My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 1091 The truth is revealed (1/2)

The green-skinned aliens were also collectively stunned.

You call this thing a nanoworm?

Is this too advanced or too backward? !

But Liu Di waved his hand and pointed at the warship in the air!

Countless giant worms trembled, and two huge wings split from their backs!

The buzzing vibration sound was connected, and dense nanoworms flew into the air and flew straight to the alien warship in the air!

Xing Wan, who was supporting Hua Yue, was stunned, "He can actually control the ground lord?!"



"Kill these disgusting bugs!"

The green-skinned man shouted wildly.

Then the tremor cannon it mentioned was instantly activated, and the ball emitted a blue light like lightning, which directly bombarded countless nanoworms.

This weapon itself does not have kinetic damage, because in the eyes of these aliens, kinetic damage is a very low-level means!

The principle of this weapon is to adjust the molecular vibration frequency of an object, unify the molecular vibration, and thus produce a microscopic resonance phenomenon.

The resonance of the atomic world can cause all structures to collapse.

In short, a living organism hit by this weapon will instantly explode into a ball of blood and completely "fall apart"!

The green commander's eyes popped open, and he saw with his own eyes that the first resonance wave hit a nanoworm!

But the next scene shocked him!

After the vibration wave hit the nanoworm, it silently sank into the black armor on its surface. After a few ripples, the effect completely disappeared!

"What is that?!"

"Aren't the shells of those insects the basic atomic structure!?"

"The tremor cannon can't shake it?!"

Liu Di, who was on the ground, was also shocked at this time.

The appearance of these nanoworms is still covered with liquid metal!

He knew that the density of liquid metal was very high and its ductility was almost endless, but he never expected that the nano-scale microorganisms would grow to a huge volume of 100 meters, and this liquid metal could still cover them perfectly!

Liu Di's heart was in turmoil.

If someone could use liquid metal to its full potential, what kind of power would it be?

Or, does liquid metal have an extreme?

For example, the cosmic singularity, which expanded from infinitesimal to infinitely large after 13.7 billion years, is still expanding at superluminal speed!

In other words, liquid metal and the cosmic singularity have the same origin, and its limit is the edge of the universe!

Boom boom boom!

A series of explosions came from the sky!

Tens of thousands of nanoworms went upstream, some landed on the top of those warships, and some attached to the side of the warships. Their sharp teeth and big mouths could easily tear apart the appearance of the space battleships. Those unknown alloys were simply chewed and swallowed by them!

Several warships were pouring out thick smoke and tilting in the sky!

Another warship was drilled into the belly of the nanoworms. After a bite, it exploded in the air and crashed on the spot!

In the distance, there were more nanoworms gathering and breaking out of the ground!

Liu Di also shook his head suddenly, "This level of nanoworms, even if only one ten-thousandth of the original number is left, it is simply not something that the outside world can resist."

"Open the defense shield!"

"Prepare for space jump!"

At this moment, the alien warship in the air began to emit a circle of blue light, covering the entire warship like a refresh. This level of plasma defense shield is enough to resist the space impact caused by warp travel!

The twisted magnetic field caused the nanoworms to fall!

They roared in the air, and then crashed into the soil!

"Want to run?"

Liu Di on the ground frowned, and a flash of lightning flashed in his eyes!

"Come as you like, leave as you like?"

"This is the end of the world, and you are alien invaders. I can't find any reason to pity you."

Liu Di said in a low voice, and a black light began to ripple from his wrist, and then covered his body inch by inch, forming a black armor with countless sharp edges all over his body, like a demon.

Then the armor completely covered Liu Di's head, sealing his left eye, leaving only a strange purple light in the right eye.

He said: "If you all escape, I, Liu Di, have come here in vain!"

The scene at this time was extremely terrifying.

The world has already ended, and the alien warships in the sky are shining brightly, and countless giant nanoworms are flying all over the sky.

Xing Wan's inner world has collapsed long ago, and he said with trembling teeth: "He... won't want to fight those aliens alone?"


The ground under Liu Di's feet shattered, and after a violent ripple, his body flew into the sky like a cannonball!

This shock even woke up Hua Yue who had fainted!

Her beautiful eyes opened wide!

But she saw Brother Liu soaring up, leaving a black stream of light in the air. When he approached the warship, the air crackled, and suddenly there was a lightning bolt from nowhere, at least as thick as a bowl, ferocious and terrifying.

With a click, the lightning struck the defense shield of the alien spaceship. The violent collision of the two energies quickly formed a gap in the defense shield!

Brother Liu, who was wearing armor, drilled directly into the gap. The alloy hull of the warship shattered like glass in front of Brother Liu, and he sank straight into the warship!

Then there was no sound!

The three people in the time group below were a little dazed.

He wouldn't die just like that, would he?


But a strange flower suddenly bloomed in the huge hull, all of which were made up of huge black thorns, up to a hundred meters long, piercing the warship to pieces!

The warship suddenly exploded, causing a huge uproar in the sky!

The airflow burst, causing the surrounding warships to tilt together!

Then, the black-armored figure with purple light flashing rushed out of the fire, accompanied by lightning, and directly penetrated into the next warship!

The huge flower bloomed again!

The black-armored figure shuttled through the sky, like a string of candied haws, piercing one warship after another!

The flowers continued to bloom.

It seemed as if a disaster had occurred in the sky.

The warships covering half of the sky exploded one after another, and the volcanic ash clouds were lifted, revealing a red blood moon.

The fire illuminated half of the sky. Because of the lack of oxygen, most of the flames were blue, and the smoke was choking!

Countless warship fragments fell from the sky, hitting the ground with a loud bang!

Many fragments flew to the vicinity of the three people in the group, like huge blades, cutting the land and breaking it into pieces!

Xing Wan ran away in fear, any fragment could smash him into a pulp!


"This is too scary!"

"This is not a place for people to stay!"

"Brother Liu is very powerful, let him deal with it, let's run away!"

At this moment, Xing Wan approached Cao Yuan in a panic, and took advantage of his unpreparedness to grab the weapon behind Cao Yuan and pulled it hard!

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