My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 1538 Nine-dimensional life form (1/2)

"My name is Porphyrin."

Me3 Triangulum Galaxy, an extremely desolate planet with no grass growing on it.

A little girl in a red tutu stood on a high stone.

Under the stone, there are countless alien creatures with equal-length limbs and ulcers all over their bodies that are constantly bubbling and oozing pus.

These creatures look like mire monsters, but they are not vicious.

Their bodies are close to each other, their eyes are confused and unknown, they look at each other, and they are even a little at a loss.

"Then that..."

A quagmire monster plucked up the courage and asked tentatively: "Porphyrin, the higher creature, why did you come to our planet?"

In the eyes of the quagmire monster, this strange creature in a red dress had just stepped on a cloud and arrived out of thin air.

She must be one of those legendary advanced beings in the universe.

But he saw Porphyrin standing on the stone, looking up into the sky. There was a very bright blue spot in the starry sky four million kilometers away from the planet.

While talking.

On both sides of the light spot, a very bright blue light suddenly erupted, forming a cone shape, spreading to both sides, flashing suddenly, and then disappearing suddenly.

Porlin pointed at the group of quagmire monsters, "The reason why your bodies are like this is because you are too close and have been exposed to the radiation of that celestial body for a long time."

Porlin paused, slowly put his hands on his hips, and narrowed his eyes, "So, Porlin decided to help you solve this situation completely!"



There was an exclamation from the quagmire monsters, and they looked at each other, their eyes full of disbelief.

A seemingly older quagmire monster took a step forward and said respectfully: "Higher life forms... We are not the backward life form you imagined. Our technological level has reached level 0.9. We know clearly You know, that celestial called a pulsar."


Also known as the eye of the supernova storm.

In the universe, under the black hole, there is no one of the most terrifying killing gods.

It is originally a neutron star, and it is also the corpse of a massive star after its death. It is stronger than a white dwarf star!

Neutron star - The electron degeneracy pressure in the white dwarf star cannot withstand the gravitational force of collapse. The electrons are compressed into the nucleus to form neutrons, causing the entire planet to be composed of neutrons, hence the name neutron star.

Pulsars are a type of neutron star, but not all neutron stars are pulsars.

Because a pulsar is a rapidly rotating neutron star.

Rotating at 30,000 kilometers per second, it can circle the equator in less than two seconds.

Because it rotates so fast, its magnetic field is super strong.

The strength of this magnetic field is about one hundred billion times that of the magnetic field that humans can create.

And the final release form is X-ray radiation.

After a human being is exposed to some powerful X-ray equipment in the hospital, the doctor will give a pertinent suggestion: "Don't conceive a baby within six months."

Because the remaining radiation will greatly increase the deformity rate.

However, that level of X-ray radiation is completely incomparable to that of a pulsar, which is only one trillionth of a million times more powerful.

Pulsar at this time.

Like a figure skater, spinning in place, very beautiful.

Ultra-intense X-rays, as well as various types of radiation, are ejected from its poles, sweeping the universe in a cone.

But beneath its beautiful appearance, it hides a deadly move.

It's more like a death top. The closer it gets, the closer it gets to hell.

If a neutron star breaks into the solar system, there will be only one ending for mankind.

Burn, fester, turn to dust.

Porlin looked at the celestial body, his eyes full of hope, "If I go there and take a trip, I can master the 118th element 'neptunium'... One year later, I finally got a perfect score on my test paper, and then, I Then I can go back to find my blue friend and my idol..."

Porphyrin had little stars in his eyes.

In her eyes, the pulsar turned into a blue lighthouse on the sea, shining brightly, guiding her in the direction.

"Little mud monsters, I wish Porphyrin all the best!"

Porlin's body floated into the air, with his red tutu and soft hair floating in the air.

A group of mire monsters looked up with their big mouths.


Porphyrin in mid-air saw a figure with a body emitting neon blue light above his head, flashing past!

Porphyry paused, "Lao Jiang's quantum body? No, it's the quantum body of Idou. Isn't it silent in the depths of the universe? How did it activate? Oh, it's Idou who needs it. Idou must have met it. Trouble! Porlin needs to hurry up!"

Porphyrin's body turned into a black spot and rushed into the pulsar!


But he said Brother Liu.

As Eshi controls the white dwarf, he keeps getting closer.

Liu Di felt that his body was 'disintegrated' by invisible gravity.

Starting from the tip of his nose, his flesh and blood turned into dust and was peeling off layer by layer.


Liu Di knew that this was not really turning into dust, but that the elemental structure of his body was collapsing, breaking into basic atoms, and then being absorbed by the white dwarf star.

Liu Di's body suddenly retreated, and he was transferred hundreds of kilometers away in an instant.

"Ha ha!"

Ershi's wild laughter came, but he saw that his own body, as well as the white dwarf star, instantly turned into a misty state like smoke, rushed forward quickly, and reappeared in front of Liu Di with an effect that was close to teleportation. 100 km location.

The white dwarf was like a magnet, and also like a life-threatening iron chain, releasing a strong gravitational force, constantly attracting Liu Di.

Ershi stood proudly, "Do you know what it is like to control 118 elements? That is the puzzle of controlling everything, and it is a real physical puzzle! I can aggregate matter in any position and any place! Now, I will use the most powerful white dwarf in the universe to make you disappear into ashes!"

"I can't get rid of it!"

Liu Di's whole body began to spread smoke, which was a part of his body that was rapidly draining away.

Liu Di suddenly narrowed his eyes, "Only by destroying Ershi can we stop this attack!"

The next moment.

Liu Di did not retreat but advanced!

The white dwarf was originally releasing super strong gravity, and now combined with Liu Di's forward force, Liu Di's body instantly approached 70% of the speed of light!

A stream of light!

Liu Di clenched his teeth, his right eye was red, and he appeared in front of Ershi with an iron fist!


A huge vibration sound came, and Liu Di punched Eshi's head with a punch, and transparent ripples slowly spread.

But Eshi stood still like a fish, his body did not move.

At this moment, time and space stopped.

There were no regular wounds on Eshi's body.

Instead, a colorful smoke burst out from behind him, which were various broken elements, sprayed into the air like particles.


But Eshi laughed grimly, "I am no longer a life that you can understand."

At this moment, the still smoke suddenly recovered and was absorbed by the white dwarf under Eshi's feet.

Then it re-entered Eshi's body from the bottom of Eshi's feet.

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