My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 1046 Changes in Time



But when he saw Ju Ciyun running on the grass, he tripped on a stone and fell down.

But the children who grew up on the grassland were always strong, so they stood up and patted the soil on their clothes.

But the takraw ball in her hand rolled under a huge stone grinder and could not be taken out.

Xiao Ju Ciyun suddenly pouted and said nothing, with tears welling up in his eyes.

But he saw the 'maid' just stepped forward and rubbed Ju Ciyun's head.

Then she came to Shi Nian, stretched out a white arm, exerted a little force, and Shi Nian was lifted directly by her!

Brother Liu in the distance was immediately stunned!

That stone grinder weighs at least a thousand kilograms based on visual judgment alone!

The woman raised it with one hand!

But he saw Ju Ciyun, like a little fox, reaching out and grabbing the sepak takraw ball. He laughed through his tears and shouted crisply, "Thank you, mother!"


Brother Liu was immediately stunned.

At this time, the 'young maid' gently put down the stone grinder, looked back with a smile, and looked at Brother Liu.

With that look coming.

Brother Liu felt a chill in his heart!


That's Zhaojun!

After thirty years, her appearance has hardly changed, she is still as beautiful as yesterday.

The only difference was that her blue hair slicked back was mixed with a small lock of snow-white silver hair, which not only did not affect her appearance, but added a touch of mature charm.

Brother Liu felt awe-inspiring.

Zhaojun is so naturally beautiful that the years can be reversed!

But he saw Zhaojun letting the child play on his own, walking slowly towards Brother Liu with light steps.

When he arrived in front of him, Brother Liu was in a daze and looked Zhaojun up and down. He was shocked and moved at the same time. He trembled slightly and said, "Zhaojun, you"

But Zhaojun smiled.

Slowly open the shirt on your chest.

There was no spring scenery in it, but at the moment when her skin was about to be exposed, her chest and body turned into silver flowing metal, undulating like water splashes, and then slowly dispersed.

Revealing her heart, a sparkling glass crystal.

Within the crystal, there was a black liquid that looked like asphalt beating.

Brother Liu was stunned on the spot.

But the devil boy said: "Her body is made of nanoscale robots, and her heart, which is the core control unit, is something similar to Sders!"

How can this be? !

Liu Di almost felt as if his cognition had been destroyed.

But see the next second.

On the side of Zhaojun's shoulder, silver water patterns rippled, and two Chinese characters emerged - Emperor Jiu.


"Depend on."

Brother Liu only felt his scalp numb.

The demon boy was excited, "Dijiu! My creator! He has completed the fusion of nanorobots and biologically powerful artificial intelligence! The Zhaojun in front of us is already a brand-new artificial life!"

"To be honest, this technology is countless times ahead of Iron Emperor Seven!"

But when he saw Zhaojun in front of him, he nodded and smiled at Brother Liu. His body and clothes returned to normal. Without saying a word, he turned around and went to play with his children.

Brother Liu was stunned.

This was the second time he encountered this situation where his mind went blank in shock. The last time was in Liu Zhengqing's mind!

"Di Jiu, forever a god!"

the demon boy shouted.

Emperor Jiu.

This name has always been buried in Liu Di's heart. It is a completely incomprehensible and completely unfathomable existence.

Brother Liu’s many identities are why he is called Emperor One, Two, Three and Four.

Also inspired by this name.

Now, when this name suddenly appeared in front of him, Brother Liu was really caught off guard.

for a long time.

Liu Di asked in confusion: "Demon boy, we can trace back the history at this time, so do you think Emperor Jiu will be me in the future?"

"Although it is possible."

The demon boy wondered: "But there are many contradictions in it. What we have chosen is the development direction of the time field! Dijiu can control the strong artificial intelligence in the biological field!"

Brother Liu was also confused.

If something is mixed with time changes, it cannot be understood with linear thinking!

One person and one child stood in a daze on the grassland for a long time.

Finally, Brother Liu looked at Zhaojun in front of him and sighed slightly.

Now that I know she is a high-level substitute, I can't feel any emotion for her.

This is really bizarre!

Emperor Jiu replaced Zhaojun, presumably out of unbearability.

But who is Di Jiu?

Where did the real Zhaojun go? !

Brother Liu looked at the vast sky and suddenly felt extremely small.

It has to be said that history has not changed at all with this kind of operation.

Zhaojun did assist in the unification of the Xiongnu, but those so-called 'Han Dynasty technologies' were probably programmed by those advanced robots!

Di Jiu, you should be called Di Liu, because you are 666!

Di Jiu If I were myself, I would praise myself!

Just the next moment.

Liu Di suddenly felt a huge suction coming from behind.

His heart trembled. He had thrown three time halberds just to be on the safe side, but now the second one should be working!


There is no way to study Zhaojun well, robot Zhaojun!

There is no way.

Now the devil boy's ability to control time can be said to depend on luck!

The picture suddenly changes.

Brother Liu appears in Chang'an City!

The three time halberds are similar, they are all around the end of the Western Han Dynasty!

But fortunately, Liu Di was still wearing the Hanfu given by Zhaojun, so he was not out of place when walking on the street.

But the scene in Chang'an at this time was very different from before!

The people were pale and thin, as if they were not full!

Many farmers carried hoes and leaned against the wall, as if they had nothing to do.

Suddenly, a team of soldiers patrolled nearby and shouted: "In the first year of the Xin Dynasty, Wang Mang became emperor, reform and revival, and the country was peaceful and the people were safe!"

Liu Di was stunned.

Now it is about 30 years after Zhaojun went to the frontier, and the Western Han Dynasty has been destroyed.

The nephew of the former Empress Xiaoyuan, the cunning little Wang Mang, has become emperor!

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