My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 1162 Encryption Method (1/2)

"Augmented reality can be used for much more than that."

Liu Di said slowly: "It can also turn abstract things into concrete and even interesting things, such as those abstract and difficult to understand advanced mathematics, chemistry, and physics knowledge. We can describe the process of how mathematicians derive a formula. Exhibition can also allow 'people' to enter the inner world of an atom, and it can also allow you to personally experience the falling ball experiment of the Leaning Tower of Pisa."

"Various kinds of knowledge turned into interesting animations and personal experiences."

"Children no longer need to read boring textbooks, but the knowledge is imprinted in their minds naturally."

Brother Liu looked at Mr. Song, "You mentioned the people's priorities, medical care and education. AR helmets can completely revolutionize the fields and get twice the result with half the effort! A hundred times, a thousand times, ten thousand times!"

"There are also cross-regional communication, simultaneous translation, psychological exploration, architectural design simulation, chemical experiment simulation, and war simulation, all with zero loss."

"Playing games using only real situations is too childish."

"My mind has no limitations!"

Brother Liu sighed, "Mr. Song, the Twin Universe is not as simple as you think."

This time, Mr. Song was completely shocked and his pupils trembled.

Only then did he understand why the Yuan Universe was called ‘universe’!

It can be all-encompassing and extend infinitely.

My vision is too narrow.

For a time, Mr. Song thought of countless applications in the universe, and he trembled: "Technology changes everything."

I heard Brother Liu say again: "None of this is outside of human nature. Only people's selfless contributions can shape a better future."

Everyone's eyes turned to Nan Ruoyi. She slowly walked forward and came to the young doctor. Dr. Zhao had just felt the patient's pain, and his forehead was covered with sweat.

Nan Ruo also shook hands with him and said sincerely: "Thank you for all your contributions."

Dr. Zhao wiped the sweat from his forehead and nodded slightly: "We should thank you. On behalf of all doctors, I would like to express my gratitude to Gemini. It is your technology that saved thousands of people without any delay." patient!”

Mr. Song was moved.

A big country, a country with science and technology, a country with great unity, a country with great humanity, a country with warmth!


20 minutes later.

Brother Liu and Mr. Song stood on the top of the Twin Towers, overlooking the entire cityscape.

This is also the starting point of Gemini. At that time, Liu Di just rented a 3-story office building and stood on the rooftop with Ajia, imagining the future of Gemini.

At this time, the future has arrived.

Liu Di asked slowly: "Mr. Song, have you seen clearly what I have achieved in the past two months?"

Mr. Song stared at the future city at his feet. Even now, he still can't believe that this is Chinese territory, this is the Chinese maritime city that he has not paid attention to for only two months.

After a long while, Mr. Song said: "I was amazed when I saw it."

at this time.

Mr. Song, who was over fifty years old and had served in the military all his life, was convinced from the bottom of his heart that the torrent of science and technology had destroyed his entire inherent world view.

Underestimating Gemini's project and underestimating Brother Liu was a huge mistake, and I still refuse to correct it despite repeated admonitions!

Brother Liu smiled.

I heard Mr. Song say again: "I also saw that this is only one ten thousandth of your twin territory. The next step is to cover the entire China, the entire world, and the entire earth."

"Moreover, you will develop more technologies and more products, which will make greater changes in people's lives."

"It's unimaginable that the scene in this science fiction movie came to us in just an instant."

Liu Di shook his head, "This is the accumulation of five thousand years of human civilization, but I will integrate it and initiate it."


"You are so humble."

Mr. Song glanced at Brother Liu and said in a deep voice: "But I also saw that every corner of this city is covered with your equipment, and the Internet is your world. You control all the data. , No matter it is a country or an individual, there is no secret in front of you. "

Brother Liu seemed not to hear, and turned around with a smile. Behind him was a huge black device, 10 meters high and 20 meters wide.

There is a red button below the device.

Brother Liu said: "Mr. Song, this is the device that will finally take shape of Haishi Internet of Things. Do I have the honor to invite you to help me turn it on?"

