My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 1235 The deceased rest in peace (1/2)

"Radium element?"

Mo Yu and Mo Jiuli were slightly silent. As superiors, they naturally understood the truth of this world better.

Ordinary people have no chance in this life to know that this is a chemical element in the world that can be controlled by a genetically evolved human being.

Change the nature of matter, create strange phenomena, control wind and rain, and even reappear demons.

There was still blood in his sleeves.

Mo Yu looked at Brother Liu. This guy has at least two elements. I don't know if he was born with it or acquired it. Why is the world so unfair? Such a pervert.

Since he is not a ghost, I have nothing to fear.

Mo Yu's legs finally stopped shaking.

But he saw Brother Liu slowly moving his steps, walking a few steps deeper into the cave, and touching a blue brick wall behind him.

"The devil boy, fused with the magician's DNA, controls the silicon element."

The green brick wall began to tremble, and the sand in the gaps trembled and fell continuously.

The blue bricks floated up one by one, then floated to the ground on one side, stacked neatly.

The wall seems to be physically analyzed, and the scenes inside are gradually revealed.

Mo Yu was stunned, is it another elemental ability? ? ?

Inside the blue bricks, there is also an uninhabited tomb.

As the opening grew wider, a stench hit his face.

On one side of the tomb, there was a large amount of garbage, various used food packages, and some sealed bags containing unknown yellow liquid.

There is another person.

The hair and beard grew crazily and stuck together. It looked like they hadn't been washed for at least two months.

He was currently squatting on the ground, closing his eyes, gritting his teeth, and activating his abilities from afar.

Feel the walls being opened.

The man opened his eyes and was shocked for a moment, then his expression froze.

At the same time, all the undead in the cave stopped moving.

Brother Liu said in a deep voice: "I have enough endurance to hide here two months in advance."

But the unkempt genetic evolver suddenly burst into tears and choked up: "I've finally been discovered, I really can't stand it anymore."

He cried a few times, "I'm going to tell you everything. Boss Zhao of Henderson Land spent money to hire me and came here to act like a ghost. He wanted to scare away everyone here and make scary remarks. He wanted to buy this place and turn it into a resort." ”


The radium element controller choked up for a moment, "I admit that I am greedy for money, but I never expected that I would meet such a fool!"

He pointed tremblingly at Qin Changhe.

"I lured him here and tried my best to scare him with a skeleton, but...he actually thought the skeleton was his wife!"

Everyone was slightly stunned.

Thinking of the time when the 'Xiaolan' fluorescent skeleton first appeared, she sat beside Qin Changhe so helplessly, as if thinking about life.

"My own ghost won't hurt anyone."

Qin Changhe's words echoed in everyone's ears, and everyone seemed to have seen the scene where Qin Changhe 'conquered ghosts with virtue'.

This person with radium element abilities shouldn't have much ability to hurt people, and most of them can only bluff.

You can imagine how broken and helpless he felt when he faced the 'tender and crazy man' Qin Changhe several times.


The radium element user said: "I managed to survive today, and finally a friend came to see him. I held back my ultimate move and brought out the undead army, but I didn't expect... you are also a group of perverts."

The capable person tore his hair and growled: "I don't want the money anymore. You can do whatever you want. I can't hold on any longer. I admit it!"

Brother Liu looked at him, "Unfair business competition is just one of them. You also used the bones of the dead to cause trouble. It's disrespectful. Look up."


The radium element controller was a little stunned. Hearing Brother Liu's words, he slowly raised his head.

But I heard Brother Liu whispering: "Radium element has many important functions, such as curing cancer. When you wake up, do something serious."

"After waking up?"

The radium element controller is a little confused.


Brother Liu raised his hand and slapped the man in the face. The man backflip hit the wall and fainted.

It was also this moment.

A black light flashed in front of Liu Di's chest, and a small stream of liquid metal flew out, wrapping up the drop of blood that the element controller finally spattered, and then retracted the black pendant on Liu Di's chest.

In the next moment.

Liu Di's body was like a shadow, shrinking inch by inch, and finally disappeared out of thin air, leaving only a slightly shiny 'pearl' in mid-air.

Shrink, disappear.

Mo Yu was dumbfounded by this operation.

At this moment, Liu Di took advantage of the quantum fluctuations in Jianglao's laboratory and entered the laboratory directly.

The blood of the radium element controller was placed in the analysis instrument.

Only 30 seconds.

A star appeared in the sky, expanding layer by layer, and Brother Liu appeared in the distance again.

Mo Yu: "Ah this..."

But Brother Liu slowly walked towards Qin Changhe who was a little dazed, "There are no ghosts in the world, there are only people."


Brother Liu turned around and frowned slightly. A faint green light appeared on his body. The undead army in the distance was released, and then spread out and walked around. Each of them found an empty tomb, and the blue brick walls of the tomb also opened and closed accordingly.

These undead souls walked into it on their own and lay peacefully in the middle of the tomb.

Then the green bricks were put back into place, and the green fluorescence was also covered.

Mo Yu continued to be stunned.

"Rest in peace."

After saying this, Brother Liu looked at the skull of ‘Xiao Lan’. This was indeed the ashes of Xiao Lan, because there was also a small amount of radium in Xiao Lan’s bones.

“You go too.”

But ‘Xiao Lan’ disappeared and turned into a wisp of smoke, drifting back to the tomb, and then drilled into the urn along the gap.

The next moment.

The scattered blue bricks on the ground flew up, like building blocks, and the wall of Xiao Lan’s tomb was restored to its original state.

All this.

Brother Liu did not raise his hands, but the radium element ability and the silicon element ability were seamlessly switched, plus a few thoughts.

Bo Lin’s eyes were full of hearts, “They are all elemental abilities, and it’s cool when idols use them.”

The cuffs of Mo Yu were still dripping with blood.

How many abilities are these?

I just met an evolver, and his body shrank, and I don’t know where he went, and then you learned it?

You showed me a damn show.

Crazy display of the gap?



But it was Qin Changhe who burst into tears, "Is Xiaolan a fake? Isn't Xiaolan alive?"

Liu Di shook his head, "Xiaolan is waiting for you in 1948."

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