My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 1497 The Devil's Sight (1/2)

"Gu Fan, is she your wife?"

"You left the beautiful Li Ying in Proxima b, which means you are a gentleman, refusing all temptations, nipping all signs, and being devoted to your wife?"

"Tsk tsk, that's great."

Fu Qing smacked his lips.

Liu Di's voice came, "I don't have so many high-sounding reasons, but since childhood, Gu Fan's position in my heart has been irreplaceable."


The silver shuttle flew in the wormhole.

The destination is V404 Cygnus, 7,800 light years away.

That is what the Mole Prince pointed out - a black hole.

Humans know very little about black holes. It was not until 2019 that people got the first photo of a black hole in history.

The name of this photo is the Hawaiian word 'Powehi', which means 'the dark source of infinite creation'.

Because of the special properties of black holes, which swallow and distort light, the photo is just a dark red flame circle, and it is blurry and incomplete.

First, black holes do not emit light or reflect light.

Emperor II, the M87 black hole is too far away from the earth.

So, to put it bluntly, that photo was photoshopped by humans by collecting data on black hole accretion disks and jets.

No human has ever seen a real black hole.

Although Liu Di and Liu Zhengqing had been close to a black hole before, it was at a very long distance, and the black hole was just a lightless sphere.

At this moment.

Tianjue has approached the area of ​​Cygnus V404.

This is the coldest and most lonely universe. There are no celestial bodies, no drifting debris, and even no cosmic dust within a distance of nearly 8 light years.

The surrounding space is so dark that you can't see your hand in front of you.

Liu Di narrowed his eyes slightly, his face solemn.

The reason is very simple, because there is a terrifying monster hidden in front of him. In the past years, it has devoured all the objects around it, and it is still moving.

This is like the ancient mountains of the earth. If there is a vicious tiger living there, there will be bones within a radius of five miles, and passers-by will die in the bloody wind.

What is a black hole?

Humans have given it a simple definition - a celestial body with a space-time curvature so large that even light cannot escape.

It is a super-large star, which collapses infinitely after death and produces an ultra-high density product.

The greater the mass, the greater the gravity.

The weapon of the black hole is the gravity that can be seen everywhere in the universe, that is, the gravity on the earth.

But any ordinary ability, when exerted to the extreme, is an extremely terrifying state.

All objects will be attracted and torn apart by it.

Including the "sun" around it.

The huge gravity of these interstellar monsters can tear apart stars and attract the fragments of stars into its orbit. These ultra-high temperature materials will rotate around the edge of the black hole for a period of time and then be shattered.


The large outer ring of the black hole may be a sea of ​​fire hell with a temperature of tens of millions.

In the inner circle of a black hole, gravity is greater than the speed of light. According to the general theory of relativity, the closer to the speed of light, the slower time.

So the closer to the inner layer of a black hole, the slower time will be. When reaching the surface of a black hole, time will freeze or even flow backwards.

It is not quite accurate to describe it as a world of ice and fire, but it is not much different.

The fire is real fire, but what is frozen is time.

When mentioning black holes, we have to mention a term called "event horizon".

This is the boundary between a black hole and the entire universe.

The event horizon is a distance that surrounds the black hole 360 ​​degrees. Beyond this boundary, the gravity of the black hole will be greater than the speed of light!

When an object crosses this boundary, it falls into the sight of the devil.

Everything about it will be controlled by the black hole.

Including the light reflected by the body of the object, it will not be able to escape the gravity of the black hole. All the information of the object will completely disappear in the black hole and will no longer have anything to do with the entire universe.

What will completely fall into endless darkness if it looks at you?

It is not the god of death.

Nor is it the goddess in someone else's arms.

It's a black hole.

"We're here."

Liu Di's eyes flashed, "For safety reasons, we are now 56,000 kilometers away from the event horizon of Cygnus V404."

"Cygnus V404 is a black hole with a mass of about 12±3 solar masses, which is considered to be a relatively small black hole. This distance should be... safe."

The moment the Silver Shuttle flew out of the wormhole.

The entire hull came with a creaking sound of metal distortion. The Silver Shuttle was not a long-distance aircraft, and the hull strength was slightly weak. At this time, it was pulled by the gravity of the black hole.



Liu Di scanned the entire cabin. The sound was like the finger of the god of death, gently teasing.

"Black hole..."

"Although I know you are zero-dimensional."

"But I have no idea what your true face looks like."

Liu Di glanced at Fu Qing, who looked a little daunted, and said, "Let's go."

Fu Qing hesitated for a moment, "You go first."

Even organisms like the Titan Zerg King have never come into close contact with a black hole!

Liu sighed slightly and stepped out of the Silver Shuttle's hatch.

What appeared in front of Liu Di was a gorgeous scene.

In the vast space ahead, it was dark and quiet, without any other objects.

There was only one...huge golden eye.

It has clear upper and lower eyelids made of light, and a horizontal light in the center, while the pupil is deep and dark.

It floats quietly under the dark background, flashing a dazzling yellow light.


Liu Di's heart trembled. Even at 56,000 kilometers, no human has ever observed a black hole at this distance.

But I didn't expect that it would look like this when seen with the naked eye.

Mysterious, grand, and even a little amazing.

That golden eye is like the golden pupil of an angel, pure and flawless, with a hint of holiness.

But it is also like the pupil of a demon, it looks at you silently, and its gravity penetrates 56,000 kilometers, like a fatal temptation, constantly attracting you to its embrace of death.

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