My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 1250 The Flashing World (1/2)

Four-dimensional Village.

The way home.

The scene in this different dimension is magnificent.

The endless wormholes are like colorful vortices that penetrate the sky and earth, rotating silently, but giving people a sense of roaring momentum.

Five time halberds float in the sky, like long rainbows absorbing water, constantly absorbing these wormholes.

Although the number of wormholes here has been greatly reduced compared to when Liu Di left, intuitively speaking, countless minus countless is still equal to countless.

Only under the first time halberd near the entrance, the number of wormholes has become sparse.

It seems to be ushering in the dawn.

The alien creature, the eight-armed mole, is right under this time halberd.

At this time, its eight claws have been worn flat, and even bloody.

The flow of time here is much slower than that of the outside world.

After Liu Di left, he spent tens of thousands of years, grinding his claws countless times, digging many wormholes around, and then piled the broken heads under the first time halberd.

The eight-armed mole was also a little exhausted at this time, but he seemed to be very relieved when he saw the scene in front of him.

This scene.

Under the flying time halberd, in addition to the complete wormholes, there were also tens of thousands of broken wormholes.

It was like a bonfire, with various firewood piled below.

The eight-armed mole lay on the ground exhausted, muttering: "Absorb quickly, I have done everything I can. Only if you absorb it as soon as possible, Brother Liu can send me home as soon as possible."

This mole disturbed the wormhole on the way home!

Although it had no ill intentions, it was too eager in its heart. It wanted to contribute its strength to complete the absorption as soon as possible.

Little did it know.

This caused the time halberd to have to integrate, splice and comb again after absorbing the wormholes.

The time for the first time halberd to return was delayed because of this.

The eight-armed mole smiled.

Although there was blood on his claws.


In the experimental cemetery.

Liu Di's body was real and fake. He tried to reach out to touch the table, but his arm passed through again.

The demon boy said, "I feel like I'm about to disappear."

The laughter of the audience echoed.


The door of the experimental cemetery was pushed open, and Taozi, wearing a silver tights, walked in. She raised her chin high, with an aura of contempt for everything, and her white hair turned black again.

It was just past midnight.

She wanted to go to bed again.

Suddenly she caught a glimpse of Liu Di, whose body was in an abnormal state.

Her huge eyes slowly narrowed.

Liu Di also turned around and looked at her.

He only heard the black-haired Taozi say coldly: "Paradox, erasure, you are about to disappear from reality. This kind of cause and effect usually comes from yourself, because around this time, you have something you must do, but you didn't do it."

Liu Di frowned slightly.

However, the black-haired peach didn't care about Liu Di at all. She turned around and walked towards the bed, lying on the bed naturally. Her whole body was a double-sided 'S' wave curve.

After hesitating for a moment, the black-haired peach still looked back at Liu Di, "You still have some time, think carefully, what have you not done."

After that.

She closed her eyes and brewed sleep.

Liu Di paused slightly, and his brain was working rapidly.

There was nothing urgent to do!

The cause and effect that could make the 'current self' disappear... Could it be that something went wrong with my past self?

This is not right either.

If someone really went back to the past and tampered with the past 'self', then the memory should be linear, and I should remember it now.

While thinking, Liu Di kept reaching out to touch the table, but each time he failed, he felt a little anxious.

This feeling is like taking poison, knowing that the poison is about to explode, but unable to do anything.


Suddenly, there was a noise on the table. Liu Di's body stopped flickering, and his arm touched the table as if it were real.

Liu Di felt relieved. Have I recovered?

"So noisy!"

But he saw the black-haired peach on the bed turned over and turned his back to Liu Di, "I remind you that your body stability is temporary. If you don't want to dissipate, make up for it quickly and don't disturb my sleep!"

Liu Di frowned again.

He tried his best to sort out the current situation.

To make himself disappear completely, I'm afraid someone has changed something from the source?

Thinking of the seven-dimensional causal weapon that "kills without blood".

Liu Di took a breath of cold air.

He checked his mother's condition as soon as possible.

In Heshui Town, my mother was resting in bed, sleeping soundly, without any abnormality.

On the head of the bed, there was a photo of her and Liu Di.

In the photo, the tall Liu Di hugged his mother's shoulders, and the two laughed happily.

Liu Di searched Liu Zhengqing's resume again and found that he was still the genius scientist. His life experience and even research results had not changed at all.

Is there anything wrong with his parents?

Liu Di's brows were solemn.

He slowly walked towards the gate of the experimental cemetery.

Just as he reached out to grab the door handle, he saw his body flashing again, and his palm directly penetrated the door handle.

At the same time, the entire experimental cemetery was like a haunted house. In the flashing, it became the unmanaged, chaotic and dilapidated appearance it once was.

Is the experimental cemetery also going to be reset?

Liu Di thought to himself that it was bad.

But his IQ was online, and he used the time when his body flashed to inform Mo Tong to recheck his mother's situation and Liu Zhengqing's resume.

Liu Zhengqing's resume did not change.

But at his mother's place, the villa that Liu Di built for her was looming, and in the photo on the bedside, Liu Di's face flickered, and vaguely became another face, extremely unfamiliar.

Liu Di was stunned.

Quickly sort out his thoughts.

Treat the world as a subtraction, minus "myself".

Liu Zhengqing's resume did not change because his intersection with me was only during my infancy, and only 8 months.

If I did not appear, Liu Zhengqing could completely find another orphan and complete the experiment, and nothing would be affected.

But it was different at my mother's place.

She secretly brought "myself" home to raise him after Liu Zhengqing disappeared.

If it was not "myself" who was brought back, then the future life would be turned upside down.

‘I’ can’t create twins, I don’t have wealth, I don’t have a villa, my mother can only be an ordinary woman in Heshui Town, and the person in the photo is naturally not me.


The key point of this matter.

Is whether Liu Chengqing could successfully adopt me in the hospital? !

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