My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 1119 Sacred Object (1/2)

Brother Liu stared at the old man.

The old man raised his neck and chest, as if he was playing rogue.

After a moment, Liu Di shook his head and smiled, "The previous Mr. Dumuqiao, the judge, the bride in red, and the kid playing chess were all tests arranged by you, right? Only after passing those tests can I get the raw materials and give them to you. Make wine and drink.”

The old man said, "Humph, that's right!"

Liu Di added: "Looking back, if I fail to meet even one of the four previous tests, there will be a shortage of raw materials. Even if I meet you, it will be meaningless?"

The old man smoothed his hair back and said arrogantly: "Humph, that's right!"

Brother Liu nodded and sighed slowly, "It's really a very exquisite design, but I want to ask, what is the purpose of going around in such a big circle?"

"Of course this kid wants to please me!"

The old man stood up, patted the dust on his body, and said loudly: "My name is Gu Gugu. I will scare you if I tell you my identity. I am the only master in the fourth dimension village who has stepped into the fifth dimension. I am highly respected. Everyone has to kowtow when they see me. I always say what I say in the village. As long as I believe something, no one dares to refute it. If I get angry, I will stamp my foot and the four-dimensional village will tremble!"

Brother Liu felt awe-inspiring and his eyes widened slightly.

The old man glanced sideways, "Why, are you scared now?"

Brother Liu quickly shook his head, a little disbelieving: "Cuckoo? Like a chicken crow? The top master, with a name like this?"

"Aiya, I go."

The old man swung his cane and almost fell down. He shouted: "Gu Gu Gu! It's not Gu Gu Gu! Boy, your Mandarin is not standard. My name is Gu Gu Gu! Ah bah!"

Liu Di clasped his fists, "Yes! Senior Gugugu, I will definitely practice!"

Demon boy: "Gurgugu, lululu."

The old man's face twitched slightly, "I'll just assume that your pronunciation is correct for now."

Brother Liu pursed his lips and snickered.

But he saw the old man's expression serious, "Then by the way, you, a young junior, are you willing to brew a gourd of wine for me, an old man who is highly respected but very thirsty?"

Brother Liu bowed and said seriously: "I don't want to."


The old man nodded happily and said 'hmm' for a long time. He suddenly came back to his senses and glared: "Boy, your line is wrong. You should say that this junior is obligated!"

Brother Liu chuckled, raised his head and said, "Things are going so well, I feel like there's something wrong."

Immediately, Brother Liu raised his hand and said, "The tests I have encountered since I entered the village were probably arranged by Gu Fan's father, the village chief. My temperament and etiquette were tested before, and they were normal. How come you, the ultimate BOSS, are brewing?" Is it that simple to make a gourd of wine?”

The old man paused for a moment and said in his mind, ‘Shall I go? ’

Immediately he rolled his eyes slightly, "Did you see through it?"

Brother Liu grinned, "Yeah."

"Then I'll show my hand."

However, he saw that the old man's eyes suddenly became solemn, his spine crackled when he exerted force on his back, and his hunchback was straightened by him. With a solemn expression, he slowly came to the black three-story pavilion.

As soon as he opened his mouth, his voice became thicker, with a faint echo, "This small building can only be summoned once every three years and two months. This is a relic left by our ancestors in Siwei Village. There is a A sacred object of unparalleled power!"

Brother Liu also slowly became solemn.

Looking at this small building for the first time, the wood used to build it is like black charcoal. It is so dark that it seems to swallow up light, exuding an extremely mysterious atmosphere.


The old man paused for a moment, and then said: "This ruins also carries the prohibition of the ancestors. It is a powerful seal. I have studied it more than a dozen times, but I have not been able to open it."

Liu Di was suddenly curious, "What could be here?"

The old man's cloudy mung bean eyes slowly became clear, and he said in a deep voice: "The future, there is the future in it!"

Brother Liu felt a chill on his back.

The old man continued: "All the timelines that you, Brother Liu, and I, Gugugu of Siwei Village, have stepped into are all in the past! I think you know in your heart that we can indeed observe a lot and touch reality, but there are limitations There are also many! If you are not careful, it will cause the collapse of history. This ability that is sensational in the eyes of outsiders actually comes with heavy shackles. "

When he said this, Brother Liu nodded silently.

I saw the light in the old man's eyes skyrocketing, "You can imagine that if you have the ability of a clone to enter the future, see the results of every move, and then return to the original position, then you will naturally know what is the most correct choice. , you will never be defeated, all enemies can only fall apart, there is no other possibility, that is the true Sixth Dimension, the true God."

Brother Liu narrowed his eyes, "So, you want to..."

"That's right!"

The old man nodded heavily, "I am so selfless, I want to give it to you! Moreover, as the number one master of Siwei Village, I will support you in dating Gu Fan. All I need is for you to give me Make a gourd of wine, are you excited?"

Brother Liu nodded slowly, "Don't dare to move."

"Don't...dare to move?"

The old man was stunned, "Are you stupid?"

Brother Liu raised his head, "That old man is very bad. He is so kind to me for no reason. There must be a trap."

The old man gritted his teeth and immediately gave up.


Brother Liu smiled and said, "Let me see that holy object first."

The old man clapped his hands repeatedly, "It doesn't matter, I don't want the child to trap the wolf, so please step forward!"

But saw the next moment.

The old man closed his eyes, put his hands together, and chanted a strange spell. He was ethereal and majestic, and his body also emitted a hazy yellow light.

Liu Di slowly stepped forward, and he couldn't help but become serious.

In the interval between the spells, the old man said: "I only broke the first seal. I can temporarily open the door of this pavilion. You can go in and observe later."

"Hon Ma Mi Ma # ¥% # ……\u0026 # 38;..."

The old man muttered, stretched out his short hand, and pushed open the wooden door with a snap!

Liu Di was stunned.

This door seemed to open with a push, and it had nothing to do with the old man's spell!

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