My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 1102 The Real Reason (1/2)

Liu Di stepped into the long river of time.

Looking at the dazzling scene winding and flowing in front of him, slowly going away.

He felt very comfortable.

He glanced at the golden trident in his hand, and compared it with the seven light blue, spear-like time tridents that reappeared in his mind.

He shook his head slowly.

The time group weapon is very easy to use. It can cross the long river of time and the time can be accurate to every minute and every second.

It allows you to appear accurately at any time. He Cang's 2-hour time fragment and Wanyi's train station can only be successfully reached with the help of it.

With a thought.

Liu Di went to 2021!

My world should also be restored, right?

The perspective turned.

The sun was in the sky and the dome was blue.

The prosperous Haishi appeared again.

Liu Di walked slowly on the street. The Twin Towers and the Witness Tower in the distance, as the second tallest building of Haishi, stood side by side.

Liu Di called his mother.

"Son, make a fortune!"


"Red! Dazhuang's mother, don't steal the cards!"

Liu Di was relieved, his mother was playing mahjong again.

After exchanging a few pleasantries with his mother, Liu Di did not bother her much when he saw that she was very happy.

Countless surveillance images appeared in the perspective.

The twins were running normally because of sufficient funds. Wujiang and God's Scepter were proceeding in an orderly manner, and the sea city under their feet had been covered!

Phantom Island was also normal. Kunsang and Jianxu caught a sea crab with huge claws and stuffed it into Tuyuan's bed.

Xiao Pinggai was also taken to Tuoye's free hospital. She was covering her eyes because she didn't dare to watch Tuoye's surgery with blood spurting everywhere.

Liu Xiaodi really skipped school again. At this time, he was in Nan Ruoyi's construction base, adjusting his Gundam over and over again.

Liu Di nodded.

The world is so beautiful.

Everything that was once taken for granted in life, once lost, and then returned, suddenly felt extremely precious.

Liu Di looked up, and saw a steel emperor seven in stealth mode flying through the sky. Its destination was the Kola Super Drilling, to retrieve the nano bracelet for Liu Di.

Arrived at a deserted place.

Liu Di jumped onto a high-rise rooftop.

Here had been three masters and apprentices sitting.

Cao Yuan, Xing Wan, Hua Yue.

They were quietly waiting for Liu Di in the end of the world, and then suddenly there was a moment when the world was scattered and re-condensed, and everything returned to normal.

They were like a dream, watching everything, and their hearts were full of emotion.

Seeing Liu Di coming silently.

Cao Yuan knelt down without saying a word and kowtowed. Tears were slowly flowing from his deeply buried head.

Liu Di smiled.

He took off the golden trident behind him, and his mental power moved, and the light was shining, and then a golden light struck Cao Yuan's back!


The smell of burning, accompanied by the broken flesh and blood, diffused!

Xing Wan and Hua Yue were both shocked, "Brother Liu, what are you doing!"

But Brother Liu said nothing, just looked at Cao Yuan quietly.

But Cao Yuan stood up with gritted teeth and stopped the angry Xing Wan, "It's okay...Mr. Liu...Can you please have a word with me?"

Brother Liu gave him this opportunity, and the two came to a higher rooftop.

At this time, the lightning-shaped scar on Cao Yuan's back was slowly bleeding.

Cao Yuan was also sweating profusely, and said nothing.

Liu Di looked at the scenery of the entire Hai City and said slowly: "When I saw He Cang, I found a lightning-shaped scar on his back. Coincidentally, it was exactly the same as the damage caused by this golden trident."

"I also checked the history. An emperor in the late Qing Dynasty was particularly fond of alchemy for a period of time, that is, making some chemical experiments."

"At that time, He Cang, who was only a teenager, was doing odd jobs in the palace."

"The real history should be that He Cang accidentally mastered the ability of the element of molybdenum with the help of alchemy."

"Then it was natural to smash the Tunguska meteorite."

"So, who changed time and made He Cang's ability 80 years late, leading to today's doomsday?"

But Cao Yuan slowly knelt down, "It was me."

He knew that since Liu Di had returned from time, all his sophistry would be meaningless.

Brother Liu sighed slowly, "I have long felt that you blame yourself too much for the end of the world, but I didn't expect that after searching for so long, the final cause was caused by you."

Cao Yuan's body trembled, and tears slowly flowed out, "I have maintained the order of time many times and saved many disasters, but all of this is too short-lived for me who has the Time Halberd. I need more tasks, and the Time Group also needs more tasks..."

"When He Cang was young, he wanted to steal those elixirs out of curiosity...but I injured him with the Time Halberd."

Brother Liu narrowed his eyes, "You want more shocking tasks, and want to prove your existence with greater achievements, but you didn't expect that your weapon would fail at the end of the world."

Cao Yuan slowly lowered his head.

Brother Liu gritted his teeth and said, "Why do humans always want to show their presence?!"

He shook his hand violently, and the golden trident suddenly flew out and directly cut off Cao Yuan's arm!

Cao Yuan gritted his teeth, said nothing, and burst into tears, "I was wrong."

Liu Di turned back, his right eye flashing red, "I will kill you!"

Cao Yuan's head hit the ground directly, "I have no complaints!"

At this moment, in Liu Di's mind, one of his own time halberds flew out with a bang, went to an unknown place in the long river of time, and then quickly returned.

In an instant, Brother Liu actually saw another scene of the end of the world, and the earth suddenly collapsed.

Brother Liu paused for a moment, wondering where the scene just started.

An inexplicable thought echoed in my mind. Killing Cao Yuan at this time will lead to the end of the world, just because a crucial person is missing!

This person is not Cao Yuan, but Liu Entropy!

But what Liu Di didn't know was that this was the initial display of his six-dimensional ability, that is, standing at the intersection of time and space, he could see the end of every road.

Brother Liu frowned.

The golden trident stayed three inches from Cao Yuan's throat.

There was a clang.

The golden trident fell in front of Cao Yuan, and his body trembled.

Brother Liu said: "If you repent, from now on you must develop your team according to the rules, recruit disciples, and add new blood, so as not to be like you, who take risks and pursue new excitement."

"But if I find that you have no regrets, I will take away this trident and your life at any time."

Brother Liu walked to the edge of the rooftop, turned his back and said, "Cherish it. There are not many things that Brother Liu is willing to return."


The silver shuttle arrived and Brother Liu's body disappeared.

Cao Yuan was left alone and was stunned for a long time.

For a moment, he raised his one arm, bang! Snapped! Snapped! He slapped his cheeks with all his strength until half of his face was red and swollen and blood bleeded from the corners of his mouth.

Xing Wei and Hua Yue were hiding under the rooftop, watching everything in horror.

Master, what happened to him?


The one-armed Cao Yuan came to the two of them holding a trident, with a firm light in his eyes, "Brother Liu, let bygones be bygones and let the group continue. From now on, we must strictly follow the rules, everything No matter how big or small, you must do your duty faithfully!”

Xing Wei and Hua Yue looked stunned.

But Cao Yuan said again: "Do you two have any successors you are optimistic about? Don't hesitate, recruit them into the current team!"


The three of them entered the time tunnel and returned to Xing Wei's era.

It was also at this moment that old Xing Wei's memory was suddenly refreshed.

Deep in his memory, there was another name and a figure in white.

He has vast supernatural powers and terrifying abilities. He single-handedly saves the apocalypse. Even the master has to kneel before him and blame himself!

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