My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 380 Useless Struggle

In the basement of Xingzhi Huaxia headquarters! The disc-shaped instrument has been installed. This small disc can actually supply 5 transformation chambers at the same time! In the chamber are Skywalker, Iron Rhino, Iron Face, Witch, and even the unconscious Arc, who was thrown in by Bertram! Seeing the progress increase little by little! Bertram showed a grim smile, "Brother Liu, you still say that you want to kill people and destroy their hearts. I want to see how you destroy my heart!" Beep beep beep... The alarm suddenly sounded in the entire laboratory! The transformation chambers of Iron Rhino and Iron Face suddenly reached 100% progress! Tsk... Tsk... The two doors opened! Many experimenters were shocked, but Bertram was calm as usual, with a faint sneer on his face! Iron Rhino and Iron Face walked out slowly! The instrument on the side showed that the strength and physical strength were at the e7 level! What everyone didn't expect was that after entering the e level, their bodies did not change! It's just that the breath is more stable and the complexion is more gloomy! But from the extremely restrained momentum, it can be judged that these two people have a terrifying power hidden in their bodies! "Hahaha!" Bertram laughed wildly, "Success! No one will be my opponent in the future!" Tiexi and Tiemian raised their heads slightly, and saw a faint red light flashing in their eyes.

Several experimental personnel around them trembled inexplicably, and felt that there was endless madness in the eyes of these two people! "Mr. Bertram, I feel very depressed now!" Tiexi raised his head slightly, "I want to go out and find a place to relieve my anger!" Tiemian also said in a low voice: "I also feel that the air in this room is not smooth, I want to go out and get some fresh air!" Bertram was stunned! Looking at the two people's expressions that could not be refused, he smiled and said: "Yes, you are indeed a little depressed recently. Now it is different from the past. You are E-level strength, and no one can do anything to you!" "Go, wait until Skywalker and others finish the experiment, and go to destroy the Punisher together!" Watching the two leave.

Bertram chuckled and shook his head! Then, he sent a message to the whole world: Xingzhi, create an E-level cyborg! Once this news spread, it immediately caused an uproar! The countries that were frightened by the Punisher suddenly ignited hope! E-level! Enough to overcome everything! Relying on the big tree of Xingzhi, not afraid of the Punisher! ...1 hour later.

The alarm sounded at the largest bank in Hai City! A man wearing a baseball cap broke in alone and took three hostages! The scene was quickly surrounded by the Hai City Special Forces! In the bank lobby, the baseball cap man held a woman hostage and shouted frantically: "Black Clothes, find Black Clothes for me! I want to duel with him!" Inadvertently, everyone saw his face clearly! It was the Xingzhi hero Tiemian with red eyes! Everyone was confused! This Tiemian could not bear the pressure of public opinion and turned evil? ! Only to hear Tiemian shout again: "What a bullshit report, I don't care! I want to tear Black Clothes apart! He is bullying too much!" "Listen to me, 10 minutes!" "If Black Clothes doesn't show up, I will kill all the hostages!" Everyone understood! Black Clothes is narrow-minded! Still thinking about the incident of being hit by the train! But Duan Hua in the distance looked extremely angry, picked up the intercom and shouted: "This bastard now has solid evidence, no need to negotiate, sniper, just shoot him for me!" "Yes!" A firm voice came from the intercom! Duan Hua picked up the thermos cup and took a sip. This time, it was finally my turn to be proud! Bang! The sound of shooting echoed a hundred meters, and a heavy sniper on the roof aimed at Tiemian's forehead and fired a shot! Tiemian noticed it at the first time! He sneered, turned his head slightly in a flash, and actually dodged the bullet! Duan Hua was stunned! This is a heavy sniper bullet with a speed of 900 meters per second! He actually dodged it! But Tiemian said arrogantly: "I am now an E-level cyborg! You want to kill me with a mere sniper rifle? Dream on!" "Even if the combat power of your entire Hai City is fully utilized, I am not afraid!" "There are still 8 minutes left, I want to kill Hei Yi!" Everyone panicked! E-level, I have never heard of it! If he goes crazy, who can stop him? !

From the street, a young man walked slowly, his eyes slightly covered by his bangs, his right hand shining, it was a robotic arm! The young man walked into the bank hall without saying a word! Step by step, trample the glass fragments on the ground into powder! Tie Mian frowned, "Who are you? I want to see Hei Yi!" The young man still walked forward step by step, with unprecedented momentum! Tie Mian was inexplicably panicked, "You stand back, or I'll kill her!" Tie Mian raised the woman in his hand! "Whatever, I don't care!" The young man walked forward slowly, "My brother said that the person you want to kill must meet three reasons for killing!" "You have three mistakes!" "First, hypocrisy and deception The crowd, Jin Yu, is in trouble!" "Second, bullying the weak, endangering the lives of the weak!" The face on the screen was ferocious, "That's nonsense, I'll kill you first!" The black shadow flashed, and the young man's mechanical arm transformed. Make a silver chain! Arrive instantly! Before Tie Mian could react, he was directly punched into the air! Then, the young man turned into a shadow in the sky! Throw hundreds of punches in the sky in the blink of an eye! Bang bang! The dull hitting sounds formed a line! As an E-class cyborg, Iron Mask is like a broken kite in the air! Vomiting blood, unable to fight back! The people at the scene, as well as the major international forces watching through the news, were shocked beyond measure! This...Isn't Iron Mask E-level? ! Not even a chance to struggle! How can this be! What kind of strength does that young man have? Is he the punisher? ! But see you! Iron Mask, which had been bombarded by hundreds of punches, had changed beyond recognition! Fell to the ground! The young man walked over slowly and grabbed his hair! The iron-faced man was bruised and swollen, but he was not dead yet. He was trembling all over, "Wait a minute... I only made two mistakes!" "I don't meet the three conditions for killing, you can't kill me!" But he saw the young man. With a face as cold as frost, he said calmly: "The third mistake you made is...stay alive!" Click! Xiaoxia crushed Tie Mian's head into pieces! Then, he turned around and said with his back: "Punisher, Xiaoxia.


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