My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 1107 Delaying Time (1/2)


The people in the Time Group all saw horror in each other's eyes.

The trace of relief that they had just escaped from the hands of the tyrannical King of Hell disappeared directly, as if their bodies had fallen into an endless cold cave!

Brother Liu said before not to provoke him again!

Now he killed his friend 200 times?

I am in danger in the Time Group!


"Follow me to the Mohist School!"

Cao Yuan grabbed the golden trident and did not forget to turn back and salute Bai Mei, "He Cang, the savior, we are leaving! I will use my ability, please don't mind!"


He activated the golden trident, created a huge clock, and then led the extremely panicked Time Group directly into it!

Bai Mei shook his head, "If you don't commit suicide, you won't die."

Cook: "Why are you leaving? Stay for dinner. I cooked too many dishes!"

Cao Yuan's voice came intermittently, "This monk, I'm sorry! I can't eat this meal!"


Cao Yuan, the founder of the Time Group.

Originally a mild genetic evolutionist, his age is unknown, his age is very old, and he was born with weak spiritual power.

During one of his travels, he accidentally found a special weapon underground.

Its appearance is like a trident of the sea god, shining with golden light and full of majesty.

But before the injection of spiritual power, the trident was still covered with mottled sedimentary rocks. It may have been buried underground for hundreds, thousands, or even hundreds of millions of years.

It was the changes in ecology and the movement of the earth's crust that gradually brought it closer to the ground.

Since obtaining this weapon, Cao Yuan has opened up a new world.

This trident seems to have life, and the light has rhythmic fluctuations, but Cao Yuan did not understand this rhythm until he saw the quantum computer of later generations by chance.

Only then did he know that this light was called "quantum computing flash".

It is very likely that it is a sophisticated device.

It can think and evolve on its own.

But Cao Yuan smiled. This kind of thing could not be made by humans. Perhaps it belongs to alien civilization or a higher life form.

Because this thing can actually control time.

No matter who gets this thing, they will not make it public, and Cao Yuan is no exception!

Cao Yuan carries this trident and wanders in time. How happy it is.

Slowly, he becomes bored.

A heroic dream ignites in his heart.

So he created the Time Group and set up the banner of "Time Maintainer"!

Gradually, he discovered that this weapon, which he named the Time Trident, has all kinds of functions.

For example, it gives others the ability to control time.

It is to generate a double-layer clock in the pupil of a person.

Cao Yuan has always had a vague understanding of this weapon. He does not understand its principle at all, and cannot control what abilities it can give people. Everything seems to be random.

Cao Yuan also tried to understand this Time Trident.

He specially consulted scientists in later generations.

Scientists heard his description and laughed at his delusion!

But Cao Yuan also remembered a concept deeply - brain-computer interface.

The golden clock in people's eyes is a brain-computer interface of a higher technological level.

The golden trident is the core server of these brain-computer interfaces, and the way of transmission between them is the ethereal and traceless spiritual power.

Cao Yuan thought alone and finally came to a conclusion that this world still belongs to the control of technology!

After that.

He gave the core members of the time group the ability to control time.

These abilities are far weaker than the time trident itself.

For example, some people can jump time for a short time, the longest is no more than ten seconds.

Some people can achieve teleportation within the same time point.

Others can slow down the flow of time!

Just like the Mo family Weishan Lake base at this time.

In the negative third floor of this base.

Two members of the time group wearing huge black cloaks stood quietly with daggers in their hands.

In their eyes, the golden clocks were slowly turning, as if they were completing a kind of collaboration.

Within a radius of 500 meters, all the Mohist disciples who were rushing over seemed to be stuck in a quagmire. It took a full 2 ​​minutes to lift one foot and then fall to the ground.

Even the laser weapons in the hands of these Mohist disciples seemed to be slowed down. After emitting a length of about 2 meters, they could only grow slowly!

In front of the two time group members was a huge scientific research center.

On the walls more than ten meters high, there were culture chambers. The masks of these culture chambers had been shattered, and the nutrient solution in them tilted down from the air, but it was also very slow. From a distance, it looked like a still waterfall.

In these nutrient chambers, more than 200 "Moyu" were drooping softly, staggering here and there, and there was a blood mark between their necks without exception.

They had all had their throats cut!

"I am a member of the Time Group, I live slowly."

"I am a member of the Time Group, I die slowly."

The two black cloaked figures, blood slowly condensed on the daggers in their hands, and it took a long time to gather into a drop, falling to the ground inch by inch.

In the corner opposite, the only living Mo Yu curled up with fear in his eyes.

In this range, only these three people were not affected by the deceleration.

Only a member of the Time Group whispered: "Mo Yu, you create clones and use them to prolong your life. If you continue like this, your life will be endless."

"This violates human rights, morality, humanity, and the rules of our Time Group!"

Then, the two of them shouted at the same time, as if from hell, "Today is the end of your life!"

Mo Yu pressed tightly against the wall, "I am the leader of the Mohist School! You should know how much contribution the Mohist School has made to China over the years! You are Chinese after all, why are you so unemotional!"

The two members of the Time Group did not answer at all, but their eyes were cold.

Mo Yu blinked repeatedly, "How about this, I will tell you about the contributions made by the Mohist School over the past thousand years, as a free science popularization, you will make a profit!"

A member of the Time Group sneered, "You want to delay time."

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