Boom boom boom! Huge crashing sounds, and the wall keeps breaking! The five members of the Huaxia team are still on the fifth floor, with uncertain expressions! The cupcake detector shows that the enemy is constantly being blown away! The person who shot is a red dot that is almost blurred on the screen! Could it be Brother Liu? "Captain, should we go down and take a look?" Tie Sanshisan asked.

Jianxu shook his head slightly, "The situation is unclear, don't act rashly! Our current mission is to guard this place!" Boom! Boom! The tremor is getting louder and louder! Remember http:// in one second... Click... Click... There are faint cracks on the wall! Taoist Jianxu was shocked. Is this floor going to collapse? No, no... There is no such strong human! Unexpectedly, Jianxu's idea was just retracted! Boom! Crash! There was a violent crash downstairs, and the sound of the wall collapsing! It was like an earthquake! The whole building began to shake! The Huaxia team was shaken and several people were unstable! Rumble! Dust flew, and the building began to sink as a whole! Several people outside the building also widened their eyes! Seeing the walls of the first floor of this 5-story building, it seemed to be blown away by the airflow and scattered everywhere! Boom! The few remaining walls of the first floor were crushed one after another. After the building was about to collapse, there was a loud bang! The second floor fell to the ground! The entire building was one floor shorter! Everyone outside was stunned! What kind of battle happened inside? The building was demolished! The members of the special operations team looked at General Carmen with a stunned expression and were shocked! This Cobra is too strong! I'm afraid our special police team is really not his opponent! Carmen's body was stiff, but there was another idea in his mind! This shouldn't be? My soldiers are not so strong... Duan Hua opened his eyes and was also anxious! Boy, is it okay for you to do this? It makes too much noise! ​​How can I protect you from the leader? ! However.

This is just the beginning.

The god of China has wanted to demolish this broken school for a long time! Today is the right time! Boom! The building collapsed and exploded again, and the power inside was extremely fierce! But it was also extremely precise! The main body of the entire building was intact, but the second floor was demolished again! To be precise, the bodies of the Cobra team were used as sledgehammers, and one hammer hit 80! Boom! The wall of the second floor was shattered, and the building sank again! The entire building went from 5 floors to 3 floors! In the midst of a smoky miasma, Brother Liu jumped and ran straight to the third floor! At this time, ‘Difficult to be a Man’ was running away on the third floor with his head in his hands! He saw with his own eyes that the brother in white grabbed the body of a Cobra member and hit him with three hammers, and the thick concrete pillars collapsed! No one had the power to fight back! That was a pervert! Then! In the dust, Brother Liu rushed forward instantly! He came directly to Lan Zuoren! "Brother, I'm weak and can't stand a few hammers!" Lan Zuoren was extremely terrified, completely lost his fighting power, and curled up in the corner! Liu Di smiled slightly, "You are from a martial arts family, why are you so modest? Come on, come on, no matter how small a grasshopper is, it's still meat. Contribute your own strength to the demolition work!" "Ah... No!" With Lan Zuoren's desperate shout, boom! Two hammers went down, and Liu Di saw that the boy's head was bleeding and fainted! Liu Di curled his lips slightly, and couldn't fight anymore! People died, Duan Hua was in trouble! Throw Lan Zuoren aside! Liu Di's eyes were stern, like a devil, and he aimed at the boxer Black Jack again! I hope you can withstand a few more hammers! Boom boom boom! One minute later, the third floor collapsed! The members of the Huaxia team on the roof, located in a corner of the building, were safe for the time being, but they were shaken by the constant vibration and couldn't stand still! Cupcake looked at the detection instrument on the watch, his eyes full of shock! That fast red dot, in the blink of an eye, singled out more than 30 people! And it's still constantly attacking! This is a one-sided abuse! Boom! The 3rd floor is gone! The 5th floor becomes the 2nd floor! Watching himself getting closer and closer to the ground! Taoist Jianxu also had sweat on his forehead! It looked like he wouldn't have to take the stairs in a while! He turned around and ordered, "Everyone, protect yourself! The higher-ups didn't tell us all the information, and the country sent another great god!" "Everyone, please pay attention. We don't have to expose ourselves today, and try to keep the great god's information confidential!" "Yes!" At this time, everyone came to their senses.

This situation was caused by Liu Di alone! He picked all the opponents alone! He can't be an ordinary person! ...At the same time.

Outside the teaching building.

Everyone's faces were a little wrong! The building was about to be destroyed! How could this be a student competition! With such a big aftermath, how tragic would the internal battle be? Could it be that the submissive Chinese group could really fight against Cobra? Are they so strong? Only Carmen knew! Although his own Cobra troops were strong, they were not so strong! What on earth was going on? It felt a little bad! Duan Hua's heart was also in turmoil! I wonder if Xingzhi will let me pay for it? It’s really expensive to use this kid once! “Hehe... General Carmen.

"Duan Hua rolled his eyes and smiled, "It was you who proposed the competition in this building, remember?" Carmen's face twitched! This time Duan Hua didn't call him an old bastard! But he wanted to pass the buck! Zi Yue said anxiously, "General Carmen, the situation is out of control. I suggest you quickly order the competition to end!" Carmen was distracted, and he really couldn't go on like this! He picked up the intercom in a daze, "Cobra, listen to the order!" Hiss... There was only a sound of electricity in the intercom! "Cobra members, received a reply! "Hiss...hiss...Carmen's arms fell down helplessly, her eyes blank! Boom! The 4th floor of the building is gone! The top floor of the 5th floor has now become a bungalow on the first floor! The building collapsed on a large scale, causing a huge amount of dust! The dust in the air was more than ten meters high! Everyone outside was horrified! In less than 10 minutes! The 5-story building was gone just like that!? People who didn't know would think it was a hot weapon battle! Crack...a slight cracking sound came.

The wall of the 5th floor was already full of cracks after many tremors! Boom! The next moment, the wall of the 5th floor, like a gift box, fell to the ground in all directions! Cough the thick dust.

A dark little fat man could be vaguely seen, with dust all over his head and face! He coughed slightly, causing a handful of yellow soil on his forehead to slide down! The little fat man glanced at the unconscious Cobra member at his feet.

Looking at his instructor again, he said helplessly: "Maybe you don't believe it, but this is really none of my business, right?"

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