My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 1441 Can be avoided (1/2)

The angelic man did not weaken at all, "I just proceed from the facts."

"Based on the facts?"

General Drew's tone was a little weird, and seemed to have some contempt, "I know that the old officer is your teacher, and you are brooding about his death. I can understand this, but please don't question our alliance members casually, Kroang and the others Outstanding achievements over the years..."

The man with an angelic face spoke directly, interrupting General Drew, "Excellent merits do not mean that they have a clean foundation and a bright surface. It is normal for them to hide evil behind the scenes. I even suspect that many high-level officials in the alliance are related to Krone and they are in cahoots.”

"Vice Chairman!"

"Please watch your words!"

"Do you even want to doubt me?!"

There was strong anger in General Drew's voice, "I might as well say it bluntly. Kroang has paid me a lot of respect over the years, but this is normal. Who among us does not have our own race and our own civilization? If it does not violate Under the premise of the alliance treaty, this is completely reasonable!”

"And you, my third vice chairman, I chose you to patrol with me because I am giving you a chance to perform."

"Your teacher died early, and I came to teach you for him. You must remember that I, Drew, gave you benefits, so you can no longer touch my interests. This is the only way to survive in the Guardian Alliance. road!"

The angelic man frowned slightly.

But the words in my heart were suppressed.

Suddenly, General Drew smiled sinisterly, "Also, only if you learn to shut up will you not disappear suddenly!"

The angelic man's body suddenly froze.

General Drew smiled contemptuously again.

He knew in his heart that there were a few self-righteous guys like him in the alliance, but even if they had a hundred courages, they wouldn't dare to disobey him!

The general slowly turned back, seeing that his starship was about to break through the star gate, he said playfully: "Let's see what trouble my filial little Kron has caused, and who dares to attack our Star Guardian Alliance! "

The star gate is wide open.

Stellar-class battleships appeared in the sky.

General Drew, who originally thought he could see a battle scene, suddenly froze when the enemy suddenly appeared due to the sudden appearance of these three star-class battleships, and finally fled in a panic.

But the sky was silent.

It was as if the 50,000 frigates of the Star Shield Team had never been here.

And on the ground.

Piles after piles of giant ashes, like graves, are spread over nearly a thousand kilometers.

One could still vaguely see the melted emblem of the Recipient Alliance.

Only one body remains.

It was the famous adjutant who was kneeling on the ground, looking up to the sky, his face full of disbelief!

"How is this going!"

"Where's my fleet?!"

"What happened to my soldiers!"

General Drew was a little frightened!

It was also at this moment that the two people on the bridge saw the main starship of the Star Shield team on the ground, preparing to take off.

And the slowly walking creature in white.

"It's him!"

"It's really like what Krone said..."

"Is there only one person on the other side?"

"Not even a fleet!"

General Drew was a little flustered, and then shouted: "Vice Chairman, you go to test go to ask about the situation first!"

The man with the angelic face frowned slightly.

He came to the landing craft on the side, and then the landing craft separated from the main starship. He stood in the transparent cabin and shouted to Brother Liu through the radio.

"No matter who you are!"

"Stop your actions immediately!"

"This is the Star Guardian Alliance. You have violated the alliance treaty by attacking the Star Shield team!"

Red-eyed Brother Liu glanced at him.

Ignore it.

The body shoots out like a cannonball!

But Brother Liu’s target is the Star Shield main starship that is about to take off!

His body was like an alloy sword, instantly penetrating the defensive force field of the opponent's starship, and then rushed into the bridge to face Krona directly!

Crown was extremely frightened and shouted: "What are you going to do? My reinforcements have arrived! If you dare to touch me, General Drew will definitely burn you to ashes!"

A twisted figure with a leading light arrived in an instant.


Brother Liu's right eye was scarlet, and his expression was ruthless. His palm penetrated Krona's chest, and then crushed its huge heart into pulp!


"Why on earth do you want to kill me...I am just..."

Crown's body had not yet fallen to the ground.

The sound of time cracking seemed to be heard throughout the sky, and the red-eyed Liu Di's body flashed continuously.


On the ground of Kepler-16b, a large number of unconscious 'ghosts' suddenly appeared. Just for a moment, they seemed to have been transported to the ground!


Another invisible breaking sound.

Nearly a thousand Kaban scientists appeared on the ground. They looked confused and had no idea what was happening. Many Kaban scientists still held scalpels in their hands!

In the next moment.

The body of the red-eyed Brother Liu appeared outside the Star Shield main starship.

The liquid metal formed a 300-kilometer-long ejection rack, and a sound broke through the air as the huge starship was ejected into the universe!


The body of Brother Liu with red eyes appeared hundreds of kilometers away, in front of the black ball where hundreds of millions of Zerg corpses were condensed by the star Elisa!


There was a crashing sound that made the eardrums tremble.

The red-eyed Brother Liu raised his leg and kicked the black ball in the direction where the Star Shield main ship disappeared like a football.

at this time.

The red-haired Taozi, who was stuck in mid-air, had mottled hair and white hair tips. She swayed for a moment and fell to the ground. It was Xiaodi Liu who had received Liu's order to use the Utah array to catch Taozi!

It was also at this moment.

The gravity released by the star Eliza disappeared.

The black ball in the distance suddenly exploded, squeezing not only the high-density corpses, but also the energy compressed to the extreme!

Endless Zerg corpses, like a sudden explosion of fireworks, smashed into the main starship of Star Shield!

The huge main starship was riddled with holes in an instant!

Then the compressed huge insect nest appeared and collided violently with the main starship!

A dazzling light comparable to that of ten thousand nuclear bombs illuminated the distant deep space!

After the light dissipated.

The main starship of Star Shield turned into ashes, and only the Zerg remains that continued to expand and float around were left!

The man with the angel face and General Drew watched this scene from afar, their scalps tingling!

At this moment.

The man with the angel face suddenly received an urgent order from Drew, "Vice Chairman, please pay attention! I think Kron and the others are too arrogant. They must have taken extreme measures before and angered the other party. It's Kron's fault! You have to find out the facts and try to avoid our battle with the red-eyed creature! This battle can be avoided!"

"I mean, with the other party's ability, we can attract them to join the Guardian Alliance!"

The man with the angel face gritted his teeth silently.


Clearly seeing that the other party is powerful!

The guy just now should have used some kind of time control ability. Is he a high-dimensional existence? !


Even if Kron is unforgivable, it also represents the glory of our Guardian Alliance and cannot be insulted at will!

I will never surrender!

The white-haired man slowly raised his head, then his face was shocked, and sweat broke out on his forehead instantly.

But he saw that the red-eyed creature rushed into the air and had arrived in front of him!

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