My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 1044 What a pity, what a pity

Zhaojun at this time.

Looking at the scene outside the car, the endless yellow sand silently told her a message.

Her hometown was thousands of miles away.

She was isolated and helpless.

She couldn't help but feel sad.

She looked back silently, her eyes were slightly moist, and she reached out to take the pipa standing beside her.

The sad woman gently stroked the strings, making a low tremolo, like sobbing.

Zhaojun sat up straight and hugged the pipa tightly.

Although there was a lot of yellow sand on her hair.

But her white fingers were spotless, delicate and green.

The next moment, the melodious sound of the pipa spread.

A song of "Leaving Home" was heartbreaking.

Huhanye Shanyu, who was walking in the yellow sand, was stunned. The queen was really smart, like a treasure, and her piano skills were also unique!

Many of the accompanying Western Han soldiers, braving the wind and sand, pulled their horses with all their strength, their cracked lips trembling slightly, and their eyes moistened when they heard the sound of the pipa.

As the tone of the pipa gradually became higher and higher.

Something happened in the sand dunes ahead.

I saw tall and fierce horses began to appear on the top of the sand dunes, gathering more and more, as if covering the entire horizon.

The swords were shining, and a pair of fierce eyes swept over!

Huhanye Chanyu was shocked!

"There is an ambush!"

He squinted his eyes to see the figures on those fierce horses, gritted his teeth, and said angrily: "It's Zhizhi!"

The whole team began to panic!

Just a quick look, you can tell that the other side has far more people and horses than you!



The Xiongnu soldiers and Han cavalry in the border team drew their weapons from their waists, but as soon as they took a step, they felt their legs go weak!

Zhaojun in the carriage also clearly heard the commotion outside.

Her expression did not change at all, and her eyes slowly closed.

The pipa music in her hand was more graceful, floating over the entire desert, showing a more solemn and murderous atmosphere!

She knew that this danger was a necessary ordeal on the way to the frontier!

Whether she could pass it depended on God's will!


A sound of breaking through the air came, and a sharp arrow shot out from the Hun soldiers above the sand dunes!

Moreover, their position was in the direction of the wind, and the arrow spanned a distance of nearly 2 miles, directly piercing the chest of a Han general!


The Han general's eyes widened, and he fell directly off his horse!

The whole team was getting more and more panicked. "It's not good. I feel like all my strength has been drained. I can't even control the horse!"

"You Xiongnu soldiers are good at fighting yellow sand, why don't you charge?"

"At such a long distance, you Han cavalry don't meet the enemy, what are you waiting for?!"

Zhaojun in the carriage frowned.

Is this the so-called unlucky time, unfavorable place, and unsuitable people?

Is my journey to the frontier going to end here?

Suddenly, there was another panic outside the car.

Someone shouted: "Who is that? Western Han reinforcements? Why is there only one person!"

Zhaojun's pipa music did not stop, but she felt an inexplicable tremor in her heart and tilted her ears slightly.

It was at this time.

The curtains on the car window were originally tied with layers of ropes, but they were suddenly blown by the wind, unfolded inch by inch, and floated against the wind.

Yellow sand hit her face, and Zhaojun subconsciously opened her eyes.

But suddenly she saw a man wearing blue Hanfu on the sand dune, standing with his hands behind his back, facing 8,000 Xiongnu soldiers alone.

His clothes fluttered in the wind amid the melodious sound of the pipa.

Zhaojun remembered that the man had tied the accessories around his waist with his own hands.

The man did not look back, but his name had long been imprinted in Zhaojun's heart.

Is it you?

Always accompanying the carriage forward?


Are you going to die with me like this?

Zhaojun said nothing, with a bitter taste in her mouth.

Glancing at the accompanying soldiers, they were already limp, and even standing became a problem.

The tears in Zhaojun's eyes gathered more and more, and she could only use a pipa song to convey her feelings.

On the sand dunes.

Zhizhi Chanyu looked at the man in Hanfu who suddenly appeared in front of him, with a look of disbelief.

"There is still a fish that has slipped through the net here? A weak scholar in Hanfu? I'm afraid it's the lover of the Han woman?"

"A mantis trying to stop a chariot, crush him for me!"

But the man in Hanfu calmly stared at the eight thousand Xiongnu soldiers without saying a word.

Instead, he stretched out an arm and pointed it at the ground.

A jet-black blade stretched out from his sleeve, growing longer and longer, and pointed directly at the yellow sand.

The next moment.

The man's body burst out, and the black light in his hand slashed horizontally.

No figure could be seen, but the black light flashed, and groups of Hun soldiers fell off their horses!