Liu Di looked at Mr. Song. As long as he presses that button, the molecular future system in the Hai City area will be completely formed. Huge information will be integrated. Liu Di will be able to understand everything and try to foresee the future!

But Brother Liu knew.

This is just a small step for me. Without the approval of Mr. Song in front of me, even if I break up in the future, it will be very difficult!

Mr. Song was indifferent, "You haven't answered my question yet. What if you take control of everything and betray the world?"

"How can I control the world by myself?"

Brother Liu laughed and walked towards the elevator shaft, "Mr. Song, follow me."

The elevator descends rapidly.

Directly to the third floor of the Twin Towers!

But they saw that this was a huge independent space, reinforced with reinforced concrete and alloy materials. It had already reached the level of a doomsday bunker!

In the center of this space is a huge quantum server, like a Rubik's Cube stacked layer by layer. There are tens of millions of luminous crystals on the body, flashing dense lights.

Above this server, there are countless huge cables extending to the entire Twin Towers.

"What is this?"

Mr. Song was a little dignified. His height was less than 1/50 of the server.

"This is a quantum storage space. It can store 7 trillion bits of data, which means that it can almost store a digitalized earth."

"As the saying goes, the sea accommodates all rivers."

Liu Di glanced at Mr. Song, who had some half-understanding, "All the data obtained by Gemini products will be collected here and sealed tightly."

"At present, if you want to retrieve information from this server, you need the biometric verification of me and the eight leaders of Gemini at the same time."

Mr. Song frowned, "Is this an information safe? But to put it bluntly, isn't it controlled by you Gemini?"

Liu Di shook his head, "I can enter the biometric information of you and Mr. Nan Tianhai now, and in the future I can also enter the information of the leaders of various provinces, as well as other countries in the world. The information of the head of the family, so that no single person can open it unless everyone agrees. "

Mr. Song's eyes lit up, "In charge of the secret key? Hmm..."

But the next moment, Mr. Song's expression changed slightly, "But, how can I be sure that there is no trick in this equipment? How can I be sure that the biological institute is useful?"

Liu Di smiled and said, "You can invite the world's top computer experts to identify it, and I can also provide you with detailed drawings of this equipment. In short, the equipment supports detection all over the world."

After a pause, Liu Di said again: "The premise of all this is that you don't believe in my character, but I don't mind."

Mr. Song was very comfortable to hear the first half of the sentence, but when it came to the second half, Mr. Song took a breath of cold air.

He looked at Liu Di with lightning eyes.

This young man in a white shirt... is only in his twenties, but what he did is earth-shaking.

But then again.

This young man has upright values, has always been concerned about the country, and has a moderate attitude. The company has grown to such a scale, and he also pays attention to charity, medical care, and education.

Looking at Liu Di's sincere and clear eyes.

Mr. Song thought for a long time, and finally sighed, "As the saying goes, the heart cannot be predicted, but the behavior interprets the instinct. In view of what you did before, I, Song Wei, believe you."

Liu Di nodded slightly.

Mr. Song said again: "There is no need to enter Tianhai's biological information. I can do it alone. I think I have a righteous heart. As long as I can hold on, this information is safe."

Liu Di nodded, "I believe you too."

Immediately, Liu Di led Mr. Song to enter the biological information, including fingerprints, facial recognition, biological blood, etc.

During this period, Mr. Song looked at the huge quantum server with awe.

Little did he know.

This service only has an appearance, only the empty shell that flashes with light.

And its interior is dark, with only a lighting lamp reflecting a small piece of light, which is a pink peach blossom, quietly blooming and never fading.

And the real data is all gathered in Liu Di's slightly flashing right eye!

In Liu Di's heart, there is no so-called security in this world.

Only he can control it.

Moreover, he has no intention to rule the world, he just wants to catch up with Gu Fan as soon as possible!

At this moment, Liu Di looked at Mr. Song who had finished entering the information and smiled: "Now, can you help me start the equipment on the roof?"

Mr. Song nodded with satisfaction, "I think it's OK."

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