My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 1472 Right and Wrong (1/2)

Fu Qing was also dumbfounded, "What's going on? How is this possible!"

Liu Di raised his head slightly.

Liu Di's topological space appeared in the sky.

But he saw the trajectory of Liu Di's game with Du Jue, which was spread throughout the entire time. Liu Di had no ability to do anything to Du Jue's skin.


But he obtained every evolution process of Du Jue's skin.


Du Jue's skin has evolved into a multi-faceted crystal structure.

Its single feather, with a large tip and a thin tail, not only has the toughness of the liquid metal itself, but also uses a clever design to reinforce the physical structure again.

The principle is like the human'Rupert's Tears'.

And the'Rupert's Tears' is a tadpole-like glass structure, formed by melting ordinary glass dripping into water and cooling. It is cherry-sized and unimaginable. Its head can withstand 8 dense pressure.

Because the glass bead is cooled at the moment of cooling, a perfect balance of compressive stress and tensile stress appears in the head.

It will pull itself to form a solid structure to resist external forces.


The head of the 'Tear of Rupert' is extremely hard, but its tail is extremely fragile. Just a slight pinch will cause the internal pressure to become disordered and it will shatter at a speed of 1450 meters per second!

The structure of Du Jue's feathers is similar to that of the 'Tear of Borut'. There are also strong forces inside, competing with each other to maintain balance and resist external forces.

This is what Du Jue said, its control over liquid metal is higher than that of Liu Di!

But the environment in which it lives lacks gravity, and it cannot reach the perfect natural state formed when the 'Tear of Rupert' falls into the water.

If you zoom in on the surface of a single feather of Du Jue, there are still countless facets, and it has not evolved into the arc surface structure of the 'Tear of Rupert'.

Perhaps this is to achieve the gorgeous appearance in Du Jue's mind.

Among these trillion facets, there will be a critical face that is so small that it is at the micro-nano level. Breaking it is like pinching off the tail of the 'Tear of Rupert', causing its internal pressure to become disordered. The support force originally used for defense will run around inside and explode by itself!

Of course.

Even if the key surface is found, the material of the level of liquid metal cannot be broken at will.


Liu Di used the particle accelerator in the paradox engine to launch a proton that is infinitely close to the speed of light.

At the moment when Du Jue took that step.

This proton, floating from the microscopic world, hit the key surface.

Such a tiny impact can shake the arrangement structure of the atomic level of matter.

The strong pressure in the feather went out of control.

Like a chain reaction, a chain reaction occurred.

The moment the first feather of Du Jue cracked, his whole body collapsed at a speed of 1950 meters per second!

Fu Qing watched everything in amazement, "Technology again? But this is not right! Even if your protons and other things can smash its body, this result should not happen! Du Jue has [Probability Space]! It should dodge, or you should miss the target!"

Liu Di turned around and said, "This is reasonable, because I have tried all possibilities and failed to kill Du Jue, but the seven-dimensional cause and effect reminded me that the time has come, otherwise a paradox will occur."

"So there is only one possibility left, my current proton impact will definitely break Du Jue!"

Fu Qing's face was distorted, "What kind of bullshit theory is this? When is the time? What do you mean you can definitely break Du Jue?! Where does your confidence come from?!"

Liu Di said calmly: "The key lies in the knife I hit Du Jue with!"

Fu Qing was confused, "That useless knife? What's wrong!"

"Fu Qing, teach me to look at cause and effect from the perspective of space."

"I listened and thought about it."

"I think dialectically, I am currently in this space, and I can also This is the space I got after all the corrections I made before. Isn't this my [Probability Space]? "

"Why is Du Jue right, but I am wrong?"

"Have I been wrong all the way to today?"

"I found that the cause and effect of the world has not changed even though I have chased Du Jue countless times."

"The knife that hit Du Jue is not important in itself."

"What is important is that my liquid metal is still there."

"It came from a gift I gave myself many years ago."

"But I can't lose its assistance."

"Coincidentally, the second piece of liquid metal in the universe is the one I just learned to travel through time and touched at the cosmic singularity. It... is on Du Jue's body."

"I suddenly realized."

"Du Jue didn't kill me, didn't activate the mutually exclusive space, and resisted my knife. These are all the correct guidance given to him by [Probability Space]. "

"So, it's time for me to deliver the goods now."

Liu Di looked at the liquid metal that had shed from Du Jue. It was also in the shape of a water drop, no different from the one on his chest.

Brother Liu said: "Now I can't control this piece of metal, which means that its owner is not me now."

After saying that.

Brother Liu's body disappeared.

It came to one year and five months ago.

This is the African country, Luanda City, Luxor Village.

In an abandoned mine 300 meters underground.

The former Brother Liu was here, looking for the liquid metal substance called "devil's blood" by the local residents.

At this time.

"The former Brother Liu" just came to the deepest part of this mine.

And Brother Liu, who returned from the timeline, was invisible because he was in the [Sample Space] of the Mirror Demon.

He stood behind a boulder.

He watched his former self slowly approaching, looking at the boulder as if looking in a mirror.

Brother Liu smiled suddenly, has he become the person in the mirror?

Two men in white, two faintly flickering purple eyes, stared at each other across an invisible space.

One person could only recognize that the mirror reflected light and formed an image.

The other person suddenly understood that, as Fu Qing said, everything has its storage space, and the scene in the mirror is no exception.

Brother Liu, who used to have an inexplicable feeling, raised his hand towards the mirror wall, and then extended his index finger and gently touched it!

But it was the next moment.

The action of the person in the mirror was inconsistent with his own!

Because Brother Liu, who returned from the timeline, was already extremely sure that now was the right time to give "himself" the liquid metal.

Brother Liu suddenly smiled and nodded slowly.

He took a step forward and threw the water drop pendant in his hand.

The mirror melted and turned into liquid metal. Countless liquid metals penetrated space and time and gathered in the cave. Finally, they condensed into a water drop pendant again!

Liu Di returned to Fu Qing.

He could still hear the cry of the demon boy at that time, "I can only boldly estimate that he came from another time and traveled back. He broke through the fifth dimension!"

Liu Di chuckled, "Little demon boy, I am more than five dimensions?"

At this moment.

Liu Di felt relieved and looked at Fu Qing, "Every step Du Jue took was right, so it became an enemy of you, arrived here, met me again, and then sent me liquid metal, otherwise, how could I have a long sword to defend myself?"


"Every creature has its own mission, and this life is to fulfill this mission."

"And Du Jue's mission is to ensure my future."

"[Probability Space] is not missing."

Liu Di looked back at Du Jue who fell into the distant sky, "Didn't you just ask, whose sample space is this? Now I answer you, it's mine."

Liu Di's thoughts moved.

Du Jue's body fell into T6 and petrified, turning into a phoenix sculpture, crashing to the ground, directly bordering reality, shocking the people of Pengge.

Liu Di said: "Don't you want to stand firm, immortal, and exist forever? Then you will protect this Pengge continent for me. The brain world has the Red Back Dragon King, and Pengge has you, the divine bird Du Jue."

Fu Qing was speechless at this moment.

He finally understood everything.

Whether it was Du Jue or himself, the right and wrong in their hearts only existed in the eighth dimension.

In comparison, the "right" of higher-dimensional creatures was the true kingly way.

Du Jue was never wrong, but.

Brother Liu was more right.

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