The situation changed instantly, and screams came!

Zhaojun looked from afar.

Her heart trembled, and her beautiful eyes flashed.

In the sound of the pipa, the man in ancient costume rarely appeared, but every moment he was like a killing god.

The huge red sun gradually set.

It just hovered above the sand dunes.

The accompanying soldiers who went out of the frontier almost crawled on the ground. They saw that in the line between heaven and earth, the man's figure was invincible, and no one could step down the sand dunes.

Everyone was extremely shocked!

In a moment, blood flowed into a river, flowing slowly along the sand dunes, like red trees taking root.

Zhaojun's pipa echoed with it, gradually releasing a sharp tone.

In the thrilling scene, a man in Hanfu rushed into the enemy army alone, and the black long sword was like a deadly dance. Countless enemy soldiers were thrown into the air and then torn into pieces!

The smell of blood was everywhere!

The ability he showed was worthy of being a match for 10,000 enemy soldiers, not to mention 8,000 enemy soldiers!

The woman who had never been moved by the wind and rain, now had tears on her face.

Even so, he didn't even look at me.

He was not the man I met by chance in the secular world.

He was a god sent by God to help me.

I was just wishful thinking before.

The sound of the pipa stopped suddenly.

I only heard Zhaojun say: "Keep going."

The accompanying soldiers suddenly came back to their senses, looked at Zhaojun who was sitting there in horror, and an inexplicable awe appeared in their eyes.

This woman is protected by the gods!

They gritted their teeth together, squeezed out the last bit of strength, and dragged the horses.

As the carriage moved slowly, the sound of the pipa sounded again.

Looking at the battlefield, the melody accompanied the man's killing move, like a soul-calling song.

Looking at the convoy, the melody was full of farewell, lonely and tragic.

After killing for a long time, the man in Hanfu on the sand dunes slashed with a knife, but it was empty!

I saw that there was no one left in front.

His chest rose and fell, and he slowly put away the black blade.

In order not to be shaken, he concentrated and counted every enemy he killed.

A total of 4,823, and his robes were not stained with blood.

The remaining 3,000 people had already thrown away their armor and fled into the depths of the desert.

He stood there, watching the carriage go farther and farther away.

In the sky, a group of geese flying north were attracted by the sound of the pipa, landed on the sand dunes, tilted their heads and listened quietly.

Liu Di was silent.

The sound of the pipa was so beautiful that it made the geese fall.

The ancients said that Diao Chan was so beautiful that she could make fish sink to the bottom of the water, while Zhaojun was so beautiful that she could make geese fall.

Her beauty was far more than her appearance.

There was also the righteousness in her heart.

Liu Di frowned.

His eyes were a little wet.

What a pity, what a pity

History cannot be changed.

Immediately, a black vortex appeared beside him, and Liu Di stepped into it, and there was no trace of her between heaven and earth.

Zhaojun walked forward, and her fingers that touched the strings of the zither were already a little red and swollen.

But she still bit her lips and insisted stubbornly.

Let this melody accompany him for a moment longer.

Suddenly, a cry of surprise was heard from the outside.

I saw endless red pomegranate trees on both sides of the road, and the water that nourished the trees was the blood of some soldiers ambushed along the road.

The soldiers shouted weird!

How could trees grow in the desert?

And Zhaojun stared at everything blankly.

If you have this intention, why don’t you take me away?

The next moment.

A straight thin line appeared between heaven and earth, one end starting from the continent and the other end sinking into the clouds, like a silver thread, bursting with blazing light, and then the thin line split, it turned out to be a door that penetrated heaven and earth.

It opened with a bang, and the light was distorted.

A man in a white shirt appeared with a figure that was all silver, like a robot and a higher life.

At this time.

The entire team of Huns heading north was still.

Only the beautiful Zhaojun moved freely. She looked at everything in a daze. As the figure slowly approached, tears gradually came to her eyes.

All around was quiet and silent.

But the man in white shirt came to Zhaojun with a silver figure and smiled calmly: "Although it has been a long time, I can't bear you to fulfill your mission alone."

Zhaojun was completely dazed, "You are..."

The white figure smiled, "I am Emperor Jiu, the future him."

After that.

The silver figure beside the white man began to change, and actually imitated Zhaojun's appearance, and also evolved into a luxurious crown.

The man smiled slightly, "Let's go."

Then he took Zhaojun's hand and stepped into the gate of heaven and earth.

And the silver figure that changed sat cross-legged in the carriage, just like Zhaojun.

The desert was alone with smoke, and the team slowly moved north.

No one knew.

At this time, the beauty had already moved flowers and trees.

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