My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 1449 Eight-dimensional Battle (1/2)



Deafening sounds continued to come from all directions.

All the members of Tianjue, including Brother Liu, could be described as having a black eye.

Brother Liu didn't know whether Fu Qing was on his way or had already started to fight against the theatergoers.


Another deafening sound came, like the sound of the largest lightning on earth, amplified 100 million times!

Everyone on Tianjue subconsciously covered their ears!


The whole space began to shake.

This kind of vibration seemed to come from Fu Qing's head, and then spread layer by layer. When it reached the vicinity of the Tianjue, it was like a catastrophe in the world.

The Tianjue Hao in the deep universe is like a small boat in the huge waves, rising and falling.

Brother Liu narrowed his eyes.

What kind of collision is this? !


Another loud noise!

Then, the loud noises continued and never stopped!

I saw that the space around Tianjue was producing terrifying energy fluctuations out of thin air.

This is Fu Qing's belly. If Fu Qing is hit, energy will be transferred in.

An incredible scene appeared.

Brother Liu saw with his own eyes that 400,000 kilometers away, a planet slightly larger than the earth was affected by a wave of energy, causing cracks on the surface.

Then another wave of energy spread.

The planet actually shattered into countless fine pieces in an instant!

The greater the mass, the greater the shock wave it will bear!

The Tianjue also instantly opened its defensive force field to the maximum!

It can be imagined that at this time, the space outside Fu Qing's body was changing color!

Brother Liu became increasingly uneasy.

According to Fu Qing, the eight dimensions seem to be divided into eight levels, which are the eight spaces with weird names.

In terms of order, Fu Qing is two levels higher than theatergoers!

And in terms of body, Fu Qing's body is 8 light years long, while the theatergoers are only a million kilometers away!

This is the huge difference between a star and an apple!

How could there be such a powerful impact?



It was as if the entire universe was shaking.


Brother Liu saw red light flashing in the white-haired Taozi's pupils, and strands of red hair gradually appeared in the hair on her head!

Liu Di knew that the star Elisa was not dead, but had the last trace of consciousness left, and she fell into a deep sleep.

But at this time, she seemed to have a premonition of a huge crisis and was about to wake up!

At this time, the small bottle cap was also slightly holding her forehead, and she felt the wailing of countless plants!

Fu Qing and the theatergoers, are they launching a space battle?

As Professor Tao said, fold space and use space collision? !

Liu Di's mind was full of messy thoughts, but no matter how strong his logical thinking was, he could never imagine what the external battle scene would look like.



The violent sound continued, deafening.

It lasted a full 20 minutes!

The red-haired Taozi will never wake up due to some powerful suppression!

The devil boy said: "After my investigation, I found that this is a world of cause and effect in Fu Qing's belly. The chain collapsed, everything disappeared and died!"

Liu Di squinted his eyes and saw that the cosmic grid in his right eye, belonging to the area where Fu Qing was located, suddenly appeared a gap the size of a fingernail. Then, the piece of the puzzle seemed to shatter and disappeared!

at this time.

All the sounds suddenly stopped!

Just for a moment, the surrounding darkness was as quiet as a ghost.

"The battle is over?"

Liu Di's eyes widened, he glanced around blankly, and softly called out: "Fu Qing?"

"I am here."

Fu Qing's voice sounded as rootless as before, but this time, it was extremely weak.

"I failed."

Fu Qing's tone was full of reluctance and helplessness, "The strength of that theatergoer is far more than [4·Sample Space]... I failed."

Fu Qing's voice became weaker and weaker, so that the last few words were blurred.

Brother Liu's heart was filled with turmoil.

How can this be!


Liu Di suddenly felt that Qiwei's ability was gradually recovering, and the 'transparent glass' holding him was shattering.

Sound and light cannot travel across 8 light years in an instant and reach everyone's ears immediately.

But Brother Liu heard it through his seven-dimensional ability.

A shattering sound resounded throughout the world.

And see through the seven-dimensional ability.

Fu Qing's 8 light-year-long body was cracked every inch, starting from the head, and the scales and body exploded into dust.

Looking at the overall situation, the huge dragon body surrounding the Tianjue and the star field collapsed like a city wall, and the collapse speed exceeded 10 times the speed of sound. Like Domiru dominoes, they continued continuously and collapsed in the void.

Even if Fu Qing's huge body of 8 light years collapses at this speed, it may take hundreds of years.

"Fu Qing!"

"Fu Qing!"

Brother Liu called loudly, but no one answered.

Like being struck by lightning!

Brother Liu knows.

Fu Qing, the king of the Titan Zerg, is dead!

Its life ended in such a grand scene!

The man in the white shirt was stunned on the spot!

What happened? !


A sound of space shattering suddenly resounded in everyone's ears.

Everyone looked up again, and saw a huge figure that covered the sky and the sun, appearing out of thin air, floating in front of the Tianjue!

It was a huge eye with a diameter of nearly one million kilometers, and there were silver threads connecting countless biological organs around it!

The devil in the mirror!

The spectator!

Liu Di's pupils suddenly shrank!

It killed Fu Qing and came to the front unimpeded!

At this moment.

Everyone on the Tianjue knew that this was an unprecedented crisis, and they all clenched their fists. The temperature around them seemed to drop below freezing in an instant, and the atmosphere became extremely tense.

A series of changes shocked Liu Di's brain and made him dizzy.

Even he could not understand the situation in front of him.

But inexplicably.

Time passed bit by bit, and it was already ten minutes later. The body of the spectator had not moved, and even the silver threads on it that had once fluctuated like water ripples were still at this time.

Its entire body was like a sculpture, unable to speak or move.

Only the invisible terrifying pressure was slowly spreading.

Little Brother Liu tilted his head slightly, looked at Brother Liu, and whispered, "What's going on? Isn't it our enemy?"

Brother Liu was also very puzzled.

He narrowed his eyes and suddenly found that the body of the spectator was not not moving, but the movement amplitude was very small.

Its silver tentacles were moving slowly at 0.00002 microns per second!

Because the amplitude was too small, it looked like it was still!

What was going on.

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