In the sarcophagus.

Brother Liu held his breath and concentrated, clenching his teeth.

After 30 years of decay of the reactor, the air is filled with uranium and plutonium isotopes! Radioactive iodine-131, cesium, strontium-90! Invisible excitement! And Brother Liu is like a magnet, constantly absorbing it! I just feel like waves of pins and needles, seeping into my skin and burning my internal organs! Cells are dividing at an accelerated pace, and DNA sequences are constantly being dismantled and recast! The data in the perspective is displayed in real time: the second phase of the gene lock is 25.3% completed! Roar! A deep roar sounded! After the mutated sloth finished resting, he had a ready-made breakfast in front of him.

"Then let's give it a try!" Liu Di also roared, and immediately wrapped the equipment with liquid metal to ensure it was not damaged! boom! The two figures collided rapidly! But Brother Liu took a step back! His heart trembled. The sloth's power has increased? It is indeed a strange creature! Brother Liu stretched out his palm and clenched it in the air! A few black lights floated from the soil in the distance and returned to his hands.

It's the liquid metal that was smashed by the sloth before! With the enhanced evolution of DNA, Brother Liu suddenly realized that the original liquid metal could be easily broken because his control was too weak! Fluid metal has no fixed form, can be infinitely compressed, and its density can be infinitely increased! In other words, it has endless potential. The stronger the controller, the stronger it becomes! Bang bang! The sound of heavy blows kept coming! The shield formed by the liquid metal withstood more than a dozen attacks from the sloth! But it finally broke! Brother Liu was also out of breath and was hit by the sloth at least 3 times! Sure enough, I still can’t beat it! Roar! The sloth roared again and charged forward! It can be seen from the look in its eyes that this time, it will swallow Brother Liu completely! Brother Liu narrowed his eyes slightly and muttered softly: "3...2...1!" Boom.

The mutated sloth fell over and snored loudly! With the first battle and the variables, the demon boy can easily calculate the sloth's limit! This time it slept, it gave Brother Liu at least another five to six hours! Later, Brother Liu controlled the liquid metal and dug up the sand pile in front of him! After four or five meters, the melted and deformed reactor shell was revealed! He pulled out another piece of equipment—an oscillator.

Radiation is produced by the splitting of protons in the nucleus of uranium atoms.

The oscillator can release shock waves to make the 92 protons of uranium more active and accelerate separation! Simply put, oscillators speed up the release of radiation! Devil Boy: "Brother Liu, if you do this, the risk level will increase by at least 50%!" Brother Liu bowed and started the oscillator, then glanced at the mutated sloth, "With such an invigilator here, how can I not work hard?" Then , Brother Liu returned to the center of the softening equipment, sat down slowly, and said solemnly: "Either I am defeated by the sloth, or I defeat the sloth, anyway, I will not leave!" The next moment.

All devices powered up! The amount of radiation tripled! Time passed bit by bit, and Brother Liu's forehead was covered with sweat, and he continued to endure severe pain of level 12! Nobility in front of others, but behind the scenes are all hardships! But the data in the perspective made him happy! After 2 hours, the physical power comes online and increases the 1a evolution by 36%! After 4 hours, physical strength increased by 240% and DNA evolved by 56%! The mutant sloth wakes up again.

Brother Liu was able to fight to a draw with his physical strength alone! When the sloth fell asleep for the third time, Brother Liu doubled the power of the oscillator again! time flies.

Physical strength increases by 300% online, and DNA evolves by 66%! Physical strength increases by 420% online, and DNA evolves by 76%! 18 hours later, Brother Liu closed his eyes tightly and frowned slightly! There are two reasons.

First, it is because the radiation from the reactor has become weaker and weaker! Brother Liu was confused. Is this the only amount of radiation released by these 400 kilograms of highly concentrated uranium and graphite mixture? Devil Boy: "You don't know! In the past 18 hours, I have adjusted the oscillator power from 2 times to 3 times, then to 4 times, and finally to 8 times. It is now at full capacity!" "Liu Brother, your efficiency in absorbing radiation has changed from a syringe to a faucet, and now it has become a big vortex! Isn't that the word 'frightening'?" Demon Boy: "That's not important! Now the No. 4 reactor has consumed 95% of the fission energy just through radiation!" "According to the energy conversion, you absorbed 3.8. Nuclear bomb!" "The remaining sediment has solidified and is of no help to you!" Brother Liu was also shocked! Is this already the case? He looked at the data in his eyes: physical strength increased by 620%, second stage of new human beings, DNA evolution by 82%! Demon Boy: "This is really unbelievable. Such a huge energy has not yet broken through the third stage!" Liu Di was also awe-inspiring! According to the demon boy, if the second stage of the gene lock is broken, there will be no upper limit to physical strength. Next, there will be an improvement in perception and spirit! There is no upper limit to the amount of flesh... Just based on this concept, you can imagine how much radiation is required! Brother Liu felt himself slightly.


At this time, there is no feeling of overwhelming strength in the body.

On the contrary, the power is a kind of light circulation, a feeling of being available at any time! Devil Boy: "My little hell vest is about to be unable to withstand the upper limit of your strength. I have designed the second generation of hell little leather armor in the experimental cemetery! Go back and replace it!" Liu Di nodded slightly.

The second question came to mind.

It's been 18 hours, why hasn't the mutated sloth woke up? Brother Liu slowly opened his eyes.

But his eyelids jumped! He saw the huge body of the mutant sloth, just 2 meters away from him! It was staring at him with scarlet eyes! Brother Liu was scared. When did this guy wake up? What if he attacked me? Who knows.

When Brother Liu looked at it, the mutant sloth trembled all over! When Brother Liu moved, the mutant sloth took 3 steps back! When Brother Liu stood up, the mutant sloth took 5 steps back! It was full of fear! "Huh?" Brother Liu narrowed his eyes! But he saw the mutant sloth with its paws clasped in front of its chest, crawling on the ground!

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