My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 1096 Astronomical Figures (1/2)

"Master, that's good."

"This time, I will either strive to become a glorious ancestor and become a famous figure, or I will risk my life and thank my master for his kindness. I will have no regrets."

He Cang's body suddenly straightened up, and a fearless light burst out from his eyes, "Master, let's go."

The golden trident behind Liu Di suddenly made a clang and flew into Liu Di's hand.

At the same moment, a black vortex appeared in front of the two of them.

Immediately, Brother Liu pointed the tip of his halberd at He Cang.

In He Cang's surprised eyes, he saw that his body seemed to be coded, turning into ribbons and floating into the black vortex.

Brother Liu did not hesitate and stepped in immediately!

At this moment, this fragment of time reached the end and began to cycle back and forth, except that the character He Cang was missing!


1903, Russia, Lake Baikal.

This is the time and place where the Tunguska meteorite fell.

Under the hill, a black vortex suddenly appeared.

The flow of data floating out formed He Cang's body, and he seemed to be carrying it in code.

But Liu Di's arrival was like a step forward, and he was more like walking in time.

He Cang was stunned, "Master, is this time travel?"

Brother Liu nodded and asked directly the key point, "See if your ability exists."

He Cang did not hesitate and immediately followed the instructions. His eyes moved slightly, and a piece of gravel suddenly flew into the air under his feet and flew into his hand. Then he exerted force with his palm and crushed the stone with a bang.

He replied, "Yes!"

Brother Liu nodded secretly, "It's really unfair."

He Cang glanced at the surrounding environment. This was a very natural suburb, and immediately asked: "Master, what problem do we want to solve?"

Liu Di slowly walked up the hillside, "This is 1903, and on this unknown day, a meteorite will bombard the earth. It will cause a series of reactions until humankind is extinct. What we have to do , just to prevent it from landing!”


He Cang smiled slightly, "I am best at manipulating stones!"

"This is a sudden event in recorded history."

"Because this is not a residential area, people are completely unaware and are even asleep."


"This will be an unknown, lonely fight to save the world silently. You and I will also be unknown heroes."

Brother Liu turned sideways and looked at He Cang who had been following him, "This may be different from the big shot you imagined. Do you have any complaints?"

"Wanyi will see it."

"And Master, you will also see it."

He Cang's eyes flashed, "I'm very satisfied with this!"

Brother Liu was moved.

While talking, the two of them came to the top of the mountain, looked down, and were stunned.

But below, on the edge of Lake Baikal, there were countless tents standing and crowded with people.

Moreover, the entire Lake Baikal has been transformed. A huge city wall with a width of ten meters and a height of ten meters has been built on the outer edge of the lake. The lake surface with a radius of 5 kilometers is also covered with chains as thick as thighs, crisscrossing them, forming a Huge net bag.

Brother Liu was very confused.

Is this project preparing to welcome meteorites?

Russia has already made sufficient preparations?

Are historical records wrong again? !

He Cang was equally sluggish, "Master, does this mean no one knows? Moreover, do we still need to take action?"

"Of course."

Brother Liu squinted, and the purple light flashed in his right eye. The situation in front of him should be that someone predicted the impact point of the meteorite and responded to it. But it is ridiculous. How could such a 'net bag' withstand the kinetic energy of the meteorite? A meteorite with 300 nuclear bombs?

in short.

Russia understood, but not completely.

Very naive.

"But it's not their fault. This is 1903 after all."

Brother Liu took He Cang and walked straight towards the base.

On the way, I saw many Russian guards, and their eyes were somewhat respectful.

But what surprised Brother Liu was that he saw many Western guards on the next path.

When these blond and blue-eyed guards saw the two of them, they whispered, "Backward Chinese people."

But fortunately, people stopped me.

Brother Liu frowned slightly.

What's happening here.

When the master and apprentice came to the group of tents, they could hear arguments in the distance, but the languages ​​were all different.

Finally, the two saw a scene by the lake.

There were actually seven or eight wooden platforms.

There are different words written above: Nelson Observatory in Europe, Ruf Institute of Astronomy in Germany, Perth Astronomical Telescope in Italy...

Various astronomical observation equipment are placed on the wooden platform.

The personnel among them were all dressed in European 19th-century formal wear, and many of them had single-lens myopia glasses clamped in their eye sockets.

Among them, the most abrupt one is the observation platform in the center.

The oriental faces above are actually wearing official uniforms from the Qing Dynasty, which seem to be winter clothes. The hems of the clothes are stuffed with thick cotton. Compared with those luxurious Westerners, they look very ancient and backward.

And their plaque turned out to be Chinese characters - Qin Tian Jian.

Brother Liu's expression moved slightly.

1903 was the last year of the Qing Dynasty.

The most mysterious department in the modern Chinese court is called the Qintian Prison.

For the time being, it can be understood as an ancient astronomical observation department.

Its functions are to observe celestial phenomena, calculate solar terms, and formulate calendars.

But the Imperial Observatory in the late Qing Dynasty was very powerful. It could understand Feng Shui, harmonize yin and yang, and even observe the stars at night and deduce history.

For thousands of years, they hid behind the scenes and assisted emperors of all dynasties.

On the platform of the Imperial Observatory, an old man in his seventies with a goatee and official uniform closed his eyes slightly.

He recited: "On the tenth day of the tenth month of this year, at the fourth watch of the night of Jiyou, a strange star appeared in the northeast, under the Tianku, and was measured in the Xu Palace, with a longitude of 27 degrees and 5 minutes, and a latitude of 15 degrees and 56 minutes south, in the Kuixiu degree."

"On the 11th, according to the report of Li Shisheng and others from the Astronomy Department."

"The star was measured in detail and has moved, with a tail, which is called a guest star."

"We follow the divination book and say that the guest star guards the Tianku, and the world will be in great trouble, people will eat each other, and all living things will be in turmoil!"

Liu Di's mind moved.

It is indeed the Imperial Observatory!

The arrival of the meteorite has been predicted!

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