My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 342 Chinese Talents

"Brother Liu, it's time to go!" "There is too much noise on the Internet. Xingzhi is coming to risk his life to collect the bodies!" "The clearing section has also arrived nearby!" The demon boy promptly reminded that the outside world could not see the nearby surveillance footage, and it It’s so clear! Good thing.

12 lead tanks containing polonium-210 are not very big! Brother Liu wrapped them tightly in radiation suits.

The trunk and back seat are full of SS454! Brother Liu drove away slowly.

Before returning to the experimental cemetery, there are still Xingzhi's miscellaneous fish students to deal with! Coincidentally! m at an intersection.

Brother Liu was stopped by the SWAT team with live ammunition! This is the only way to go and cannot be bypassed! certainly.

This is also within Liu Di’s calculation! Because Duan Hua, the top police officer in Hai City, is stationed at this intersection! "Huh? Is it your kid? Why are you always there when something happens?" Duan Hua was holding a thermos cup to soak wolfberry and walked slowly. He waved his hand and the SWAT team members surrounding SS454 immediately dispersed.

Duan Hua narrowed his eyes, "This matter doesn't have anything to do with you, does it?" Liu Di chuckled, "How is that possible? I'm on my way to school!" Duan Hua looked at Di Liu with an expression of searching for the truth. 30 seconds! I have some doubts in my heart! Although 3 minutes ago, the surrounding surveillance and alarm calls returned to normal! But...sigh...even if this kid causes trouble, what can I do to him? However, this kid has a good character and should not cause trouble! Turn a blind eye! "Let's go!" "The higher-ups have also expressed their opinion on the matter at Xingzhi Academy. Kill them and get the information as soon as possible!" Duan Hua waved his hand! Brother Liu grinned, stepped on the accelerator, and drove away! A team member behind Duan Hua wondered: "Sir, there seems to be something wrong with that car. The body is severely depressed. It must be loaded with heavy objects!" "'s not a big deal!" "Is it possible that he can still be there? Is there a nuclear bomb in the car?" Duan Hua took a sip of soaked wolfberry from the thermos cup, smiled, and turned around to leave! ...Hoshiori Hero Academy! Brother Liu jumped out in a few steps and quickly arrived at the stadium stands! But I saw the Chinese team facing off against a bunch of new international teams! This time, there are 7 new faces in the international group! They have different skin colors and each body is stronger than the last. They look good! And Brother Liu.

He stood in the stands with his hands behind his hands and did not act in a hurry.

During the previous battle in the teaching building, he felt that the members of the Chinese team looked insignificant, but in fact they were hiding their strength! Take this opportunity to find out! "Chinese team, we have already heard about your strength!" A blond young man from the international team said arrogantly: "A farmer, a Taoist priest, a veteran, and a network administrator?" "Is this the same? What do you call them in Chinese? Haha!" On the other side, another European young man scratched his brow and said disdainfully: "Well, you are now short of two players, so we are reasonable, and our team will send three. , Oh no, 2, challenge you all!" "Break your limbs so that you can't transform!" "Let you know what the racial gap is!" After that, the two members of the international team walked out of the queue and headed towards The members of the Chinese team in the distance raised their middle fingers! "Alas..." Huaxia Group Jianxu sighed slightly! He turned his head and whispered to the person behind him: "This journey of studying is different from what I imagined. It has come to this point. We follow the warm hospitality customs of China. These lovely international friends... in my opinion... will be killed." Forget it!" "I agree.

"Tie Sansan nodded slightly unexpectedly.

Clang! The Taoist Jianxu twitched his jet-black sword, and took out a handful of yellow runes in his right hand, "That yellow hair belongs to me!" Whoa! Taoist Jianxu stepped forward! The blond young man in the international group in the distance laughed loudly, "Backward nation, what age are you still using a sword!" The next moment! Jianxu raised his hand with one hand, and runes fell all over the sky! Directly cover the blond man's perspective! "Haha, zombie seal?" "You seal me and see?" The blond man laughed wildly! "Hmph!" "Ghost Talisman Fire, accept it!" Taoist Jianxu shouted loudly, and the sword in his hand was violently struck! But a bright pendant came out of the hilt of the sword, and he threw it out violently, colliding with the sword body! Sparks fly! The runes all over the sky were splashed by sparks, and with a bang, a chain reaction occurred, and they were all ignited! The blond man was shocked! The runes in the air instantly turned into rain of fire! Cover him directly! In an instant, the smoke filled the air, and the blond hair turned into gray, curled and dried, and drifted away in the wind! When the blond man rushed to the fire in a panic, Jianxu had already jumped into the flames and kicked him hard! The blond man flew out with billowing smoke! Huh? This method? Brother Liu couldn't help but his eyes lit up! Devil Boy: "His sword is made of flint, which is commonly known as flint, the thing in the lighter!" "And the pendant on his sword is made of jagged iron blocks. When the two things collide, sparks will be generated. , ignite the runes coated with white phosphorus, haha, high-tech Taoist priest!" Brother Liu couldn't help but sigh.

The Taoist heritage of China with a history of one hundred years is really advancing with the times! The next moment! A nimble figure in the field quickly rushed out and touched a member of the international team at a very fast speed! Then, there was a sizzling sound of electricity, and the body of the member of the international team was instantly paralyzed! Foaming at the mouth and falling down! And this nimble figure was the girl Cupcake! Devil Boy: "This girl has an electric shock device on her wrist, at least 500w Ford!" "Weeding!" "Turning the soil!" I saw Tu Yuan fighting with a member of the international team, constantly shouting farming terms! "Transplanting rice!" Boom! The member of the international team was hugged by Tu Yuan and could not move. He was directly thrown upside down and smashed into the ground! Hiss... Liu Di's eyelids jumped. This person's neck is probably broken! Demon Child: "Brother Liu, look at Tie Sanshisan, he is probably not an ordinary person!" "Although his weapons are two black short sticks, he uses the bloodletting technique of the three-edged military bayonet!" "This is the special fighting skill of the international underground force 'vampire'!" "But this force was wiped out by China a year ago!" "According to rumors, it is the result of a Chinese scout king who has been undercover for two years!" Brother Liu nodded slightly! Each one is very well hidden! Whoosh! Another member of the international team was thrown away! I saw college student Le Long slowly retracting his martial arts moves and holding his breath! He was handsome for only half a second, and he grinned again: "You only know that I am a college student, but what you don’t know is that I am also the head of the martial arts club in the school, and I am popular among thousands of girls! Moreover, you didn’t even mention my name just now!" Everything took only 3 minutes! All 7 members of the international team were scrapped! Burned black, electrocuted, buried in the soil, thrown away, and bruised! Brother Liu sighed in his heart! These guys are very strong! The Chinese government is playing the fool! What a joke! The Taoist Jianxu had already spotted Brother Liu, and he rushed to him and said with a smile: "Brother Liu, we had a great fight, thanks to your advice!" Brother Liu was stunned, "What advice?" "Of course!" Jianxu smiled and said: "In the previous battle, you told us that we don't need to endure it anymore, and we should do it if we have the strength! Why should we feel aggrieved? Even the leaders above were infected by your behavior!" Brother Liu took a deep breath! Do I have it? Am I such a person? Then an idea suddenly popped up in Brother Liu's mind.

Although the Chinese team in front of him looked weird on the surface, it must have taken a lot of effort for the Chinese government to get them together! Wouldn't it be a waste to let Xingzhi transform them?

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