My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 1426 Stellar Perspective (1/2)

Kepler-16b North.

Inside the dark fortress.

Brother Liu glanced at the events happening around the Tianjue and didn't pay attention.

Then he turned his attention to the red-haired Taozi in front of him.

at this time.

The position around the red-haired peach was distorted, as if the gravity plane of the entire space was being pushed down deeply by an object, and everything around it would be forced to roll toward it.

Brother Liu could feel his hair floating slightly in the direction of the red-haired Taozi.

The entire fort's architectural structure was also making a slight twisting sound.

It was like a star-level gravity condensing on Taozi's small body.

Incredible, very powerful.

But the reason why the surrounding area did not collapse due to gravity and have devastating effects was because the red-haired Tao Zi was controlling it.

It was like a strong man appeared, only revealing a very weak aura.

If the white-haired peach is a cute loli.

The black-haired Taozi is the cold and aloof lady.

The red-haired peach in front of her moved very slowly, including looking back at Brother Liu, with eyes that were emotionless and arrogant.

She is like a queen.

Brother Liu smiled slightly, closed the book in his hand, and nodded slightly towards the red-haired Taozi like a Western gentleman.

"I have marveled at the magic of the universe countless times."

“But the universe always manages to subvert me again and again.”

"I have also thought about what is the definition of a creature? Why do we humans call ourselves creatures?"

"I have heard the voice of the sun, the voice of Jupiter, the voice of the earth..."

"At that moment, I felt that the stars were alive."

"It's just that creatures like us humans are as small as dust to them. We can't make any waves even with all our efforts. Compared with the billions of years of life of stars, we live and die so quickly."

"So the stars ignore us."

Liu Di smiled again, "I once saw an astronaut forgotten by the earth. He mutated due to a gamma ray burst and eventually turned into a planet."

"However, when I talked to him, it was still a conversation between humans."

"But I never dreamed that the world could be so bizarre."

"There are stars that have turned into black dwarfs, and can condense into a biological third personality through the form of brain waves?"

"This is really, really unimaginable."

Brother Liu's expression became curious, and he looked at the red-haired Taozi, "I really want to talk to you. As a star with a lifespan of 3 billion years... such a huge star... that once existed as a 'sun'... What do you think of us?”

The space around the red-haired peach was twisted like water vapor.

Her voice was smooth as she said, "Do you have any thoughts about the grain of sand under your feet?"

Brother Liu paused.

What she said makes sense.

Am I a little too excited?


Liu Di raised his head and said, "Of course, it's not just me. Many human scientists have magnified the sand grains on the beach and found that there are tens of millions of changes in their shapes. Some are like five-pointed stars, some are like snowflakes, and some are like snowflakes. They are like gems, colorful and very beautiful.”

The red-haired Taozi paused slightly.

There was a moment of silence.

The red-haired Taozi said: "I'm not that curious to care about the grains of sand in the entire universe. I only care about the lives that were born in me. They evolve and grow on my body, just like my children. "

Brother Liu nodded slightly, "You are talking about the Kepler people."

The red-haired Taozi said condescendingly: "If they are hurt, I will show up to save them, and the rest of the time, for my endless lifespan, is just a snap of the finger."

Brother Liu nodded slowly, "Black-haired Taozi and white-haired Taozi have no ability to kill you Eliza, and you don't care about their misunderstanding of you. You are just asleep."

The red-haired Taozi smiled coldly.

Brother Liu seemed to have guessed it right, but she didn't bother to confirm it.

Brother Liu's heart surged.

The entire Kepler-16b is a dual personality split, and Tao Zi is no exception.

The reason why she has a third personality is because of the arrival of Black Dwarf Elisa.

She may be the luckiest creature in the entire universe, having shared a body with a star!

Liu Di frowned again and looked at the strange scene around Eliza, "Your ability seems to be the gravity of your star itself. It brings huge gravity, which is very, very huge and unimaginable."

"It can even distort time."

"Black-haired Taozi's time lock is just a small gift from you."

"No wonder, she doesn't belong to any dimension."

"But I can't understand why you can still release such gravity when you no longer have the body of a star."

The red-haired Taozi glanced at Brother Liu, and finally showed a hint of surprise in her calm expression, "Dimension? You have actually touched the dimension?"

This moment.

Brother Liu captured a piece of information.

The red-haired Taozi, or the star Elisa, does not belong to any dimension, and all methods are based on her own natural advantages.

Otherwise, how could she not see through her own abilities?

"Limiting abilities to the physical body is the perspective of ordinary creatures like you."

Red-haired Peach said shockingly: "Everything is tangible, but energy is intangible. Since the beginning of the universe, there has been no necessary connection between the two. How many years did it take you earthlings to see 'heat', and how many years did it take you to see 'electricity'? Even though humans now believe that they have advanced technology, have they ever seen their own souls?"

"This is a limitation."

"The essence of the universe, energy and solidity, can only be understood when you reach the ninth dimension and the life form undergoes a transformation."

Liu Di was silent for a moment.

Suddenly, Liu Di raised his head and asked with a smile: "Actually, this time, I just want to ask you a question. When you traveled in the universe, have you ever seen a woman in white who is very beautiful and gentle and can make peach blossom cakes that are unparalleled in the universe?"

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