My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 1146 On Sale (1/2)

Twin Towers.

Ah Jia stood in the largest conference room within the company.

He looked at the guest number 400 approaching with a smile.

They are all big bosses coming from all directions.

There are mobile phone terminal industry, digital industry, home appliance industry, smart daily necessities industry, and even automobile manufacturing industry.

Hawaii Beach says ‘go bankrupt at your own risk’.

Coupled with the launch of thousands of canopy watches, it caused an uproar.

And the information that was leaked intentionally or unintentionally was affectionately called by the outside world as "the creator got involved in the list of bankruptcies of his peers."

All kinds of conditions are mixed together.

Within 24 hours, today’s partner recruitment meeting was triggered.

Talk about cooperation.

In fact, everyone is in danger, has stepped through the threshold of Gemini, and squeezed his head.

As long as they can cooperate with the creator, they can avoid being subverted and bankrupt, and they can become famous and rich.

"Chinese bosses stand on the right, and other nationalities stand on the left."

Ah Jia said with a smile.

Everyone heard.

Many blond bosses hesitated for a moment.

Suddenly he chuckled.

Gemini is still prescient and knows very well the backwardness of China's manufacturing industry. Although this is a bit hurtful, it is undoubtedly an efficient way to distinguish between the third, sixth and ninth grades!

After all, no one wants to work with trash!

In a blink of an eye.

The crowd was automatically divided into two halves, with one half being various manufacturing giants from around the world.

The other half are local Chinese companies that are slightly less confident.

"Thank you everyone for your cooperation."

Ah Jia smiled and nodded at everyone.

Then there was an electric sound, and the movable walls slid out of the secret door, along the tracks, dividing the entire conference room into two halls.

A group of international manufacturing bosses stared blankly at the twin Zhang Tianjia, waved to themselves, and then the wall closed.

"He...actually stayed in that conference room full of Chinese people?"

Foreign bosses were extremely puzzled.

At this time, a twin service staff entered the room and presented tea and cakes to everyone.

The beauty from the Gemini public relations department said: "Bosses, after finishing your snacks, please go home."


The beauty from the public relations department mused again: "Well... if you want to cooperate with our twins, it is not impossible. You need to wait quietly. When we expand to the Americas, you can cooperate with our Chinese suppliers to establish a branch. factory."


"Let us be a branch factory for those Chinese guys?"

"That is, the branch factory within your founder's branch factory?"

A group of international bosses suddenly became angry.

But I saw the beauty from the public relations department said gently: "It doesn't matter, we won't force you."

Everyone suppressed the rest of their words.

You are not forced.

But if we don’t do that, we won’t survive!

Damn China, damn unity.

This is an invasion, using technological means to invade!

Although we can’t find any evidence yet!

But if we want to find the Western hegemon, Europe, and lodge a protest with Lepp, we must sanction you!


Brother Liu stood alone in the top-floor conference room of the Twin Towers.

After the incident at Hawaii Beach, the trouble suddenly disappeared.

He looked at the city quietly.

One day, two days, three days.

From his perspective, time seems to be fast forwarding. The sun rises and sets, lights come on and off, and the headlights of vehicles form continuous lines of light, coming from a distance and then driving into the distance along the overpass.

In the sea market.

There are huge twin canopies lighting up on the roofs of high-rise buildings. Among them are extremely simple advertisements for smart products that make people unable to move after just one glance.

Under these canopies, there are also huge Wujiang signal towers hidden, equipped with all-round monitoring equipment and large-scale STA equipment. The compression chambers in them also store micron bugs that are constantly multiplying.

Moreover, these signal towers are also slowly emitting liquid metal with radiation fields, providing Liu Di with an independent network of dark matter.

In Liu Di's eyes, those molecular smokes were like invisible brushes, smearing the entire sea city, constantly improving the layout of comprehensive surveillance and comprehensive defense.


Even the bright light from the sky illuminates every inch of the city.

There will still be loopholes in the invisible network, and the data required will still be much different.

This requires countless small devices to make up for it.

The founders are not short of money, and China is not short of people.

In just 7 days, brand-new assembly lines began to roar in hundreds of factories of various types, and disruptive products were born one by one, packed and shipped to the sea!

‘Canopy watches are on sale for the second time, with a total of 200,000 pieces! ’

‘It broke the single-day sales record for electronic products on the entire network and sold out in 30 minutes. If it weren’t for purchasing in Haishi areas, it would have been sold out in seconds! ’

On this day, the news was silent again, but it came out!

Countless enthusiasts have grabbed the products they have longed for!

Handheld terminal manufacturers around the world are trembling, as if they have seen the end of an era.

They try their best to win a place to cooperate with the creator!

In the eyes of Brother Liu.

Within the entire territory of the sea city, small groups of blue lights continued to light up.

Either on the street, in a moving car, or in the homes of ordinary residents. Of course, their most accurate location is on the wrists of 200,000 people!

Liu Di shook his head slightly, "Not enough, the data is still too far away."

'The twin personal mobile computer is released! '

'Folding keyboard, empty screen, can be interactively connected with the sky watch, share tasks, share data, and collaborate remotely! '

'Also limited to local purchases in Hai City, the first batch of 100,000 units, sold out! '

As soon as this news came out, the entire personal computer field, including enthusiasts and manufacturers, seemed to have a major earthquake!

The world has also changed a little.

In the office buildings of Hai City, blue lights are lit on the desks, and in the light, various tool tables and exquisite three-dimensional imaging pictures are flashing.

The once bulky monitors, computer cases, and laptops with limited standby time have disappeared in large quantities!

Instead, local companies in Hai City that use brand new computers go out to negotiate with international partners. In addition to easily winning orders, the whole venue is full of envious eyes and saliva from those foreigners!

This computer is awesome.

But I can't buy it!

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