he stepped in with one step!

The expressions of the remaining people all changed.

The instructor took action himself!

And he’s carrying a time halberd!

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