My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 1255 Alien Civilization (1/2)

Liu Di's forehead was slightly sweaty.

This is really unsolvable.

The other party kidnapped a hostage and wanted to kill him alive in front of him.

And he was controlled by cause and effect and had no power to fight back.

But Mr. Song said again: "Fortunately, all countries are relatively united at present and have decided to face the outside world in unison. A meeting will be held in an hour. If it is convenient for you, can you attend and fill in the gaps?"

Liu Di's eyebrows were solemn, "It has to be this way."

The earth's own defense power has become an important line of defense in Liu Di's mind at this time.

At this time, Liu Di's body flashed for a moment, and then stopped.

Liu Di turned around and picked up a black robe of the Mohist school from one side of the conference room, put it on his body, and turned out the hood to wear it on his head. He was also afraid that his body would flash in a while, and the strange scene was terrifying.


Meeting room of the Chinese National Defense Security Network Center.

There were only a few Chinese old men sitting here, most of them had gray hair and even wore reading glasses.

In addition, there were dozens of surveillance screens on the scene. Even for meetings on unidentified outer space vehicles, the heads of state would not be present in person.

A video conference can solve everything.

But this also highlights a strange phenomenon. The screens on the scene are all flat LEDs. No country is using twin devices. They are afraid that their last bit of secret will be exposed.

At this time, everyone in the video is waiting for Mr. Song from Huaxia to arrive.

All countries have to admit that Huaxia, which has twins, has changed its international status from being very important to being unshakable.

Mr. Song entered the scene first.

The heads of state were full of awe.

But then, a little girl in a red skirt walked in. She looked only about 10 years old.

And then it was even more bizarre, a female warrior in armor.

The last person to enter was a man who was completely hidden in a black robe.

The heads of state were a little confused, and even laughed and cried.

But they dared not show it, and could only think in their hearts that the Chinese civilization was ancient and rich in heritage, but it had to be said that they had not completely gotten rid of old ideas.

Look at who these people are?

Spiritual boy?

Armored warrior?

Is the last one a mage?


Only the eyes of the European country's leader Lei Pu flickered.

The last one...

Why does he look so much like Brother Liu?

What routine?

And Mr. Song didn't feel anything wrong in his heart. These were all Brother Liu's friends, and none of them were ordinary people. Brother Liu didn't avoid them, so of course he wouldn't drive them away.

Everyone sat down.

But on the screen that belonged to the purchase, there were several independent windows under Lei Pu.

One of them was the highest commander of the European Space Agency.

He cleared his throat and said directly: "In fact, you don't have to be so nervous. According to our detection, the three black spots are not very powerful in terms of mass or volume. In fact, they may not be as powerful as one of our Sea Wave-class nuclear submarines."

Mr. Song immediately responded, "General Divila, please don't underestimate the enemy."

The commander of the European Space Agency looked up and said, "It's a rare opportunity for us to talk. I'll say it directly. my country has developed the most advanced thermonuclear missiles. We call it Camille Burning. The power of this weapon is completely different from that of a nuclear bomb. The way heat is released after the explosion is completely different. The principle..."

Rip coughed.

The European general named Divila paused and changed the subject. "In short, if those alien warships really enter the Earth's orbit, we only need three thermonuclear missiles from Europe, and everything will be calmed down."

Mr. Song frowned slightly.

However, the general of the German Space Agency also interrupted and said, "Our country has recently developed a micron-level electromagnetic matrix. You can understand this as a revolutionary depleted uranium bomb. The matrix net is shot into space. As long as those outer spacecraft touch it, the equipment will be short-circuited instantly!"

A general of an island country also laughed a few times, "As a leading country in science and technology, our country naturally has core weapons. I won't share them with you here. In short, when your weapons fail, our island country will turn the situation around."

Liu Di sighed slightly and suddenly said, "I suggest that you stop hiding and share your technology. Let's complement each other and upgrade each other. Maybe we will have the strength to fight."

All kinds of eyes looked at him.

General Divila of the European country spoke first, "This... wizard? May I ask who you are? You want us to reveal state secrets with just one sentence?"

The general of the island country also added: "Even if you are a senior official of China, do you know us? What makes you think that we don't have the strength to fight? Are you afraid?"

At this time, an old Chinese man who had never spoken in the conference room slowly spoke: "If interstellar civilizations really arrive on Earth, and they are malicious and want to fight with us, then there is probably only one result, that is, defeat."

Liu Di looked at him. The old man's surname was Li. He was a well-known astrophysicist in China, and his academic level was comparable to that of the deceased Professor Tao.

But the old Chinese man continued: "Everyone knows that our manned aviation technology has only developed to the moon, but we have used various methods to search for biological fluctuations in the entire solar system. The result is obvious that there is no alien life within our observable range."

"So, assuming that alien species can land on Earth, their space navigation capabilities are at least galaxy-level. Compared with them, the answer is only two words - backward, if it is four words, then it is - very backward!"

There was a moment of silence at the scene.

But the general of the island country said: "Don't be alarmist here, and everyone doesn't have to pretend to be confused. All countries have come into contact with alien life, but after landing, they all turned into cold corpses. Their landing technology is very poor, and even, they are not adapted to the earth's environment at all!"


The general of the island country was a little excited, and only heard the people around him, "Have you seen living alien life? Have you seen it? You! Have you seen it?"

The heads of various countries shook their heads.

Only Lei Pu pursed his lips slightly. He did think so before, but not long ago, he was tricked by a group of green-skinned people.

And Liu Di was even more helpless.

Looking at Bo Lin and the Mayan female warrior beside him, he thought of the peaches in the experimental cemetery and tens of thousands of monkeys stealing peaches.


They are relatively kind.

As for the black spots near Saturn's rings, that's not necessarily the case.

At this time, the general of the island country said again: "Also, if their technology is really that advanced, why don't they send us a signal? Even if it's a threat, isn't it obvious that their technology is not that good!"

But Bo Lin raised his head slightly and pouted: "Who said they didn't send a signal?"


Everyone looked at the little girl in the red dress with suspicion again.

Liu Di was also slightly stunned.

But then I heard Bo Lin say: "Crop circles! Crop circles all over the earth, can't you see them? Are your eyes not working well? Do you want to say that it is a prank by the earthlings? Or is it a strange phenomenon caused by the underground magnetic field?"

"I tell you, first of all, it can't be a prank!"

"Crop circles appeared on the earth 400 years ago. At that time, humans didn't have aircraft, couldn't look down from high altitudes, and couldn't draw such precise patterns!"

"The earth's magnetic field theory is even more ridiculous!"

"You all know that the fall of the wheat is the twisting of the wheat stem joints. The wheat is not even dead. There is a magnetic storm in their joints, and it carries nuclear radiation. The heat bends the wheat in an instant!"

"And those patterns are the language of Bai Wangxing. They like the green on the earth!"

"Maybe, in the near future, they will print the crop circles on your foreheads!"


Everyone touched their heads, most of them were bald.

My head is not green either!

But the girl's words, although with some fantasy, sound somewhat reasonable.

At this time.

Liu Di finally spoke, "The powerful civilization in the universe will not cease to exist because of your deceiving others."

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